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杨青松  钟毅平 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1157-1162
矛盾态度已发展为态度研究领域一个重要方面,在理论和实证研究都取得重要进展,但是对矛盾态度心理机制的探究还处于滞后的态势。本研究试图对矛盾态度心理机制研究做一个较系统的梳理,引入对象与评价的联结模型、态度元认知模型、重复加工模型和表征分布式联结主义模型等四种态度理论模型有关解析,并结合相关实证研究予以阐述和评价。未来该领域的研究应加强矛盾态度研究的元分析、各研究之间的沟通和整合、实证研究范畴的拓展、新技术的引入等问题的研究。  相似文献   

该文主要就国外关于一般矛盾态度的研究进展进行了介绍分析.矛盾态度是指个体或群体对某种态度目标同时存在积极和消极的认知评价和情绪体验及其程度.相关研究是传统态度研究的进一步深化,为态度改变和行为预测提供了新的视角.  相似文献   

矛盾态度的概念、测量及其相关因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文主要就目前国外社会心理领域关于一般矛盾态度和种族、性别等具体方面特定矛盾态度的研究进展进行了介绍分析。矛盾态度是指个体或群体对某种态度目标同时存在积极和消极的认知评价和情绪情感体验及其程度。其具体测量方法多种多样,主要有直接测量和间接测量两大类。相关研究主要涉及矛盾态度的前因变量和结果变量,及其对行为的预测强度等方面  相似文献   

消费者态度的新认知:二元化的矛盾态度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统态度的研究认为态度是一元化的,而矛盾性态度的研究则提出态度是二元化的,即对于同一事物正面和负面的评价可以同时存在。态度矛盾是一个普遍现象。社会心理学主要对一般性矛盾态度进行了研究,尚处于起步阶段。而消费者矛盾态度是营销学和社会心理学相交叉的一个新兴研究领域,其与一般性矛盾态度的差别是,后者相对稳定,而消费者矛盾态度相对不稳定,容易受到外部环境的影响,并对消费者购买行为产生显著的影响。  相似文献   

内隐社会态度的矛盾现象研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
内隐社会态度的矛盾指个体可同时存在对同一对象内隐的积极的和消极的评价。研究采用1AT方法,证明内隐社会态度存在着矛盾现象,并探索这种现象存在的证据,并试图整合态度作为“预存评价”和“背景依赖性结构”的观点.以探讨内隐社会态度的本质。  相似文献   

矛盾态度是指个体或群体对某一态度客体同时存在的积极与消极的认知评价和情绪体验。近年来, 学者们从认知、社会、个体差异等角度探讨了矛盾态度的成因, 并指出个体主要使用情绪中心策略、信息加工策略和补偿性策略以应对矛盾态度带来的不适。未来研究需要继续整合矛盾态度的测量方式, 考察矛盾态度在不同文化和不同个体发展阶段的差异, 并进一步深入探索影响矛盾态度与个体行为后果的变量。  相似文献   

张林  徐强 《心理科学》2013,36(4):787-891
本研究采用“学习—再认”范式从外显和内隐两个层面探讨了矛盾态度对个体信息加工的影响。结果发现:(1)在两种加工条件下,高外显矛盾态度个体对态度客体信息再认反应时均显著短于低外显矛盾态度个体;(2)在有意加工条件下高内隐矛盾态度个体再认反应时显著长于低内隐矛盾态度个体,在无意加工条件下高低内隐矛盾组的再认反应时差异不显著;(3)对态度客体无关材料高内隐矛盾态度个体再认反应时显著长于低内隐矛盾态度个体,对有关材料二者的反应时差异不显著。该结果表明,外显与内隐的矛盾态度对个体的信息加工具有不同的影响路径,这为进一步探讨外显和内隐矛盾态度对个体心理与行为的影响机制提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

态度的免疫效应在态度改变中是一个很有趣的现象,是指态度如同具有人体的免疫能力一样,能对说服产生抵制,使得当前的态度不发生改变。态度的免疫现象自1964年由McGuire提出以后,关于态度零改变以及态度逆转的研究一直在继续,Petty等人最近几年致力于个体对说服的主动抵制,以及抵制后态度如何改变。本文通过参阅态度改变领域的研究成果,论还了态度免疫研究的新进展——抵制说服,以及态度改变研究领域中研究方法的进展和未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

林让  杨宜苗 《心理学报》2021,53(12):1348-1360
矛盾态度不仅影响信息搜索、态度形成和决策行为, 而且影响决策后自我评价。本研究构建了一个基于不确定性的中介作用、决策困难水平和结果效价的双调节作用的矛盾态度与决策后自我评价关系模型, 3个实验通过设计冲突情境对矛盾态度进行操纵, 冲突情境包括选择一所大学和就业企业, 运用SPSS 20.0软件对数据进行分析, 发现矛盾态度对决策后自我评价存在积极影响, 矛盾态度通过不确定性影响决策后自我评价的中介过程受到决策困难水平和结果效价的调节。矛盾态度和决策困难水平对不确定性产生影响, 不确定性和结果效价对决策后自我评价产生影响, 由于不确定性的分离效应, 使矛盾态度和决策困难水平对决策后自我评价产生相互冲突的双重作用结果。当获得负面结果时, 相较于低决策困难水平, 高决策困难水平的个体, 矛盾态度通过不确定性对决策后自我评价产生积极影响; 当获得正面结果时, 相较于高决策困难水平, 低决策困难水平的个体, 矛盾态度通过不确定性对决策后自我评价产生积极影响。  相似文献   

态度及其与行为模式述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
态度一直是社会心理学的核心问题,态度对于预测行为具有重要作用。本文阐述了态度的界定、态度的结构模型及态度预测行为模型的各种理论,在这些理论的基础上,提出了态度预测行为的另一模型。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Self‐Ambivalence Measure and its subscales developed by Bhar and Kyrios. The factor structure, reliability, and validity of the measure were examined utilising a non‐clinical sample of 415 participants who completed self‐report measures of aspects of the self. Results indicated that the Self‐Ambivalence Measure exhibited levels of internal consistency and convergent and divergent validity, warranting its use in further research. In contrast to earlier research finding a two‐factor structure, a three‐factor structure was found to best fit the current sample and the factors were labelled Self‐Worth Ambivalence, Moral Ambivalence, and Public Self‐consciousness. This solution separated internal aspects of self‐ambivalence from social aspects which were conceptualised as an aspect of lovability. A discussion of implications is provided.  相似文献   

Ambivalence, Uncertainty, and Processes of Candidate Evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The on-line and memory-based processing models of candidate evaluation can be better understood by incorporating the concepts of ambivalence and uncertainty, both as subjective feeling states and as objective properties of information. An experiment was designed to address three questions: What are the relationships between ambivalence and uncertainty? What are the informational foundations of subjective ambivalence and uncertainty, and to what extent are they rooted in on-line (time of exposure) and memory-based (time of judgment) processes? What are the consequences of ambivalence and uncertainty for candidate evaluation? The results suggest that (1) subjective uncertainty is more strongly rooted in information about the candidate than is subjective ambivalence; (2) subjective uncertainty and (to a lesser extent) ambivalence are associated with an increased propensity to engage in memory-based processing; and (3) subjective ambivalence and uncertainty result in more negative evaluations, particularly among less sophisticated people. These results suggest ways in which the on-line and memory-based models might productively be combined.  相似文献   

This paper investigates ambivalence in the buying process. The existing literature has rarely studied ambivalence in longitudinal processes and has therefore not been able to capture its dynamics. Those studies that have studied ambivalence longitudinally have focused on general attitudinal ambivalence rather than its subtypes (cognitive, affective, and intercomponent ambivalence) and have therefore ignored some of the more detailed dynamics. Hence, this study addresses these different types of ambivalence longitudinally, exploring what these different ambivalences consist of, what their roles are in the buying process, and how they occur under different types of involvement conditions. A longitudinal video diary method is used in conjunction with a multimodal analysis technique to explore not only the verbally expressed aspects of ambivalence but also its nonverbal expression, which further reveals differences between different types of ambivalence. The findings suggest that cognitive ambivalence involves conflicting evaluations of utilitarian brand and product aspects and is resolved through more effortful mechanisms, whereas intercomponent ambivalence involves conflicting evaluations of varying utilitarian, hedonic, and symbolic brand and product aspects and is resolved through both more and less effortful mechanisms. Finally, affective ambivalence involves conflicting anticipations about the outcome of the buying process but is not resolved through similarly clear mechanisms. As the key outcome of the exploration, propositions and a synthesising framework about the different types of ambivalence in the buying process are developed for future research. This paper hence contributes to the ambivalence literature and offers managerial implications especially for marketers of multifaceted and high‐involvement products.  相似文献   

An Information Processing Theory of Ambivalence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the sources of ambivalence toward political parties and candidates. We propose and test an information-processing theory of ambivalence in which systematic processing is hypothesized to heighten partisan and candidate ambivalence. We show that ambivalence is linked to several dispositional sources of systematic processing, including individuals' information, motivation, and cognitive style. Specifically, we find that ambivalence tends to be greater among the well informed and those who are high in need for cognition while it tends to be lower among those motivated by directional goals. Collectively, our results suggest that levels of partisan and candidate ambivalence are greatest among those most likely to engage in effortful processing of information and that these effects are independent of value conflict. The results further suggest that the effects of effortful processing on ambivalence are moderated by attitude commitment.  相似文献   

The true nature of Americans' party attachments remains an area of enduring controversy. Due to inadequate measures, scholars have argued without resolution as to whether partisanship is unidimensional and bipolar, or rather attitudes towards each party are on separate dimensions. Using more appropriate, psychologically specific, multi-item measures of positive and negative partisan evaluations, however, (1) goes a long way towards settling this problematic debate; and (2) allows for explorations of the heretofore unexamined role of ambivalence in partisanship. I find that partisan attitudes are unidimensional and strongly bipolar and that ambivalence weakens the impact of partisan attitudes in both attitudes and behaviors in predictable ways.  相似文献   

Group Attachment and the Reduction of Value-Driven Ambivalence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article analyzes the effects of value-driven ambivalence and group attachment on response variability in public attitudes toward campaign finance reform. The analysis demonstrates that group attachment, when activated by affective cues, moderates the effects of ambivalence on response variability. By tipping the balance of considerations in one direction or the other, group attachments make it easier for ambivalent respondents to make tradeoffs between competing values during policy choices and, as a result, dampen response variability. Methodologically, the results offer an important cautionary note about the use of linear ambivalence scales by calling into question the assumption that indifference is an intermediate state between preference and ambivalence.  相似文献   

Individuals with similar political orientations may find themselves in dissimilar social and political surroundings, with important consequences for the flow of political information among citizens. Analyses of data from the post-election survey of the 1900 National Election Study show that some individuals reside within extensive networks of political discussion and communication, whereas others are politically isolated. With respect to presidential candidate preference in 1900, some citizens in networks were surrounded by discussants who agreed with their preference, others by discussants who held ambiguous and undetermined preferences, and still others by discussants who held politically divergent preferences. These preference distributions have various implications for the formation of political opinion and for levels of political engagement and turnout.  相似文献   

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