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植物药复方是中医辨证施治的主要手段.药物是通过蛋白质起作用的.蛋白质复杂多样的功能与其时空的复杂演变密切相关,复方如何对蛋白质时空产生影响、如何对其结构与功能发生作用以及两者之间相互作用、相互影响的深入研究可能发现新的生命现象,为阐明疾病发病机理以及植物药的创新研制奠定理论基础和提供技术支持.  相似文献   

王悦  王晓玉  宋莹  李莹 《心理学报》2023,(5):781-791
时间焦点是塑造内隐时空映射的关键因素,但不同生命史策略个体的时间取向差异是否影响时间焦点和内隐时空映射以及二者如何交互影响内隐时空映射尚不清晰。本文通过3个研究考察不同生命史策略个体的时间焦点和内隐时空映射偏好,并进一步探讨生命史策略和时间焦点如何对内隐时空映射起作用。研究1发现快生命史策略个体不存在时间焦点偏好,慢生命史策略个体偏好未来焦点。研究2发现快生命史策略个体的内隐时空映射方向没有明显偏好,而慢生命史策略个体偏好“未来在前”的内隐时空映射。研究3发现干预时间焦点可以塑造快生命史策略个体的内隐时空映射,但对慢生命史策略个体内隐时空映射的影响甚微。整个研究从进化适应性角度证明生命史策略能够影响时间焦点和内隐时空映射,并发现时间焦点假设的影响具有边界条件。  相似文献   

情绪唤起对执行功能的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周雅 《心理科学进展》2013,21(7):1186-1199
执行功能是对基本认知加工进行有意心理控制的所有高级认知过程.最近10年,情绪唤起对执行功能的作用机制吸引愈来愈多的研究兴趣,其中,消极情绪(尤其焦虑、抑郁)已被普遍证实损害执行功能的运行效率;积极情绪如何作用执行功能尚不明确.鉴于后者研究中的理论假设匮乏,近年兴起的积极情绪的扩展建构理论以及动机维度模型,能为理解积极情绪如何作用执行功能提供线索与启发.未来研究应深入探讨不同动机强度的积极及消极情绪对执行功能的作用机制,在这之中也应细致区分情绪唤起与情绪刺激的不同效应.  相似文献   

1中药复方是具有可分性的治疗系统 1.1中药复方疗效的物质基础具有可分性 中药复方是中医临床用药的主要方式,是由饮片组成并与“证”相关的治疗系统,组成要素一般包括药味、剂量、剂型、用法四个方面。作为复杂的治疗系统.应具有层次性。也就是说,中药复方具有可分性。  相似文献   

兼职蛋白质及其哲学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在蛋白质组学天空中,新近提出的兼职蛋白质概念正越来越受到人们的关注。研究发现,某些蛋白质因其细胞定位、细胞类型、寡聚状态的不同及其配体、底物、辅因子和产物在细胞内浓度的变化而表现出不同的功能,从而对细胞和机体产生诸多有益作用,并使其发展出一系列完善机制以实现不同功能间的转换。兼职蛋白质概念的提出不仅改变了一个基因--一种蛋白质--一种功能的传统观念,也为大分子间相互作用、细胞复杂性及生物多样性研究  相似文献   

康丹  曾莉 《心理科学进展》2018,26(9):1661-1669
执行功能是个体对复杂的认知活动的自我调节和以明确目标为导向的活动过程, 对早期儿童的数学学习起着重要的作用。早期儿童数学学习与执行功能呈显著正相关, 执行功能是儿童数学学习的重要认知加工机制。早期儿童执行功能和数学学习之间存在着相互预测的关系, 执行功能可以预测数学成绩, 数学成绩可以预测执行功能。高质量的早期数学教育可能具有发展儿童执行功能和数学能力的双重价值。未来研究可以明确执行功能的界定和统一测量工具, 提供更可靠的证据证明早期儿童执行功能与数学能力的因果关系, 以及进一步探究语言、数学以及执行功能三者之间的关系。  相似文献   

DGAVP易化记忆巩固过程与脑内蛋白质合成关系的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本实验研究了脱甘氨酰胺精氨酸加压素(DGAVP)易化记忆巩固过程的作用,证明DGAVP能够防止蛋白质合成抑制剂茴香霉素(ANI)对记忆的破坏作用,并从突触体水平上探讨了DGAVP的作用与蛋白质合成的关系。 实验结果表明:(1)在复杂迷宫趋食反应中,DGAVP能够增强小鼠对觅食路径的记忆。(2)ANI破坏小鼠的记忆,而预先给予DGAVP则能防止ANI的破坏作用;在一次性被动回避反应中ANI和DGAVP的作用与迷宫实验的结果一致。(3)ANI抑制究触体对蛋白质合成前体亮氨酸的摄取,作用非常显著。DGAVP能够改善ANI的抑制效应,体外和体内的实验结果完全一致。实验结果提示DGAVP的作用机制与蛋白质合成有一定关系。  相似文献   

对中药复方不同提取部位的相关研究之思考   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
中药复方是中医临床用药形式和主要手段,是中药有别于化学药的重要特征之一,它是在精细辨证和对中药性能以及运用经验基础上,运用中医“君、臣、佐、使”和“辅反成制”等组方原理,将多味中药(饮片)配伍运用的形式。它体现了中医治疗重视扶正祛邪、标本兼治等整体观、系统论和辨证施治的法则。笔者从有关文献中归纳出了中药复方至少有如下三个方面的含义:一是指由两个或数方合用而治疗较复杂病症的方剂,即重方、合方,如八珍汤。二是指由两种或两种以上中药饮片配伍组成的方剂。三是指适应现代药学对多成分药物的认识范畴,对多组化学特征的中医方剂的通称(其实中医方剂并不全等于中药复方)。由此可见,中药复方概念的内涵,随着其构成要素的变化而有所不同,进而并呈现一定的层次性。一般来说中药复方多指的是由两种或两种以上中药饮片配伍组成的方剂。中药复方既包括了千百年来临床证实疗效确切的古方(经方),也包括了临床常用的新复方。如《黄帝内经》记载的13首,东汉《伤寒杂病论》的375首,唐代《备急千金要方》的5300首,《千金翼方》的2900方,宋代《太平惠民和剂局方》的16834方,明代《普济方》的61739首等等。随着中药复方的不断丰富,中药复方不仅成为了中医临床用药形式和主要手段,而且也为如今中药复方新药(新药的主体)以及今后复方有效部位新药的开发打下了坚实的处方基础。  相似文献   

1 蛋白质组研究的必要性与艰难性首先 ,目前基因组研究的策略虽然能从基因转录的水平 ,即mRNA水平来说明一种蛋白质表达所须启动的基因状况 ,从而在程度上反映蛋白质水平。但事实上 ,一种基因并不仅仅对应于一种蛋白质 ,而可为几个 ,甚至几十个 ,因为大多数mRNA只能编码蛋白质的前体蛋白 ,后者在不同的时间、空间 ,经过特定地剪切、加工、修饰、折叠、转运、定位等 ,才能成为一个有正常功能的蛋白质。这些过程中的任何一个步骤发生微细的差错即可导致异常蛋白质的产生和疾病。而基因是不能完全决定这样复杂的蛋白质后期活动的。其…  相似文献   

曾守锤  桑标 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1256-1258
人与情境交互作用理论认为,人一情境系统是一个整合、复杂和动态的整体,个体是其中一个积极和有目的的部分。该理论对情境在个体功能和发展中的作用、人一情境系统发挥自身功能的原则,以及人和情境子系统的结构和过程作了详尽的分析。这些理论主张对当前心理学的理论、方法和研究策略具有深远的启示意义,但也存在难以操作化的缺点。  相似文献   

中药复方是中医临床治疗的重要方法。由于具有多组分、多环节协同作用的特色,因此在某些方面可能优于以单一成分为主的西药。但是这一特点也增加了对其治疗机理进行研究的难度,从而影响到中医药的进一步发展和走向世界。本文认为应用现代高新技术是中医复方研究和发展的必由之路,但是在具体应用时应注意中医药本身所具有的独特的理论框架和思路,不能拘泥于西药药用植物的研究思路和方法。  相似文献   

The paper presents a new methodology for evaluating the quality of operation of pedestrian facilities: the methodology is based on the individual level of comfort perceived by each pedestrian that moves in the area.At each time instant, each pedestrian perceives a comfort level which is a function of the space they feel currently available and of his required space. The required space depends on the subject’s walking direction as well as on physical and psychological factors. The available space depends on the current positions of pedestrians. The proposed methodology quantifies the current discomfort due to pedestrian interactions as a continuous function of the interpersonal distances.The proposed methodology has been applied to empirical data. The experimental data are presented, discussed and compared with widely accepted level of service assessment methods.  相似文献   

It is presumed that recreation activities have a variety of functions for people, from tension reduction to citizenship development; however, a recreation activity's most empirically obvious function is as a reinforcer. This study demonstrates how two recurrent problems of urban recreation programs-recruitment of members and reduction of disruptive behaviors within the program-can be handled simply by contingently adjusting the amount of time the recreation activities are available. When extra time in the recreation center was provided to those youths who brought new members, dramatic increases in membership were achieved. On the other hand, when the closing time for each evening's recreation program was publicly moved forward by a few minutes for each offense, disruptive behaviors were nearly eliminated. Recreation used as a reinforcer can thus improve the basic operation of a recreation center and might similarly enhance other presumed and desired functions of recreation.  相似文献   

Although the state space approach for estimating multilevel regression models has been well established for decades in the time series literature, it does not receive much attention from educational and psychological researchers. In this article, we (a) introduce the state space approach for estimating multilevel regression models and (b) extend the state space approach for estimating multilevel factor models. A brief outline of the state space formulation is provided and then state space forms for univariate and multivariate multilevel regression models, and a multilevel confirmatory factor model, are illustrated. The utility of the state space approach is demonstrated with either a simulated or real example for each multilevel model. It is concluded that the results from the state space approach are essentially identical to those from specialized multilevel regression modeling and structural equation modeling software. More importantly, the state space approach offers researchers a computationally more efficient alternative to fit multilevel regression models with a large number of Level 1 units within each Level 2 unit or a large number of observations on each subject in a longitudinal study.  相似文献   

Brian Ellis 《Ratio》2005,18(4):371-384
Physical realism is the thesis that the world is more or less as present‐day physical theory says it is, i.e. a mind‐independent reality, that consists fundamentally of physical objects that have causal powers, are located in space and time, belong to natural kinds, and interact causally with each other in various natural kinds of ways. It is thus a modern form of physicalism that takes due account of the natural kinds structure of the world. It is a thesis that many present‐day scientific realists would surely accept. Indeed, some might say that physical realism just is scientific realism, but under another name. However, the argument that is presented for physical realism is not the standard one for scientific realism. It is not a two‐stage argument from the success of science to the truth of scientific theories to the reality of the entities postulated in these theories. It is more powerful than this, because it is more direct, and its premisses are more secure. It is more direct, because it develops what is basically a physicalist ontology as the only plausible metaphysical explanation of the new scientific image of the world. It is more secure, in that it does not depend, as the standard argument does, on any doubtful generalisations about the nature or role of scientific theory.  相似文献   

Subjects studied pairs of compound words; pair members were presented simultaneously (one above the other) for 2 sec or sequentially (one immediately following the other) for 1 sec each, and 6-sec interstimulus intervals separated the end of presentation of one pair and the start of that of another. A subsequent recognition test included within-pair and between-pair conjunction foils (recombinations of stimulus parts from the same study pair and from separate pairs, respectively). Previous experiments using faces as stimuli have demonstrated that when faces are presented simultaneously there are many more false alarms to within-pair than to between-pair conjunction items, and when faces are presented sequentially there is an equal number of false alarms in those two conditions. However, Experiment 1 showed that for compound word stimuli there were equally high false alarm rates toboth types of foils in both study conditions relative to completely new test items. Experiment 2 showed that when rehearsal of compound words was prevented, the pattern of conjunction errors was very similar to the one typically obtained for faces. In Experiment 3, subjects falsely recalled conjunctions of within-pair compound words but not conjunctions of between-pair words in the simultaneous-study condition; no conjunctions were recalled in the sequential-study condition. The results support the idea that working memory processing is necessary for binding stimulus parts together in episodic memory.  相似文献   

Three experiments, using a total of 13 pigeons, examined the stimulus control acquired by the separate components of a compound visual stimulus transilluminating the pecking key. Experiment I measured the control acquired by components of compound discriminative stimuli used in discrimination training. Experiment II sought to demonstrate the effect of pretraining a single stimulus discrimination on control acquired by each component in a compound stimulus discrimination. It also investigated the effect of training the compound stimulus discrimination before the single stimulus discrimination. Experiment III sought a continuous stimulus control function when pretraining stimulus intensities were varied. The results suggest that the extent to which a bird "pays attention" to a stimulus, defined in terms of the degree of stimulus control acquired by that stimulus, is determined by how well it previously learned to discriminate that stimulus from other stimuli.  相似文献   

Woodworth (1938) reported that naming latency increased linearly with the number of digits per number (number length). In the present study, the Sternberg memory scanning paradigm was utilized to investigate this effect. It was found that the slope of the memory scanning function increased linearly with number length: memory scanning time was 40 msec for one-digit numbers, 70 msec for two-digit numbers and 101 msec for 3 digit numbers. The intercepts of the memory scanning functions did not differ for the three types of numbers. Thus the increase in latency may be due to the memory comparison stage of processing. The data suggest that a memory comparison operation occurs for each digit position of the complex memory items composed of more than one digit.  相似文献   

This article reviews studies in which a single letter is visually presented under adverse conditions and the subject's task is to identify the letter. The typical results for such studies are (a) certain pairs of letters are more often confused than other pairs of letters; (b) certain letters are more easily recognized than others; and (c) confusion errors for a letter pair are often asymmetric, the number of errors differing depending on which letter of the pair is presented as the stimulus. A geometric model incorporating the properties of distance and spatial density (after Krumhansl) is presented to account for these results. The present application of the distance-density model assumes that each letter is constructed in a typical 5 X 7 dot matrix. Each letter is represented in 35-dimensional space based on its constituent dots. A central idea behind the model, embodied in the property of spatial density, is that an explanation of typical results must take into account the relationship of the entire stimulus set to both the presented letter and the responded letter. Specifically, according to the model, (a) pairs of letters that are close in geometric space are more often confused than pairs of letters that are distant; (b) letters that are in less spatially dense regions are more easily recognized than letters that are in more spatially dense regions; and (c) asymmetric confusion errors result when one member of a letter pair is in a denser region than the other member of the letter pair. The distance-density model is applied to published and unpublished results of the authors as well as published results from two other laboratories. Alternative explanations of the three typical letter recognition results are also considered. The most successful alternative explanations are (a) confusions are an increasing function of the number of dots that two letters share; (b) letters constructed from fewer dots are easier to recognize; and (c) asymmetries arise when one member of a letter pair is more easily recognized, since that letter then has fewer confusion errors to give to the other letter of the pair. The model is discussed in terms of the distinction between template matching and feature analysis. An alternative classification of letter recognition models is proposed based on the global versus local qualities of features and the spatial information associated with each feature. The model is extended to explain reaction time study results. It is suggested that the distance-density model can be used to create optimal letter fonts by minimizing interletter confusions and maximizing letter recognizability.  相似文献   

The dynamics of interdisciplinary collaboration invite further investigation if we are to make this endeavour more rewarding and productive. We are using social network analysis to track the development of a new interdisciplinary collaboration on complex interventions to improve population health. It involves nineteen scholars across four countries. We report the Baseline network of formal relationships among the scholars, along with the impact of the collaboration on these relationships in the first 18 months. We observed statistically significant increases in the density of six types of relationship networks: citing publications by other members of the collaboration, email contact, meeting with each other (outside of the formal annual meeting), visiting one another's institution, submitting research grants together and working on research projects together. The initial strategic role in the network of key 'gate keepers' has not altered substantially (betweenness centralization of the networks), but reciprocity has increased, that is, people are more likely to cite those who have cited them and work together. Increased collaboration is also reflected in the rise in number of subgroups over time and the increase in the average number of subgroup memberships. Use of social network analysis to understand the dynamics of interdisciplinary collaborations is a relatively new field. It invites reflection about what the optimal network structures for interdisciplinary collaborations would look like.  相似文献   

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