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Lord developed an approximation for the bias function for the maximum likelihood estimate in the context of the three-parameter logistic model. Using Taylor's expansion of the likelihood equation, he obtained an equation that includes the conditional expectation, given true ability, of the discrepancy between the maximum likelihood estimate and true ability. All terms of orders higher thann ?1 are ignored wheren indicates the number of items. Lord assumed that all item and individual parameters are bounded, all item parameters are known or well-estimated, and the number of items is reasonably large. In the present paper, an approximation for the bias function of the maximum likelihood estimate of the latent trait, or ability, will be developed using the same assumptions for the more general case where item responses are discrete. This will include the dichotomous response level, for which the three-parameter logistic model has been discussed, the graded response level and the nominal response level. Some observations will be made for both dichotomous and graded response levels.  相似文献   

Samejima has recently given an approximation for the bias function for the maximum likelihood estimate of the latent trait in the general case where item responses are discrete, generalizing Lord's bias function in the three-parameter logistic model for the dichotomous response level. In the present paper, observations are made about the behavior of this bias function for the dichotomous response level in general, and also with respect to several widely used mathematical models. Some empirical examples are given.  相似文献   

A method of estimating item characteristic functions is proposed, in which a set of test items, whose operating characteristics are known and which give a constant test information function for a substantially wide range of ability, are used. The method is based on the maximum likelihood estimates of ability for a group of several hundred examinees. Throughout the present study the Monte Carlo method is used.  相似文献   

Mark Reiser 《Psychometrika》1996,61(3):509-528
Using the item response model as developed on the multinomial distribution, asymptotic variances are obtained for residuals associated with response patterns and first-, and second-order marginal frequencies of manifest variables. When the model does not fit well, an examination of these residuals may reveal the source of the poor fit. Finally, a limited-information test of fit for the model is developed by using residuals defined for the first-, and second-order marginals. Model evaluation based on residuals for these marginals is particularly useful when the response pattern frequencies are sparse.The author would like to thank Yasuo Amemiya and Joseph Lucke for helpful suggestions. This research was supported by a Research Incentive Grant from Arizona State University.  相似文献   

The test information function serves important roles in latent trait models and in their applications. Among others, it has been used as the measure of accuracy in ability estimation. A question arises, however, if the test information function is accurate enough for all meaningful levels of ability relative to the test, especially when the number of test items is relatively small (e.g., less than 50). In the present paper, using the constant information model and constant amounts of test information for a finite interval of ability, simulated data were produced for eight different levels of ability and for twenty different numbers of test items ranging between 10 and 200. Analyses of these data suggest that it is desirable to consider some modification of the test information function when it is used as the measure of accuracy in ability estimation.  相似文献   

Lord and Wingersky have developed a method for computing the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of maximum likelihood estimates for item and person parameters under some restrictions on the estimates which are needed in order to fix the latent scale. The method is tedious, but can be simplified for the Rasch model when one is only interested in the item parameters. This is demonstrated here under a suitable restriction on the item parameter estimates.  相似文献   

In item response models of the Rasch type (Fischer & Molenaar, 1995), item parameters are often estimated by the conditional maximum likelihood (CML) method. This paper addresses the loss of information in CML estimation by using the information concept of F-information (Liang, 1983). This concept makes it possible to specify the conditions for no loss of information and to define a quantification of information loss. For the dichotomous Rasch model, the derivations will be given in detail to show the use of the F-information concept for making comparisons for different estimation methods. It is shown that by using CML for item parameter estimation, some information is almost always lost. But compared to JML (joint maximum likelihood) as well as to MML (marginal maximum likelihood) the loss is very small. The reported efficiency in the use of information of CML to JML and to MML in several comparisons is always larger than 93%, and in tests with a length of 20 items or more, larger than 99%.  相似文献   

The PARELLA model is a probabilistic parallelogram model that can be used for the measurement of latent attitudes or latent preferences. The data analyzed are the dichotomous responses of persons to items, with a one (zero) indicating agreement (disagreement) with the content of the item. The model provides a unidimensional representation of persons and items. The response probabilities are a function of the distance between person and item: the smaller the distance, the larger the probability that a person will agree with the content of the item. This paper discusses how the approach to differential item functioning presented by Thissen, Steinberg, and Wainer can be implemented for the PARELLA model. Requests for the PARELLA software should be sent to Iec Progamma PO Box 841, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that over-extraction of latent classes can be observed in the Bayesian estimation of the mixed Rasch model when the distribution of ability is non-normal. This study examined the effect of non-normal ability distributions on the number of latent classes in the mixed Rasch model when estimated with maximum likelihood estimation methods (conditional, marginal, and joint). Three information criteria fit indices (Akaike information criterion, Bayesian information criterion, and sample size adjusted BIC) were used in a simulation study and an empirical study. Findings of this study showed that the spurious latent class problem was observed with marginal maximum likelihood and joint maximum likelihood estimations. However, conditional maximum likelihood estimation showed no overextraction problem with non-normal ability distributions.  相似文献   

When modeling the relationship between two nominal categorical variables, it is often desirable to include covariates to understand how individuals differ in their response behavior. Typically, however, not all the relevant covariates are available, with the result that the measured variables cannot fully account for the associations between the nominal variables. Under the assumption that the observed and unobserved variables follow a homogeneous conditional Gaussian distribution, this paper proposesRC(M) regression models to decompose the residual associations between the polytomous variables. Based on Goodman's (1979, 1985)RC(M) association model, a distinctive feature ofRC(M) regression models is that they facilitate the joint estimation of effects due to manifest and omitted (continuous) variables without requiring numerical integration. TheRC(M) regression models are illustrated using data from the High School and Beyond study (Tatsuoka & Lohnes, 1988). This article was accepted for publication, when Willem J. Heiser was the Editor ofPsychometrika. This research was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (#SBR96-17510 and #SBR94-09531) and the Bureau of Educational Research at the University of Illinois. We thank Jee-Seon Kim for comments and computational assistance.  相似文献   

Jansen (1984) gave explicit formulas for the computation of the second-order derivatives of the elementary symmetric functions. But they are only applicable to those pairs of items which have unequal parameters. It is shown here that for equal parameters similar explicit formulas do exist, too, facilitating the application of the Newton-Raphson procedure to estimate the parameters in the Rasch model and related models according to the conditional maximum likelihood principle.The author wishes to thank the reviewers for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

It is common in educational, psychological, and social measurement in general, to collect data in the form of graded responses and then to combine adjacent categories. It has been argued that because the division of the continuum into categories is arbitrary, any model used for analyzing graded responses should accommodate such action. Specifically, Jansen and Roskam (1986) enunciate ajoining assumption which specifies that if two categoriesj andk are combined to form categoryh, then the probability of a response inh should equal the sum of the probabilities of responses inj andk. As a result, they question the use of the Rasch model for graded responses which explicitly prohibits the combining of categories after the data are collected except in more or less degenerate cases. However, the Rasch model is derived from requirements of invariance of comparisons of entities with respect to different instruments, which might include different partitions of the continuum, and is consistent with fundamental measurement. Therefore, there is a strong case that the mathematical implication of the Rasch model should be studied further in order to understand how and why it conflicts with the joining assumption. This paper pursues the mathematics of the Rasch model and establishes, through a special case when the sizes of the categories are equal and when the model is expressed in the multiplicative metric, that its probability distribution reflects the precision with which the data are collected, and that if a pair of categories is collapsed after the data are collected, it no longer reflects the original precision. As a consequence, and not because of a qualitative change in the variable, the joining assumption is destroyed when categories are combined. Implications of the choice between a model which satisfies the joining assumption or one which reflects on the precision of the data collection considered are discussed.  相似文献   

The Dutch Identity: A new tool for the study of item response models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Dutch Identity is a useful way to reexpress the basic equations of item response models that relate the manifest probabilities to the item response functions (IRFs) and the latent trait distribution. The identity may be exploited in several ways. For example: (a) to suggest how item response models behave for large numbers of items—they are approximate submodels of second-order loglinear models for 2 J tables; (b) to suggest new ways to assess the dimensionality of the latent trait—principle components analysis of matrices composed of second-order interactions from loglinear models; (c) to give insight into the structure of latent class models; and (d) to illuminate the problem of identifying the IRFs and the latent trait distribution from sample data.This research was supported in part by contract number N00014-87-K-0730 from the Cognitive Science Program of the Office of Naval Research. I realized the usefulness of the identity in Theorem 1 while lecturing in the Netherlands during October, 1986. Because this was in no small part due to the stimulating psychometric atmosphere there, I call the result the Dutch Identity.  相似文献   

A method of estimating item response theory (IRT) equating coefficients by the common-examinee design with the assumption of the two-parameter logistic model is provided. The method uses the marginal maximum likelihood estimation, in which individual ability parameters in a common-examinee group are numerically integrated out. The abilities of the common examinees are assumed to follow a normal distribution but with an unknown mean and standard deviation on one of the two tests to be equated. The distribution parameters are jointly estimated with the equating coefficients. Further, the asymptotic standard errors of the estimates of the equating coefficients and the parameters for the ability distribution are given. Numerical examples are provided to show the accuracy of the method.  相似文献   

A new model, called acceleration model, is proposed in the framework of the heterogenous case of the graded response model, based on processing functions defined for a finite or enumerable number of steps. The model is expected to be useful in cognitive assessment, as well as in more traditional areas of application of latent trait models. Criteria for evaluating models are proposed, and soundness and robustness of the acceleration model are discussed. Graded response models based on individual choice behavior are also discussed, and criticisms on model selection in terms of fitnesses of models to the data are also given.This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research (N00014-90-J-1456).  相似文献   

Gert Storms 《Psychometrika》1995,60(2):247-258
A Monte Carlo study was conducted to investigate the robustness of the assumed error distribution in maximum likelihood estimation models for multidimensional scaling. Data sets generated according to the lognormal, the normal, and the rectangular distribution were analysed with the log-normal error model in Ramsay's MULTISCALE program package. The results show that violations of the assumed error distribution have virtually no effect on the estimated distance parameters. In a comparison among several dimensionality tests, the corrected version of thex 2 test, as proposed by Ramsay, yielded the best results, and turned out to be quite robust against violations of the error model.  相似文献   

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