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政治家的责任伦理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
政治伦理可分为两个方面:一是政治制度本身的伦理;一是制度中人的伦理。所谓制度,也可以说就是有一套实力和观念支持的持久的、不断在重复实践的、人们可以对之有合理预期的规则。这些规则本身可以具有道德涵义。政治制度是所有制度中最重要的,构成社会基本结构的主轴。制度固然也是由人的活动构成,但“制度本身的伦理”强调的是对制度的总体判断,是综合了所有人的活动的,  相似文献   

生命科学家的社会伦理责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生命科学的发展导致了复杂的伦理道德问题,对传统的社会道德观念形成了强烈的冲击.为了最大限度地避免和消除生命科学技术的负面效应,必须制定相应的科技政策和强有力的社会伦理道德规范来约束生命科学家的行为,增强生命科学家的社会责任感,使生命科学更好地为人类造福.  相似文献   

工程共同体的各个组成部分应该承担环境伦理责任.投资者应该对工程组织共同体如企业的环境保护负领导责任.工程组织共同体如企业应该承担起对自然、对市场、对公众的生态责任,从"淡绿"走向"深绿".工程师应该负有特别的责任,从"对雇主不加批评的忠诚"走向"批评的忠诚".工程职业共同体如工程师协会应该负有对工程师进行环境伦理教育以及制定相应的工程师环境伦理规范的责任.工程管理者应该承担起对工程活动进行环境管理的责任,由初学者转变为关心的公民,再转变为实用主义者,最后成为赞成行动主义者.工人应该承担避免因操作失误而引发环境灾难的责任.  相似文献   

对责任伦理的研究和实践能极大地促进伦理学的实践,进一步完善伦理学的建设。对责任伦理有多种理解,本文认为责任伦理要解决的问题主要不是主观意图的责任意识,而是指人们在履行伦理原则、规范的行为过程中对他人、对社会实际产生的效应。责任伦理的着眼点是伦理效应。只有从实际发生的伦理效应才能真实地判断伦理的责任是否到位。重视伦理原则、规范在实际应用中发生的伦理冲突,区分责任伦理的不同性质和类型,构建落实责任伦理的完整链条,是落实责任的基本途径。  相似文献   

风险社会与责任伦理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“风险社会”已经成为当今社会的重要特征,而传统的功利论、义务论、德性论等伦理学在应对社会风险问题时却存在着诸多局限。“责任伦理”在时空视域、伦理对象、核心理念等方面突破了传统伦理学的局限。树立和加强责任伦理的建构,能够积极有效地应对社会风险问题。  相似文献   

网上虚拟医院利用互联网、信息与计算机技术,辅助实体医院开展医疗、健康宣传和教育等,它具有数字化、虚拟化等诊疗特点。在现实操作中,网上虚拟医院由于交互主体的不在场,存在信任、交往、价值和情感等方面的诸多伦理道德困境。但网上虚拟医院是通过高科技来实现的新型医疗模式,蕴含在网上虚拟医院中的各种伦理关系是客观存在的。在加强技术管理的同时,提升医疗机构与医务人员乃至全体社会成员的责任伦理意识和道德主体性,是促进网上虚拟医院成立与完善的前提。  相似文献   

李涛 《道德与文明》2007,(1):103-107
网络社会的道德活动是网络中的个人、组织之间的社会关系和共同利益的反映.因特网是通过人们自觉自愿地互联而建立起来的,在网络社会中,既是信息的提供者,又是信息的使用者;既是网络的用户,又是网络的管理者.任何人都离不开他人和社会.网络社会由无数网民和各种各样的组织组成,每一个主体都处于自我、集体、社会的种种复杂关系之中.要使网络社会和谐有序地发展,基于责任伦理控制体系的建构是必要的,也是可能的.  相似文献   

This article reassesses Peter Abelard's account of moral intention,or, better, consent, in light of recent work on his own thought and on the twelfth-century background of that thought. The author argues (1) that Abelard's focus on consent as the determining factor for morality does not rule out, but, on the contrary, presupposes objective criteria for moral judgment and (2) that Abelard's real innovation does not lie in hisdoctrine of consent as the sole source of merit or guilt, but, rather, in his exploration of the ways in which this doctrine affects our understanding of the objective criteria for moral judgment. In particular, Abelard is led by his doctrine of consent to a thoroughgoing reassessment of the moral significance of the passions, which, in turn, leads him to reject the view that actions should be evaluated in terms of the praiseworthy or vicious character of the passions they express.  相似文献   

如果说三十年来我国当代伦理学的发展从无到有并逐步成为显学的话,那么,经济伦理学更是在显学中异军突起,以其自身特有的学科理念、日益成熟的理论体系和不断展示的实践功能而成为显学中的显学。2010年10月,中国伦理  相似文献   

心理咨询的价值悖论与责任伦理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从责任伦理角度审视心理咨询中的价值问题,价值是一个不可悬置也不可逃避的问题。一方面,人的生存悖论与人的社会化过程失衡是人的心理失衡或心理疾病产生的主要原因;另一方面,心理咨询的宗旨是促进来访者的改变,这种改变往往意味着价值观的改变。因而改变过程中必然会出现文化及规范、咨询者价值取向及来访者已有的价值观三者间的冲突和矛盾。心理咨询中的价值之争实为价值冲突所致。对心理咨询中的价值问题的处理应该遵循普遍性原则,采取多种形式的价值介入。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of Jacques Lacan's views on psychology, paying particular attention to how such critiques support a distinctively Lacanian view of the subject. Lacan attacked various facets of psychology, including: psychology's objectifying (and objectivistic) tendencies; the discipline's historical attempt to model itself on the natural sciences; its conceptual and practical prioritizations of the ego and consciousness; its frequent prioritization of developmental, biological and physiological paradigms above a careful analysis of the structures and operations of language and speech. The aim of the paper is not to systematically work through Lacan's various criticisms, still less to refute them. Ultimately, Lacan's historical attacks against psychology—apposite as they are—have their greatest value in helping us to strike some distance from commonplace assumptions and psychological assumptions about the nature of the subject.  相似文献   

The profession's ethics standards require counselors to self‐monitor their professional actions and take responsibility for misconduct. However, the professional literature has focused on preventing misconduct and on response to serious violations and has offered little guidance regarding the minor infractions that all professionals are vulnerable to committing during their careers. The author presents a 4‐element model to guide counselors in ethically repairing damage when they recognize they have violated ethics codes or ethical principles in minor ways. The model uses the ethical principles that underlie the American Counseling Association's (1995) Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and J. R. Rest's (1983, 1994) model of moral behavior as a foundation.  相似文献   


从责任伦理的视角,提出临床决策支持系统(clinical decision support system,CDSS)在确保准确性、尊重自主性、保护隐私安全等责任中存在的合作意识缺失、职业责任薄弱、社会责任缺位等伦理责任问题,针对上述问题,通过以人为本、共存共生的责任伦理原则指出CDSS各方承担责任的主要路径,包括增强合作意识提高CDSS准确性、明确医生与开发者职业责任确保CDSS应用的自主性、加强企业社会责任保障隐私保护等,期望为责任相关者更好地承担伦理责任提供思路,为CDSS未来发展提供新的视角。


凸显"责任"的西方应用伦理学--西方责任伦理述评   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
毛羽 《哲学动态》2003,(9):20-24
自 2 0世纪下半叶以来 ,北美、欧洲诸国的伦理学界相继出版了相当数量的关于责任伦理的论著 ,例如美国著名哲学家范伯格 (JoelFeinberg)的《责任理论》 ,唐纳德·肯尼迪(DonaldKennedy)的《学术责任》 ,特里·L .库帕 (TerryCooper)的《行政伦理学 :实现行政责任的途径》 ;英国约翰·M .费舍尔和马克·拉威泽 (JohnMartinFischerandMarkRavizza)的《责任与控制 :关于道德责任的理论》 ;德国汉斯·约纳斯 (HansJonas)的《责任之原理》 ,伦克 (HansLenk)的《应用伦理学导论 :责任与良心》 ,汉斯·昆 (HansK櫣ng ,又译孔汉思 )的《全…  相似文献   

中国伦理学会成立30周年了!三十而立,在中国伦理学会步入而立之年的时刻,作为一名伦理学者我深感自豪与荣耀。对中国伦理学而言,30年是一段既浸满艰辛与汗水,又布满成功与喜悦的  相似文献   

Two topics determine today's liberal tolerant attitude towards Others: the respect of Otherness and the obsessive fear of harassment: the Other is OK insofar as its presence is not intrusive, insofar as the Other is not really Other. The central human right in late-capitalist society, namely the right to be free from all harassment by the Other including the violent imposition of ethical norms, contrasts sharply with the violent imposition of divine Mosaic law – the Decalogue – from which the idea of human rights ultimately derives. The underlying discursive shift can be analyzed with the help of Lacan: the discourse of the Master had been replaced by university discourse. While the Master's decision is per se violent, university discourse is enunciated from the position of neutral Knowledge. The truth of the university discourse is power: the constitutive lie of the university discourse is that it disavows its performative dimension, presenting what effectively amounts to a political decision based on power as a simple insight into the factual state of things.  相似文献   

Margaret Walker's Moral Understandings offers an “expressive‐collaborative,” culturally situated, practice—based picture of morality, critical of a “theoretical‐juridical” picture in most prefeminist moral philosophy since Henry Sidgwick. This essay compares her approach to ethics with that of John Rawls, another exemplar of the “theoretical‐juridical” model, and asks how Walker's approach would apply to several ethical issues, including interaction with (other) animals, social reform and revolution, and basic human rights.  相似文献   

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