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Well‐known epochs of style such as Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Cubism, etc. are combined with historical facts of economic long cycles. It turns out that long depressions/declines correlate with Romantic movements in style whereas long periods of prosperity coincide with realism. Basic innovations in painting do not cluster in difficult economic times. The evidence indicates almost the contrary.  相似文献   

The author provides a brief history of the psychology laboratory from 1879 to 1900, discusses its crucial role in the founding of scientific psychology, and describes how it enabled psychology's separation from philosophy. The laboratory model is described as a research and graduate training enterprise that operated with K. Danziger's (1990) concept of a "community of scholars" and was eventually extended to the training of undergraduate students.  相似文献   

Although the fledgling psychology of 100 years ago was assertively empirical, there were no inferential statistics to guide psychologists' data analyses. However, 19th-century developments had left psychology with a rich array of techniques for analyzing and presenting data, some of which remain underutilized today. These include comparisons across replications, within-subject designs, reanalysis of data, analyses of factorial designs, and especially the use of tables and graphs. As the merits of hypothesis-testing statistics are debated at the turn of the 21st century, the history of data-handling practices can remind psychologists that there are many ways to overcome the current uniformity of statistical practice.  相似文献   

This article is based largely upon the author's invited address at the 113th annual convention of the American Psychological Convention, Washington, DC, as the 2005 recipient of the Samuel J. Messick Award bestowed by APA Division 5 and the Educational Testing Service. The author summarizes the growth of graduate training in psychometrics and quantitative psychology, in the years prior to and following the end of WWII. He then opines the steady decline in the training of psychometricians and quantitative psychologists beginning in the 1970s and continuing into the 20th century. Likely causes of the decline are inferred and prospects for strengthening the quantitative skills of doctorates are discussed, including recommendations for reversing the downward trend.  相似文献   

伴随着共和国改革开放的步伐 ,《医学与哲学》走过了 2 0年的历程。作为理论医学研究的一块处女地 ,她从诞生那天起 ,不仅受到了医学界和哲学界的欢迎、关爱和培育 ,而且在推动医学与哲学的理论研究方面 ,在促进卫生事业的改革与发展的理论与实践的结合方面 ,在帮助诸多新兴交叉学科的成长方面 ,在培养新一辈医学哲学理论研究人才方面 ,在提高广大医学工作者的理论思维方面 ,等等 ,发挥了极其重要的作用。她从幼稚逐步走向成熟 ,在我国众多的理论刊物中独树一帜 ,以其“开阔视野、启迪思维、提供方法、促进发展”的办刊宗旨 ,享誉国内外思想…  相似文献   

从冯友兰与陈荣捷看二十世纪中国哲学研究的方法论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对比冯友兰和陈荣捷研究中国哲学的不同路子,凸显在二十世纪研究中国哲学的两种方法论:一种用西方哲学来解释中国哲学,求中国哲学与西方哲学之同,另一种强调中国哲学的独特性,求中国哲学与西方哲学之异.冯是前一种方法的代表,而陈是后一种方法的代表.本文还讨论了这两种方法对新世纪中国哲学研究的意义.  相似文献   

20世纪的中国,是一个数千年未有之大变动的时代。戊戍变法的失败使中国的有识之士看清了旧的封建王朝的腐朽本质,酝酿了世纪初从思想文化上彻底摒除传统模式、寻求新思路的巨大震荡,一种在新的时代条件下,在西方列强即将肢解这个数千年文明古国的危机的压力下,为民族生存探索一条拯救之道的忧世情怀,比以往任何时候都更为猛烈地在中国大地上蔓延开来。梁启超、严复等人对西方启蒙思想的大量引进,孙中山、章太炎等人对资产阶级民主革命纲领的身体力行,及辛亥革命后五四新文化运动的兴起,形成了一波又一波的思想解放和精神启蒙的浪潮。正是在…  相似文献   

筹划已久的《医学与哲学》创刊 2 0周年庆祝大会暨学术报告会 ,于 2 0 0 0年 10月 2 0~ 2 1日在首都北京京东宾馆隆重召开。来自全国 17个省市的本刊编委、部分医学院校领导、一向关心本刊的作者及读者和首都的学术界、新闻界 110人参加了会议。原卫生部部长钱信忠 ,著名学者、原国家科委副主任、中国自然辩证法研究会理事长于光远 ,中国科协常委、原中国医学科学院院长顾方舟出席会议并讲话。本刊承办单位大连市卫生局副局长徐立新也在大会上发言。当主持会议的《医学与哲学》杂志社副社长王国强宣布会议开始后 ,于光远同志首先热情洋溢地…  相似文献   

车玉玲 《世界哲学》2007,(5):95-101
"真理"这个神圣的称谓一直是传统哲学中的核心概念,也是人类为之奋斗的目标与生命存在之意义所在。然而,近一个多世纪以来,思想家们却从真理存在的前提、内容与运思方式上等,颠覆了传统意义上的客观真理观念,而强调真理的"主观性"、强调作为一种认识方法的真理观。随着真理自身神圣性的丧失,附着其上的意义与价值也失去了。20世纪初,俄罗斯宗教哲学家们提出了一种既有别于传统哲学、又不同于现代哲学的真理观念,即从信仰与主观体验的角度诠释了真理的含义,力图恢复真理自身与人之存在的神圣性,以此抗击虚无主义对现代人精神领域的冲击与损害。  相似文献   

值此《医学与哲学》创刊 2 0周年之际 ,我代表中国科学技术协会表示热烈的祝贺 !当今世界 ,科学技术发展以空前巨大的速度和规模与人类社会对其的需求相结合和统一。自然科学、技术科学、工程技术将向综合集成和整体化的方向发展 ,在认识自然界和人的思维规律上达到前所未有的高度 ;在科学技术与经济发展之间 ,科学技术作为第一生产力的决定性作用将得到充分的发挥 ,知识创造的价值将在国民生产总值中占据主要位置 ;在科学技术与文化之间 ,自然科学、技术科学与人文科学、社会科学的交叉和融合将成为强大的潮流 ,使科学精神与人文精神相得益…  相似文献   

同志们 :事先没有很好地准备 ,很抱歉 ,到现在还没有好好看看杂志。我曾经向龚育之提出过 ,伪科学是医学的一个重要方面。《医学与哲学》在这方面做了一定的工作。医学与哲学的内容很多 ,哲学不限于自然辩证法 ,医学也不限于自然 ,甚至于社会。从历史上看 ,医学开始并不是科学的 ,但其目的是治病救人 ,现代医学的发展 ,改善了人们的生存状况 ,延长了人的寿命。没有医学 ,人类不可能长寿。台湾中医研究院院长吴大猷说过 :中国使用“科技”这两个字是最大的不幸。“科技”两个字不是创用。1956年 12月 ,成立了国务院科学技术委员会 ,后来与国…  相似文献   

Prominent psychologists, including G. Stanley Hall, James Mark Baldwin, and James McKeen Cattell, cultivated the field of psychological publishing with privately owned and managed journals. Hall's journals, including the American Journal of Psychology and Pedagogical Seminary, reflected his view of psychology as the empirical study of human nature and his support for applied psychology. Baldwin and Cattell's periodicals, including Psychological Review and Psychological Monographs, reflected a narrower scientific and academic view of psychology. Baldwin and Cattell were more successful editors than Hall and strategically linked their journals to the American Psychological Association (APA). The Psychological Review journals were purchased by APA in 1925. The narrower vision represented in these journals may have contributed to applied psychologists' dissatisfaction with APA during the late 1920s and early 1930s.  相似文献   

Pinsof WM 《Family process》2002,41(2):135-157
During the last half of the 20th century within Western civilization, for the first time in human history, divorce replaced death as the most common endpoint of marriage. In this article I explore the history of this death-to-divorce transition, the forces associated with the transition, and what the transition may have revealed about the human capacity for monogamous, lifelong pair-bonding. The impact and consequences of the transition for the generations that came of age during it and immediately afterwards are examined, with particular attention to the emergence of new, alternative pair-bonding structures such as cohabitation and nonmarital co-parenting. The article highlights the inability of the dichotomous marriage-versus-being-single paradigm to encompass the new pair-bonding structures and the normalizing of divorce. Precepts for a new, more encompassing, veridical and humane pair-bonding paradigm are presented, and some of their implications for social policy, family law, social science, and couple and family therapy are elaborated.  相似文献   

Comparative psychology emerged as part of the "new psychology" that took hold in the United States around 1900. Many of the issues that have occupied comparative psychologists throughout the 20th century were developed as research problems during this period. In some respects, comparative psychology was then an integral and widely respected part of psychology at large; in others, it was already marginalized. Issues emerging during this critical period set the program for the upcoming century and included those of methodology in the conduct of experiments and conceptual issues related to evolution, development, intelligence, and higher processes.  相似文献   

一、引言:从势所必然到理有必至清末日人造“哲学”一词以翻译西方之philosophy,①其词传入中国后,中国思想界随即有“中国哲学”一概念的提出,及后更演为一门崭新学科。到现在,中国哲学的研究已逾一个世纪。从历史的角度看,中国哲学的出现实为中国旧有学术观念的解体并代之以现代西方学术分类的结果。必须知道,在19世纪末20世纪初,中国旧有的学术若不能重新装置于现代西方学术的框架内,则只有随着传统文化的失序而式微。经学的衰落则是典例。用传统的话说,这是势所必然者。但倘使我们仅从势的一面着眼,自难免觉得旧酒之必须装以新瓶并不意…  相似文献   

二十世纪国内外学习策略研究概述   总被引:52,自引:3,他引:49  
史耀芳 《心理科学》2001,24(5):586-590
二十世纪中后期兴起的学习策略研究并不是偶然的,它是心理科学不断发展的产物。随着现代心理学对人类自身研究的不断深入,人们逐渐认识到人的心理不再是一个不可打开的“黑箱”,人脑学习机制是可以作研究的。美国心理学家Bruner(1956)在其人工概念研究过程中,首次提出“认知策略”(Congnitive Strategy)。心理学家Newell、Shaw和Simon(1958)随之利用计算机有效地模仿了问题解决策略,从而形成“学习策略”(Learning Strategy)概念,  相似文献   

周来顺 《世界哲学》2009,(5):175-177
2009年7月5日至9日在黑龙江大学举办了“俄罗斯哲学”研讨会。这次会议以“后苏联时期俄罗斯马克思主义哲学与文化哲学”为主题,就俄罗斯马克思主义研究、俄罗斯哲学的总体性研究、俄罗斯重要哲学家的思想、俄罗斯部门哲学的发展状况等进行了广泛的交流。  相似文献   

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