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This study examined the differential effects of parenting and sibling influences (and the interaction between the two) in predicting adolescents' problem behaviors. The reliability and validity of the Sibling Relationship Questionnaire was also assessed. Subjects were 99 intact families from the San Francisco Bay area, all of whom contained both parents and at least one target child between 10 and 18 years of age still living in the home. Analysis indicated that sibling behavior was a significant predictor of deviant behavior, as measured by the Child Behavior Checklist, even when parenting effects were statistically controlled. Parenting effects had a separate effect on adolescents' positive behaviors. The analysis of the Sibling Relationship Questionnaire indicated adequate test-retest and internal consistency reliability, and construct validity. Findings are discussed in terms of the larger literature on socialization on the different ways that siblings and parents influence adolescent outcomes.  相似文献   

A hypothesis of 'triadic and tetradic projective identification' is derived from work with nine cases in which family therapy was followed by psychodynamic counselling with the mother. It is suggested, first, that the dimensions of personality in which a parent perceives considerable difference between siblings may be linked to earlier traumatic issues experienced by that parent, especially in the family of origin; and, second, that siblings may identify with their parents' perceptions of difference, leading to differential development.
Case material is used to illustrate the ideas and a small pilot study of six different families is described, which tests a key element of the hypothesis - that personality dimensions in which a parent perceives most difference between siblings will relate more strongly to parental problem areas than dimensions in which a parent perceives least difference between siblings.
Findings give preliminary support to the hypothesis and proposals for further work are presented.  相似文献   

Relationships among relationship beliefs, self-monitoring and conflict behavior were examined in 74 married couples. It was predicted that dysfunctional relationship beliefs would be negatively correlated with marital satisfaction and that high self-monitoring spouses would endorse more dysfunctional relationship beliefs and display more disagreeing and leadership conflict behavior. Dysfunctional beliefs were negatively correlated with satisfaction but low and high self-monitors did not differ in their conflict behavior. Discriminant analyses indicated that marital distress was a function of endorsement of dysfunctional relationship beliefs; decreased satisfaction with decisions; increased conflict relevance; and increased impression management reflected in high self-monitoring orientations among husbands and wives’ beliefs that their husbands were not behaving “normally.” The contribution of gender and impression management to marital distress is discussed. This study was funded by a University of Wisconsin-Madison faculty research grant awarded to the author.  相似文献   

Mothers in 30 clinical and 35 nonclinical families completed a behavior checklist for a target son and all other sons in the family who were between 13 and 17 years old. Each of these male adolescents completed two perceived parental conflict questionnaires for their biological parents. In each group, child behavior problems and parental conflict were correlated under two conditions: (a) using information pertaining to the target adolescent and (b) using information pertaining to the male adolescent experiencing the greatest behavior difficulties. Correlations increased in the nonclinical group when the information used was for the adolescent experiencing the greatest behavior difficulties.  相似文献   

Conventional covariance structure analysis, such as factor analysis, is often applied to data that are obtained in a hierarchical fashion, such as siblings observed within families. A more appropriate specification is demonstrated which explicitly models the within-level and between-level covariance matrices of sibling substance use and intrafamily conflict. Participants were 267 target adolescents (mean age=13.11 years) and 318 siblings (mean age=15.03 years). The level of homogeneity within sibling clusters, and heterogeneity among families, was sufficient to conduct a multilevel covariance structure analysis (MCA). Parental and family-level variables consisting of marital status, socioeconomic status, marital discord, parent use, and modeling of substances were used to explain heterogeneity among families. Marital discord predicted intrafamily conflict, and parent marital status and modeling of substances predicted sibling substance use. Advantages and uses of hierarchical designs and conventional covariance structure software for multilevel data are discussed.  相似文献   

Young children''s reasoning about beliefs   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  


Four hundred and ten school children, aged between 13 and 16 years, were administered a questionnaire to investigate (a) their perceptions of AIDS and implications of the disease for the victim; (b) beliefs about how best to prevent the spread of disease; (c) sources of information and (d) AIDS relevant topics they would like to learn in school. The results suggested that there were few differences in knowledge or attitude as a function of age, but some significant differences due to sex. Boys were more likely to derogate the AIDS victim compared with girls. In terms of different strategies for prevention, boys were more in favour of “scare” approaches, and girls of information-giving. The success of any AIDS education package may be at least partly determined by individual beliefs about the disease, and preferences for different educational strategies.  相似文献   

An essential feature of psychodynamic counselling is a secure frame for the work that holds boundaries as sacrosanct, both to ensure ethical practice and to provide a vehicle through which unconscious processes can be recognized and understood. Conscious or unconscious attacks on the frame are inevitable in any therapeutic relationship, and provide an opportunity for exploration and insight. However such incidents also have an impact on the therapist who must decide how to respond. In order to understand more about the therapist process when there is an attack on the frame, an investigation was carried out into ways in which psychodynamic counsellors manage the difficulties and dilemmas that arise as they try to hold a secure therapeutic frame. Ten counsellors were interviewed using a semi‐ structured interview format during which they were asked about an instance when the frame was challenged and the process by which it was resolved. The resulting dilemmas were categorized using grounded theory. Three categories of dilemmas emerged a) prior to making a decision about how to deal with it, b) after making a decision, and c), as a result of the outcome of the action taken. The nature of the dilemmas and the process of resolving them are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

The toll in death, suffering, and displacement caused by conflicts engaging groups defined by ethnicity, nationality, religion, or other social identities has reached staggering proportions over the past decade. With expertise in research and intervention, psychologists have critical contributions to make to more fully understanding and more effectively confronting this distressing global phenomenon. The authors focus on the parallels between the core beliefs of individuals and the collective worldviews of groups that may operate to trigger or constrain violent struggles. On the basis of a review of relevant literatures, 5 belief domains--superiority, injustice, vulnerability, distrust, and helplessness--are identified as particularly important for further study.  相似文献   

An investigation of clients beliefs about the causes and treatments of their own psychological problems, using a new instrument, the Opinions about Psychological Problems (OPP). We found that, although the beliefs about the various models were positively correlated, clients made clear overall discriminations between them. For causation, they tended to agree with the four psychological models (Behavioural, Cognitive, Humanistic and Psychodynamic) and the Naïve model, and tended to disagree with the Socio-economic and Organic models. For treatment, they endorsed Behavioural, Cognitive and Humanistic most highly, and again disagreed overall with Socio-economic and Organic. Individual difference variables showed that clients reporting a higher level of psychological symptoms tended to endorse all causation beliefs more highly, and also were more likely to agree with Behavioural, Cognitive, Humanistic and Psychodynamic treatments. The structure of clients' beliefs differed from that found in previous studies. There was a single factor which loaded on the four psychological models, with which the Organic, Socio-economic and Naive subscales were less strongly, but still positively, correlated  相似文献   

Little empirical work has explored the relation between destructive sibling conflict and conduct problems in children. This study used a measure of observed sibling conflict to examine its relations with maternal and teacher report of conduct problems in a low-income sample of 180 five-year-old boys and their close-age siblings. Early report of behavior problems and rejecting parenting were added to the analyses to control for these predictors and to examine interactive effects. The interaction between destructive sibling conflict and rejecting parenting predicted aggressive behavior problems across time and informants such that a rise in aggression scores was evident for children who had high levels of both sibling conflict and rejecting parenting. Sibling conflict was also directly related longitudinally to the Child Behavior Checklist Delinquency factor. Results are discussed in terms of additive risk models and G. R. Patterson's (1984, 1986) theory of coercion.  相似文献   

Recent research exploring phenomena such as change blindness, inattentional blindness, attentional blink and repetition blindness has revealed a number of counterintuitive ways in which apparently salient visual stimuli often go unnoticed. In fact, large majorities of subjects sometimes predict that they would detect visual changes that actually are rarely noticed, suggesting that people have strong beliefs about visual experience that are demonstrably incorrect. However, for other kinds of visual metacognition, such as picture memory, people underpredict performance. This paper describes two experiments demonstrating that both these overpredictions of change detection, and underpredictions of visual memory can be linked with intuitions about the visual experience of different kinds of agents. Subjects predicted more visual change detection and poorer visual memory for mechanical representational systems (e.g. computer programs) when these were anthropomorphized using intentional terminology.  相似文献   

Associations between parental play styles and sibling interaction were investigated in 30 same‐sex preschool‐ and school‐aged sibling dyads (first‐borns were 4–9 years, M=6.6 years; second‐borns were 2–7 years, M=4.2 years), divided into older and younger sibling groups. Participants completed puzzles under three conditions: (a) siblings alone, (b) together with mother, and (c) together with father. Prosocial and agonistic sibling‐directed behaviors and positive and negative parent–child behaviors were coded. Siblings engaged in both more prosocial and agonistic interactions when alone than with either parent; there were no differences in sibling interactions in the mother versus father episodes. Paternal negative behavior was associated with sibling agonistic behavior when the children were alone, indicating second‐order effects, however, mother–child and sibling interactions were not significantly associated. Nevertheless, reciprocity in positive and negative behaviors directed by children to parents and vice versa was evident, demonstrating synchrony in patterns of exchanges. The findings underscore the necessity of studying both parents in order to understand more fully the dynamics involved in family relationships. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The parental beliefs on motor development (PB-MD) and the motor habits (MOHAB) questionnaires are new instruments measuring parental beliefs, practices, infant MOHAB, and environmental features regarding motor development. Psychometric properties of these questionnaires were tested using data of parents of 268 Dutch and Israeli infants aged 1-to-8-months. Face- and convergent validity of both questionnaires, as well as internal consistency and test–retest reliability of the PB-MD were satisfactory. Exploratory factor analysis revealed five factors in the PB-MD. Altogether, both questionnaires are valid, reliable and culturally sensitive instruments potentially useful for research and clinical practice.  相似文献   

Group-based guilt and shame are part of a wide range of moral emotions in intergroup conflicts. These emotions can potentially motivate group members to make compromises in order to promote conflict resolution, and increase support for reparations and apologies following moral transgressions committed by the in-group. Thus, it is important to understand how to induce these emotions and the mechanisms for their effects. In the present paper, we examined the mechanisms underlying group-based guilt and shame in four studies. Across the first three studies, conducted in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we found that group-based guilt was mostly predicted by individuals’ implicit theories about groups (ITG). Specifically, we found that the more participants believed that groups are malleable, the more they experienced group-based guilt. Group-based shame, however, was found to be dependent upon individuals’ perception of other people’s perceptions about the malleability of groups (i.e., meta-ITG), as the perceived damage to one’s in-group image is a major component in experiencing shame. In Study 4, conducted in the context of gender relations, we differentiated between the two components of shame, that is, moral and image shame. As predicted, while group-based guilt and moral shame showed similar patterns of results, meta-ITG had a moderating effect on the association between ITG and group-based image shame. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed in relation to promoting intergroup conflict resolution and reconciliation.  相似文献   

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