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Concurrent tasks, such as articulatory suppression and manual tapping, are used to understand the mechanisms underlying short-term memory by overloading domain-specific resources. The present study addresses the debate regarding the theoretical frameworks accounting for interference in serial recall by comparing the effects of both the modality of concurrent tasks (verbal vs. spatial) as well as the state of the tasks (steady vs. changing) in both verbal and spatial recall. The findings indicate that the verbal changing-state concurrent task significantly impaired digit recall, whereas the spatial changing-state concurrent task significantly impaired block recall. The theoretical implications are discussed in the context of a multimodal working memory model with domain-specific resources and a unitary approach to short-term memory.  相似文献   

Individuals who are more physically active, compared to those who are less physically active, typically report more favourable perceptions of their physical appearance and functioning (i.e., physical self-concept). However, there is limited empirical evidence examining how psychological processes associated with physical activity can affect the strength of this relationship. In the current study, perceptions of controllability (i.e., controllable attributions) was tested as a moderator of the relationship between physical activity and physical self-concept. A sample of 189 adults (Mage = 23.8 years; nmale = 76, nfemale = 112, nunspecified = 1) read hypothetical scenarios that elicited emotions specific to achievement or failure. Participants completed measures assessing their attributions for each scenario, together with self-report physical activity and physical self-concept. In the final models, the relationship between physical activity and physical self-concept was stronger among those participants who reported higher perceptions of controllability. The effectiveness of physical activity interventions may be improved through attributional retraining to adaptive (controllable) attributions.  相似文献   

Lateralisation of hand preference and manual dexterity are known to develop over childhood, while in adulthood strength of hand preference has been shown to interact with extrinsic task demands. Some evidence exists to suggest that strength of hand preference and motor skill may be related. In the current study a handedness inventory, midline crossing (QHP) and peg-moving tasks were used to investigate: (1) the development of hand preference between 4 and 11 years; (2) whether extrinsic task demands affect strength of hand preference, and (3) whether strength of hand preference was associated with manual dexterity. Younger children (4–5 years) showed weak hand preference in comparison to older children (8–11 years), and extrinsic task demands influenced willingness to cross the body’s midline with the preferred hand. Age and peg-moving speed were associated with midline crossing in certain task conditions. Overall, results suggest a coupling between manual dexterity and brain maturation in typical development.  相似文献   

The study examined the influence of affect induction on actual risk-taking behavior in a driving simulator, as well as the links between personal variables (relevance of driving to self-esteem, sensation seeking) and the level of risky driving. Eighty young drivers aged 18–21 (M = 19.24, SD = 0.75) were randomly divided into four induction groups: relaxing positive affect; arousing positive affect; negative affect; and neutral affect. The participants drove on a simulator, with various parameters of risky driving measured before and after emotion priming.As predicted, arousing positive affect and negative affect led to increased risky driving, whereas relaxing positive affect moderated risk-taking. In addition, the results confirm previous findings regarding the personal variables, revealing that higher levels of relevance of driving to self-esteem and sensation seeking are associated with higher levels of risk-taking in the simulated driving.The findings indicate that the driver’s emotional state has a significant effect on risk-taking on the road. Moreover, they show that the conventional use of negative affect in safe driving campaigns is liable to heighten the tendency for risky driving rather than reduce it. In contrast, relaxing positive affect was found to lead to lower risk-taking. The study is unique in revealing a correlation between results previously obtained for the willingness to drive recklessly and actual risky driving behavior observed on a driving simulator. By expanding the understanding of the motivations for youngsters’ risky driving, the study may aid in designing effective, theoretically sound, interventions aimed at reducing the tendency for dangerous driving among young drivers.  相似文献   

Aggressive behaviour on the road is one of the most studied topics in human factors, given it has been related to both risky behaviour and traffic crashes. While previous research has proposed trait driving anger as one of the better predictors, mediation variables which could explain this relationship have not deserved attention. The current research aimed to explore the mediation effect of emotion regulation in this relationship. The sample consisted of 472 Spanish drivers, who completed a set of self-reports regarding trait driving anger, frequency of aggressive behaviours at the wheel, and difficulties in emotion regulation. The results showed significant relationship among the variables in almost all the cases. Furthermore, a SEM analysis showed that difficulties in emotion regulation significantly mediated the relationship between trait driving anger and each way of the aggressive behaviours (verbal, physical, using own vehicle, and displaced). These results have important implications in the design of strategies focused on the improvement of emotion regulation to reduce aggressive behaviours in drivers. Finally, the limitations of the study are commented.  相似文献   

Twenty drivers were remanded to our treatment program by the courts following arrests related to serious aggressive driving behaviors. Ten additional drivers entered our program in response to our advertisements thus identifying themselves as aggressive drivers. Psychophysiological assessments were conducted on all 30 drivers and heart rate (HR), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), and skin resistance level (SRL) were measured in response to exposure to a mental arithmetic neutral stressor, two idiosyncratic, audio-taped, aggressive driving vignettes (audio 1 and audio 2), and one non-driving related fearful vignette. Fourteen non-aggressive driving controls also completed the assessment. The results indicated that the aggressive drivers (ADs) showed significantly more SBP responsivity during audio 1 and audio 2 and significantly less SBP reactivity during the mental arithmetic stressor than the controls. The aggressive drivers then completed a four-week, group intervention which included relaxation techniques specifically targeting aggressive driving behaviors. The same psychophysiological assessment was conducted at post-treatment. The results showed significant pre- to post-treatment decreases in HR, p<0.003, SBP, p<0.01, and DBP, p<0.02 during audio 1. Similarly, decreases were evident in audio 2 in SBP, p<0.03 only. No decreases in reactivity occurred during the neutral stressor or fearful situation.  相似文献   

Anger and aggression on the road have been pointed out as two of the main predictors of road accidents. However, while the emotional (anger) and behavioral (aggression) components of hostility have been deeply studied, the cognitive part has not received the same attention in this specific context. Thus, it is important to provide psychometric tools for assessing aggressive thoughts during driving, as the literature showed that cognitions play an important role in aggressive behavior. To this end, we asked Romanian drivers to answer three questionnaires: Driving Anger Thought Questionnaire (DATQ), the Driving Anger Scale (DAS) and the Driving Anger Expression Inventory (DAX), obtaining a total sample of 2133 answers. First, the psychometric properties of the DATQ were tested through a Confirmatory Factor Analysis, showing that the original 5-factor structure was maintained (Judgmental/Disbelieving Thinking, α = .93 both in men and women; Pejorative Labeling/Verbally Aggressive Thinking, α = .90 both in men and women; Physically Aggressive Thinking, α = .89 in men and α = .86 in women; Revenge/Retaliatory Thinking, α = .84 in men and α = .81 in women, and Adaptive/Constructive Expression, α = .84 in men and α = .82 in women). Then, we analyzed the mediation effect of angry thoughts between anger and aggression on the road, concluding that angry thoughts mediate this relationship. The main implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Fear and avoidance of driving are possible consequences of involvement in road traffic crashes (RTCs). Few studies have assessed the factors associated with fear and avoidance of driving after an RTC. The aim of this present study is to investigate the relations among trauma appraisals of fear, negative driving cognitions, fear and avoidance of driving in a sample of people who experienced vehicle crashes. Further, the mediating role of negative driving cognitions in the relation between trauma appraisals, fear of driving and avoidance of driving was assessed. The sample was comprised of 116 drivers who had been involved in an RTC in the past two years. Negative driving cognitions positively predicted fear of driving and avoidance of driving. Moreover, negative driving cognitions mediated the relation among trauma appraisals of fear with fear of driving and avoidance of driving. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Accidental falls in older individuals are a major health and research topic. Increased reaction time and impaired postural balance have been determined as reliable predictors for those at risk of falling and are important functions of the central nervous system (CNS). An essential risk factor for falls is medication exposure. Amongst the medications related to accidental falls are the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). About 1-10% of all users experience CNS side effects. These side effects, such as dizziness, headaches, drowsiness, mood alteration, and confusion, seem to be more common during treatment with indomethacin. Hence, it is possible that maintenance of (static) postural balance and swift reactions to stimuli are affected by exposure to NSAIDs, indomethacin in particular, consequently putting older individuals at a greater risk for accidental falls. The present study investigated the effect of a high indomethacin dose in healthy middle-aged individuals on two important predictors of falls: postural balance and reaction time. Twenty-two healthy middle-aged individuals (59.5 ± 4.7 years) participated in this double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized crossover trial. Three measurements were conducted with a week interval each. A measurement consisted of postural balance as a single task and while concurrently performing a secondary cognitive task and reaction time tasks. For the first measurement indomethacin 75 mg (slow-release) or a visually identical placebo was randomly assigned. In total, five capsules were taken orally in the 2.5 days preceding assessment. The second measurement was without intervention, for the final one the first placebo group got indomethacin and vice versa. Repeated measures GLM revealed no significant differences between indomethacin, placebo, and baseline in any of the balance tasks. No differences in postural balance were found between the single and dual task conditions, or on the performance of the dual task itself. Similarly, no differences were found on the manual reaction time tasks. The present study showed that a high indomethacin dose does not negatively affect postural balance and manual reaction time in this healthy middle-aged population. Although the relatively small and young sample limits the direct ability to generalize the results to a population at risk of falling, the results indicate that indomethacin alone is not likely to increase fall risk, as far as this risk is related to abovementioned important functions of the CNS, and not affected by comorbidities.  相似文献   

视觉表象是在记忆基础上产生的类似知觉的信息表征, 也是人们在日常生活中不可或缺的心理活动之一。本综述介绍了该领域中比较有影响力的表象计算理论模型, 并进一步归纳了视觉表象生成系统的成分及其对应的神经基础。分析结果强调了初级视觉皮层作为“视觉缓冲器”是生成表象的主要机能结构, 以“视觉缓冲器”为基础的表象生成系统的机能受多重因素影响。本综述有助于对视觉表象生成系统形成全面的认识, 促进视觉表象实质的进一步研究。  相似文献   

It is imperative to enhance the safety of elderly individuals on the roads to ensure the quality of their daily life. Near-miss incidents or accidents at blind intersections often result from a conflict between the behaviors of the driver and of other road users (pedestrians and cyclists). The failure to search for potential conflict in the context of blind intersections is a concern pertaining to road safety. The proposed assistance system performs a proactive braking intervention to achieve a referenced velocity in uncertain situations, such as one in which an unobserved pedestrian might initiate a road crossing. The proactive braking intervention attempts to manage the potential risk of crashing with respect to covert hazards. Because an automated system may impair a human’s ability to perceive and respond to hazardous situations while driving, this study was designed to examine the effects of proactive braking intervention and visual support cues on elderly and younger drivers’ ability to respond to information about potentially hazardous situations. We conducted a public-road driving experiment involving 108 elderly and younger drivers from two non-overlapping age groups. It was observed that the vehicle slowdown realized through the proactive braking intervention enabled the drivers to perform safety confirmation near blind spots and caused them to be more sensitive to and wary of potential hazards. This approach could be effective not only for elderly drivers, but also for young or inexperienced ones.  相似文献   

This study investigated the manner in which the driving performance of young people was affected by a collision warning system when they encountered a driver running a red light at an intersection. Furthermore, the causal relationship among driving performance, traffic factors and intersection accidents was examined using Path Analysis. Participants drove a driving simulator with an intersection collision warning system (ICWS) in a simulated urban area. The driving performance measures recorded were reaction time, speed, lateral position deviation and crash events. Experimental results indicated that drivers who drove a vehicle with an ICWS audio signal at an intersection had a shorter reaction time, a lower speed and a reduced accident rate than those observed while driving a vehicle without ICWS audio signal. Furthermore, Path Analysis showed that the ICWS had an indirect effect on accident rate reduction through improved driving performance. The location of intersection accident had both direct and indirect effects on the accident rate. The number of driving days per week had a direct effect on accident rate reduction.  相似文献   

Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) are expected to enhance traffic efficiency by driving at shorter time headways, and traffic safety by shorter reaction times. However, one of the main concerns regarding their deployment is the mixed traffic situation, in which CAVs and manually driven vehicles (MVs) share the same road.This study investigates the behavioural adaptation of MV drivers in car-following and lane changing behaviour when they drive next to a dedicated lane (DL) for CAVs and compares that to a mixed traffic situation. The expectation is that in a mixed traffic situation, the behavioural adaptation of MV drivers is negligible due to lower exposure time and scarce platoons, while concentrating the CAVs on one dedicated lane may cause significant behavioural adaptation of MV drivers due to a higher exposure time and conspicuity of CAV platoons.Fifty-one participants were asked to drive an MV on a 3-lane motorway in three different traffic scenarios, in a fixed-base driving simulator: (1) Base, only MVs were present in traffic, (2) Mixed, platoons of 2–3 CAVs driving on any lane and mixed with MVs, (3) DL, platoons of 2–3 CAVs driving only on a DL. The DL was recognizable by road signs and a buffer demarcation which separated the DL from the other lanes. A moderate penetration rate of 43% was assumed for CAVs.During the drives, the car following headways and the accepted merging gaps by participants were collected and used for comparisons of driving behaviour in different scenarios.Based on the results, we conclude that there is no significant difference in the driving behaviour between Base and Mixed scenarios at tested penetration rate, confirming our research expectation. However, in DL scenario, MV drivers drove closer to their leaders specially when driving on the middle lane next to the platoons and accepted shorter gaps (up to 12.7% shorter at on-ramps) in lane changing manoeuvres. Dedicating a lane to CAVs increases the density of CAV platoons on one lane and consequently their conspicuity becomes higher. As a result, MV drivers are influenced by CAV platoons on a DL and imitate their behaviour.The literature suggests that dedicating a lane to CAVs improves the traffic efficiency by providing more possibilities for platooning. This study shows that implementing such a solution will affect the driving behaviour of human drivers. This should be taken into consideration when evaluating the impacts of dedicated lanes on traffic efficiency and traffic safety.  相似文献   

The role of cognitive abilities regarding driver behavior is crucially important in the occurrence of traffic violations and preventing tragic motor vehicle collisions. Sustained attention is one cognitive ability that may contribute to safe driving behavior. The present study investigated the relation between sustained attention and traffic violations. One hundred and one Iranian male drivers (age: M = 37.17, SD = 8.37) with at least 2 years driving experience voluntarily participated in the study. Participants were categorized into two groups based on the number of driving rule violations they committed over the last 2 years (n = 48 clean record, n = 53 violators). Sustained attention was measured by performance on the Conjunctive Continuous Performance Task (CCPT). Four CCPT performance measures were computed: (1) Mean reaction time for correct responses (M-RT); (2) standard deviation of reaction times for correct responses (SD-RT); (3) percent of omission errors (failure to respond to target stimulus); (4) percent of commission errors (identification of a non-target stimulus as target). Results showed after controlling for age and education, there was a significant group difference on M-RT, indicating that individuals with no traffic violations had faster reaction times as compared to those who had 1 or more traffic violations. No effect of group on any of the other outcomes was present after correcting for alpha inflation. When assessing the effect of age and education, education was significantly related to average reaction time and percent of omission errors. No significant effect of age was apparent. Findings suggest cognitive function, specifically sustained attention measured with a laboratory-based measure, may be associated with safe driving behavior.  相似文献   


Measuring fear of failure (FF) is a tremendous challenge for researchers and practitioners because (a) existing measures have demonstrated limited support for the validity of their score interpretations, and (b) existing measures are unidimensional while accumulating evidence suggests that FF is multidimensional. The Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI) was developed to measures a set of empirically-derived congnitive-motivational-relational appraisals associated with FF. Results indicated that PFAI scores represented fears of (a) experiencing shame and embarrassment, (b) devaluing one's self-estimate, (c) losing social influence, (d) having an uncertain future, and (e) upsetting important others. Correlations with external measures of achievement goal orientations, trait anxiety, and social desirability were consistent with theoretical predictions. PFAI scores correctly classified 76.5% of participants' perceptions of underachievement.  相似文献   

Driver distraction is one major cause of road traffic accidents. In order to avoid distraction-related accidents it is important to inhibit irrelevant stimuli and unnecessary responses to distractors and to focus on the driving task, especially when unpredictable critical events occur. Since inhibition is a cognitive function that develops until young adulthood and decreases with increasing age, young and older drivers should be more susceptible to distraction than middle-aged drivers. Using a driving simulation, the present study investigated effects of acoustic and visual distracting stimuli on responses to critical events (flashing up brake lights of a car ahead) in young, middle-aged, and older drivers. The task difficulty was varied in three conditions, in which distractors could either be ignored (perception-only), or required a simple response (detection) or a complex Go-/NoGo-response (discrimination). Response times and error rates to the critical event increased when a simultaneous reaction to the distractor was required. This distraction effect was most pronounced in the discrimination condition, in which the participants had to respond to some of the distracting stimuli and to inhibit responses to some other stimuli. Visual distractors had a stronger impact than acoustic ones. While middle-aged drivers managed distractor inhibition even in difficult tasks quite well (i.e., when responses to distracting stimuli had to be suppressed), response times of young and old drivers increased significantly, especially when distractor stimuli had to be ignored. The results demonstrate the high impact of distraction on driving performance in critical traffic situations and indicate a driving-related inhibition deficit in young and old drivers.  相似文献   

Vehicle fleet rear-end collisions (FRECs) are an extremely fatal type of traffic collisions on freeway and they usually occur in foggy weather. This study aimed to explore the patterns of vehicle fleet rear-end collisions occurrence under different foggy conditions and speed limits on freeway. A multi-user driving simulator system was used to conduct the experiment and the driving behavior data were collected from eight participants. The experimental results showed that as the fog density increased, the length of vehicle fleet decreased significantly, and drivers tended to keep a more stable car-following distance. The fog weather and short vehicle gap prompted drivers to react faster and brake harder in respond to the leading vehicle’s brake. In spite of the compensational behaviors, more FRECs were observed under heavy fog condition. Lowering speed limit can significantly reduce the FRECs under foggy conditions. As the speed limits reduced, drivers’ brake response time and speed variance significantly reduced. The study also found that drivers’ brake response time was negatively correlated with their positions in the fleet. Drivers in the front positions of the fleet had a longer response time than drivers in the back positions and thus were more likely to encounter collisions. The study generated a better understanding of drivers’ behavioral pattern in a vehicle fleet and the patterns of vehicle fleet rear-end collisions occurrence. The findings also shed lights on the design of driver assistance system for complex driving situations such as freeway driving under adverse weather.  相似文献   

Due to the low quality of life (QoL) in patients with heart failure, many researchers attempted to find new ways to improve the QoL in these patients. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between QoL and religious attitudes of patients with heart failure. In this cross-sectional study, 130 male and female patients with heart failure were selected based on the inclusion criteria. Data were collected using 36-item short form Quality of Life and structured Religious Attitude Questionnaires. The average age of subjects was 59.50?±?12.29; also, 52.3% of them were female. A significant relationship was observed between patients’ QoL and their religious attitudes in mental (p?=?.03) and general health (p?=?.04) dimensions, but religious attitude had no significant correlation with physical health dimension (p?=?.66) and the total score of QoL (p?=?.30). At the end, it was concluded that religious beliefs can improve patients’ quality of life.  相似文献   

The introduction of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in the road transportation systems raises questions with respect to their interactions with human drivers’, especially during the early stages. Issues such as unfamiliarity or false assumptions regarding the timid and safe behaviour of AVs could potentially result in undesirable human driver behaviours, for instance “testing” AVs or being aggressive towards them. Among other factors, morality has been determined as a source of aggressive driving behaviour. Following previous approaches on moral disengagement, the current paper argues that moral standards during interactions of human drivers with AVs could potentially blur, leading to the disengagement of self-regulation mechanisms of moral behaviour. The study investigates the impact of moral disengagement on the intention of human drivers to be aggressive towards AVs. To that end, an online survey was conducted including a newly developed survey of moral disengagement, adapted to the context of AVs. Moreover, measures of personality, driving style, attitudes towards sharing the road with AVs and perceived threats were collected. A confirmatory factor analysis provided support for the concept of moral disengagement in the context of AVs. Moreover, relationships between personality, driving style and attitudes towards sharing the road with AVs were found, via a structural equation modelling approach (SEM). The results could have implications in the future driver training and education programmes, as it might be necessary to not only focus on driving skills but also on the development of procedural skills that will improve the understanding of AVs’ capabilities and ensure safer interactions. Efforts on improving attitudes towards AVs may also be necessary for improving human driver behaviour.  相似文献   

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