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Research on attitudes towards autonomous vehicles (AVs) shows variation across gender, age, and socio-economic factors. While previous research has emphasized specific features and qualities of AVs, little is known about how attitudinal factors shape AV acceptance across a range of AV “modes” from privately-owned AVs to AV taxis shared with strangers. With an online panel of 834 US-based participants, we examine attitudes towards AVs and sharing. An exploratory factor analysis establishes four attitudinal dimensions: technology acceptance, risk-taking, traffic regulation, and driving enjoyment. We estimate multinomial logistic regression models to examine the impact of these four factors on attitudes toward AVs, willingness to purchase AVs, willingness to use AVs as a taxi service, and willingness to share AV taxis with strangers. We find a complex relationship between psychological factors and AV attitudes. “Early adopters” of technology and those who support stricter traffic regulations are more likely to have a positive attitude about AVs, whereas those who avoid risky behavior were more likely to have a negative attitude instead of a neutral attitude. Similar patterns were found across models of purchasing, using, and sharing AVs. The results imply that people who support traffic regulations may perceive AVs as a safer transport mode than human-driven cars, while those who avoid risk-taking behavior may perceive AVs to be more dangerous. However, we find that a large fraction of the population is not yet ready to use an AV with no driver, and overall reluctance to share a ride in an AV taxi.  相似文献   

People frequently rely on explanations provided by others to understand complex phenomena. A fair amount of attention has been devoted to the study of scientific explanation, and less on understanding how people evaluate naturalistic, everyday explanations. Using a corpus of diverse explanations from Reddit’s “Explain Like I’m Five” and other online sources, we assessed how well a variety of explanatory criteria predict judgments of explanation quality. We find that while some criteria previously identified as explanatory virtues do predict explanation quality in naturalistic settings, other criteria, such as simplicity, do not. Notably, we find that people have a preference for complex explanations that invoke more causal mechanisms to explain an effect. We propose that this preference for complexity is driven by a desire to identify enough causes to make the effect seem inevitable.  相似文献   

The “teleportation test” is a unique question—used in some travel behavior research since the 2000s—to examine individuals’ perceptions towards travel time and affinities for travel. It gives people a hypothetical choice between teleporting or spending some time traveling. All studies (using different methods, including focus groups, interviews, and questionnaires) have consistently reported high teleportation preferences (about 70%). Yet, few correlates of teleportation preferences (especially sociodemographic and perceptual characteristics) have been investigated. Using data from an online questionnaire of 648 commuters in Portland, Oregon, this study investigated factors affecting individuals’ teleportation preferences. While generally representative of the area’s commuters, the sample did have higher shares of high-income workers and people using active modes or transit. Overall, 62% of respondents preferred to teleport than to spend some time commuting. Results from binary logit models identified actual commute duration, typical mode of travel, and “ideal” travel time (but no demographic attributes) as major predictors of preferences to teleport. As expected, people with longer commute durations had a greater desire to teleport, whereas bicyclists and pedestrians more often preferred to commute. People with longer ideal travel times had a greater affinity to commute and were less keen to teleport. Analysis of follow-up questions exploring reasons for respondents’ answers suggested that most “teleporters” were motivated by saving time to do other things, while most “commuters” found parts of their commutes to be enjoyable or productive. Findings from this study are consistent with related studies in implying that a teleportation preference does not necessarily represent zero ideal travel time or viewing travel time as wasted. Finally, this study discusses several travel behavior policy implications of the teleportation test, along with limitations and areas for future research.  相似文献   

Individuals attribute social status and personal image to owning and using a car (‘car pride’), which may interact with their travel behavior in complex ways. This study explores the multi-directional relations among car pride, car ownership, and car use for a sample of 1236 adult commuters in New York City, NY and Houston, TX. Applying multivariate structural equation modeling and incorporating instrumental variables, we find evidence of a feedback loop among car pride, car ownership, and car use. Our results suggest that an individual with higher car pride is more likely to own a vehicle, and, enabled with this ownership, use it more frequently. And individuals who use their car more frequently are likely to feel more pride in owning and using their vehicle.This exploration of causal multi-directionality in transportation attitude-behavior relations has important implications for behavioral research, model development, and policy interventions. For researchers, potential bidirectionality must be anticipated from the outset of research design and accounted for appropriately in modeling to address underlying endogeneity. For policymakers, our results suggest that there are multiple intervention points within the reinforcing cycle of attitudes and car consumption. Policies could directly target car ownership and use or could consider influencing behavior through attitude change.  相似文献   

The VBN (value-belief-norm) theory of environmentalism postulates that values influence pro-environmental behaviour via pro-environmental beliefs and personal norms. A few studies provided support for the theory in explaining pro-environmental behaviour in Europe and Latin America. Beyond these studies, the question remains to what extent the VBN theory can also explain pro-environmental beliefs, norms, and behaviour in other cultures. This study tests the VBN theory in Japan and demonstrates that, as expected, the more people endorse biospheric values, the stronger they believe that car use has negative environmental impacts, the more they feel responsible for the problems caused by car use, and the more they feel personally obliged to reduce their car use. In contrast, stronger hedonic and, to a lesser extent, stronger egoistic values were related to less strong pro-environmental beliefs and norms. Furthermore, support was found for the mediation effects of pro-environmental beliefs in the relationships between hedonic and biospheric value orientations and norms. The VBN theory explained the acceptability and expected effects of a car pricing policy on an individual’s transport choices, but less strongly than in previous studies. Interestingly, biospheric and hedonic values not only predicted adjacent beliefs, but also other beliefs and norms farther down the causal chain, suggesting that values play an important role in promoting sustainable mobility.  相似文献   

Cars overtaking cyclists have been identified as a source of crashes and subjective risk. Several studies investigated the passing distance for different road types. There has been less research concerning cyclists’ expectations concerning the passing distance at different road types. Thus, we aim at contrasting cyclists’ expectations about the passing safety for different speed limits and cycling infrastructures with the passing distances observed at corresponding urban road types. For this purpose, we show participants images of a predefined set of survey zones in a web-based survey, and ask them about the expected passing safety of cars overtaking them when imagining riding their bikes at these locations. We measure the observed passing distances at the same survey zones with a bike-mounted sensor. We find that cars meet the German legal minimum passing distance of 1.5 m in towns in only 30% of all observed events. In 30 km/h speed zones, passing distances at roads featuring dedicated cycling infrastructure (e.g. bike lanes, cycling boulevards) are decreased as compared to those featuring no cycling infrastructure. In contrast, people estimate that the passing safety on roads with dedicated cycling infrastructure is safer than without cycling infrastructure. This effect is even more pronounced on living streets. Situations where oncoming cars (e.g. living streets, ‘opposite’ roads) must be passed in close distance are apparently not perceived as particularly dangerous. Cycling tracks in 50 km/h speed zones increase both the observed passing distance and the corresponding expectations about passing safety. Taken together, the qualitative comparison of the two datasets implies that cyclists’ expectations about cars passing them in a more adequate and safe distance in streets with reduced speed limits and dedicated cycling infrastructure are not justified in light of the actually observed passing distances. Possible explanations for the contradicting patterns could be that cyclists prefer situations where space is explicitly dedicated for bikes, that they account for the anticipated car traffic volume, and that they assume oncoming cars as less dangerous to pass.  相似文献   


Despite work’s importance in people’s overall sense of purpose in life, several studies measuring momentary well-being find that people are very unhappy while at work. These studies have focused on workers in industrialized countries doing paid labor in the formal sector. For a large fraction of humanity, however, “work” is smallholder farming, tending cattle and collecting water and fuelwood. We measure momentary well-being with the Experience Sampling Method in a sample of 195 subjects in rural Kenya. Subjects were the household’s main water carrier; 93% were women. Each subject was asked to complete four ESM surveys per day over eight weeks. Results from 9559 ESM records show that subjects are indeed less happy “at work”, whether that work is paid or unpaid casual labor, paid formal sector employment, or resource collection. They are also less energetic, less sociable and in more pain. We also find evidence that subjects perceive themselves as less safe while working or traveling away from home. We find a statistically significant, though small, relationship between the intercepts in the model (individual-level average momentary well-being) and the log of household wages earned over the past two weeks. The relationship is stronger with wages earned by the subject herself.


Neighborhood built environments (BE) have been recognized as an important aspect that can, directly and indirectly, impact people with disabilities’ mobility. While many efforts have been made to improve the quality of BE, people with disabilities still perceive inequality in BE. The objective of this study is to identify the factors influencing people with disabilities’ attitudes toward BE that can facilitate or suppress their mobility, using exploratory factor analysis. This study specifically focuses on people with physical disabilities and people with visual impairments living in Austin, TX and Houston, TX metropolitan areas in USA. Data was gathered through an online survey. This study identified three factors from the sample: 1) barrier-free BE; 2) BE supporting safe travel; and 3) walkable BE. In addition, the factors were compared according to the respondents’ demographic information, such as income level, disability type, and private car use availability in households. Regarding income level, low-income individuals with disabilities perceived BE more negatively than their counterparts did. As for private car availability, people with disabilities who have no car in their households had a more negative perception of BE. However, no differences were found in the attitudes across disability types. This study contributes to understanding what BE factors are important for people with disabilities. The findings suggest the importance of establishing more targeted and prioritized strategies, considering people with disabilities’ neighborhoods and individual characteristics, for the improvement of their mobility.  相似文献   


Almost all participants in the debate about the ethics of accidents with self-driving cars have so far assumed moral universalism. However, universalism may be philosophically more controversial than is commonly thought, and may lead to undesirable results in terms of non-moral consequences and feasibility. There thus seems to be a need to also start considering what I refer to as the “relativistic car” — a car that is programmed under the assumption that what is morally right, wrong, good, bad, etc. is determined by the moral beliefs of one’s society or culture. My investigation of this idea involves six steps. First, I explain why and how the moral universalism/relativism debate is relevant to the issue of self-driving cars. Second, I argue that there are good reasons to consider accident algorithms that assume relativism. Third, I outline how a relativistic car would be programmed to behave. Fourth, I address what advantages such a car would have, both in terms of its non-moral consequences and feasibility. Fifth, I address the relativistic car’s disadvantages. Finally, I qualify and conclude my considerations.


In this study, the authors investigated the relationship between trauma-based “Christian rumination,” mindfulness, and focusing on God among an online sample of Christian adults (N?=?234) from the United States. Participants endorsed experiencing a range of traumatic events, including natural disasters, car accidents, the death of loved ones, assault, and abuse, as well as the tendency to continue to think about the event. Using structural equation modelling, results revealed that “Christian rumination,” consisting of trauma-related ruminations (e.g., “why” and “what if” questions about the traumatic event, questioning God’s availability in the midst of the traumatic event), was positively associated with attempts to focus on God as a form of religious coping, mediated by mindfulness skills (i.e., attention, present focus, awareness, acceptance). The authors conclude by discussing a manualized treatment approach in development, based on the empirically-confirmed theoretical model in the present study, along with study limitations.  相似文献   

Richard Almond’s paper challenges us to think deeply about the analyst’s impactful desires on the patient. My discussion considers different aspects of this impact: phallic, maternal, ethical. Specifically, I assert that Almond’s position in relation to the female patients he describes is more maternal, or “matricial,” than phallic. Chetrit-Vatine’s concept of matricial space is used to elucidate this point. Further, Almond’s paper asks us to consider seriously psychoanalysis as an ethics regarding responsibility for desire as it relates to countertransference and enactment. The specific desire I focus on is Almond’s desire for his patients’ love. Such as desire involves inherent clinical difficulties.  相似文献   

The U.S.‐led drone program has severe and wide‐ranging psychosocial and political effects on people in targeted areas. This article draws upon the author's interviews with people living under drones in Afghanistan to argue that drone surveillance and bombardment causes social isolation and self‐objectification. Interviewees reported that social gatherings, and any activities that involve nighttime travel, are shortened or avoided out of fear that drone surveillance will spot so‐called “nefarious activity” and bombardment will follow. Drawing upon feminist and postcolonial scholarship, the article contends that drone surveillance constitutes a form of psychological colonization. Civilians are frequently made to think of how they look to drone operators and change their behaviors accordingly—therein “self‐objectifying.” Narratives of “precision” warfare allow citizens of Western liberal democracies leading/supporting the drone program to avoid psychologically confronting these effects, while people living under drones face relentless psychological insecurities.  相似文献   

青少年对广告的态度及影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张红霞  王晨  李季 《心理学报》2004,36(5):601-607
通过对北京城八区11所中学的730个有效样本的研究分析,作者发现,北京青少年对广告的总体态度比较消极, 40.2%的青少年表示不喜欢广告, 27.9%中立,只有31.9%喜欢广告;此外,61.6%的青少年表示不信赖广告,24%中立,仅14.5%的青少年表示信赖广告。在对广告信念的因子分析中,青少年对广告“决策信息”功能表示基本肯定;对广告的“娱乐”、“购买体验”和“个人伤害”结果表示基本否定。此外,人口统计变量与广告总体态度以及各个因子之间有一定的关系。因此,要改变青少年对广告的消极态度,企业营销者需要从产品质量、广告表现形式、广告诉求内容等多个方面加以改善和提高。  相似文献   

Recently, scholars from a variety of disciplines have begun to investigate passionate love, sexual desire, and sexual behavior. Specifically, they have started to ask such questions as: “Why do young men and women engage in sexual liaisons?” “Why do they avoid such encounters?” Unfortunately, in attempting to answer such questions, scholars have generally focused on surveys and experiments within their own disciplines and have accorded scant attention to the discoveries of other disciplines. In this paper, we will begin by discussing three theoretical perspectives that have had the most to say about why young people seek out (or avoid) sex—cultural psychology, evolutionary psychology, and social psychology (where theorists often take a biopsychosocial approach). Then, we will (1) describe the many scales that have been used to assess sexual motives, and (2) review the multidisciplinary data which has been assembled in an attempt to answer the questions as to why people seek out (or avoid) sexual activity. Unfortunately, almost all this research was conducted by Western researchers, investigating the attitudes and behavior of young American men and women, who were heterosexual. (Alas, the wider-ranging data one would wish to consider is as yet only rarely available.) Through this multi-disciplinary synthesis, we hope to demonstrate the impact of culture, social experience, and biological imperatives in shaping young men’s and women’s motives for engaging in sexual encounters and provide a sort of “encyclopedia” of sexual motives measures and research for future scholars.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that Jacques Lacan fails to explain adequately how the subject, allegedly no more than an effect of signifiers in the Symbolic order, can take responsibility for her actions. I argue that the subject can find an appropriate measure for her actions in an awareness of the role her desire plays in her self- and world-constitution. I propose a measure derived from Simone Weil’s ethics of decreation: the subject accepts a “non-personal” symbolic understanding of herself that opens up space in her world of signifiers for all that is unknown, threatening, or demanding about the other’s desire. Lacan’s critics must therefore respond to Weil’s contention that ethics requires almost no “self” at all.  相似文献   

Almost a century ago it was first suggested that cars can be interpreted as tools, but consequences of this assumption were never tested. Research on hand-held tools that are used to manipulate objects in the environment suggests that perception of near space is extended by using tools. Literature on environment perception finds perception of far space to be modulated by the observer’s potential to act in the environment. Here we argue that a car increases the action potential and modulates perception of far space in a way similar to how hand-held tools modulate perception of near space. Five distances (4 to 20 meters) were estimated by pedestrians and drivers before and after driving/walking. Drivers underestimated all distances to a larger percentage than did pedestrians. Underestimation was even stronger after driving. We conclude that cars modulate the perception of far distances because they modulate the driver’s perception, like a tool typically does, and change the perceived action potential.  相似文献   

Is it Push or Pull? Recent Evidence from Migration into Bangalore, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Given urban areas contribute to more than 65 % of India’s gross domestic product (GDP), the sustainability of the rapid 8–9 % GDP growth India has experienced in the last decade, is dependent to a large extent on urban areas. With migration being one of the important factors contributing to the growth of urban population, we attempt to understand whether it is push (out of the rural area) or pull (toward the urban area due to its perceived benefits) which explains migration in India, taking the case of Bangalore, which has one of the largest proportions of in-migrants to total population. An examination of these factors is done using a primary survey of migrants in Bangalore. Using a probit model, we find that the lower the level of education of the migrant, the greater the importance of the push factors whereas with increasing level of education of the migrant, pull factors become more important in migration. Women are more likely to be “pulled” toward urban areas. We find migrants from within Karnataka are “pushed”. This suggests that nonfarm employment opportunities have to be increased, rural infrastructure improved, and the development of small and medium towns encouraged.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine what factors worried people as pedestrians in Kuwait. It aimed also to assess the correlation between perceived risk and worry and between worry and walking frequencies. The focus of this study was on urban college pedestrians as one of the most vulnerable population groups that suffered recently from many safety problems related to walking activities. This is relevant since most of the college’s students in Kuwait University are female (almost 90%). To do so, an online questionnaire was conducted to assess how respondents perceived risk and how worried they were when exposed to different hazards (traffic accident, harassment, and theft). Another online questionnaire was used to calculate the walkability index at different areas of Kuwait. From the results, it was shown that worry had influenced the pedestrian’s behavior as walking frequencies had dropped among respondents who had higher levels of worry. Cohen’s d showed a large difference in worry levels between those who walk daily and those who rarely walk. People reporting high levels of worry from experiencing accidents, harassment, and theft during nighttime were around 15 to 20% higher than those during daytime. The results from the second questionnaire showed that the area with the highest walkability index was Sabah Al-Salem as it was rated as the safest, the highest density of interesting businesses, and the best public transit area. These observations showed that major improvements are needed in Kuwait to increase the modal shift from cars to walking. In order to induce healthier lifestyles and improve the pro-environment by reducing the emissions linked to car usage.  相似文献   

The diffusion of electric cars can contribute to more sustainability in the transport sector, but diffusion rates in most countries are still low. We investigated motives for electric car adoption in German households from an environmental psychology perspective. The public debate focuses on rational aspects such as the purchase price or new technological demands (e.g., limited range and a new charging system). Psychological research on energy-related investment decisions in households confirms the relevance of rational motives, but additionally points to the importance of norm-directed motives (moral and social norms). We investigated the relevance of different motives in an online questionnaire with n = 220 members of German households interested in buying a new car. The questionnaire included possible rational and norm-related predictors of electric car adoption. We tested three action models to explain adoption intention: An adjusted technology acceptance model (TAM), an adjusted norm activation model (NAM), and an integrative model with predictors from both models. We analyzed the hypothesized models with path analyses. All models explained a substantial share of variance in adoption intention. The explained share of variance in the NAM was higher than in the TAM and comparably high to the integrative model. The results demonstrate the important role of moral and social motives for households’ investment decisions. Additionally, the technology’s perceived usefulness was an important rational motive. We discuss the context dependency of the results, as household members might have little knowledge about the new technology during the early stages of a technology’s diffusion process. The results strongly suggest broadening political support schemes, such as informational and image campaigns, as a way to more effectively foster electric car diffusion. More comprehensive assessments appear to be necessary in future analyses of electric car adoption as well as energy-related investment decisions.  相似文献   

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