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This paper describes the development and implementation of qualitative behavioural criteria in order to analyse the conduct of pedestrians and vehicles when they are required to interact with each other, with particular interest to street designs with elements of shared space. The new behavioural analysis technique is developed by identifying the fundamental principles that underpin existing traffic analyses, such as traffic conflicts techniques, and adapting those to a qualitative framework that describes the mindset and rationale of road users. The technique is then applied to a case study in London, using video data from periods before and after the redevelopment of the Exhibition Road site from a conventional dual carriageway to a modern design with some elements of shared space. With the main goals being to assess the pedestrians’ confidence and the vehicles’ tolerance/patience when forced to interact with each other, behavioural trends are related to instantaneous characteristics of the vehicle flow (vehicle approach speed and traffic density). The data produced are used to develop and validate qualitative behavioural relationships for pedestrian–vehicle interactions, as well as location-specific conclusions for the Exhibition Road site.  相似文献   

Automated vehicles (AVs) will be introduced on public roads in the future, meaning that traditional vehicles and AVs will be sharing the urban space. There is currently little knowledge about the interaction between pedestrians and AVs from the point of view of the pedestrian in a real-life environment. Pedestrians may not know with which type of vehicle they are interacting, potentially leading to stress and altered crossing decisions. For example, pedestrians may show elevated stress and conservative crossing behavior when the AV driver does not make eye contact and performs a non-driving task instead. It is also possible that pedestrians assume that an AV would always yield (leading to short critical gaps). This study aimed to determine pedestrians’ crossing decisions when interacting with an AV as compared to when interacting with a traditional vehicle. We performed a study on a closed road section where participants (N = 24) encountered a Wizard of Oz AV and a traditional vehicle in a within-subject design. In the Wizard of Oz setup, a fake ‘driver’ sat on the driver seat while the vehicle was driven by the passenger by means of a joystick. Twenty scenarios were studied regarding vehicle conditions (traditional vehicle, ‘driver’ reading a newspaper, inattentive driver in a vehicle with “self-driving” sign on the roof, inattentive driver in a vehicle with “self-driving” signs on the hood and door, attentive driver), vehicle behavior (stopping vs. not stopping), and approach direction (left vs. right). Participants experienced each scenario once, in a randomized order. This allowed assessing the behavior of participants when interacting with AVs for the first time (no previous training or experience). Post-experiment interviews showed that about half of the participants thought that the vehicle was (sometimes) driven automatically. Measurements of the participants’ critical gap (i.e., the gap below which the participant will not attempt to begin crossing the street) and self-reported level of stress showed no statistically significant differences between the vehicle conditions. However, results from a post-experiment questionnaire indicated that most participants did perceive differences in vehicle appearance, and reported to have been influenced by these features. Future research could adopt more fine-grained behavioral measures, such as eye tracking, to determine how pedestrians react to AVs. Furthermore, we recommend examining the effectiveness of dynamic AV-to-pedestrian communication, such as artificial lights and gestures.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to model the microscopic behaviour of mixed traffic (cyclist-pedestrian) interactions in non-motorized shared spaces. Video data were collected at two locations of Robson Square non-motorized shared space in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia. Trajectories of cyclists and pedestrians involved in interactions were extracted using computer vision algorithms. The extracted trajectories were used to obtain several variables that describe elements of road users’ behaviour including longitudinal and lateral distances, speed and speed differences, interaction angle, and cyclist acceleration and yaw rate. The road users behaviour was modeled as utility-based intelligent rational agents using the finite-state Markov Decision Process (MDP) framework with unknown reward functions. The study implemented Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) using two algorithms: the Maximum Entropy (ME) algorithm, and the Feature Matching (FM) algorithm to recover/estimate the reward function weights of cyclists in two types of interactions with pedestrians: following and overtaking interactions. Reward function weights infer cyclist preferences during their interactions with pedestrians in non-motorized shared spaces, and can form the key component in developing agent based microsimulation model for road users. Furthermore, the estimated reward functions were used to estimate cyclists’ optimal policy for such interactions. A simulation platform was developed using the estimated reward functions and the cyclist optimal policies to simulate cyclist trajectories for the validation dataset. Results show that the Maximum Entropy (ME) IRL algorithm outperformed the Feature Matching (FM) IRL algorithm, and generally provided reasonable results for modeling such interactions in non-motorized shared spaces, considering the high degrees of freedom in movement and the more-complex road users interactions in such facilities. This research is considered an important step toward developing a full Agent-Based Model (ABM) for road users in shared space facilities to evaluate the safety and efficiency of such facilities.  相似文献   

External human machine interfaces (eHMI) might contribute to an enhanced traffic flow and road safety by providing relevant information to surrounding road users. To quantify the effect of eHMI on traffic flow, the majority of studies required participants to indicate their crossing decision in an explicit manner, such as pressing a button. While this approach proved to be efficient, the transfer to real-world behavior is unclear. Here, we propose a more realistic, motion-based approach allowing pedestrians to actually cross the road in front of a vehicle in a virtual reality environment. Participants (N = 51) encountered simulated automated vehicles (AVs) in two scenarios. We investigated the effect of different eHMIs on traffic flow and road safety. Pedestrians’́ body movements were obtained using a motion capturing system with six sensors. Our approach was validated using a two-step procedure. First, we assessed crossing behavior and subjective safety feeling while approaching AVs with and without eHMI. Second, we tested to which extent objective crossing behavior matched self-reported safety feeling. For this purpose, we evaluated if subjective safety feeling can be reliably predicted from actual crossing behavior using a functional data analysis. The proposed motion-based approach proved a valid investigation method for eHMI designs. The results indicated that eHMIs have a beneficial effect on traffic flow and road safety. Regarding traffic flow, participants crossed the road earlier and felt significantly safer when encountering an AV with an eHMI compared to no eHMI. In addition, in situations in which only some of the AVs were equipped with an eHMI, participants’ crossing behavior and safety feeling became more conservative for encounters without eHMI, indicating higher road safety. Further, subjective safety feeling was significantly predicted from actual crossing behavior. These findings highlight that eHMIs are beneficial for pedestrians’ crossing decision, both from an objective and subjective perspective.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the effect of the elements of religiosity and faith on pedestrian behavior. The sample consisted of 1047 pedestrians who were observed at two busy urban intersections. The observations were conducted in three separate intervals at two busy intersections in Ramat-Gan (secular area) and Bnei-Brak (ultra-orthodox area) during the afternoon hours. Five activities were the focus of the observation: running a red-light, crossing where there is no crosswalk, walking along the road, failing to check for traffic prior to crossing, and taking a child’s hand when crossing. A Chi square test for independence was used to estimate the effect of location, gender and age. In the case of two-by-two cross-tabulation, Φ, the non-directional measure of association for categorical variables, was calculated. Findings indicate that males committed significantly more violations than females, and there is a negative correlation between age and frequency of violations. The younger the individual, the more frequently s/he commits a violation. Beyond age and gender as behavioral determinants, pedestrians in the orthodox environment committed violations about three times more frequently than those in the secular environment. Part of the robust difference found between the secular and the ultra-orthodox pedestrians, may be due to the fact that the age-related trend does not exist in Bnei-Brak. Age was related to the violation rate in Ramat-Gan, but not in Bnei-Brak. The following discussion relates to ideological, psychological and practical explanations of these findings.  相似文献   

Automated vehicles (AVs) are expected to improve traffic flow efficiency and safety. The deployment of AVs on motorways is expected to be the first step in their implementation. One of the main concerns is how human drivers will interact with AVs. Dedicating specific lanes to AVs have been suggested as a possible solution. However, there is still a lack of evidence-based research on the consequence of dedicated lanes for AVs on human drivers’ behavior. To bridge this research gap, a driving simulator experiment was conducted to investigate the behavior of human drivers exposed to different road design configurations of dedicated lanes on motorways. The experiment sample consisted of 34 (13 female) licensed drivers in the age range of 20–30. A repeated measures ANOVA was applied, which revealed that the type of separation between the dedicated lane and the other lanes has a significant influence on the behavior of human drivers driving in the proximity of AV platoons. Human drivers maintained a significantly lower time headway (THW) when driving in the proximity of a continuous access dedicated lane as compared to a limited-access dedicated lane with a guardrail separation for AV platoons. A similar result was found for the limited-access dedicated lane in comparison to the limited-access dedicated lane with guardrail separation. Moreover, the results regarding the empirical relationships between THW and sociodemographic variables indicate a significant THW difference between males and females as well as a significant inverse relationship between THW and the years of driving experience.  相似文献   

Although converting an intersection into a roundabout has been shown to result in fewer injury accidents for both motor vehicle drivers and pedestrians, the effect on bicyclists’ safety is unclear or even negative. This study focuses on roundabouts without bicycle facilities (i.e., mixed traffic conditions) and makes use of semi-automated video observation software with the aim of analysing bicyclists’ behaviour and safety on roundabouts with different diameter. Four urban roundabouts in Belgium are observed. Interactions between bicyclists and other vehicles are analysed using speed, lateral position and five indicators to describe the closeness of interactions (TTCmin, PET, T2 min, lateral overtaking proximity and minimum distance headway). Additionally, the lateral position and riding speed of bicyclists that are in interaction with other vehicles is compared with the behaviour of bicyclists that are not in interaction with other vehicles.The behavioural analysis revealed that regardless of the type of condition (free-flow bicyclists or different interactions bicyclist-car), bicyclists always ride faster on roundabouts with big diameter and slower on roundabouts with small diameter. Moreover, bicyclists ride closer to the central island on roundabouts with big diameter compared to roundabouts with small diameter for all the conditions analysed.The analysis of surrogate safety indicators (TTCmin, PET, T2 min) revealed that close interactions between bicyclists and cars are relatively frequent at both small and big roundabouts. The percentages of close interactions are more or less equal for roundabouts with big diameter (7.86% of observed interactions) and roundabouts with small diameter (8.24%). The analysis of the indicators to describe the closeness of interactions also showed that the closest interactions at roundabouts are all situations where the bicyclist has a leading role. The analysis of the most common types of close interactions revealed indeed that the most common close interactions are interactions where the bicyclist is entering the roundabout. The analysis of lateral overtaking proximity showed that bicyclists who overtake a car take smaller lateral overtaking proximities compared to cars overtaking a bicyclist. The analysis of minimum distance headway finally revealed that bicyclists who ride behind a car take smaller distance headways compared to cars driving behind a bicyclist.  相似文献   

There has been much discussion about how to obtain legitimacy at macro-level priority setting in health care by use of fair procedures, but how should we consider priority setting by individual clinicians or health workers at the micro-level? Despite the fact that just health care totally hinges upon their decisions, surprisingly little attention seems being paid to the legitimacy of these decisions. This paper addresses the following question: what are the conditions that have to be met in order to ensure that individual claims on health care are well aligned with an overall concept of just health care? Drawing upon a distinction between individual and aggregated needs, I argue that even though we assume the legitimacy of macro-level guidelines, this legitimacy is not directly transferable to decisions at micro-level simply by adherence to the guidelines’ recommendation. Further, I argue that individual claims are subject to the formal principle of equality and the demands of vertical and horizontal equity in a way that gives context- and patient-related equity concerns precedence over equity concerns captured at the macro-level. I conclude that if we aim to achieve just health care, we need to develop a complementary framework for legitimising individual judgment of patients’ claims on health care resources. Moreover, I suggest the basic structure of such a framework.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine the relative effectiveness of differently framed messages advising young car drivers to take part in a driving skills test. It was hypothesized that messages promoting such detection behaviour should be more persuasive when the message frame was compatible versus incompatible with the recipient’s level of perceived risk. It was also hypothesized that such effects would occur because the “feeling right” experience resulting from the compatibility effects based on regulatory fit could be transferred to the informational-assessment value of the proposed feedback. Consistently, moderate perceived driving skills (Experiment 1) and high perceived risk drivers (Experiment 2) found the driving skills test more valuable for assessment purposes after having read a loss versus gain framed message and consequently, were more interested in taking part in the test. Furthermore, low perceived risk drivers (Experiment 2) showed a reversed pattern of responses. Implications for message framing in the road safety area are discussed.  相似文献   

Motion information available to different sensory modalities can interact at both perceptual and post-perceptual (i.e., decisional) stages of processing. However, to date, researchers have only been able to demonstrate the influence of one of these components at any given time, hence the relationship between them remains uncertain. We addressed the interplay between the perceptual and post-perceptual components of information processing by assessing their influence on performance within the same experimental paradigm. We used signal detection theory to discriminate changes in perceptual sensitivity (d') from shifts in response criterion (c) in performance on a detection (Experiment 1) and a classification (Experiment 2) task regarding the direction of auditory apparent motion streams presented in noise. In the critical conditions, a visual motion distractor moving either leftward or rightward was presented together with the auditory motion. The results demonstrated a significant decrease in sensitivity to the direction of the auditory targets in the crossmodal conditions as compared to the unimodal baseline conditions that was independent of the relative direction of the visual distractor. In addition, we also observed significant shifts in response criterion, which were dependent on the relative direction of the distractor apparent motion. These results support the view that the perceptual and decisional components involved in audiovisual interactions in motion processing can coexist but are largely independent of one another.  相似文献   

Describes the application of a new analytical approach (derived from synergetics, a complex dynamic systems theory) to home observational data of mother–child interactions in average dyads and dyads with children referred for disruptive behavior problems at home and school (n = 11 in each group). Results show that (1) the two groups differed in their daily interactions in predictable ways, and (2) the most frequent patterns of interactions observed in the two groups brought them back repeatedly to behave in similar ways toward each other. The findings are in keeping with a body of literature on mother–child interactions. However, they add to it by providing multivariate, graphical representations of these interactions and by offering a conceptual framework within which to move from an observational to an inferential level of analysis. At that level, the transactional processes that are characteristic of functional and dysfunctional relationships may become apparent.  相似文献   

The introduction of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in the road transportation systems raises questions with respect to their interactions with human drivers’, especially during the early stages. Issues such as unfamiliarity or false assumptions regarding the timid and safe behaviour of AVs could potentially result in undesirable human driver behaviours, for instance “testing” AVs or being aggressive towards them. Among other factors, morality has been determined as a source of aggressive driving behaviour. Following previous approaches on moral disengagement, the current paper argues that moral standards during interactions of human drivers with AVs could potentially blur, leading to the disengagement of self-regulation mechanisms of moral behaviour. The study investigates the impact of moral disengagement on the intention of human drivers to be aggressive towards AVs. To that end, an online survey was conducted including a newly developed survey of moral disengagement, adapted to the context of AVs. Moreover, measures of personality, driving style, attitudes towards sharing the road with AVs and perceived threats were collected. A confirmatory factor analysis provided support for the concept of moral disengagement in the context of AVs. Moreover, relationships between personality, driving style and attitudes towards sharing the road with AVs were found, via a structural equation modelling approach (SEM). The results could have implications in the future driver training and education programmes, as it might be necessary to not only focus on driving skills but also on the development of procedural skills that will improve the understanding of AVs’ capabilities and ensure safer interactions. Efforts on improving attitudes towards AVs may also be necessary for improving human driver behaviour.  相似文献   

We studied how rewarding youth in residential care for publicly reporting positive social behavior influenced the social interactions and acceptance of their most socially isolated peers. Results showed that the intervention resulted in substantial improvements in social interactions by the previously isolated peers. Peer acceptance ratings also improved for 2 of the target youths.  相似文献   


Based on a genealogical analysis of documentary evidence, this paper explores the comprehensive technology of geo-political rule that was applied in the missions established and governed by the Society of Jesus in the territories of the Banda Oriental in South America, from the early 17th century to the second half of the 18th century. The interdependent knowledges and practices of the technology – its contested logics of universal conversion, its hard and soft geo-political techniques, its terrestrial-spatial subjectivities – as well as the resistances that opposed the technology’s operation are discussed and conceptualized. These conceptualizations are presented as contributions to the studies on colonial religious governmentalities. The conclusions highlight the relevance of governmentality approaches and meta-institutional analytical perspectives for the study of religions and space and religious geo-politics in past and contemporary societies.  相似文献   

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