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In three experiments with infants and one with adults we explored the generality, limitations, and informational bases of early form perception. In the infant studies we used a habituation-of-looking-time procedure and the method of Kellman (1984), in which responses to three-dimensional (3-D) form were isolated by habituating 16-week-old subjects to a single object in two different axes of rotation in depth, and testing afterward for dishabituation to the same object and to a different object in a novel axis of rotation. In Experiment 1, continuous optical transformations given by moving 16-week-old observers around a stationary 3-D object specified 3-D form to infants. In Experiment 2 we found no evidence of 3-D form perception from multiple, stationary, binocular views of objects by 16- and 24-week-olds. Experiment 3A indicated that perspective transformations of the bounding contours of an object, apart from surface information, can specify form at 16 weeks. Experiment 3B provided a methodological check, showing that adult subjects could neither perceive 3-D forms from the static views of the objects in Experiment 3A nor match views of either object across different rotations by proximal stimulus similarities. The results identify continuous perspective transformations, given by object or observer movement, as the informational bases of early 3-D form perception. Detecting form in stationary views appears to be a later developmental acquisition.  相似文献   

Quantitative opponent-colors theory is based on cancellation of redness by admixture of a standard green, of greenness by admixture of a standard red, of yellowness by blue, and of blueness by yellow. The fundamental data are therefore the equilibrium colors: the set A1 of lights that are in red/green equilibrium and the set A2 of lights that are in yellow/blue equilibrium. The result that a cancellation function is linearly related to the color-matching functions can be proved from more basic axioms, particularly, the closure of the set of equilibrium colors under linear operations. Measurement analysis treats this as a representation theorem, in which the closure properties are axioms and in which the colorimetric homomorphism has the cancellation functions as two of its coordinates.Consideration of equivalence relations based on opponent cancellation leads to a further step: analysis of equivalence relations based on direct matching of hue attributes. For additive whiteness matching, this yields a simple extension of the representation theorem, in which the third coordinate is luminance. For other attributes, precise representation theorems must await a better qualitative characterization of various nonlinear phenomena, especially the veiling of one hue attribute by another and the various hue shifts.  相似文献   

This article describes further evidence for a new neural network theory of biological motion perception. The theory clarifies why parallel streams V1----V2, V1----MT, and V1----V2----MT exist for static form and motion form processing among the areas V1, V2, and MT of visual cortex. The theory suggests that the static form system (Static BCS) generates emergent boundary segmentations whose outputs are insensitive to direction-of-contrast and to direction-of-motion, whereas the motion form system (Motion BCS) generates emergent boundary segmentations whose outputs are insensitive to direction-of-contrast but sensitive to direction-of-motion. The theory is used to explain classical and recent data about short-range and long-range apparent motion percepts that have not yet been explained by alternative models. These data include beta motion, split motion, gamma motion and reverse-contrast gamma motion, delta motion, and visual inertia. Also included are the transition from group motion to element motion in response to a Ternus display as the interstimulus interval (ISI) decreases; group motion in response to a reverse-contrast Ternus display even at short ISIs; speed-up of motion velocity as interflash distance increases or flash duration decreases; dependence of the transition from element motion to group motion on stimulus duration and size, various classical dependencies between flash duration, spatial separation, ISI, and motion threshold known as Korte's laws; dependence of motion strength on stimulus orientation and spatial frequency; short-range and long-range form-color interactions; and binocular interactions of flashes to different eyes.  相似文献   

Visual form identification at brief durations was studied under: (a) monocular presentation; (b) dichopic presentation where the same form was presented successively on noncorresponding areas; and (c) dichopic presentation where the same form was presented on corresponding areas simultaneously and successively. Form identification for noncorresponding area dichopic presentation was at the level to be expected from 2independent chances to perceive. Both simultaneous and successive dichopic presentation on corresponding areas gave identification accuracy significantly above the level predicted by the assumption of independence. However, the binocular summation was not complete. When the same amount of energy entering the visual system in a binocular presentation was given in a monocular stimulation, the latter condition gave significantly better identification.  相似文献   

Visual form identification at brief durations was studied under: (a) monocular presentation; (b) dichopic presentation where the same form was presented successively on noncorresponding areas; and (c) dichopic presentation where the same form was presented on corresponding areas simultaneously and successively. Form identification for noncorresponding area dichopic presentation was at the level to be expected from 2 independent chances to perceive. Both simultaneous and successive dichopic presentation on corresponding areas gave identification accuracy significantly above the level predicted by the assumption of independence. However, the binocular summation was not complete. When the same amount of energy entering the visual system in a binocular presentation was given in a monocular stimulation, the latter condition gave significantly better identification.  相似文献   

A conjoint measurement procedure is used for the measurement of binocular brightness as a function of left and right luminance inputs. For nonzero stimulation, the data confirm earlier findings: the system can be described as additive with a scale exponent of 1. If zero stimulation is included, however, no additive solution can be found (due to Fechner’s paradox). This fact, combined with various critical remarks in the literature with respect to the existence of a real luminance-averaging system, has led us to propose a model which takes account of Fechner’s paradox, and incorporates “realistic” exponents without requiring a multistage processing mechanism where different levels are characterized by different sensory scales. The proposed model makes the weighting coefficients for the two eyes dependent in a continuous way on the strength of stimulation in the two eyes, especially on the amount of contrast of the monocular stimuli. For zero background stimulation, contrast can be expressed in terms of luminance of the stimulus. In this way, the model is reduced to a simple testable form. While it much simpler than Engel’s (1969) model, the experimental results indicate that it might also work for the more general case.  相似文献   

Binocular processing of brightness information: a vector-sum model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relation between monocular and binocular brightness was examined. Clear evidence was found that the interaction between visual channels in binocular processing of brightness information implicates both an apparent averaging of monocular brightness when they are grossly different and a partial summation when they approach equality. A vector-sum model is shown to predict these properties. A nonmetric method was used to fit such a model to data from three experiments in each of which 15 subjects estimated brightness of binocularly fused targets. Magnitude estimation was used in two experiments, and cateogry ratings were obtained in the third experiment. When it was assumed only that subjects' responses were monotone with perceived brightness, estimates of the model's parameters from the data of the three experiments were almost identical, indicating that results from magnitude estimati;n and category rating can converge once nonlinear response functions are eliminated.  相似文献   

It is shown that assimilation and brightness contrast effects are evoked by structural aspects of patterns. In a pilot experiment, variously shaped gray patterns were used as stimuli. The backgrounds used with each of these shapes were identical: half black and half white. If the gray area against the black part was judged to be more black than the gray area against the white part, an assimilation effect will have occurred; when the reverse occurred, this was called a contrast effect. The task was to rank-order the stimuli on the assimilation-contrast scale. It is argued that the two effects are due to two different interpretations, each derivable from a different code of a pattern. The simpler the contrast code is with respect to the assimilation code, the more it will be perceptually preferred. In the specification of pattern complexity, structural information theory was used. A significant correlation was discovered between the theoretical preference for the contrast interpretation and the contrast preference of subjects.  相似文献   

Changes of annulus luminance in traditional disk-and-annulus patterns are perceptually ambiguous; they could be either reflectance or illuminance changes. In more complicated patterns, apparent reflectances are less ambiguous, letting us place test and standard patchesjnpxsurrounds perceived to be different grays. Our subjects matched the apparent amounts of light coming from the patches (brightnesses), their apparent reflectances (lightnesses), or the brightness differences between the patches and their surrounds (brightness contrasts). The three criteria produced quantitatively different results. Brightness contrasts matched when the patch/surround luminance ratio of the test was approximately equal to that of the standard. Lightness matches were illumination invariant but were not exact reflectance matches; the different surrounda of test and standard produced a small illumination-invariant error. This constant error was negligible for increments, but, for decrements, it was approximately 1.5 Munsell value steps. Brightness matches covaried substantially with illuminance.  相似文献   

Changes of annulus luminance in traditional disk-and-annulus patterns can be perceived to be either reflectance or illuminance changes. In the present experiments, we examined the effect of varying annulus reflectance. In Experiment 1, we placed test and standard patch-and-surround patterns in identical Mondrian patchworks. Only the luminance of the test surround changed from trial to triaL., appearing as reflectance variation under constant illumination. Lightness matches were identical to brightness matches, as expected. In Experiment 2, we used only the patch and surround (no Mondrian). Instructions said that the illumination would change from trial to trial. Lightness and brightness-contrast data were identical; illumination gradients were indistinguishable from reflectance gradients. In Experiment 3, the patterns were the same, but the instructions said that the shade of gray of the test surround would change from trial to trial. Lightness matches were identical to brightness matches, again confirming the ambiguity of disk-and-annulus patterns.  相似文献   

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