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Influence of imageability on hemispheric processing difference is studied in a lexical decision task with semantic priming. Homographs and ambiguous words were biased according to the prime toward their low or high imageable meanings and unilaterally presented in the visual field. A right visual field (RVF) superiority was observed; it was nonsignificant for the high imageable (HI) meaning but significant for the low imageable (LI) meaning of the ambiguous words. Thus the results seem to favor a bilateral hemispheric representation of HI words and a unilateral left representation of LI words. Theoretical implications of the results are discussed to the various models of ambiguous word access processing.  相似文献   

When two masked targets are presented in a rapid sequence, correct identification of the first hinders identification of the second. This attentional blink (AB) is thought to be the result of capacity limitations in visual information processing. Neuropsychological and neuroimaging evidence implicated the right hemisphere as the source of this processing limitation. We investigated this idea by testing a split-brain patient (JW) in a modified AB task. The targets were presented in the same visual field (VF), and thereby to the same hemisphere, or in different VFs. We observed evidence of an AB both when the targets were presented to the same hemisphere and when the targets were presented to different hemispheres. However, the AB was more severe when the second target was presented to the RH. Our results are consistent with the notion that the right hemisphere plays a critical, but not unique, role in limited-capacity visual processing.  相似文献   

Researchers using lateralized stimuli have suggested that the left hemisphere is sensitive to sentence-level context, whereas the right hemisphere (RH) primarily processes word-level meaning. The authors investigated this message-blind RH model by measuring associative priming with event-related brain potentials (ERPs). For word pairs in isolation, associated words elicited more positive ERPs than unassociated words with similar magnitudes and onset latencies in both visual fields. Embedded in sentences, these same pairs showed large sentential context effects in both fields. Small effects of association were observed, confined to incongruous sentences after right visual hemifield presentation but present for both congruous and incongruous sentences after left visual hemifield presentation. Results do not support the message-blind RH model but do suggest hemispheric asymmetries in the use of word and sentence context during real-time processing.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence show impaired right hemisphere function in depression. Lateralized simple reaction time tasks show impaired left visual field responses both in normals experiencing a depressed mood and in patients with mild unipolar depression. One interpretation for these findings is that depression impairs right hemisphere function by interfering with right hemisphere arousal and vigilance mechanisms. In order to test this hypothesis, subjects receiving either depression or relaxation mood suggestions performed an uncued reaction time task that has been shown to be sensitive to right posterior brain damage. Level of alertness was varied by contrasting uncued blocks with blocks in which targets were preceded by a warning tone. The results showed the predicted slowing of left visual field responses in the depressed mood, but only in women. The effect was significant only for the uncued blocks. The left visual field impairment was significantly larger during depression than in the relaxation state, but a smaller left visual field slowing was present in women in the relaxed state as well. These results may be consistent with the notion that depression interferes with right hemisphere function in part by influencing right hemisphere arousal mechanisms.  相似文献   

Twenty-two right hemisphere brain-damaged and 22 non-brain-damaged patients were given a multiple-choice recognition task which contained true statements, statements which were inferentially true but not actually heard before, and false statements. It was hypothesized that if right hemisphere brain damage disturbs the ability to comprehend inferences, these subjects, unlike their normal counterparts, would not falsely recognize true inferences as heard before. This hypothesis was not confirmed. However, the right hemisphere group was poorer than controls at rejecting false statements. This behavior was speculated to be a retrieval difficulty, which was exacerbated if the information contained spatial or semantically similar material.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the right hemisphere's contribution to lexical semantic processing is greatest when it is "disinhibited." Skilled reading may require the controlled modulation of interhemispheric interaction: the left hemisphere (or some other control mechanism) may regulate the subprocesses of reading by selectively "inhibiting" and "disinhibiting" right hemisphere function. Right-handed undergraduates concurrently performed two tasks: a lateralized semantic or rhyme task and a verbal memory task. It was hypothesized that right hemisphere reading processes would be disinhibited when the left hemisphere was "occupied" with the memory task. This hypothesis was supported for a subgroup of subjects who showed evidence of inhibition of right hemisphere function (i.e., left hemisphere dominance for lexical processing) when the lateralized semantic task was performed alone. Across subjects, there was a strong correlation between the degree of left hemisphere dominance in the single-task semantic conditions and the degree of disinhibition of right hemisphere function in the dual-task semantic condition.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out to investigate hemispheric asymmetry in color processing among normal participants. In Experiment 1, it was shown that the reaction times (RTs) of the dominant and non-dominant hands assessed using a visual target presented at the central visual field, were not significantly different. In Experiment 2, RTs of ipsilateral hands to lateralized chromatic stimuli revealed that the processing time was 17 ms shorter in the right hemisphere (RH) than that in the left hemisphere among the right-handed participants, whereas no significant difference was found among the left-handed participants. On the other hand, RTs to lateralized achromatic stimuli showed no such asymmetry among both the right- and left-handed participants (Experiment 3). These findings strongly suggest RH superiority for detection of color among right-handed individuals.  相似文献   

Right hemisphere EEG sensitivity to speech   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Recent speech perception work with normals and aphasics suggests that the right hemisphere may be more adept than the left at making the voicing discrimination, and the reverse for place of articulation. We examined this right hemisphere voicing effect with natural speech stimuli: stop consonants in pre-, mid-, and postvocalic contexts. Using a neuroelectric event-related potential paradigm, we found numerous effects indicating bilateral components reflecting the voicing and place contrast and unique right hemisphere discrimination of both voicing and place of articulation.  相似文献   

Speech production is inextricably linked to speech perception, yet they are usually investigated in isolation. In this study, we employed a verbal-repetition task to identify the neural substrates of speech processing with two ends active simultaneously using functional MRI. Subjects verbally repeated auditory stimuli containing an ambiguous vowel sound that could be perceived as either a word or a pseudoword depending on the interpretation of the vowel. We found verbal repetition commonly activated the audition-articulation interface bilaterally at Sylvian fissures and superior temporal sulci. Contrasting word-versus-pseudoword trials revealed neural activities unique to word repetition in the left posterior middle temporal areas and activities unique to pseudoword repetition in the left inferior frontal gyrus. These findings imply that the tasks are carried out using different speech codes: an articulation-based code of pseudowords and an acoustic-phonetic code of words. It also supports the dual-stream model and imitative learning of vocabulary.  相似文献   

Tachistoscopic studies of lateralization in bilinguals suggest that there is a greater degree of right hemisphere involvement in their processing of language than is typically found in monolinguals. However, most of the studies reviewed failed to control the sex, handedness, and degree of fluency of the subjects and did not include a monolingual comparison group. The present study used adult right-handed males (Portuguese-English bilinguals and English-speaking monolinguals) in a tachistoscopic word-reading task. In Experiment 1, the words from the bilinguals’ two languages were presented in mixed blocks, while in Experiment 2, they were presented in separate blocks. The results were: (1) a similar level of left hemisphere advantage for language in the bilingual and the monolingual groups, (2) no evidence of greater heterogeneity of asymmetry patterns in bilinguals, and (3) a significant correlation (r=.61) for lateralization levels of the bilinguals’ two languages. These results indicate that language is processed primarily in the left hemisphere of both bilinguals and monolinguals.  相似文献   

We described a 56-years-old man with a diagnosis of "non-fluent primary progressive aphasia" (NfPPA). An accurate neuropsychological, neurological and neuroimaging evaluation was performed in order to assess clinical and behavioural features of the patient. From a neuropsychological point of view, the patient showed a typical cognitive profile of subjects affected by NfPPA: a prominent language deficit, associated with impairments in several cognitive domains after three years from the onset of the symptomatology. The most intriguing feature is that SPECT revealed hypoperfusion in the right frontal cortex, albeit the patient is right-handed. This unexpected finding shows that NfPPA may arise not only from cortical abnormalities in the language-dominant left hemisphere, but also from right hemisphere involvement in a right hander (crossed aphasia).  相似文献   

Asymmetries of emotional facial expressions in humans offer reliable indexes to infer brain lateralization and mostly revealed right hemisphere dominance. Studies concerned with oro-facial asymmetries in nonhuman primates largely showed a left-sided asymmetry in chimpanzees, marmosets and macaques. The presence of asymmetrical oro-facial productions was assessed in Olive baboons in order to determine the functional cerebral asymmetries. Two affiliative behaviors (lipsmack, copulation call) and two agonistic ones (screeching, eyebrow-raising) were recorded. For screeching, a strong and significant left hemimouth bias was found, but no significant bias was observed for the other behaviors. These results are discussed in the light of the available literature concerning asymmetrical oro-facial productions in nonhuman primates. In addition, these findings suggest that human hemispheric specialization for emotions has precursors in primate evolution.  相似文献   

Laterality experiments using reaction time were conducted to assess the performance of the right hemisphere of normal people on verbal tasks. The results show that if the task calls for pictorial encoding of visually presented verbal material, then the right hemisphere's performance is superior to that of the left. When the task calls for linguistic analysis, the minor hemisphere displays no aptitude in dealing with the task. The latter finding is at variance with data from split-brain research. To reconcile these differences, it was proposed that language functions, though represented in the right hemisphere of normal people, are functionally localized in the left. When the control which the left hemisphere exerts over the right is weakened or removed, e.g., by commissurotomy, right hemisphere language is released. The application of this model to other neurological phenomena is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The frequency of various types of unilateral spatial neglect and associated areas of neural dysfunction after left hemisphere stroke are not well characterized. Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) in distinct spatial reference frames have been identified after acute right, but not left hemisphere stroke. We studied 47 consecutive right handed patients within 48h of left hemisphere stroke to determine the frequency and distribution of types of right USN using cognitive testing and MRI imaging. The distribution of USN types was different from the previously reported distribution following acute right hemisphere stroke. In this left hemisphere stroke population, allocentric neglect was more frequent than egocentric neglect.  相似文献   

We investigated the relative role of the left versus right hemisphere in the comprehension of American Sign Language (ASL). Nineteen lifelong signers with unilateral brain lesions [11 left hemisphere damaged (LHD) and 8 right hemisphere damaged (RHD)] performed three tasks, an isolated single-sign comprehension task, a sentence-level comprehension task involving simple one-step commands, and a sentence-level comprehension task involving more complex multiclause/multistep commands. Eighteen of the participants were deaf, one RHD subject was hearing and bilingual (ASL and English). Performance was examined in relation to two factors: whether the lesion was in the right or left hemisphere and whether the temporal lobe was involved. The LHD group performed significantly worse than the RHD group on all three tasks, confirming left hemisphere dominance for sign language comprehension. The group with left temporal lobe involvement was significantly impaired on all tasks, whereas each of the other three groups performed at better than 95% correct on the single sign and simple sentence comprehension tasks, with performance falling off only on the complex sentence comprehension items. A comparison with previously published data suggests that the degree of difficulty exhibited by the deaf RHD group on the complex sentences is comparable to that observed in hearing RHD subjects. Based on these findings we hypothesize (i) that deaf and hearing individuals have a similar degree of lateralization of language comprehension processes and (ii) that language comprehension depends primarily on the integrity of the left temporal lobe.  相似文献   

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