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The range and utility of the MMPI-derived MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale (MAC) and the Heroin Addiction Scale (He) was assessed with a large sample of drug addicts with and without concurrent alcoholism. Results indicated that addicts with a co-existing alcohol problem obtained higher MAC scores than addicts without a current alcohol problem. Opiate abusers scored higher on the MAC than non-opiate abusers. No such effects were observed with the He scale. The MAC is a particularly robust scale that taps generic substance abuse and may even be sensitive enough to detect alcoholism in drug addicts.  相似文献   

Compared to drug addicts without histories of suicidal attempt (n = 50), drug addicts who have attempted suicide (n = 50) were characterized by higher levels of maladjustment—particularly in the areas of depression, feelings of alienation, and use of projection and externalization—and were more emotionally withdrawn. Certain Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) codetypes appeared in the attempt group that were not present in the no history group. Drug addicts with suicidal ideation but no history of attempt (n = 13) were not significantly different from the other two groups, and their inclusion as a comparison group masked the real differences between the other two groups. The MMPI results suggest it may be possible to identify a suicide attempt group in substance abusers but not when contrasted with a suicidal ideation group. Treatment implications are considered.  相似文献   

Compared to drug addicts without histories of suicidal attempt (n = 50), drug addicts who have attempted suicide (n = 50) were characterized by higher levels of maladjustment--particularly in the areas of depression, feelings of alienation, and use of projection and externalization--and were more emotionally withdrawn. Certain Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) codetypes appeared in the attempt group that were not present in the no history group. Drug addicts with suicidal ideation but no history of attempt (n = 13) were not significantly different from the other two groups, and their inclusion as a comparison group masked the real differences between the other two groups. The MMPI results suggest it may be possible to identify a suicide attempt group in substance abusers but not when contrasted with a suicidal ideation group. Treatment implications are considered.  相似文献   

Fifty-nine female patients with anorexia nervosa were compared with 122 bulimics on their EPQ scores and an addiction score derived from the EPQ. The bulimics scored significantly higher than the anorexics on Psychoticism and Neuroticism, and lower on Social Desirability. They also scored considerably higher on addiction, and tended to be more like drug addicts.  相似文献   

Relationships of serum and saliva to personality were examined among 401 college students in four laboratory studies and 5,236 military veterans in one archival study. Among the students, there were few relationships between testosterone and traditional personality measures. Among the veterans, MMPI scores and DSM-III diagnoses showed testosterone related to drug and alcohol abuse, antisocial and generally intemperate behavior, and effective disorders. Consistent with social control theory, correlations were higher among veterans who were lower in socioeconomic status. It appears likely that testosterone has innate effects that are socially undesirable but can be attenuated by bonds between the individual and society. Effect sizes were small, suggesting that testosterone will have noticeable effects only in large populations or individuals who differ markedly from the population mean. Further research should focus upon antisocial correlates of testosterone and conditions that produce marked changes in testosterone levels.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the relationship between Rorschach determinants, MMPI scale scores, and pain reports in order to clarify the meaning of the MPI "conversion V" pattern among patients with low back pain. Study I showed that patients without demonstrable organic disease of the back produce Rorschach response summaries marked by lower F+%, lower Sum C, and higher F% than patients with demonstrable organic disease. Study 2 showed that only the increase in F% was associated with significant elevations of the MMPI Hs and Hy scales. The results suggest that elevated MMPI "conversion V" profiles are indicative of psychological disturbance among patients with low back pain. It is unlikely, however, that the disturbance is hysterical. Instead, the psychopathology is probably marked by tension and constraint rather than the over-reactivity of hysteria. The implications of these findings for diagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent statistical analyses of the relation of the MMPI surface traits to the source traits in the 16 P.F. were extended to (a) the calculation of beta weights for estimating MMPI scale scores from the 16 P.F. and (b) deriving the MMPI item composition in terms of 16 P.F. scores from the MMPI, and vice versa. It has been argued from the specific nature of surface and source traits that additional diagnostic insight can be gained from their comparison, a principle which has been designated as depth psychometry.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) measure, including the MacAndrew alcoholism (MAC) scale, and the Sensation Seeking Scales (SSS) to adolescents drug use across nine drug categories. Subjects were 51 male and 72 female high school students between the ages of 14 and 18 (mean age = 16 years, 5 months). The drug use/abuse measure consisted of adolescents' self-reports on the Segal (1973) Alcohol-Drug Use Research Survey. Drug categories included for investigation were alcohol amphetamines, barbiturates, caffeine, cocaine, hallucinogens, marijuana, narcotics, and tobacco. Scores from standard MMPI scales, the MAC scale, and the SSS were examined in relation to individual drug use outcomes, and multivariate procedures were used to predict polydrug versus single drug use patterns. Results demonstrated significant and meaningful relationships between personality measures and drug use among adolescents, with consistently strong findings for the SSS.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) measures, including the MacAndrew alcoholism (MAC) scale, and the Sensation Seeking Scales (SSS) to adolescents' drug use across nine drug categories. Subjects were 51 male and 72 female high school students between the ages of 14 and 18 (mean age = 16 years, 5 months). The drug use/abuse measure consisted of adolescents' self-reports on the Segal (1973) Alcohol-Drug Use Research Survey. Drug categories included for investigation were alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, caffeine, cocaine, hallucinogens, marijuana, narcotics, and tobacco. Scores from standard MMPI scales, the MAC scale, and the SSS were examined in relation to individual drug use outcomes, and multivariate procedures were used to predict polydrug versus single drug use patterns. Results demonstrated significant and meaningful relationships between personality measures and drug use among adolescents, with consistently strong findings for the SSS.  相似文献   

This study sought to expand scientific knowledge on psychopathic personality traits in female offenders by evaluating the relationship between MMPI–2–RF triarchic scales and self-reported external variables in a sample of 205 female offenders. Results indicated that boldness was inversely related to internalizing dysfunction, including suicidal behavior, psychosis, youth conduct problems, problems stemming from alcohol use, and a history of outpatient mental health treatment. Meanness was positively related to internalizing dysfunction as well as youth conduct problems, anger, prison disciplinary reports, and psychosis. Disinhibition was associated with a history of abuse in childhood, suicidal behavior, internalizing dysfunction, problems associated with alcohol and drug use, family history of mental illness, prison disciplinary reports for violence, number of previous criminal charges, and anger. Consistent with views of psychopathy as a configural condition, interactive effects of boldness with disinhibition and meanness were observed for multiple key external variables (e.g., conduct problems, substance use, nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior). This study provides further evidence for the triarchic conceptualization of psychopathy in female offenders and lends additional support for the validity of MMPI–2–RF triarchic psychopathy scales.  相似文献   

Psychoanalytic theory suggests that orality and being female are positively related to adopting a help-seeking stance in the world. This may result in inflated scores on self-report psychological tests. These hypotheses were investigated using Rorschach-based, oral-dependence scores (Masling, 1986), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) help-seeking F minus K index (Gough, 1950; Meehl, 1951), and the MMPI clinical and supplementary scales. High orals are found to be more likely than low orals to adopt a help-seeking response set which in turn results in inflated scores on a number of MMPI clinical scales. Contrary to stereotypes, women are no more likely than men to be help seeking or oral dependent. Several other significant findings, including that orality is positively related to MMPI Scale 2 (Depression) scores for women, not men, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Psychoanalytic theory suggests that orality and being female are positively related to adopting a help-seeking stance in the world. This may result in inflated scores on self-report psychological tests. These hypotheses were investigated using Rorschach-based, oral-dependence scores (Masling, 1986), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) help-seeking F minus K index (Gough, 1950; Meehl, 1951), and the MMPI clinical and supplementary scales. High orals are found to be more likely than low orals to adopt a help-seeking response set which in turn results in inflated scores on a number of MMPI clinical scales. Contrary to stereotypes, women are no more likely than men to be help seeking or oral dependent. Several other significant findings, including that orality is positively related to MMPI Scale 2 (Depression) scores for women, not men, are also discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine to what extent Mexican-American male and female psychiatric patients, who share similar DSM-III--R diagnoses, differ on the MMPI. Differences were found on the Infrequency, Masculinity-Femininity, and Paranoia scales, with the 39 men obtaining significantly higher scores than the 21 women. These results, while suggesting possible differences in the phenomenology of depression, also suggest that MMPI differences between Mexican-American men and women may be reflective of culturally-defined sex roles. These results, when taken within the context of Mexican-American MMPI literature, indicate that researchers should always attempt to account for "gender" when conducting cross-ethnic MMPI comparisons. The practice of grouping the MMPIs of Mexican-American men and women for comparison with other ethnic groups should be discontinued in favor of comparisons that consider the effects of gender and ethnicity.  相似文献   

When subjects attempt to fake psychopathology on the MMPI, scores on subtle subscales tend to be lower than those of nonfaking subjects. Our study hypothesized that this paradox comes about because the subtle subscales have no predictive validity, but their face validity for psychopathology is the opposite of the keyed direction for psychopathology. Subjects who attempt to fake psychopathology do so on the basis of item content and thus achieve lower rather than higher scores. Three groups of 80 undergraduates took the MMPI under regular, faking-good, or faking-bad instructions. As expected, faking-bad subjects scored significantly lower than regular subjects on the 100 most subtle items, and this was due to their responses to those. 73 of the items whose face validity was misleading. The results are consistent with other work showing valid uses of subtle items in detecting deception.  相似文献   

Results are presented of a sociodemographic and epidemiologic survey conducted between July-October 1988 in Tijuana, Mexico, among 3 subgroups believed to be at high risk of HIV infection. 383 female and 32 male prostitutes recruited at the Municipal Medical Services clinic in Tijuana, 376 male and 34 female prisoners recruited ate the State Penitentiary, 233 male homosexuals and bisexuals recruited in bars and other meeting places, and 11 drug addicts treated at a detoxification program were successfully interviewed. Although only 11 iv drug addicts were located and agreed to participate, 5 prostitutes, 85 prisoners, and 5 homosexual/bisexual reported histories of iv drug use. The homosexual/bisexual group was relatively younger and better educated,and had higher incomes than the other groups. The average age was 25.6 for homosexual/bisexuals, 29.5 for prostitutes, and 29 for prisoners. 82.7% of homosexual/bisexuals, 46.3% of prostitutes, and 44.4% of prisoners were single. Among prostitutes and prisoners, respectively, 6.5 and 25.9% were married and 22.2 and 18/5% were in consensual unions. The average number of years of schooling were 10.3 for homosexual/bisexuals, 5.6 for prostitutes, and 6.3 for prisoners. Male prostitutes reported the highest average number of sexual partners in the past year (261 +or- 341), prisoners reported the greatest frequency of iv drug users as sexual partners, and homosexual/bisexuals reported the highest frequency of receptive anal intercourse. 35% of respondents reported a history of sexually transmitted diseases. 36% of female prostitutes and 4% of prisoners reported using condoms regularly during vaginal intercourse. 25% of homosexual/bisexuals reported using condom regularly during anal intercourse. 31% of respondents reported having been tested previously for HIV antibodies,but only 41% of those knew the results. 72 homosexual/bisexuals, 56 prostitutes, and 126 prisoners reported having had sexual relations in the US. 80% of respondents reported consuming alcohol, 64% cigarettes, and 28% illegal drugs. The most frequently used illegal drug was marijuana. 68% of the 106 identified iv drug users continued to use drugs. The rest reported having used them since 1978. The introduction of HIV into these subpopulations has been slow but steady. Infection rates in this sample were .5% for prostitutes, 1.2% for prisoners, 11.6% for homosexual/bisexuals, and 1.9% for the 106 iv drug users.  相似文献   

Psychiatric patients with MMPI F>16 scores (E group) were matched with patients having similar diagnosis but F scores of 3-12 (C group) to assess personality characteristics of high F scorers. In Experiment I, E and C group Rorschachs showed no significant differences on formal scored characteristics. E group patients marked a significantly greater number of “obvious” than “subtle” MMPI items. In Experiment II, there was no significant E and C group difference in Rorschach aggressive content. Data from the hospital charts indicated that F>16 scorers had a significantly higher frequency of overt, actively directed anger and suicidal behavior plus a greater total incidence of hostile behavior across a variety of categories.  相似文献   

This study investigates the consistency between scores of the Harris-Lingoes subscales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the MMPI-2. College students (200 men and 200 women) were randomly assigned to either the original to original condition, where they took the MMPI twice, or the original to revised condition, where they took the MMPI and MMPI-2. Results indicate relative consistency in the item and normative changes between the Harris-Lingoes subscales of the MMPI and MMPI-2. These results suggest that the recommendation of a clinical significance score of T > 65 for the MMPI-2 scales should not be applied to the Harris-Lingoes subscales.  相似文献   

The authors present a didactic illustration of how item response theory (IRT) can be used to separate measurement bias from true group differences on homogeneous and heterogeneous scales. Several bias detection methods are illustrated with 12 unidimensional Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) factor scales (Waller, 1999) and the 13 multidimensional MMPI validity and clinical scales. The article begins with a brief review of MMPI bias research and nontechnical reviews of the 2-parameter logistic model (2-PLM) and several IRT-based methods for bias detection. A goal of this article is to demonstrate that homogeneous and heterogeneous scales that are composed of biased items do not necessarily yield biased test scores. To that end, the authors perform differential item- and test-functioning analyses on the MMPI factor, validity, and clinical scales using data from 511 Blacks and 1,277 Whites from the California Youth Authority.  相似文献   

In order to examine the effects that race and personality type have on self-reported drinking practices, samples of 49 White and 49 Black male alcoholics were matched on age and education, and classified into two personality types according to MMPI scores. The results of multivariate and univariate analyses of variance yielded significant main effects. White alcoholics reported a greater: (a) use of alcohol for symptomatic relief of psychological distress, (b) loss of motor control and tendency to engage in destructive acts, and (c) daily consumption of beverage alcohol than Black alcoholics. Alcoholics with psychiatric-appearing MMPI profiles reported greater: (a) social benefits of alcohol use, (b) alcohol use for symptomatic relief of psychological distress, and (c) perceptual distortions associated with alcohol withdrawal than alcoholics with characterlogical-appearing MMPIs. Results were discussed in terms of need to control confounding effects of biosocial variables in cross-cultural research and implications that these effects may have on the generalizability of alcoholic personality typologies.  相似文献   

In order to examine the effects that race and personality type have on self-reported drinking practices, samples of 49 White and 49 Black male alcoholics were matched on age and education, and classified into two personality types according to MMPI scores. The results of multivariate and univariate analyses of variance yielded significant main effects. White alcoholics reported a greater: (a) use of alcohol for symptomatic relief of psychological distress, (b) loss of motor control and tendency to engage in destructive acts, and (c) daily consumption of beverage alcohol than Black alcoholics. Alcoholics with psychiatric-appearing MMPI profiles reported greater: (a) social benefits of alcohol use, (b) alcohol use for symptomatic relief of psychological distress, and (c) perceptual distortions associated with alcohol withdrawal than alcoholics with characterlogical-appearing MMPIs. Results were discussed in terms of need to control confounding effects of biosocial variables in cross-cultural research and implications that these effects may have on the generalizability of alcoholic personality typologies.  相似文献   

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