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心房颤动(简称房颤)导管消融损伤部位多、手术时间长,术中及术后易出现血栓栓塞等并发症。房颤消融术后短期内停止抗凝治疗将面临极大的卒中风险,而长期服药又可能会增加出血风险。因此,优化围手术期抗凝治疗是减少房颤消融术血栓栓塞和出血发生风险的关键。  相似文献   

阵发性心房纤颤与持续性心房纤颤同样面临着缺血性脑卒中风险,而关于阵发性房颤是否需要华法林抗凝治疗是目前争论热点问题。阵发性房颤是否抗凝治疗使患者面临着严重出血或血栓栓塞风险。循证医学论证了阵发性房颤抗凝治疗必要性及风险性,并且由于阵发性房颤患者有着不同的脑卒中及出血风险,个体差异的绝对性和多样性客观上要求对患者进行风险/效益比评估,在循证医学基础上进行个体化治疗。  相似文献   

心房纤颤增加缺血性脑中风4倍~5倍,抗凝治疗可减少60%的缺血性脑中风,但是同时会增加出血的风险,尤其是脑出血。我国是脑中风,特别是出血性脑中风的高发国家,所以对于房颤抗凝的临床决策往往偏保守,造成我国房颤患者抗凝比例很低。本文就如何在我国房颤患者中进行抗凝提出意见。  相似文献   

抗血小板联合抗凝治疗可以降低冠心病二级预防治疗的残余心血管风险,利伐沙班是一种口服Xa因子直接抑制剂。ATLAS ACS 2-TIMI 46研究、ATLAS ACS 2-TIMI 51研究提示ACS患者在常规抗血小板治疗基础上联合小剂量利伐沙班可以降低心血管事件风险,同时不增加致死性出血的风险。COMPASS研究提示稳定性冠心病患者应用利伐沙班2.5mg bid联合阿司匹林心源性死亡、卒中、心肌梗死发生率更低,但严重出血风险增加。房颤合并冠心病PCI术的患者应依据出血、缺血事件风险选择不同的抗栓策略。本文回顾了利伐沙班在冠心病治疗中的相关临床研究及指南推荐,为临床决策提供参考。  相似文献   

探讨老年综合评估(CGA)及干预对高龄非瓣膜性房颤(NVAF)患者华法林抗凝疗效及安全性的影响。选择年龄≥80岁、接受华法林抗凝治疗的NVAF住院患者158例,随机分成两组:试验组75例,进行华法林抗凝治疗同时行CGA及针对性干预,对照组83例,仅进行华法林抗凝治疗,随访12个月~24个月。主要观察终点为栓塞及出血事件发生率。结果显示,总栓塞发生率及总出血发生率试验组分别为3.23%、4.84%,对照组分别为15.1%、26.4%,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);提示常见老年综合征的评估与干预可提高高龄NVAF患者华法林抗凝治疗的有效性及减少出血风险。  相似文献   

心房纤颤增加缺血性脑中风4倍~5倍,抗凝治疗可减少60%的缺血性脑中风,但是同时会增加出血的风险,尤其是脑出血.我国是脑中风,特别是出血性脑中风的高发国家,所以对于房颤抗凝的临床决策往往偏保守,造成我国房颤患者抗凝比例很低.本文就如何在我国房颤患者中进行抗凝提出意见.  相似文献   

老年人群房颤发病率高,缺血性脑卒中风险大,又是抗凝治疗导致出血的高危人群,因此要大胆地选择华法林抗凝治疗,并小心地严密监测INR值(1.6~2.5),严格控制其他出血危险因素.老年房颤心律失常的治疗重在个体化,重在改善症状,首选控制心室率;发作时血流动力学不稳定且药物不能满意地控制心室率时才选择复律治疗;症状明显而药物疗效欠佳患者可选择导管消融治疗.  相似文献   

对511名初二年级的流动儿童(平均年龄:14.37±0.78岁)及其家长进行问卷调查,考察累积情境风险与流动儿童主观幸福感的关系,及自尊、心理弹性和情绪调节等个体保护因子的作用方式差异及累积效应。结果发现:(1)累积情境风险负向预测流动儿童主观幸福感,各领域风险预测作用由大到小依次是家庭关系风险、同伴风险和学校风险,家庭社会经济地位风险预测作用不显著;(2)自尊在各领域风险与主观幸福感的关系中均发挥补偿效应;心理弹性在同伴、学校领域风险中发挥补偿效应,在家庭关系领域风险中发挥保护效应;情绪调节仅在同伴领域风险中发挥保护效应;(3)个体面临的风险数越多,具备的保护因子数越少,流动儿童主观幸福感越低。  相似文献   

了解住院患者华法林的抗凝现状,分析临床用药特点,为临床药师开展抗凝治疗管理提供参考。调查笔者所在医院2016年6月~12月399例华法林抗凝患者住院期间的抗凝现状,并对调查结果进行统计分析。笔者所在医院华法林主要用于非瓣膜性房颤、静脉血栓防治及心脏瓣膜病等;国际标准化比值(INR)低于2.0的病例占53.28%,INR在2.0~3.0范围的病例占32.48%,华法林达标剂量范围0.375mg~7.250mg,个体差异达20倍;56.28%的患者重叠用低分子肝素桥接抗凝,仅5.76%患者达标后2天停用;出血并发症发生率为3.26%,其中46.15%患者出血时INR大于3。华法林临床应用不够规范,INR达标率偏低,积极开展抗凝药物治疗的规范化管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在健康医疗领域,风险认知是预测医疗决策和健康行为的重要因素.而非专业人士的风险认知不仅受到风险性质的影响,还受到风险信息的框架、载体、认知定势、以及个体的认知方式、动机、情感等因素的影响.临床咨询和医患交流应通过一定的策略来提高风险沟通的效果,降低医疗风险.  相似文献   

针对冠心病和(或)2型糖尿病患者,已有许多有效的防治措施。然而,尽管接受了当前的标准治疗,这类患者仍会反复发生许多大血管和微血管事件,这种现象称之为血管剩留风险。有许多因素影响血管剩留风险的存在,其中最为重要的是致动脉粥样硬化性血脂异常。因此,采取积极的全面干预措施如改善生活方式、联合降脂以改善所有的脂质异常指标,是最大程度降低血管剩留风险的动向。  相似文献   

高血压作为心血管事件的重要危险因素,长期发展可导致重要器官的损害及心脑血管事件的发生。目前提倡理想的降压药物除了具有良好的降压作用外,应当具有一定的器官保护作用,降压的获益体现在对器官的保护及对心脑血管事件的降低方面。  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to examine the role of vital exhaustion in predicting the recurrence of vascular events.


The sample comprised of 816 individuals (65.3% female, Mage = 43.2 years, SD = 14.7 years), 395 (48.4%) of whom reported treatment for the reoccurrence of a vascular event during the four-year follow-up period. Concurrent effects of baseline vital exhaustion (measured by a shortened version of the Maastricht Questionnaire), depression (assessed by a shortened version of the BDI), anxiety (assessed by the HADS), and hostility (assessed by a shortened version of the Cook-Medley Hostility Scale) in predicting the recurrence of T2 vascular events were examined. The analyses were also controlled for traditional risk factors, such as age, education, body mass index, smoking, alcohol use, and lack of physical activity.


The regression analyses showed that vital exhaustion scores significantly predicted the reoccurrence of vascular events even after controlling for all covariates. None of the other psychological predictors (depression, anxiety, and hostility) was significant in the final model.


These results suggest that despite the partial conceptual overlap with several similar constructs, vital exhaustion is a distinct phenomenon that deserves consideration when planning and implementing interventions to reduce the risk of vascular diseases.  相似文献   

高血压的治疗中降压是最重要的原则,降压达标可以带来心血管事件的下降已是不争的事实。流行病学调查证实动脉功能是心血管事件的独立预测因子。动脉功能的评价不仅可以筛查高危人群,还可作为降压质量评价的指标,临床研究已证实其意义。未来的高血压治疗领域,除监测血压外,可能需要监测和评估动脉功能。  相似文献   

For some researchers, the relationship between prevalent cardiovascular risk factors and late-life cognitive decline is not worthy of further study. It is already known that effective treatment of vascular risk factors lowers risk of such major outcomes as stroke and heart attack, the argument goes; thus, any new information about the relationship between vascular risk factors and another major outcome - late-life cognitive decline-- is unlikely to have an impact on clinical practice. The purpose of this review is to probe the logic of this argument by focusing on what is known, and what is not known, about the relationship between vascular risk factors and late-life cognitive decline. The unknowns are substantial: in particular, there is relatively little evidence that current vascular risk factor treatment protocols are adequate to prevent late-life cognitive decline or the clinically silent brain injury that precedes it. In addition, there is relatively little understanding of which factors lead to differential vulnerability or resilience to the effects of vascular risk factors on silent brain injury. Differential effects of different classes of treatments are similarly unclear. Finally, there is limited understanding of the impact of clinically-silent neurodegenerative disease processes on cerebrovascular processes. Further study of the relationships among vascular risk factors, brain injury, and late-life cognitive decline could have a major impact on development of new vascular therapies and on clinical management of vascular risk factors, and there are promising avenues for future research in this direction.  相似文献   

为探讨APCD2评分法在短暂性脑缺血发作(T1A)后脑卒中发生风险的预测价值,选择发病48小时内的颈内动脉系统TIA患者112例进行ABCD2评定并分为0分、低危、中危、高危组并随访6个月。结果显示,高危组血管狭窄和软斑块程度较0分组、低危组、中危组显著严重;7天时高危组较中危、低危组卒中发生率显著增高;30天、60天...  相似文献   

To encourage appropriate use of driving automation, we need to understand and monitor driver’s trust and risk perception. We examined (1) how trust and perceived risk are affected by automation, driving conditions and experience and (2) how well perceived risk can be inferred from behaviour and physiology at three levels: over traffic conditions, aggregated risk events, and individual risk events.30 users with and without automation experience drove a Toyota Corolla with driving support. Safety attitude, subjective ratings, behaviour and physiology were examined.Driving support encouraged a positive safety attitude and active driver involvement. It reduced latent hazards while maintaining saliently perceived risks. Drivers frequently overruled lane centring (3.1 times/minute) and kept their feet on or above the pedals using ACC (65.8% of time). They comfortably used support on curvy motorways and monotonic and congested highways but less in unstable traffic and on roundabouts. They trusted the automation 65.4%, perceived 36.0% risk, acknowledged the need to monitor and would not engage in more secondary tasks than during manual driving.Trust-in situation reduced 2.0% when using automation. It was 8.2% higher than trust-in-automation, presumably due to driver self-confidence. Driving conditions or conflicts between driver and automation did not affect trust-in-automation.At the traffic condition level, physiology showed weak and partially counter-intuitive effects. For aggregated risk events, skin conductance had the clearest response but was discernible from baseline in  < 50%. Pupil dilation and heart rate only increased with strong braking and active lane departure assist. For individual risk events, a CNN classifier could not identify risk events from physiology. We conclude that GSR, heart rate and pupil dilation respond to perceived risk, but lack specificity to monitor it on individual events.  相似文献   

为了增强对脑室系统的血管畸形的认识,回顾性总结24例脑室系统的血管畸形的基本临床资料。结果显示,除1例静脉畸形外,其余23例均接受手术,21例全切,2例部分切除,病理证实海绵状血管瘤13例,AVM10例,其中死亡1例。提示脑室系统血管畸形发病率低,出血及脑积水多见,手术切除是海绵状血管瘤和AVM的最佳选择,而静脉畸形应予保留。  相似文献   

The distinction between Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia, the two most common types of dementia, has been undermined by recent advances in epidemiologic, clinical, imaging, and neuropathological studies. Cardiovascular risk factors, traditionally regarded as distinguishing criteria between the two entities, have been shown to be associated with both AD and vascular dementia. In this article, we propose mechanisms of action of cardiovascular risk factors in AD, suggest possible explanations for the overlap with vascular dementia and discuss the implications this might have on future differential diagnosis, research, and treatment strategies.  相似文献   

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