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由于甲亢的一些症状和体征类似于正常妊娠中发生的正常生理变化,且孕期甲亢及其治疗对妊娠结果和胎儿可能的不良影响,所以给孕期甲亢的诊疗带来困难.孕期甲亢息者应尽快接受抗甲状腺药物(antitlayroid drugs,ATD)的治疗并应经常接受胎儿和孕妇甲亢及甲减征象的监测.孕妇和围产期的并发症发生率直接与母亲甲亢的控制有关,应对所有甲亢妇女进行促甲状腺受体抗体(thyrotrophin receptor antibody,TRAb)的评估.所有妊娠剧吐患者均应测定甲状腺功能,少数妊娠剧吐短暂甲亢孕妇需ATD治疗.  相似文献   

临床上约有1%~2%的孕妇在孕期接受非产科手术麻醉;因孕期生理改变和手术麻醉对孕妇、胎儿的影响,加之妊娠合并心脏病、糖尿病等特殊病例以及现代腔镜手术、无痛人流特殊技术等复杂因素,为确保孕妇与胎儿安全,术前充分的评估、恰当的麻醉方法、药物选择与术中调控是我们必须重视与思考的课题。  相似文献   

临床上约有1%~2%的孕妇在孕期接受非产科手术麻醉;因孕期生理改变和手术麻醉对孕妇、胎儿的影响,加之妊娠合并心脏病、糖尿病等特殊病例以及现代腔镜手术、无痛人流特殊技术等复杂因素,为确保孕妇与胎儿安全,术前充分的评估、恰当的麻醉方法、药物选择与术中调控是我们必须重视与思考的课题.  相似文献   

甲状腺激素是胎儿发育的重要激素,妊娠合并Graves'病(GD)使得妊娠更加复杂化,而孕期甲状腺发生生理性变化,使孕期甲状腺疾病的诊断异于非妊娠妇女。本文就妊娠对GD发生风险的影响、早孕期甲状腺功能的变化及对甲亢诊断的影响,妊娠期GD的诊断和抗甲状腺药物的选择、孕前咨询及合并GD妇女的胎儿甲亢和甲减的风险做一综述。结合最新的研究结果,尤其指出,抗甲状腺药物在特殊的早孕周使用可能增加新生儿出生缺陷风险,这对于有怀孕打算的GD患者需要考虑在内。  相似文献   

探索产科领域的百慕大之谜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)往往在妊娠晚期发生胎儿猝死,但机制尚不清楚.孕妇和胎儿体内高浓度胆汁酸水平是ICP的显著临床特点.胆汁酸对实验动物心肌细胞具有毒性作用.深入研究胆汁酸对胎儿心脏的毒性作用,有可能揭示胎儿死亡之谜.  相似文献   

丁雪辰  桑标李 丹 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1146-1152
亲子关系并不仅仅始于出生之后,在怀孕期间孕妇就开始建立与胎儿的关系。母亲-胎儿关系是孕妇在怀孕期间对胎儿所产生的一种对胎儿的认知表征、投入的情感以及与胎儿的互动的关系,具有重要的理论与实践意义。目前用于测量母亲-胎儿关系水平的主要工具为母亲-胎儿依恋量表,母亲孕期依恋量表以及胚胎依恋量表。多种因素会对母亲-胎儿关系产生影响,主要包括孕妇年龄、文化等人口学因素,孕周、孕期检查等怀孕相关因素,以及人格特点、心理健康、社会支持等心理社会因素。未来研究要对研究方法进行整合、更多关注父亲-胎儿关系的发展特点,并尝试探索干预措施来提高这种亲子关系的质量。  相似文献   

早孕期诊断是早期诊断的一部分。将新方法应用于早孕期诊断时,应考虑其成本效益问题。早孕期咨询应注意孕妇的年龄特征、个体化诊断和社会伦理学问题,正确诠释诊断结果,让孕妇及其配偶共同参与诊断。  相似文献   

用问卷调查法对上海市403名单胎、孕周在24~33周的孕妇进行研究,探讨怀孕过程中孕妇经历的生活事件和妊娠压力的关系,以及孕妇的心理健康状况和丈夫支持在其中所起的作用。结果表明:(1)怀孕计划的主效应显著,孕龄的主效应不显著,怀孕计划和孕龄的交互作用显著;妊娠压力在怀孕计划上的主效应显著,意外怀孕的孕妇的妊娠压力显著高于计划怀孕的孕妇的妊娠压力;(2)怀孕过程中孕妇经历的生活事件与妊娠压力呈显著正相关,与孕妇的心理健康呈显著负相关;(3)孕妇的心理健康状况在生活事件和妊娠压力的关系中起部分中介效应,即生活事件部分通过孕妇的心理健康状况影响孕妇的妊娠压力;而丈夫支持则对孕妇心理健康的中介效应起调节作用,当丈夫支持高时,心理健康状况越好的孕妇,其妊娠压力越低,心理健康状况对孕妇妊娠压力预测显著;当丈夫支持低时,心理健康状况对妊娠压力的预测不显著。  相似文献   

早孕期诊断是早期诊断的一部分.将新方法应用于早孕期诊断时,应考虑其成本效益问题.早孕期咨询应注意孕妇的年龄特征、个体化诊断和社会伦理学问题,正确诠释诊断结果,让孕妇及其配偶共同参与诊断.  相似文献   

妊娠期睡眠障碍指在妊娠期发生的睡眠形态和行为的紊乱,它已经成为影响孕妇生理、心理等问题的重要危险因素.本文主要从妊娠期睡眠障碍的概念、发生率、引起妊娠期睡眠障碍的原因、睡眠障碍对母亲、胎儿和妊娠结局的影响及睡眠障碍的干预措施等几个方面进行了综述.  相似文献   

Research indicates a higher prevalence of attention deficits in children exposed to HG in utero compared to controls with some claiming that the deficit is due to prenatal effects of malnutrition in HG mothers and others that it is due to maternal mental health after birth. The current study examines the effect of hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) diagnosis during pregnancy on infant attention controlling for maternal stress, depression anxiety and attachment. Thirty-eight infants mean age 4 months were videotaped with their mothers (19 mothers with a hyperemesis diagnosis and 19 controls) during play with a soft toy and looking at a picture book. Infant attention was operationalized as gaze direction towards the play activity, mother, and ‘distracted’ (indicated by looking away from play or mother). Mothers completed stress, depression, anxiety, and attachment questionnaires. HG exposed infants attended for significantly less time during play with a book or soft toy compared to controls. Maternal stress, depression, anxiety, and attachment did not differ in HG mothers and controls. Infant ability to attend to the toy, book, mother or being distracted did not relate to maternal postnatal attachment, or mental health. These results suggest that the prenatal environment, especially exposure to HG might be associated with reduced infant attention abilities independent of maternal postnatal health.  相似文献   

Niederhofer showed in 1994 that maternal stress during pregnancy seemed associated with development of personality in early childhood. This study examined the correlation between maternal stress during pregnancy for 121 women, its ultrasound objectivation by observation of intrauterine fetal movements, child's temperament in early childhood, and child's marks at the age of 6 years while controlling for possible confounding variables. Only intrauterine fetal movements were not associated either with stress during pregnancy or early personality.  相似文献   

Pregnancy has frequently been described as a time of affective well-being. However, a growing literature suggests that women are neither "protected" against new-onset or recurrence of depression during this time. Diagnosis and effective treatment of depression during pregnancy requires a careful weighing of risk of treatment which may include psychotropic medications against the risks associated with failure to adequately manage affective distress and its potential impact of maternal and fetal well-being. Treatment options during pregnancy are reviewed in the context of developing the most appropriate risk/benefit decision for individual patients with past or current depression who either anticipate pregnancy or who become pregnant.  相似文献   

The human placenta produces corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) in exponentially increasing amounts during pregnancy with peak levels during labour. CRH in human pregnancy appears to be involved in many aspects of pregnancy including placental bloodflow, placental prostaglandin production, myornetrial function, fetal pituitary and adrenal function and the maternal stress axis. Since fetal cortisol levels are associated with pulmonary development and maturity, placental CRH may have an indirect role in fetal development.Although the precise role of placental CRH in the regulation of gestational length and timing of parturition is unclear it appears to be involved in a placental clock. While glucocorticoids inhibit hypothalamic CRH production they stimulate CRH gene expression in the placenta.This difference may allow the fetal and maternal stress axes to influence this placental clock.Maternal CRH levels are elevated in many pathological conditions of pregnancy where fetal well-being is compromised, and in these situations it may act to maintain a stable intrauterine environment. Therefore, CRH appears to link placental function, maternal well-being, fetal well-being and fetal development to the duration of gestation and the timing of parturition.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the association between maternal psychological and fetal neurobehavioral functioning. Data were provided by 52 maternal-fetal pairs at 24, 30, and 36 weeks gestation. The relations between maternal measures and fetal heart rate, variability, and motor activity were statistically modeled. Fetuses of women who were more affectively intense, appraised their lives as more stressful, and reported more frequent pregnancy-specific hassles were more active across gestation. Fetuses of women who perceived their pregnancy to be more intensely and frequently uplifting and had positive emotional valence toward pregnancy were less active. Associations with fetal heart-rate measures were detected at 36 weeks gestation. These data provide evidence for proximal effects of maternal psychological functioning on fetal neurobehavior.  相似文献   

Special aspects of antiepileptic therapy during pregnancy in epileptic women are described. A monotherapy should be preferred. Due to changes in the pharmacokinetics of antiepileptic drugs, plasma level checks must be performed every four weeks during early pregnancy. The possible teratogenetic effects of anticonvulsants and other factors tending to increase of malformation rate are discussed. An explanation is given for the use of prophylactic folic acid and Vitamin K treatment in connection with antiepileptic therapy. The benefits of counselling prior to pregnancy are discussed.  相似文献   



There is evidence of the beneficial effects of writing therapy in relation to a range of disorders. This is the first study to evaluate those effects in the field of pregnancy sickness.


To analyse the experiences of women using writing therapy to address issues associated with pregnancy sickness.


Ten women with an age range of 32–48 years participated in this research study. All had been hospitalised at least once with severe pregnancy sickness symptoms in the form of hyperemesis gravidarum. Participants were invited to write reflectively about their former pregnancy sickness, at home, and then take part in a qualitative, semi‐structured telephone interview of approximately one hour to talk about how they experienced this writing process.


Thematic analysis identified several themes relating to the beneficial effects and uses of writing therapy and women's relational need to be heard and supported.


This study supports previous findings about the beneficial effects of writing therapy and contributes new knowledge to the field of pregnancy sickness vis‐à‐vis the importance of emotional expression, emotional care and emotional recovery. The findings have important implications for healthcare professional practice.  相似文献   

妊娠期糖尿病管理策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM)是指妊娠期发生或首次发现的不同程度的糖代谢异常。未加控制的妊娠期高血糖可对母子产生极大的围产期和远期危害。妊娠后糖代谢发生明显变化妊娠期血糖的管理和控制与非孕期不同。GDM一经确诊,应及时干预,加强母儿监测,控制妊娠期血糖,以降低母儿并发症,改善围生儿结局;产后对母儿严密随访,异常者给予相应处理,以减少或延缓产妇在产后发展为成为2型糖尿病的可能及预防子代发生肥胖、高血压、糖尿病等代谢综合征的发生。  相似文献   

This prospective study examined infant, maternal, and dyadic affective profiles at three months postpartum in infant–mother dyads that were exposed to psychotropic medications in utero compared with nonexposed control dyads. Control dyads of nondepressed mothers and their infants showed many similarities in affect expression with mother–infant dyads who were exposed to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) alone for treatment of maternal depression. In contrast, mothers who received SSRIs and Rivotril (Benzodiazepine derivative) for treatment of depression and anxiety expressed both positive and negative affect towards their infants. Clinical implications regarding use of psychotropic medications such as SSRIs alone or in combination with other drugs for treatment of maternal anxiety and depression during pregnancy are discussed. Clinicians should be aware of the possible differential response in maternal–infant interaction in a mixed diagnosis group (i.e., depression and anxiety) regarding infant temperament, possibly suggesting latent behavioral teratogenicity with psychotropics. ©2002 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.  相似文献   

This study explored maternal substance abuse and the access to pre-natal medical care and treatment for substance abuse during pregnancy. Respondent mothers (n?=?102; mean age?=?27.8 years, SD?=?10.9 years) were from Mitchell’s Plain, a historically disadvantaged South African community. The mothers completed a mixed methods interview on the context and influences of their substance abuse during their pregnancy. Findings suggest that these mothers adopt the drug taking behaviour in their social environment. Women with prior histories of substance abuse were active consumers and dependent on drugs while childbearing. These findings may be important for possible intervention strategies among this particular group of vulnerable women.  相似文献   

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