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心脑血管疾病已超越恶性肿瘤成为人类的头号"杀手".发生心脑血管疾病的风险与血压水平正相关,高血压患者发生心脑血管意外的可能性远高于血压正常者.高血压的发病原因非常复杂,可能是多种因素综合作用的结果.摄盐过多可能是现代社会高血压发病率较高的重要因素.本文试图从人类进化角度揭示长期高盐饮食导致高血压的历史根源,进一步阐明限盐在高血压防治中的重要性.  相似文献   

近年来中国抑郁症高发的社会因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心脑血管疾病已超越恶性肿瘤成为人类的头号“杀手”。发生心脑血管疾病的风险与血压水平正相关,高血压患者发生心脑血管意外的可能性远高于血压正常者。高血压的发病原因非常复杂,可能是多种因素综合作用的结果。摄盐过多可能是现代社会高血压发病率较高的重要因素。本文试图从人类进化角度揭示长期高盐饮食导致高血压的历史根源,进一步阐明限盐在高血压防治中的重要性。  相似文献   

为减少因高血压造成的各种心血管事件,世界不同地区制定或修订了适合自己的高血压防治指南。通过对JNC7、ESH/ESC及2004年中国高血压防治指南的比较及分析,以便能更全面、正确地理解和发展我国新的高血压指南,并将该指南灵活运用于实际工作。  相似文献   

为减少因高血压造成的各种心血管事件,世界不同地区制定或修订了适合自己的高血压防治指南.通过对JNC7、ESH/ESC及2004年中国高血压防治指南的比较及分析,以便能更全面、正确地理解和发展我国新的高血压指南,并将该指南灵活运用于实际工作.  相似文献   

用矛盾转化理论探讨病前状态的发生发展规律及治疗策略。常见的病前状态包括亚健康、血压升高及糖尿病前期等状态。亚健康是人体介于健康与疾病之间的过渡环节,采用非药物干预及中医辨证论治可以使亚健康状态向健康状态转化。血压升高是血压正常和高血压的过渡状态,对于血压正常人群、血压升高及高血压的病人分别实施平衡进盐、低盐及限盐干预措施,使血压升高及高血压的发展方向逆转。糖尿病前期是处于糖代谢正常和糖尿病的中间状态,根据糖调节受损不同状态分别采取自由平衡、保持平衡和控制平衡策略,促进血糖调节异常向血糖正常转化。  相似文献   

焦虑抑郁不仅是高血压的促发因素,也是影响高血压发生及预后的不良因素之一.抗焦虑抑郁治疗不仅可以有效消除高血压患者焦虑抑郁的情绪,还可以减少降压药的用药剂量,增强降压药的疗效,而且明显改善高血压患者的预后,降低心脑血管事件的发生率.现就有关焦虑抑郁和高血压的研究进展做一综述.  相似文献   

肺高血压是一类以肺血管阻力进行性升高为主要特征,并最终导致右心衰竭甚至死亡的恶性心血管疾病.多种疾病可导致肺高血压,其中第三大类肺高血压与肺部疾病及缺氧有关.已有许多研究得出结论睡眠呼吸暂停综合征是肺高血压的高危因素,但具体发病机制不详.本文目的是结合国外文献阐述睡眠呼吸暂停综合征致肺高血压的发病机制及干预睡眠呼吸暂停综合征对肺动脉高压的影响.  相似文献   

宿沙氏煮海为盐,是我国海盐业的发明者,同时也是我国海洋开发的鼻祖。从文献记载、民间传说以及盐业考古资料看,寿光滨海一带应是宿沙氏煮海为盐的地方,莱州湾滨海地区应是中国海盐生产的主要发源地。因宿沙氏对古代海盐业的。开创性贡献而被后人尊崇为“盐宗”,受到盐业人的普遍敬奉,成为中国古代盐业的精神领袖。  相似文献   

高血压是严重危害老年人健康的常见病,老年人高血压临床症状及特点与中青年高血压有显著不同,在诊断治疗中应注重老年人血压升高的病理生理特点及机制,在老年高血压的治疗决策中运用个体化和系统论的原则,选择个体最优化综合治疗决策,启思和引导老年高血压研究水平的纵深发展,积极有效地改善老年人的生活质量。  相似文献   

高血压是严重危害老年人健康的常见病,老年人高血压临床症状及特点与中青年高血压有显著不同,在诊断治疗中应注重老年人血压升高的病理生理特点及机制,在老年高血压的治疗决策中运用个体化和系统论的原则,选择个体最优化综合治疗决策,启思和引导老年高血压研究水平的纵深发展,积极有效地改善老年人的生活质量.  相似文献   

为了提高高血压患者的降压达标率、最大程度地降低靶器官损伤,一方面应强化生活方式的改变,包括戒烟限酒、低盐饮食、减轻体重和适量运动,另一方面,由于原发性高血压的发病是由多种复杂因素的不同组合引起,应根据不同个体的高血压发病机制及病因的差异,在指南的指导下,应用不同种类抗高血压药物(单用或联合用药),采用针对个体的优化治疗,才能更有效地使降压治疗达标。  相似文献   

The study sought to evaluate the influence of gender, hypertension risk, and aerobic fitness on cardiovascular responses to laboratory-induced stress. Sixty nonsymptomatic subjects (30 males, 30 females) participated in the experiment. Half of the subjects had at least one biological parent with hypertension, while half had no parental history of hypertension and served as comparison subjects. Subjects completed a laboratory procedure measuring cardiovascular responses (i.e., pulse rate and blood pressure) while performing stressful laboratory tasks (i.e., the Stroop Color Naming Test and a sham IQ test). Aerobic fitness (i.e., VO2max using the Bruce protocol) was also determined using a submaximal treadmill test in the laboratory. Results suggest that males with a family history of hypertension were more stress responsive based on systolic blood pressure, while females were more stress-responsive according to pulse rate activity. Fitness levels were significantly associated with diastolic blood pressure throughout the stress and recovery periods but were unrelated to pulse rate and systolic blood pressure.  相似文献   

The relationships between race/ethnicity and hypertension or blood pressure (BP), as well as frequency of religious services attendance and hypertension/BP are well documented. However, the association between these three factors is poorly understood. Using national data, this interrelationship was assessed in non-Hispanic whites and blacks, and Mexican-Americans (n = 12,488). Compared to those who never attended services, whites who attended services weekly had lower odds of hypertension, as did blacks who attended more than weekly. There was no relationship between attendance and hypertension among Mexican-Americans. Attendance was inversely related to systolic BP for all groups, but more so for whites and blacks compared to Mexican-Americans. These results further demonstrate the benefits of increased attendance at religious services on hypertension/BP, but suggest that these benefits were not as advantageous for all.  相似文献   


There is a growing popularity of non-pharmacologic treatments for hypertension; among them is exercise. This paper critically reviews the evidence for the anti-hypertensive effect of exercise, scanning both the epidemiologic and experimental research. It evaluates some of the literature on exercise adherence, briefly describes one exercise program designed to promote adherence, and draws conclusions based on the literature.  相似文献   

This study evaluated whether the relation between subjective memory complaints and cognitive performance is influenced by the presence of hypertension in the elderly. One hundred and five healthy older adults, 70–89 years of age, with and without hypertension treatment or diagnosis, completed a scale of subjective memory complaints. Participants were divided into those with mild memory concerns and those with minimal or no complaints. All participants completed a battery of neuropsychological tests including measures of verbal and nonverbal memory. After controlling for differences in age, gender, education, and overall intellectual ability, there were significant main effects for memory concerns and significant interactions for memory complaints and hypertension on several measures of memory performance. There were no main effects for hypertension on memory performance. Simple effects analyses of the interactions showed that the hypertensive complainers demonstrated poorer performance on measures of long-term memory and greater reliance on short-term recall than the hypertensive non-complainers. There were no differences in memory performance for the non-hypertensive groups. Among healthy elderly community-dwelling adults, those with mild subjective memory complaints in the context of hypertension demonstrated greater objective cognitive difficulties than those without hypertension as well as a greater reliance on a less efficient learning strategy. These findings suggest that memory concerns in the presence of hypertension may be important when evaluating treatment efficacy in these individuals and for identifying differences in cognitive aging.  相似文献   

In order to assess the relationship of behavior to blood pressure and salt intake, open-field behavior was studied in 123 rats of the spontaneously hypertensive (SHR), Wistar-Kyoto (WKY), Sprague-Dawley (SD), and Dahl resistant (DR) and sensitive (DS) strains. DS rats become hypertensive upon exposure to either high dietary salt or psychogenic stress, while DR rats remain normotensive. A circular photobeam open field was used under full room illumination. Three 5-min trials were given on consecutive days. Rats were tested with or without 5 days of an 8% NaCl diet. We found that DS rats were less active than DR rats, regardless of diet. In contrast, SHR rats were more active than WKY rats. However, DS and SHR rats were equally active. Thus, behavioral differences between these two models of hypertension are expressed by the normotensive control strains. The relative ranking of activity levels between strains was DR = SD greater than SHR = DS greater than WKY. High-salt-enhanced intertrial habituation, defined as the decrease in activity across trials (DS, 100%; SD, 82%; SHR, 90%; WKY, 1350%; but DR, -50%) as well as intratrial habituation, defined as the decrease from the first to the second half of the trial (14%, all subjects). Defecation was increased with high salt (DS, 975%; SD, 59%; SHR, 267%; WKY, 89%; but DR, 40%). These effects of high salt may reflect an increase in an emotionality factor. DR rats were largely resistant to the behavioral effects of salt. Total activity was positively correlated with blood pressure in hypertensive rats, r(42) = 0.33, p less than .01, but negatively correlated in normotensive rats, r(81) = -0.34, p less than .01. The proportion of total activity occurring in the first half of the trial for the initial test day was correlated with blood pressure in normotensive rats r(81) = 0.44, p less than .01. Dietary salt excess has behavioral as well as cardiovascular consequences.  相似文献   

The effects of combined behavioral stress and high dietary salt on blood pressure were examined in baboons (N=4) over the course of 1 year. Either high salt diet (240 mEq Na+/day) or conflict stress were administered for 8 to 16 weeks, followed by high salt intake and stress combined. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) increased by 8 mmHg during high dietary salt alone, by 4 mmHg during stress alone, and increased further to 14 mmHg above baseline during combined salt and stress. Control baboons (N=2) had no change in MAP across 47 weeks. The data indicate additive effects of chronic high dietary salt intake and behavioral stress on blood pressure in non-human primates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether there are differences in personality between hypertension and normotension. Forty‐two male patients with essential hypertension were divided into two groups after self‐assessment of blood pressure, 18 with sustained hypertension and 24 with isolated clinic (white coat) hypertension, and were compared with 25 men with normotension on Spielberger's State‐Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Jenkins Activity Survey. In line with hypotheses, the sustained hypertensive group showed higher levels of trait anxiety, Type A behaviour pattern, and hard‐driving behaviours/competitiveness than the normotensive group, whereas isolated clinic hypertensives occupied an intermediate position between those two groups. Results provide support to the hypothesised relationship between personality and hypertension and stress the need of distinguishing sustained hypertension from isolated clinic hypertension. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高血压防治模式探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高血压是一种严重危害人体健康的生活方式病,也是一种心身疾病。它的危害性较之烈性传染病有过之而无不及。但高血压防治仍停留在“专家模式”一头热的困局上,临床指南与临床实践有较大差距。高血压知晓率、治疗率和控制率均低。造成“三低”的原因有:(1)对高血压这种慢性、流行性疾病的危害性认识不足;(2)健康观念存在误区;(3)迷信一劳永逸的治疗方法;(4)人群防治知识缺乏、素质低下。高血压防治是一个科学的综合管理过程,只有从健康教育入手,全面提高人群高血压防治知识水平,才能开创高血压防治的新局面。健康追求不应只是个人行为,还必须是群体行为和社会行为。人群有了健康观念、健康心态和健康智慧,高血压的防治才能取得真正的成效。  相似文献   

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