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主动脉夹层患者手术前的心理危机对其治疗有极大的负影响.本文作者首先列举了主动脉夹层患者手术前心理危机的主要危害,并详细分析了其心理危机的产生原因.然后针对性地提出了该类患者手术前心理危机可能的干预对策,同时列举一些采取了这些心理干预取得显著疗效的医院,充分证明心理干预在该类患者治疗中的重要性,最后面对目前该类患者手术前医疗状况的不足,进行了深刻的思考.  相似文献   

乳腺癌手术患者术前心理危机的原因剖析与应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳腺癌手术患者术前严重的心理危机对其极为不利,笔者从多方面剖析了患者术前心理危机产生的原因,同时针对乳腺癌手术患者术前心理危机如何有效应对提出了诸多策略,最后就目前临床工作中存在的一些不足进行了必要的思考。  相似文献   

乳腺癌手术患者术前严重的心理危机对其极为不利,笔者从多方面剖析了患者术前心理危机产生的原因,同时针对乳腺癌手术患者术前心理危机如何有效应对提出了诸多策略,最后就目前临床工作中存在的一些不足进行了必要的思考.  相似文献   

危机事件压力管理(CISM)是一个庞大的综合性危机干预体系,涵盖了当代整个危机领域的多种危机干预内容,综合考虑到在个人、团体、家庭、组织甚至整个社会等各个层面的应用.着重介绍了CISM的功能、核心内容以及该体系在灾难心理危机干预中的应用情况与效果,并提出了CISM对我国建立灾难心理危机干预体系的启示.  相似文献   

探讨音乐治疗对心理危机个案的干预效果。对一位经历了心理危机事件的当事人做4次音乐治疗后,当事人的负面情绪得到宣泄,潜意识矛盾冲突得到解除,在最后一次音乐治疗时看到正面场景。一个月后回访发现当事人已经度过心理危机,五个月后回访及侧面调查发现当事人心理状态良好,且敢于接受新的挑战,说明音乐治疗对某些心理危机个案的干预效果较好。  相似文献   

危机事件压力管理(CISM)是一个庞大的综合性危机干预体系,涵盖了当代整个危机领域的多种危机干预内容,综合考虑到在个人、团体、家庭、组织甚至整个社会等各个层面的应用。着重介绍了CISM的功能、核心内容以及该体系在灾难心理危机干预中的应用情况与效果,并提出了CISM对我国建立灾难心理危机干预体系的启示。  相似文献   

心理咨询师在危机干预中的作用   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
危机干预工作中需要专业人员的参与,而心理咨询师就是这样的专业队伍。他们不仅应具备该职业的基本素质,如道德素质、反省能力和诚实品质,而且还应具备特殊的专业素质,如生活经验、镇静心态、灵活性、充沛精力、快速反应能力和换位思考能力等。当然,除去日常专业训练所养成的各种素质以外,心理咨询师也要掌握有关心理危机干预技术,如关注、倾听、评估以及某些具体的危机干预措施。最后介绍了国内外危机干预中心理咨询师的主要工作领域和服务形式,并探讨了我国心理咨询师参与危机干预工作的一些设想。  相似文献   

探讨心理护理干预在无抽搐电休克治疗患者中的应用效果.选择我院首次行无抽搐电休克治疗的患者105例,随机分为研究组52例,对照组53例,对照组实施常规护理干预措施,研究组在其基础上实施心理护理干预措施.采用Hamilton焦虑量表(HAMA)进行评定分析,比较两组在无抽搐电休克治疗前的焦虑、恐惧程度及对治疗的依从性和满意度.研究组的焦虑、恐惧程度明显低于对照组,对治疗的依从性优于对照组,两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).实施心理护理干预措施能够改善患者在行无抽搐电休克治疗前的焦虑、恐惧情绪,提高患者对治疗的依从性以及护理质量的满意度,使患者愿意接受并配合治疗,达到预期效果.  相似文献   

2012年9月,我作为种子教师参加了由成都市教育局主办、亚洲基金会赞助的“加强学校防灾减灾能力——校园心理危机干预”项目培训,同时我校也是该项目仅有的6所试点学校之一。在为期一年的专业培训和试点学校的实践工作基础上,我们总结并阐述了中等职业学校校园心理危机干预工作体系的建立和实施经验,强调朋辈心理援助对心理危机干预的重要意义。  相似文献   

正当一场灾难来临时,我们无法使用惯常的生活技巧应对,甚至倾尽全力也无能力去解决当前危机。在感到无助的时候,我们就会出现心理崩溃和身心的官能症状,临床心理学称之为"心理危机状态",被诊断为创伤后应激障碍(PTSD),容易引发生理、心理的功能受损,产生认知、情绪和行为等的失调。患者经确认后需要立即进行心理危机干预,就是从心理上解决迫在眉睫的危机,使症状得到缓解甚至消失,使心理功能恢复到危机前水平,并获得新的应对技能,以预防将来危机再发生,患者面对同样的危机事件,可以减少心理障碍的程度。  相似文献   

The significance of adolescence for psychosocial development is a controversial theme with discussions ranging from an emphasis on the importance of early childhood to the ideas propagated by Freud that the dynamics of adolescence play an important role in the psychological development of the individual and transculturation. The course of adolescence provides a starting point for understanding the psychodynamics of patients, which is often given insufficient consideration. Today, it can repeatedly be seen that patients in their mid-thirties are coming for treatment: patients who experienced their adolescence during the period of political upheaval in Germany. For a variety of reasons this proves to have been a vulnerable life phase, above all for East Germans. Puberty and adolescence comprise developmental tasks whose completion in a crisis situation, such as represented by the political change in East Germany with the reunification process, suffered considerably. Accordingly, the consequences of this conflict-laden coping process can be revealed during later therapy in transference and central relationship conflicts. The adolescents made considerable efforts to adapt to the new conditions, however, without adolescent altercations with GDR parents and conditions having taken place in sufficient measure. The treatment of a female patient is presented for whom the political change during adolescence proved to be a critical life event. Her narcissistic deficits together with her fragile identity were exacerbated as a result of the social upheavals. It is demonstrated how this ??critical life event?? was intertwined with her earlier psychological structure, the problems of adolescence and her search for identity during the course of psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

The purpose of the following study is to identify characteristics of the clinical treatment of patients who came into a crisis during an out-patient psychotherapy and were admitted to a crisis intervention ward. Most of the patients particularly reacted to a disruption of the treatment process as a result of conflicts in their relationship with their therapists. By means of a psychodynamic short diagnostics these conflicts were elucidated although they were often hidden and had to be traced back to their origins in the therapeutic relationship. Moreover, the authors describe their therapeutic focus on the conflict-solution-oriented short-term psychotherapy of the disruption of the therapeutic bond between patient and therapist which leads to a fixation of the setting. The in-patient crisis intervention aims at preparing the patients to continue the out-patient psychotherapy.  相似文献   

The relationship of self-concept (self-esteem and mastery) and social support to psychological distress was studied among 68 Israeli women immediately prior to undergoing biopsy for suspected cancer (acute stress) and 3 months later for the noncancer group (everyday stress). It was predicted that women with stronger self-concepts and more social support would experience less state depression and state anxiety during the acute crisis than women with weaker self-concepts and less social support. It was further predicted that self-concept would be more critical than social support due to the acute nature of the event. Finally, self-concept was predicted to be related to psychological distress both during the acute and everyday stress situations (a direct effect), while social support was predicted to be related to psychological distress only during the acute stress situation (a buffering effect). The hypotheses were generally confirmed. However, self-concept and social support were seen as complexly related to psychological distress during the acute phase, one not necessarily being more critical than the other. The selective employment of available resistance resources to fit the situation and implications for preventive intervention were discussed.  相似文献   

重大自然灾害后,使用心理危机干预的专业方法,利用心理危机快速反应专家服务组,给受灾者带来常规社会救援不能解决的紧急心理救护和进一步的心理援助,使不幸的人们在绝望中鼓起勇气、获得希望,并与他们一起共同度过人生中这段最艰难的时刻。面对灾难,危机干预是利国利民的重要事务,是政府对灾难后受灾人群进行人文关怀和构建和谐社会的直接体现。  相似文献   

合并精神疾病患者接受剖宫产术时,由于此类患者的特殊性,患者以及其家属、医务人员心理表现都有别于普通情况。合理遵守此类患者的如下麻醉方案优化原则:麻醉操作可以实施原则、麻醉效能有效控制原则、避免诱发或加重精神疾病原则、患者无痛和新生儿安全原则、术后镇痛衔接原则、全程心理干预原则和替代麻醉预案制定原则,同时科学制定患者围术期如下管理规章制度:应急程序的及时启动、患者家属及监护人的沟通与知情同意、麻醉前后特定病房或医疗单位的建立和麻醉医疗期间医患合法权益的保障,只有这样医患双方安危和权益才能得到最佳保障。  相似文献   

Web-based-remote (WBR) intervention is a new approach that incorporates smart control technology and modern medicine to monitor patient compliance. It is based on computer control and communication technology. This study is to explore the benefits of WBR psychological intervention for cancer treatment. 128 patients diagnosed with cancer by Pathology Department of our hospital between 1 February 2013 and 1 August 2013 were included. Patients were randomly assigned to intervention and control group (n = 64). The Questionnaire-Core 30 (QLQ-C30) was used for the survey. Intervention group received WBR psychological intervention in addition to regular clinical follow-up care. Control group only received regular clinical follow-up care. The QLQ-C30 score was significantly better in the intervention group than the control group when the intervention and control groups were followed for three months. In conclusion, WBR psychological intervention substantially improves the quality of life in patients during cancer treatment.  相似文献   

This study investigated reactions and processes in a crisis situation as well as experiences of those who engaged in crisis intervention activities. Thirty-two volunteers, who worked with 55 families of servicemen missing in action during the October 1973 Mideast war, described the families' reactions to the given situation as well as their own involvement. Reactions to crisis and expectations from the volunteers are described and discussed. Special scrutiny was directed at the volunteering phenomenon, and at the volunteers' motivations, needs, reactions, and conflicts.  相似文献   

个体危机干预中的伦理学问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在现代社会中,越来越多的人陷入了不同程度的心理危机中,个体危机干预技术正在得到越来越广泛的应用。个体危机干预是一种短程的心理治疗,在危机干预过程中,对干预对象的隐私权、知情同意权等问题尚未形成相应的伦理规范。为促进危机干预工作的健康发展,对这两个方面的伦理学问题加以讨论,尝试提出一些能够指导个体危机干预工作实践的伦理规范。  相似文献   

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