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本文回顾了正念干预在创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)领域的应用进展,分析了正念疗法的核心内容、作用机制,创伤后应激障碍患者正念干预具体实施过程及身心干预效果。分析表明,作为辅助药物治疗方式可降低创伤后应激障碍患者创伤后应激症状阳性率,调节皮质醇水平,缓解疼痛与疲乏症状,改善认知功能障碍、心理健康及情绪调节,以提高PTSD患者正念水平及生存质量,目前对于单纯用药疗效差的PTSD患者,正念疗法作为辅助治疗手段来解决其PTSD是非常有益的尝试。  相似文献   

研究旨在探索中国文化背景下心理健康素养干预的有效性,以及心理健康素养的提升对专业心理求助意愿、心理健康和幸福感的影响。研究采用实验组对照组前后测设计。结果表明:1.基于网络教育的干预方法能够有效提升心理健康素养,进而促进专业心理求助意愿,改善心理健康状况。但是对大学生的幸福感没有产生明显影响; 2.心理健康素养可以通过专业心理求助意愿分别影响心理健康状况和幸福感,且专业求助意愿和心理健康在心理健康素养和幸福感之间起着完全链式中介作用。总的来说,心理健康素养的有效提升不仅可以改善专业心理求助意愿,提高人们的心理健康水平,还可能增添生活幸福感。  相似文献   

邱小燕  葛艳莹  胡超 《心理科学进展》2022,30(12):2799-2808
疫情等社会灾难时期, 创伤经历者急剧增加, 加之交通阻断, 传统的心理救援很难及时应对大范围的灾民心理危机; 而表达性写作便于心理学工作者大规模实施, 且可通过电话、网络等远程通讯工具进行指导, 治疗PTSD等心理创伤, 改善生理、心理健康。社会灾难时期表达性写作的机制复杂, 涉及暴露脱敏、意义重建、自我抽离—自我调节、工作记忆优化和认知神经机制正常化; 其疗效受到作者特质、干预时间和写作形式等潜在因素的影响。相应地, 未来应结合本土社会文化因素, 重视在线干预研究, 探索表达性写作相关的认知神经机制, 综合不同的生理、心理健康指标评估表达性写作的疗效。  相似文献   

归因方式对心理健康的影响及干预研究之概观   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
该文就归因方式对心理健康影响的特点、规律及其心理机制以及通过归因干预改善和提高个体与群体健康水平的研究进行了简要的叙述,并对已有研究存在的问题进行了初步的讨论。作者认为,归因干预可能是改善和提高个体与群体的健康水平的一条重要途径;未来的研究应着眼于揭示个体对不同性质、不同类型的生活事件在特定归因和维度归因上对心理健康影响的特点、规律及其心理机制,并就归因干预的理论和实践等问题进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

对有较高风险发展为危险行为青少年的高危群体实施有针对性的心理干预是非常有价值的。本研究对青少年危险行为高危人群进行结构化的个体与团体心理干预,评估两种干预的即时效果和六个月的预后情况。采用《青少年健康相关危险行为问卷》等量表对16所中职院校的学生进行筛查,共555名学生参加本研究,被随机分为个体、团体和对照组并分别进行干预。结果发现:干预后,个体心理干预组被试的危险行为水平、心理健康以及抑郁和焦虑情绪均获得显著改善,并且6个月的预后效果依然明显,而接受团体辅导干预组仅在抑郁指标上有所改善,在危险行为评分、焦虑和心理健康水平上均没有明显的改善。研究认为,对危险行为易感青少年的心理干预应以经过良好设计的个体心理干预为主、团体干预为辅的方式进行。  相似文献   

目的:本研究旨在研究团体辅导对提高大学生心理健康和自尊水平的干预效果。方法:采取团体辅导的方法对大连理工大学的35名大学生进行干预,采用实验组与对照组前后测研究的实验设计,使用90项症状自评量表和罗森博格自尊量表进行测试,采用独立样本t检验,统计被试训练前后心理自评各项目、总分和自尊水平的得分差异。结果:团体辅导后,实验组被试的前后测差异显著,强迫和敌对水平明显降低,心理健康总体水平显著提高,自尊水平显著提高;对照组心理健康状态前后测没有显著差异。结论:团体辅导能够有效地改善大学生心理健康状况,提高大学生的自尊水平。  相似文献   

探讨网络心理健康教育在1型糖尿病青少年患者中的实证效果,选取1型糖尿病青少年100例,随机分成对照组和干预组各50例.干预组实施网络健康教育,通过网络视频,讲授糖尿病的相关知识,进行定期随访;对照组采用常规健康管理模式,只发放糖尿病知识宣传册由1型糖尿青少年患者和家属自己学习.干预组糖尿病青少年患者自我管理、生活质量、心理状态情况有明显改善,干预后糖化血红蛋白水平下降,对照组上述指标无明显改变.网络心理教育课程是一种新型的有效的健康教育管理模式,能够让1型糖尿病青少年患者病情稳定,同时减少并发症的发生.  相似文献   

目的 探讨综合干预对提高精神科护士心理健康水平的效果.方法 对91名精神科护士采取改善工作环境、改进护理用具、提高护理人员的配置、实施人性化管理、加强职业安全教育等措施进行综合干预,在干预的前后运用SCL-90症状量表进行心理健康状况测试、评价.结果 精神科护士的心理健康状况较一般人群差,突出表现为躯体化、强迫、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、敌对;经综合干预后,精神科护士心理健康状况得到改善(P<0.05).结论 管理者应长期关注精神科护士心理健康状况,并给予相应干预措施,帮助其提高心理健康水平,从而提高护理质量.  相似文献   

周宵  甄瑞 《应用心理学》2023,(4):317-325
灾难事件容易导致青少年出现创伤心理反应,影响其身心发展,因此青少年创伤心理干预已成为公众所关注的主要议题之一。不过,当前关于青少年创伤心理疏导存在着服务力量分散、系统协同性欠缺,心理服务侧重短期心理干预、忽视长期的心理疏导,心理干预视角片面,缺少家庭参与等方面的局限。为了弥补这些局限,帮助灾后青少年积极应对创伤及其相关情绪,有必要从家庭系统的视角对灾后青少年进行心理疏导,强化家庭与社会、学校和医院的协作,提升灾后青少年家庭心理疏导的能力;关注父母心理健康,提升其心理素养;改善夫妻关系和教养孩子的方式,营造良好的家庭氛围;提升父母创伤心理相关知识和技能,协助父母对青少年开展长期心理呵护。  相似文献   

心理干预在放疗患者中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探讨通过实施恰当的心理行为治疗,尤其是教育性干预措施,达到改善放疗患者情绪、提高其生活质量以及降低治疗负反应的效果.采用病例对照的临床研究方法,选用生活质量和心境问卷对160名正在进行放射治疗的住院癌症病人进行了心理干预的比较研究.结果表明,干预组患者的总体情绪和总体生活质量状况,比对照组患者有明显的改善,但愤怒、认知功能以及恶心呕吐症状在两组间的差异不显著;干预组组内比较中,角色功能没有显著性差别.其原因有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

Teachers and youth sports coaches are in prominent positions to support young people and their mental health. However, the way these professionals perceive their roles is likely to be a powerful influence on such behaviour. This article investigates and compares the effect of four types of role perceptions—role breadth, instrumentality, efficacy, and discretion—on teachers' and coaches' engagement in helping behaviour that supports young people's mental health through promotion, prevention, and early intervention. An online survey was completed by 117 teachers and 131 coaches. Results from three multiple group path analyses revealed role breadth, instrumentality, and efficacy significantly influenced teachers' and coaches' helping behaviour. The extent to which role perceptions predicted helping behaviour did not differ between teachers and coaches. Assisting teachers and coaches to carry out promotion, prevention, and early intervention behaviour increases young people's access to mental health support and may help to reduce the burden of mental health problems among Australian young people.  相似文献   

汶川地震后青少年的心理反应受到社会的普遍关注。本文作者及其团队对汶川地震后青少年的心理反应进行了为期6年的研究,以期为震后青少年的心理恢复和发展提供帮助。本文主要介绍了6年来本团队在创伤后心理反应的理论分析、青少年创伤后心理反应的状况及其相互关系、影响因素及其机制、干预策略等方面所进行的探索,较为全面地阐述了创伤后青少年主要的心理反应及其研究的理论基础,概括了青少年创伤后应激障碍、抑郁和创伤后成长的状况及其发展趋势,深入分析了影响青少年创伤后应激障碍和创伤后成长的影响机制,提出了针对创伤后青少年的心理干预策略,并探究了未来研究需要关注的内容。  相似文献   

This study extends previous research evaluating the association between the CHIP intervention, change in body weight, and change in psychological health. A randomized controlled health intervention study lasting 4 wk. was used with 348 participants from metropolitan Rockford, Illinois; ages ranged from 24 to 81 yr. Participants were assessed at baseline, 6 wk., and 6 mo. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and three selected psychosocial measures from the SF-36 Health Survey were used. Significantly greater decreases in Body Mass Index (BMI) occurred after 6 wk. and 6 mo. follow-up for the intervention group compared with the control group, with greater decreases for participants in the overweight and obese categories. Significantly greater improvements were observed in BDI scores, role-emotional and social functioning, and mental health throughout follow-up for the intervention group. The greater the decrease in BMI through 6 wk., the better the chance of improved BDI score, role-emotional score, social functioning score, and mental health score, with odds ratios of 1.3 to 1.9. Similar results occurred through 6 mo., except the mental health variable became nonsignificant. These results indicate that the CHIP intervention significantly improved psychological health for at least six months afterwards, in part through its influence on lowering BMI.  相似文献   

A collaborative study of Cultural Adjustment and Trauma Services (CATS), a comprehensive, school-based mental health program for traumatized immigrant children and adolescents, was conducted to generate practice-based evidence on the service delivery model across two school districts. Program effectiveness was assessed by testing whether client functioning and PTSD symptoms improved as a result of 7 separate service elements. An array of clinical services including CBT, supportive therapy, and coordinating services were provided to all students, and an evidence-based intervention for trauma, TF-CBT, was implemented with a subset of students. Greater quantities of CBT and supportive therapy increased functioning, while greater quantities of coordinating services decreased symptoms of PTSD. TF-CBT services were associated with both improved functioning and PTSD symptoms, although TF-CBT was implemented with fidelity to the overall comprehensive service model rather than the structured intervention model. Results suggest the comprehensive school-based model was effective, though different service components affected different student outcomes. Implications of these findings for immigrant mental health interventions and implementing structured evidence-based practices into community mental health programs are discussed. Suggestions are made for future research on existing mental health practices with immigrants.  相似文献   

This article presents a framework for understanding the developmental significance of violence-related trauma in the lives of young children. It emphasizes the importance of the distinction between acute and chronic trauma. Acute trauma is more readily dealt with through “psychological first aid” and a “therapy of reassurance.” Chronic trauma requires a more systematic reconstruction of the child's “social map” of the world. The socioeconomic and demographic correlates of violent trauma predict an accumulation of risk factors in the child's life that compounds the problem of developmental disability. The problem community violence poses for the child must be understood in the larger context of greater risk for family disruption (including less than secure attachment) as well as domestic violence, poverty, and minority group status. The increasing incidence and prevalence of community violence poses a major challenge to the mental health of children.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to test the clinical utility of Neuropattern (NP), a newly developed translational diagnostic tool. NP consists of biological and psychological measures that facilitate the identification of functional changes (called "neuropatterns") in patients with stress-related health problems. In this prospective, randomized control trial, we expected NP to improve therapeutic efficacy, as compared with the usual treatment. NP was applied to 101 in-patients suffering from various mental disorders (mainly depression, anxiety disorders, and adjustment disorders), and scoring high on the Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R) somatization scale. The patients (73% females, mean?±?standard deviation age 46?±?9.03 years) were randomly assigned to two groups: in the experimental group (n?=?51), physicians received results from NP diagnostics, while in the control group (n?=?50), this information was not available until discharge from the hospital. Improvements of symptoms in consequence of treatment were monitored by two self-rating scales, the SCL-90-R and Short Form-12 health survey, and a physician's clinical global rating (Beeintr?chtigungs-Schwere Score). There was a significantly greater improvement in the experimental group in the self-rating assessments on symptom severity (p?=?0.03) and quality of life (p?=?0.05), but not in the observer rating of emotional, physical, and social-communicative functioning (p?=?0.13). Treatment efficacy in patients can be improved by providing the attendant physician and the patient with diagnostic information and treatment recommendations by NP. The role of concrete mediators of treatment efficacy awaits further research.  相似文献   

“A global mental health crisis” was sparked by the pandemic, especially for the youth as it exposed them to serious existential crises related to grief, loss, death and dying, deep psychological insecurities, etc. Additionally, this crisis came as a call for greater meaning in the personal and professional lives of youth. To deal with these issues in youth, Improv intervention is being used as an effective contemporary psychological technique to improve holistic perspective-taking. This pilot study investigated the efficacy of Improv intervention in enhancing Meaning in Life in youth using an explanatory sequential design. The sample comprised 80 youth (age range 18–25 years). The study was carried out in two phases—quantitative and qualitative. In the quantitative phase, a randomised control trial design was used to assess the efficacy of the intervention; this was followed by semistructured interviews to identify crucial themes that highlighted participants’ perceptions of Meaning in Life and the benefits of the intervention. Results revealed potential usefulness of Improv in Meaning enhancement.  相似文献   

The standard treatment for chronic hepatitis C (pegylated interferon and ribavirin) causes challenging physical and psychological side effects. The current pilot study evaluated the efficacy of a brief, telephone-based, cognitive-behavioral self-management intervention designed to address mood and quality of life within a sample of veterans on antiviral treatment for hepatitis C. Results from this pilot study support the feasibility of this telehealth intervention, showing that veterans were highly satisfied with the content of the intervention and compliant with the telephone calls. Findings further indicate that symptoms of depression and anxiety and mental health quality of life either remained stable or improved in those participants who received the brief telephone intervention, while those receiving usual care showed significant declines in mood and mental health quality of life. The findings from this study provide evidence that a brief, clinician-administered phone intervention may help individuals on antiviral therapy for hepatitis C to cope more effectively with the negative treatment side effects.  相似文献   

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