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Drawing on 171 in-depth interviews with physicists at universities in the United States and the UK, this study examines the narratives of 48 physicists to explain the concept of ethical ambiguity: the border where legitimate and illegitimate conduct is blurred. Researchers generally assume that scientists agree on what constitutes both egregious and more routine forms of misconduct in science. The results of this study show that scientists perceive many scenarios as ethically gray, rather than black and white. Three orientations to ethical ambiguity are considered—altruism, inconsequential outcomes, and preserving the status quo—that allow possibly questionable behavior to persist unchallenged. Each discursive strategy is rationalized as promoting the collective interest of science rather than addressing what is ethically correct or incorrect. The results of this study suggest that ethics training in science should focus not only on fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism and more routine forms of misconduct, but also on strategies for resolving ethically ambiguous scenarios where appropriate action may not be clear.  相似文献   

The realities of human agency and decision making pose serious challenges for research ethics. This article explores six major challenges that require more attention in the ethics education of students and scientists and in the research on ethical conduct in science. The first of them is the routinization of action, which makes the detection of ethical issues difficult. The social governance of action creates ethical problems related to power. The heuristic nature of human decision making implies the risk of ethical bias. The moral disengagement mechanisms represent a human tendency to evade personal responsibility. The greatest challenge of all might be the situational variation in people’s ethical behaviour. Even minor situational factors have a surprisingly strong influence on our actions. Furthermore, finally, the nature of ethics itself also causes problems: instead of clear answers, we receive a multitude of theories and intuitions that may sometimes be contradictory. All these features of action and ethics represent significant risks for ethical conduct in science. I claim that they have to be managed within the everyday practices of science and addressed explicitly in research ethics education. I analyse them and suggest some ways in which their risks can be alleviated.  相似文献   

政治文明的伦理分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政治明不是一种孤立的明,它与道德明有着十分密切的关系,它们有着共同的契合机制和互补机制;从西方政治明的发展来看,始终没有离开理性主义、制度主义、个体主义等伦理精神;政治要真正实现明,必须使政治意识要宽容、政治制度的制衡、政治行为要有序。  相似文献   

对2002年之前和之后(2000年7月~2001年12月和2003年1月~2004年6月)对6种中文医药杂志发表的临床研究类文章进行比较,并对文中报告知情同意和伦理委员会批准情况的比例给予评价。  相似文献   

对2002年之前和之后(2000年7月~2001年12月和2003年1月~2004年6月)对6种中文医药杂志发表的临床研究类文章进行比较,并对文中报告知情同意和伦理委员会批准情况的比例给予评价.  相似文献   

徐嘉 《学海》2007,(6):67-71
虽然卢梭是18世纪法国启蒙运动的重要代表,但是,当其他启蒙思想家对理性、文明、科学、进步充满赞美时,卢梭却在《论科学与艺术》中敏锐地觉察到了被神化的科学理性所隐含的危险,揭示了科学的进步与道德风尚之间的深刻矛盾.尽管他对科学伤风败俗的指责并不严谨,但却以"伦理的理性主义"的视角触及了启蒙时代的重要问题.这不但成为他后来学说的出发点,也开启了启蒙运动对唯科学主义的自我反思.  相似文献   

Jon Mandle 《Metaphilosophy》2013,44(1-2):37-41
The work of John Rawls is central to contemporary political philosophy. A Theory of Justice provides a model for the justification of substantive principles of justice, and it defends principles that reject utilitarianism. Ultimately, justification is a matter of what the participants in a relationship or an institution can justify to one another. Unlike utilitarianism, which assumes that there is one good that it is the job of morality to maximize, Rawls holds that there are multiple conceptions of the good associated with different individuals. Furthermore, he holds that there are multiple principles of morality associated with different relationships and institutions. His principles of justice are designed for one of these—the basic structure of society. They establish a moral minimum that all members of a society owe to one another, but additional principles are required to govern other special relationships.  相似文献   

高科技发展所带来的伦理问题引发了社会对于科技伦理责任的关注。本文主要对科技伦理责任功效问题进行探讨,指出科技伦理责任能够提供科技进步的精神动力,引导科技行为的道德选择,影响科技主体的价值信念。同时,分析了科技伦理责任功效的实现基础,即观念、态度、动力和控制四大系统。  相似文献   

现代科技活动本质上是一种功利化的工具理性控制力量,其价值理性受到遮蔽的结果必然引发生态的失衡和人的异化.实现科技工具理性合理改变世界的根本是接受价值理性的定向和约束,自觉追求科技活动的伦理价值.积极培育人们的科技价值理性是促进科技伦理价值实现的重要路径.  相似文献   

Applications of Prospect Theory to Political Science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Levy  Jack S. 《Synthese》2003,135(2):215-241
Prospect theory is an alternative theory of choice under conditions of risk, and deviates from expected utility theory by positing that people evaluate choices with respect to gains and losses from a reference point. They tend to overweight losses with respect to comparable gains and engage in risk-averse behavior with respect to gains and risk-acceptant behavior with respect to losses. They also respond to probabilities in a non-linear manner. I begin with an overview of prospect theory and some of the evidence upon which it is based, and then consider some of the implications of the theory for American politics, international relations, and the law. I end with a brief discussion of some of the conceptual and methodological problems confronting the application of prospect theory to the study of politics.  相似文献   

为了解护理核心期刊发文中科研伦理审查现状,以期发挥核心期刊在研究伦理监督原则上的导向作用。检索中国知网数据库,共收集符合纳入标准的科研论文2 474篇,而获得伦理审批号的论文仅20篇(0.81%)。使用SPSS 22.0软件进行统计学处理,不同时期伦理审查情况之间对比,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在“基因编辑婴儿”事件之后,我国护理核心期刊伦理审查情况有所好转,但整体上护理科研人员伦理意识仍较为淡薄,伦理审查的执行效果不甚理想。建议期刊社规范伦理监督过程,加大伦理监管力度,完善护理研究伦理审查制度及监管体系,以提高护理研究伦理审查效果。  相似文献   

Advancements in science and technology have not only brought hope to humankind to produce disease-free offspring, but also offer possibilities to genetically enhance the next generation’s traits and capacities. Human genetic enhancement, however, raises complex ethical questions, such as to what extent should it be allowed? It has been a great challenge for humankind to develop robust ethical guidelines for human genetic enhancement that address both public concerns and needs. We believe that research about public concerns is necessary prior to developing such guidelines, yet the issues have not been thoroughly investigated in many countries, including Malaysia. Since the novel often functions as a medium for the public to express their concerns, this paper explores ethical concerns about human genetic enhancement expressed in four Malay science fiction novels namely Klon, Leksikon Ledang, Transgenesis Bisikan Rimba and Transgenik Sifar. Religion has a strong influence on the worldview of the Malays therefore some concerns such as playing God are obviously religious. Association of the negative image of scientists as well as the private research companies with the research on human genetic enhancement reflects the authors’ concerns about the main motivations for conducting such research and the extent to which such research will benefit society.  相似文献   

中国古代明是一种以伦理一政治为取向、以维护封建专制王权为核心的政治明。中国古代政治明是建设社会主义政治明不可逾越的历史积淀,与现代政治明有着根本区别,在建设社会主义政治明的过程中,要十分注意批判专制主义政治的糟粕。  相似文献   

基于天人关系,荀子从人的自然本性和社会性出发,对其社会分层的政治伦理思想作了哲学论证。以“礼”为核心和标准,荀子把社会分层划分为社会等级分层与社会职业分层两个层面。荀子把“礼”的功能———“群”与“分”,特别是等级差别之“分”作为社会分层的手段,以最终实现社会和谐有序的政治理想。这对于我们今天构建社会主义和谐社会仍具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

中国传统政治伦理思想的架构及现代价值   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
政治伦理是社会政治生活中调节、调整人们的政治行为及政治关系的道德规范和准则.中国传统政治伦理思想形成的历史线索很长,是与中国文化传统、中国历史相伴随的;但研究线索却不长,片断的研究也有,系统的研究则刚刚开始真正起步.从观念上,中国传统思想整体自始至终都表现为政治的伦理化和伦理的政治化倾向,其中又以儒家的政治伦理理念为核心.从方法上,中国传统的政治伦理理念是前后承接的,由此,中国传统政治伦理思想可划分为政治伦理基本理念的形成阶段、实践阶段、制度化阶段和解体阶段.其中呈现的中心问题是,在中国特有的政治文化传统下,在伦理政治与法理政治之间如何选择?伦理政治在当代的合法性如何?  相似文献   

The article examines the origins and evolution of the Vatican's political theology and ecclesiology for Europe from Pius XII (especially after the Second World War) and including the pontificates of John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. It seeks to examine the continuities of the ‘Idea of Europe’ in papal thought against a background of changing political context – the end of the Second World War, the Cold War, the fall of the communist state system, the emergence of a united but diverse Europe after 1989. The political structures of the continent now include within its geographic sweep Western and Eastern Christian churches which, divided by tradition and modern history, find their relationship a key marker in the contemporary religious identity of Europe. This reality is a significant framework for Vatican thinking on Europe especially for John Paul II and Benedict XVI.  相似文献   

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