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Early receptive and productive language skills were examined for preterm low birthweight infants and full-term normal birthweight infants from middle-class homes. Nineteen preterm infants and 19 full-term infants were observed in a laboratory setting at the gestationally corrected age of 8 months. To avoid the frequent confound between prematurity and low socioeconomic status, mothers of the two groups of infants were matched on educational levels. Regression analyses were used to assess the relative influence of infant cognitive skills, infant sociability, infant birth status, and the mothers' language input as possible predictors of infant receptive language and vocal behavior. Receptive language skills were associated with higher cognitive performance, greater sociability, and preterm birth. Productive language skills were associated with higher cognitive performance. On the basis of this research, the prognosis for language development in preterm infants raised in middle-class homes appears to be excellent.This research was aided by Social and Behavioral Sciences Research grant No. 12-11 from the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation and supported by DHHS Grant HD03352. Computing was provided by the Waisman Center Computing Facility at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Donna Boylan, Sue DaPra, Maria Kleczewski, Michal Rubin, Susan Silverber, and Paula VanLaanan assisted with data collection.  相似文献   

To what extent is the neural organization of language dependent on factors specific to the modalities in which language is perceived and through which it is produced? That is, is the left-hemisphere dominance for language a function of a linguistic specialization or a function of some domain-general specialization(s), such as temporal processing or motor planning? Investigations of the neurobiology of signed language can help answer these questions. As with spoken languages, signed languages of the deaf display complex grammatical structure but are perceived and produced via radically different modalities. Thus, by mapping out the neurological similarities and differences between signed and spoken language, it is possible to identify modality-specific contributions to brain organization for language. Research to date has shown a significant degree of similarity in the neurobiology of signed and spoken languages, suggesting that the neural organization of language is largely modality-independent.  相似文献   

Preterm infants are at risk of experiencing difficulties in their feeding development. For a possible early identification of these, we examined the association between sucking patterns, assisted spoon feeding, and chewing skills in 40 healthy preterm infants, and the role of experience in the acquisition of these skills in a prospective longitudinal study. Sucking patterns were evaluated at 34, 37, and 44 weeks postmenstrual age (PMA), assisted spoon feeding was evaluated at 6, 9, and 12 months PMA, and chewing was evaluated at 9, 12, and 24 months PMA. Sucking patterns were rated using the Neonatal Oral Motor Assessment Scale, assisted spoon feeding was rated using the Observation List Spoon Feeding, and chewing was evaluated using the Mastication Observation and Evaluation Instrument.All infants showed progression in their oral motor skills during the study period, but not all demonstrated a stable progression of skills. Quality of sucking patterns was not associated with skill level achievement of assisted spoon feeding or with chewing. Length of experience in sucking was significantly associated with duration of supplemental tube feeding but not with the quality of the sucking pattern. Length of chewing experience was significantly associated with chewing abilities at 9 and 12 months PMA. No clinical characteristics were sufficiently predictive of oral motor skill development. Results show that sucking patterns are not predictive of subsequent feeding development in healthy preterm infants. The food consistency offered and the length of feeding experience influenced the acquisition and quality of oral motor skills differently.  相似文献   

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 provided a unique opportunity to investigate the causal status of frequency on typicality for one exemplar of a common conceptual category-namely, the typicality ofairplane as a member of the category ofvehicles. The extensive media coverage following the attacks included numerous references to the hijacked airplanes and to the consequences of suspending air travel to and from the United States for several days. The present study, involving 152 undergraduates, assessed airplane typicality at three time points ranging from 5 h to 1 month after the attacks and then again at 4.5 months after the attacks. Airplane was judged to be a more typical vehicle for 1 month following the attacks, relative to a baseline calculated from data collected yearly for 5 years preceding the attacks. By 4.5 months, however, typicality was back to baseline.  相似文献   

Kinship is central to social organization in many societies; how people think about kinship should be relevant to social cognition generally. One window onto the mental representation of kinship is afforded by variation and universals in terms for kin. Kin terminologies are commonly organized around binary distinctive features, and terms for some types of kin are consistently linguistically marked. These observations can be formalized in the newly developed framework of linguistic Optimality Theory: permutations in the rank order of a small set of constraints generate basic types of kin terminology without over-generating rare or non-existent types. The result, I argue, is evidence for an innate faculty of social cognition (including several universal schemas of social relationships), apparently shaped by several kinds of genetic kin selection.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in psycholinguistic research concerns the universality of comprehension strategies. We investigated this issue by examining the so-called "subject preference" in Turkish, a language which allows for a natural (unmarked) object reading of an initial ambiguous argument. Using event-related brain potentials (ERPs), we observed increased processing difficulty in the form of a broadly distributed positivity when an initial ambiguous argument was disambiguated towards an object reading. This effect was independent of the animacy (i.e. semantic subject prototypicality) of the ambiguous argument. Our results therefore speak in favour of a universal tendency to interpret the first argument encountered as the "subject" of the clause, even in languages providing no obvious structural motivation for such a strategy. However, we argue that the underlying explanation for this preference must be modified in accordance with cross-linguistic considerations.  相似文献   

Donlan C  Cowan R  Newton EJ  Lloyd D 《Cognition》2007,103(1):23-33
A sample (n=48) of eight-year-olds with specific language impairments is compared with age-matched (n=55) and language matched controls (n=55) on a range of tasks designed to test the interdependence of language and mathematical development. Performance across tasks varies substantially in the SLI group, showing profound deficits in production of the count word sequence and basic calculation and significant deficits in understanding of the place-value principle in Hindu-Arabic notation. Only in understanding of arithmetic principles does SLI performance approximate that of age-matched-controls, indicating that principled understanding can develop even where number sequence production and other aspects of number processing are severely compromised.  相似文献   

A slightly different version of this article will also appear as a chapter in H. J. Vetter & R. W. Rieber, (Eds.) (in press).The psychopathology of language and thought. New York: Plenum Press.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether contextual failures in schizophrenia are due to deficits in the detection of context or the inhibition of contextually irrelevant information. Eighteen schizophrenia patients and 24 nonpsychiatric controls were tested via a cross-modal semantic priming task. Participants heard sentences containing homonyms and made lexical decisions about visual targets related to the homonyms' dominant or subordinate meanings. When sentences moderately biased subordinate meanings (e.g., the animal enclosure meaning of pen), schizophrenia patients showed priming of dominant targets (e.g., paper) and subordinate targets (e.g., pig). In contrast, controls showed priming only of subordinate targets. When contexts strongly biased subordinate meanings, both groups showed priming only of subordinate targets. The results suggest that inhibitory deficits rather than context detection deficits underlie contextual failures in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The data reviewed here indicate that electrical stimulation of the dominant ventrolateral thalamus can produce deficits in language processing that are not seen after similar stimulation of the nondominant ventrolateral thalamus. The nature of the language deficit produced varies, depending upon the rostrocaudal location of the stimulation site. Stimulation of the anterior left ventrolateral thalamus in right-handed patients resulted in production of a repeated erroneous word, stimulation of the medial ventrolateral thalamus evoked perseveration, and stimulation of the posterior ventrolateral thalamus and anterior pulvinar resulted in misnaming and omissions. Additional studies have examined the effect of electrical thalamic stimulation on verbal and nonverbal short-term memory. Left (but not right) ventrolateral thalamic stimulation during verbal memory input greatly decreased subsequent recall errors, while stimulation during verbal memory retrieval increased recall errors. This finding contrasted with those obtained from studies on nonverbal memory, in which right ventrolateral stimulation during memory input decreased recall errors, while left thalamic stimulation at the same stage increased recall errors. Left pulvinar stimulation disrupted verbal memory processing, while right pulvinar stimulation disrupted nonverbal memory processing. Limited evidence suggests that the effects of thalamic electrical stimulation on verbal memory may persist for several days after the stimulation has ended. The lateralization of thalamic functions also affects the motoric aspects of speech production. Left (but not right) ventrolateral thalamic stimulation disrupted speech articulation and increased the expiratory phase of respiration. The fact that these motor effects were evoked from the same general area of the thalamus that produced the language deficits discussed above raises the possibility that the thalamus is involved in coordinating the cognitive and motoric aspects of language production. A model of thalamic function is discussed in which defined regions of the thalamus operate as a "specific alerting response," increasing the input to memory of category-specific material while simultaneously inhibiting retrieval from memory.  相似文献   

Readers' eye movements were monitored as they read sentences in which two noun phrases or two independent clauses were connected by the word or (NP-coordination and S-coordination, respectively). The word either could be present or absent earlier in the sentence. When either was present, the material immediately following or was read more quickly, across both sentence types. In addition, there was evidence that readers misanalyzed the S-coordination structure as an NP-coordination structure only when either was absent. The authors interpret the results as indicating that the word either enabled readers to predict the arrival of a coordination structure; this predictive activation facilitated processing of this structure when it ultimately arrived, and in the case of S-coordination sentences, enabled readers to avoid the incorrect NP-coordination analysis. The authors argue that these results support parsing theories according to which the parser can build predictable syntactic structure before encountering the corresponding lexical input.  相似文献   

In this review article, it is argued that the wide range of communicative deficits that have been noted in both individuals with damage to the right cerebral hemisphere (RHD) and high-functioning individuals with autism may stem from difficulties appreciating the importance of their interlocutor's communicative intentions (CIs). It is also argued that the abnormal semantic development noted in infants with RHD and autism may be related to difficulties in appreciating CIs as well. Finally, it is suggested that the CIs hypothesis may provide an avenue for integrating a number of theoretical suggestions that have been made regarding the right hemisphere's contributions to communicative competence.  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that structural factors play a much larger role than the linear order of words during the production of grammatical agreement. These findings have been used as evidence for a stage in the production process at which hierarchical relations between constituents have been established (a necessary precursor to agreement), but before the final linear order of words is determined. The current article combines evidence from off-line ratings, online production studies, and a corpus analysis in support of the view that linear order effects do exist. These findings have implications both for theories of agreement production and language production more generally.  相似文献   

Difficulties in resolving pronominal anaphora have been taken as evidence that Specific Language Impairment (SLI) involves a grammar-specific impairment. The present study explores an alternative view, that grammatical deficits in SLI are sequelae of impaired speech perception. This perceptual deficit specifically affects the use of phonological information in working memory, which in turn leads to poorer than expected syntactic comprehension. This hypothesis was explored using a connectionist model of sentence processing that learned to map sequences of words to their meanings. Anaphoric resolution was represented in this model by recognizing the semantics of the correct antecedent when a bound pronoun was input. When the model was trained on distorted phonological inputs-simulating a perceptual deficit-it exhibited marked difficulty resolving bound anaphors. However, many other aspects of sentence comprehension were intact; most importantly, the model could still resolve pronouns using gender information. In addition, the model's deficit was graded rather than categorical, as it was able to resolve pronouns in some sentences, but not in others. These results are consistent with behavioral data concerning syntactic deficits in SLI. The model provides a causal demonstration of how a perceptual deficit could give rise to grammatical deficits in SLI.  相似文献   

The question of a sensitive period in language acquisition has been subject to extensive research and debate for more than half a century. While it has been well established that the ability to learn new languages declines in early years, the extent to which this outcome depends on biological maturation in contrast to previously acquired knowledge remains disputed. In the present study, we addressed this question by examining phonetic discriminatory abilities in early second language (L2) speakers of Swedish, who had either maintained their first language (L1) (immigrants) or had lost it (international adoptees), using native speaker controls. Through this design, we sought to disentangle the effects of the maturational state of the learner on L2 development from the effects of L1 interference: if additional language development is indeed constrained by an interfering L1, then adoptees should outperform immigrant speakers. The results of an auditory lexical decision task, in which fine vowel distinctions in Swedish had been modified, showed, however, no difference between the L2 groups. Instead, both L2 groups scored significantly lower than the native speaker group. The three groups did not differ in their ability to discriminate non‐modified words. These findings demonstrate that L1 loss is not a crucial condition for successfully acquiring an L2, which in turn is taken as support for a maturational constraints view on L2 acquisition. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at: https://youtu.be/1J9X50aePeU  相似文献   

We present an algorithmic model for the development of children's intuitive theories within a hierarchical Bayesian framework, where theories are described as sets of logical laws generated by a probabilistic context-free grammar. We contrast our approach with connectionist and other emergentist approaches to modeling cognitive development. While their subsymbolic representations provide a smooth error surface that supports efficient gradient-based learning, our symbolic representations are better suited to capturing children's intuitive theories but give rise to a harder learning problem, which can only be solved by exploratory search. Our algorithm attempts to discover the theory that best explains a set of observed data by performing stochastic search at two levels of abstraction: an outer loop in the space of theories and an inner loop in the space of explanations or models generated by each theory given a particular dataset. We show that this stochastic search is capable of learning appropriate theories in several everyday domains and discuss its dynamics in the context of empirical studies of children's learning.  相似文献   

The study aims at investigating the dynamics of visual information processing during sequential control of attentional selection. By combining two different traditional paradigms we show for the first time that during rapid selection of visual targets, encoding of a new target stimulus is facilitated by suppression of the preceding relevant stimulus category (Backward Blink; BB). Such inhibition would operate to reduce interference from previously stored information, in order to facilitate the instantiation of a new attentional episode. Results suggest that the same underlying inhibitory mechanism might contribute to two different attentional effects, specifically, the switch cost and the Attentional Blink, suggesting a general inhibitory mechanism of attentional control, with broad implications for understanding how the brain perceives any task-relevant stimulus.  相似文献   

This article is an overview of the most important controversial issues in the field of psycholinguistics. Seven questions were posed in a dialogue interview to each of the following distinguished scholars in the field: Noam Chomsky, Charles Osgood, Jean Piaget, Ulrich Neisser, and Marcel Kinsbourne. The authors have provided a critical discussion of the issues as well as a summary of the different points of view of each of the above mentioned individuals. The complete dialogues will be published together in a forthcoming book entitledDialogues in the Psychology of Language and Thought.This paper was originally written in collaboration with G. Voyat for and will appear as the introduction of a forthcoming book entitledDialogues in the Psychology of Language and Thought, R. W. Rieber, ed. (Plenum, New York, 1981). The reader should consult the above-mentioned book for a complete picture of the dialogues discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Past research (e.g., J. M. Loomis, Y. Lippa, R. L. Klatzky, & R. G. Golledge, 2002) has indicated that spatial representations derived from spatial language can function equivalently to those derived from perception. The authors tested functional equivalence for reporting spatial relations that were not explicitly stated during learning. Participants learned a spatial layout by visual perception or spatial language and then made allocentric direction and distance judgments. Experiments 1 and 2 indicated allocentric relations could be accurately reported in all modalities, but visually perceived layouts, tested with or without vision, produced faster and less variable directional responses than language. In Experiment 3, when participants were forced to create a spatial image during learning (by spatially updating during a backward translation), functional equivalence of spatial language and visual perception was demonstrated by patterns of latency, systematic error, and variability.  相似文献   

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