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生命道德是人的生命关系的应然,心理健康是人的关系世界的实然反映,回归到人的生活世界,两者在本质上具有统一性,都是为了追求人与自我、人与自然、人与社会以及人与精神信仰的和谐关系。生命道德与心理健康在"关系性"上的统一性使得生命道德成为影响大学生心理健康的重要因素。积极的生命价值观能够引导大学生摆脱消极心理状态,维持心理平衡;积极的生命道德行为有助于大学生获得积极的情绪体验和社会支持;良好的生命道德品质有利于大学生全面准确地把握和处理成长、发展中遇到的问题;生命意义感能促进大学生积极悦纳自我,产生主观幸福感。因此,加强大学生生命道德教育能够促进大学生不断追求与自我、与自然、与社会、与信仰的和谐,进而提升其心理健康水平。  相似文献   

本文着重从生殖、生存、生命等多种意义上探讨湘西土家族原始宗教文化的生命意识,试图为土家族顽强的生命力作一个追根溯源的理论探索,并由此得出如下现代启示:原始宗教文化中的生命意识是十分强烈的;宗教信仰的本质是"人类的精神";中国传统文化除了有人文性特性之外,还有更为重要的巫性特性;现代社会的文明进程也不能缺失人类原始动力.  相似文献   

应对社会文化震荡需要社会性的宏观策略,更需要适宜的微观策略--个体的自我调节策略.幽默感本质上是认知、情绪、行为、心理和社会等各方面的整合.幽默感的本质决定了幽默对个体从接受刺激到做出反应的各个环节都具有调节作用,能满足社会文化震荡中个体超越各种障碍时的心理调节需要和行为需要.本文通过介绍国外的研究成果,阐释了幽默作用于社会文化震荡的四个机制:认知中心机制、情绪中心机制、问题中心机制和结果接受机制.  相似文献   

人的发展具有丰富的内涵,包括人的社会性本质和个性的发展、人的活动和主体功能的发展、人的需要与价值的发展和作为总括的人的本质力量的发展。人的发展的上述要素内在关联,而每一要素的发展都必须诉诸文化。文化作为人的活动的产物具有认知功能、支撑功能、规范功能、评价和导引功能、教化功能。它在人的发展中的作用表现为:促进人与自然的和谐,增强人类社会的生命力、凝聚力和竞争力两方面。为了发挥文化的作用,必须从并存性和继起性的关系及其联结中理解文化自觉、自信、自强的重要意义。而在并存性关系和继起性关系的联结中,文化自觉、自信、自强的意义在于:一是有助于促进人的科学发展;二是有助于调整人们的交往方式;三是有助于丰富人的精神世界。  相似文献   

由于中西方文化的不同,在交际中存在很大差异,这些文化差异所造成的文化误解是多种多样的,我们通常从自己的文化角度去思考问题的习惯,这就叫社会文化定势(Stereotypes)。不同文化背景的人交往时,跨文化意识的获取难度极大,其阻力主要来源于本民族文化长期的定势作用和对其他文化的偏见。英语学习者应树立跨文化意识、重视跨文化知识的掌握,在跨文化交际中要对目标语言的社会文化进行现实的体验和积累,同时也要关注不同社会文化中的非言语交际,以实现跨文化交际中社会文化定势的消解。  相似文献   

从文化的角度看,生命伦理之争是文化之争。也就是说,生命伦理之争的背后是不同文化传统之间、同一文化内部不同派别之间、对同一经典的不同诠释之间的争论。然而,东西方文化之间,以及同一文化内部各派别之间也并非完全不可通约,未来生命伦理学的发展必须保持其普世性和多元性之间的张力。  相似文献   

从文化的角度看,生命伦理之争是文化之争.也就是说,生命伦理之争的背后是不同文化传统之间、同一文化内部不同派别之间、对同一经典的不同诠释之间的争论.然而,东西方文化之间,以及同一文化内部各派别之间也并非完全不可通约,未来生命伦理学的发展必须保持其普世性和多元性之间的张力.  相似文献   

具身-生成心智倡导生命与认知的深刻连续性,它重新定义了自然选择,强调身体和生命活动对认知的关键意义,并指出每一个人都是经过文化适应的主体。它在心智进化的本质、认知的核心工作假设、人类本性与文化,以及基因、身体、生命活动与认知的关系等问题上都有着完全不同于进化心理学的理解,并对后者提出了质疑和挑战。  相似文献   

文化震荡及其对个体心理健康的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
当前我国正在经历的急剧社会文化变迁对众多个体心理产生了强烈冲击,形成了文化震荡,并在不同程度上影响了其心理健康。研究表明,由于不同个体的经历和应付方式不同,其对文化震荡的承受能力也不同。因此,深入研究文化震荡的形成及其对不同个体的影响,充分挖掘各种文化有益于维护个体心理健康的宝贵遗产,建立个体心理健康防卫、救护机制和社会安定预警机制,是一项刻不容缓的紧迫任务。  相似文献   

教师的心理健康状况对整个社会文明的推进,对教师职业的生存与发展有着深远的意义,且对教师自身的专业成长和生命质量的提高有着巨大的作用。教师是高压力、高应急群体,具有诸多引发心理问题的诱因,尤其是心理健康问题的负面效应具有不可一视性和与其他职业群体的不可比拟性。  相似文献   

Many mental health clinicians participate in the use of social media in their professional and personal lives. There are a number of ethics issues and challenges associated with this social media use, particularly with regard to self-disclosure. In this comment, key issues relevant to social media use and self-disclosure are addressed including relevant ethics guidance for participating in social media; social media use, boundaries, and multiple relationships; informed consent and the social media policy; and preparation of our next generation for working ethically and effectively in the digital world. These challenges are examined and recommendations for addressing each of them in a thoughtful and proactive manner are made with a focus on each mental health professional’s overarching ethics obligations to those we serve.  相似文献   

Lauren E. Storck 《Group》1997,21(4):331-349
Most psychotherapists are aware of the many social issues and cultural factors that influence development throughout each individual life. Human nature, being a social nature, exists within relationships to others, the community, and a culture, sometimes a mixture of cultures. One social parameter, social class, redefined here as psychosocial class, has not received the same attention from psychotherapists as gender issues or ethnicity, two other important sociocultural spheres of influence on everyday life. It is suggested that group therapists are in a unique position to develop a cultural psychotherapy that addresses psychosocial class and cultural aspects of mental health. This paper includes a preliminary model of cultural psychotherapy that highlights the psychology of social class and culture for psychodynamic group psychotherapy.  相似文献   


While mental health professionals tend to primarily focus on their professional responsibilities toward the specific members of the public whom they serve, many are also concerned about positively impacting the broader society or culture in which they live and work. This notion of social responsibility is addressed in the ethics codes of both psychologists and social workers. This article reviews how this notion is addressed for these two mental health professions and also examines the changes that have occurred for psychologists between the 1992 and 2002 ethics codes. Finally, some general issues regarding the role of mental health professionals in changing society are considered.  相似文献   

The first aim of the study was to investigate differences in level of mental health, life stress and social support among adolescents with immigrant and domestic background. A second aim was to identify culture group and gender specific sources of risk and protective factors and their relation to mental health. Questionnaire data were collected from 633 students, aged 13, in Oslo, Norway. Immigrant adolescents reported higher level of psychological distress and lower social support than host students. Of the four gender-culture groups, immigrant boys reported the highest level of problems, with a 28% prevalence of anxiety/depression. There were no significant differences in prevalence among the girls. Specific patterns of relationships between life stress, support, and mental health were found across gender and culture. The results were discussed within a framework of culture differences in values and gender role expectancies, underscoring the importance of studying each gender/culture group separately.  相似文献   

Digital culture is a prominent factor in the formation of children’s identity and relational experiences, with high percentages of children in many countries participating in gaming and social networking activities. Yet little scholarly work has addressed the ways in which various patterns of engagement in digital culture call into question current assumptions about childhood identity formation and relationality and the repercussions of formational and relational shifts on children’s spirituality. This essay explores ways in which digital culture functions as a spiritually enriching force in children’s lives, paying particular attention to the potential value of social networking for children’s spiritual well-being and the ways in which the internet’s positive aspects may mask other, more corrosive, elements.  相似文献   

中国社会正值心理问题高发期,抑郁症已经成为困扰中国的一大社会问题。社会因素与抑郁症的患病率上升有直接关系。社会因素有:社会大环境与中国的经济转型,东西方民族心理文化的差异以及对健康的不同认知,计划生育政策的消极效应等。社会应根据其影响因素采取相应的干预措施。  相似文献   

The present research investigated different types of social class identification as moderators of the negative relation between social class and mental health problems. Psychology undergraduates (N = 355) completed an online survey that included measures of social class, mental health and well-being, and three aspects of social class identification: importance of identity, salience of identity, and perceived self-class similarity. Perceived self-class similarity buffered the negative association between social class and depressive symptoms. However, importance and salience of social class identity amplified the associations between social class and anxiety and life satisfaction. These findings contribute to a more sophisticated understanding of the way in which social identification may operate as a social cure.  相似文献   

传统中国文化处理心理健康问题的三种思路   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
景怀斌 《心理学报》2002,34(3):107-112
近年来 ,从中国文化的角度进行心理健康问题的研究越来越多 ,但是从文化整体的角度对这一问题的研究尚嫌不够。本文认为 ,虽然传统中国文化没有现代心理学意义上的心理健康的说法 ,但是由于人的存在的共同性 ,传统中国文化客观上具有处理心理健康问题的功能。这表现为三种思路 :信仰—养性的思路 ,养生—治身的思路 ,迷信—功利的思路。它们各自对心理健康有自己的见解和做法。文章分析了这三种思路的基本情况和特征 ,并进一步讨论了它们对当代心理健康研究的启发  相似文献   

不同阶层心理健康观念及需求状况的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用开放式和封闭式问卷调查法 ,对不同阶层共 483人的心理健康观念及心理健康需求状况进行了调查研究。结果表明 :( 1 )不同阶层、不同年龄段的人关于心理健康标准的观念具有显著差异。 ( 2 )人们认为 ,心理健康的人应具有的最典型特征是“处世乐观、热情、诚恳”和“心平气和、与世无争、乐于助人”。 ( 3 )心理不健康的人或心理变态的人所表现的最典型特征是“性格孤僻、与人不合群”和“对生活失去信心、悲观”。 ( 4)虽然不少人认为心理健康与咨询工作者当前最急需开展的工作是“宣传心理健康知识、开展心理卫生服务” ,但只有极少的人能够正视自己的心理健康需求 ,提出自己需要心理健康服务或咨询。  相似文献   

Refugees are exposed to extreme stressors and are therefore at risk of mental health and social problems. Other issues refugees have to cope with include the loss of their country, culture, language, profession, family, friends, and future plans. Much of the studies that have been done on refugee mental health have not attempted to explain what these experiences mean to these individuals. Thus, this study provides explorative data on the mental health and quality of life of West African refugees living in Nigeria in order to understand their views and perspectives. This study carried out in 2010 employed qualitative methods; a total of four focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted among adult male and female refugees purposively selected at the Oru Refugee Camp, Ogun State, Nigeria. Respondents described quality of life as a major determinant of mental health status. Most of the participants believed that women were more predisposed to mental ill health due to their sensitive emotional make-up. Factors identified by respondents as affecting mental health and quality of life among refugees included poverty, unemployment, physical health, housing and environment, discrimination, stigmatization, and insecurity. Refugees rated their mental health and quality of life as poor due to the aforementioned factors. Recommendations were made to the international community, national and local governments to invest more on education, provision of vocational and entrepreneurial skills as well as adequate housing in order to improve the mental health and quality of life of refugees.  相似文献   

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