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为考察想象性群际接触对内隐性别偏见与合作行为的影响,采用单类内隐联想测验(SC-IAT)和三种合作范式进行了两个实验。结果发现:与对照组相比,(1)积极想象性接触能显著降低不同性别个体对异性的内隐性别偏见。(2)积极想象性接触仅能显著增加个体在囚徒困境中的合作行为,内隐性别偏见起部分中介作用。结果表明,积极想象性接触既能减少个体对异性群体的内隐性别偏见,并可进一步促进两人情境中与异性间的合作行为。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine relations among dimensions of religiosity and explicit and implicit attitudes about homosexuals. Implicit attitudes were measured using the Implicit Association Test, an instrument that assesses attitudes about objects, persons, or groups, indirectly via participants' response times to words that are paired with symbols (e.g., “gay” and “straight” couples). Participants also completed explicit measures of religious fundamentalism, Christian orthodoxy, right-wing authoritarianism, and attitudes toward homosexuals. With respect to explicit attitudes, the results were consistent with previous research. Religious fundamentalism and right-wing authoritarianism predicted negative attitudes toward homosexuals, whereas Christian orthodoxy predicted more positive attitudes. In contrast, right-wing authoritarianism was the only significant predictor of implicit attitudes. People who scored high on a measure of right-wing authoritarianism had more negative explicit and implicit attitudes toward homosexuals than did people who scored low. Right-wing authoritarianism appears to play an important role in predicting both explicit and implicit attitudes toward homosexuals.  相似文献   

We propose that the internalization of orthodox Christian beliefs serves as a basis for a personal moral standard that discourages prejudice against others as well as for self-critical emotions that follow upon behaving in a discriminatory manner. Two correlational studies tested hypotheses derived from our theory. Study 1 demonstrated that to the extent people endorse orthodox Christian beliefs, they report an internal motivation to respond without prejudice toward homosexuals. Study 2 demonstrated that, when controlling for the effects of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), endorsement of orthodox Christian beliefs was related to positive attitudes toward homosexuals as individuals or as a group, but not toward homosexuality as a behavior or lifestyle.  相似文献   

We assessed religious volunteers’ intergroup contact, realistic threat perceptions, symbolic threat perceptions, intergroup anxiety, negative stereotypes and prejudice toward Mexicans before and approximately 4–6 months into their volunteer service. Whether assigned to serve Mexicans or European–Americans, all volunteers experienced reduced prejudice toward Mexicans. A multiple mediator model suggests that changes in prejudice resulted from a mediated relationship between quality contact and prejudice. Specifically, intergroup anxiety and negative stereotypes mediated the relationship. The benefits of volunteerism as a means of fostering favorable intergroup contact and reducing threat perceptions and prejudice are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stereotyping and implicit theory on benevolent prejudice toward an Aboriginal student were investigated in a mock work setting. In a 2 (Stereotype: prime vs. no prime) × 2 (Theory: entity vs. incremental) × 2 (Race: Aboriginal vs. Caucasian) between‐subjects design, non‐Aboriginal participants were primed or not primed with a negative Aboriginal stereotype and an entity or incremental implicit theory before evaluating an Aboriginal or Caucasian student. Consistent with a benevolent prejudice perspective, when primed with the stereotype, only participants holding an entity theory expressed greater desire to help the Aboriginal compared to the Caucasian candidate, despite both candidates demonstrating identical performance information. Implications for prejudice in work environments are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨想象接触对不同民族群体内隐态度和外显态度的影响。实验1和实验2分别随机选取不同先前接触经验的汉族大学生和维吾尔族大学生进行想象接触,采用“单类内隐联想测验(SC-IAT)”和外显态度量表评估不同条件下的内隐态度和外显态度。结果表明:想象接触显著提高了不同群体对外群体的内隐态度,对外显态度影响不显著;而先前接触经验对不同群体的内隐态度影响不显著,对外显态度影响显著。研究还发现,即使是已经发生过面对面接触的个体,也可以通过想象接触来提高对外群体的内隐态度,进一步拓展了想象接触在整个群际接触体系中地位和作用。  相似文献   


The healing power of psychodynamically oriented therapy and training groups rests, to a large degree, upon the quality of the here and now interactions. For the work to be effective, the basic principles of analytic group work need to be followed, including the observance of no extra–group contact. Simply said, nothing leaves the room. This principle has both ethical and clinical implications. It is my premise that while some forms of outside contact between members are relatively benign, other types are not. Outside contact that is built into the fabric and context of the group may pose a risk, as may be the case where dual relationships exist between members. The impact of dual relationships between group members in the particular instance of analytic training institutes is the focus of this article. What happens to the transference in this context when members reveal too much of their personal lives to each other through dual relationships is explored. It is suggested that extra–group contact can disrupt the balance between reality and transference distortion in group interactions in at least three ways: (a) “The Emperor’s New Clothes” effect, (b) looping, and (c) gaslighting. Vignettes are presented to illustrate these phenomena and suggestions for reform are offered.  相似文献   

We explored implicit and explicit attitudes toward Muslims and Christians within a predominantly Christian sample in the United States. Implicit attitudes were assessed with the Implicit Association Test (IAT), a computer program that recorded reaction times as participants categorized names (of Christians and Muslims) and adjectives (pleasant or unpleasant). Participants also completed self-report measures of attitudes toward Christians and Muslims, and some personality constructs known to correlate with ethnocentrism (i.e., right-wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation, impression management, religious fundamentalism, intrinsic-extrinsic-quest religious orientations). Consistent with social identity theory, participants' self-reported attitudes toward Christians were more positive than their self-reported attitudes toward Muslims. Participants also displayed moderate implicit preference for Christians relative to Muslims. This IAT effect could also be interpreted as implicit prejudice toward Muslims relative to Christians. A slight positive correlation between implicit and explicit attitudes was found. As self-reported anti-Arab racism, social dominance orientation, right-wing authoritarianism, and religious fundamentalism increased, self-reported attitudes toward Muslims became more negative. The same personality variables were associated with more positive attitudes toward Christians relative to Muslims on the self-report level, but not the implicit level.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment examined the impact of a derogatory remark on expressions of prejudice toward a gay male leader. Students participated in same‐sex groups with a male confederate who was obviously gay or presumably straight. Half of the participants in the gay condition heard a derogatory remark about the confederate. This resulted in 3 experimental conditions: gay/remark, gay/no remark, and straight/no remark. Participants evaluated the leader's abilities less favorably and evidenced more negative nonverbal behaviors toward him in the gay/remark condition than in the gay/no remark or straight/no remark conditions. These findings extend research on derogatory remarks to a nonracial minority and highlight the powerful effect of immediate social context on expressions of prejudice.  相似文献   

《Psychoanalytic Inquiry》2013,33(4):516-539
New research findings of the development and organization of the mind, brain, and behavior bolster the ongoing relational- or intersubjective-field paradigmatic revision of psychoanalytic theory. A multisystems view of learning, memory, and knowledge provide us with a more complex picture of information processing that has fundamental implications for a psychoanalytic theory of therapeutic action.

If the implicit and explicit learning/memory systems are viewed as parallel processes, not easily translatable from one to the other, then new implicit relational experience carries considerably more power as compared to explicit/declarative processing in changing and establishing new implicit mental models. When these cognitive processing systems are viewed as more closely interconnected with a developmental emphasis on connecting them through language, then exploratory/interpretive work becomes more central. REM, dream, infant, and cognitive research evidence suggests that imagistic symbolic capacity exists at birth. Learning and remembering using imagistic symbolic processing could suggest a more easily translatable connection with later developed verbal symbolic processing and a closer, although varied, interconnection between implicit and explicit (symbolic) memory systems.

Explicit attitudes are more directly modifiable through an explicit/declarative focus. Implicit mental models, it is proposed, are variably modifiable through two different change processes: (1) accommodation or transformation of expectancies through new implicit procedural experience (not requiring explicit focus) and (2) diminished activation and increased capacity to deactivate implicit mental models through explicit/declarative processing and the establishment of contrasting implicit models through new implicit procedural experience.  相似文献   

We analyzed the correspondence between implicit and explicit attitudes of health care practitioners working with drug addicts as a function of years of professional experience, and its relation with important organizational outcomes. Consistent with the hypothesis that implicit–explicit attitude inconsistency is unpleasant and people struggle to resolve it, practitioners' implicit–explicit consistency increased with years of experience. Moreover, for practitioners self-reporting positive attitudes, negative implicit attitudes led to increased absenteeism and decreased voluntary extra work. For practitioners self-reporting negative attitudes, positive automatic associations had similar effects. Strengths, limitations, and possible extensions of this research are discussed.  相似文献   

采用语义差异法编制心理疾病污名语义差异量表,用于测量外显污名,并用语义差异量表的词对作为单类内隐联想测验的材料,测量内隐污名,用这两类材料研究外显污名与内隐污名的结构及关系。结果表明:外显污名的三维度模型具有良好的拟合度(χ2/df=2.99, RMSEA=0.075, CFI=0.918, TLI=0.902);内隐污名的三维度模型也具有良好的拟合度(χ2/df=2.272, RMSEA=0.071, CFI=0.857, TLI=0.833),且与外显污名的结构相同,都由认知评价、情感体验、行为反应三维度构成;心理疾病污名的外显认知评价与内隐认知评价存在显著相关(r=0.436),外显污名与内隐污名的其它维度之间均不存在显著相关。  相似文献   

Stigma prevents people with depression from seeking professional help, and effective strategies to reduce implicit stigmatizing beliefs and attitudes toward depression are needed. We developed stepwise strategies to promote counterstereotypic exemplars of people with depression and conducted an experiment (N?=?105) with a pretest–posttest control group design to examine effects of these strategies. Our results showed that implicit stigmatizing beliefs and attitudes were reduced more in the experimental group, in which the counterstereotypic strategies were implemented in addition to the provision of education regarding basic knowledge of depression, than in the control group, which received only education.  相似文献   

Journal of Philosophical Logic - We identify a pervasive contrast between implicit and explicit stances in logical analysis and system design. Implicit systems change received meanings of logical...  相似文献   

内隐和外显记忆测验中的定向遗忘效应   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
王大伟  刘永芳 《心理科学》2005,28(2):324-328
定向遗忘效应已为许多研究所证实,但多数研究都是使用传统的记忆任务(外显记忆测验),采用内隐记忆测验进行的研究还非常少,而且研究结果也不尽一致。本文试图在前人研究的基础上,通过操作指示符变量(记住/遗忘),考察再认和偏好测验中是否有定向遗忘效应。  相似文献   

个体的选择可能是外显目标和内隐目标共同作用的结果,同时满足意识到的和未意识到的需要,这就是目标选择的多效性。通过两个行为学实验来验证内隐选择的多效性原则。实验一,被试随机分为积极和消极启动两个组,不同的启动后,要求判断两张不同颜色纸张的质量高低。结果发现在积极认同组,大多数的被试选择红色织物,在消极认同组(惭愧组),少数的被试选择红色织物。实验二,被试同样被分为两组,其中一组施加积极启动,另一组为控制组,之后,所有被试被邀请参加一项研究涉及雇佣人员的决策。结果发现当被试没有分配任何目标时,被试选择四位应征者并无显著之差异;当被试分配了外显或内隐的目标时,大多数的被试选择了具有相应特征的应征者;当被试的外显目标和隐性目标都存在,被试的选择表现出多效性。实验结果表明,在追求明确的外显目标时,个人可能与此同时试图满足他们的已经激活的内隐背景目标,选择者可能并没有意识到这种影响。在二选一或者多选一选择背景下,对一个已知选项的选择,受到多效性影响,其多效性是基于个人选择的价值最大化,并同时满足几个目标的原则。  相似文献   

牛盾  赵婷 《心理学探新》2005,25(4):26-30
研究探讨言语-表象维度认知风格对外昱、内隐记忆效果的影响。实验采用不同认知风格(言语型和表象型)的被试,以抽象名词和具体名词为测验材料,运用了Jacoby加工分离程序。结果发现:言语-表象维度认知风格对内隐记忆效果的影响与外显记忆不同。(1)表象型被试和言语型被试在识记抽象名词时外显记忆成绩差异显著;(2)言语型-表象型认知风格没有导致内隐记忆的个体差异。  相似文献   

内隐自尊与外显自尊对自我妨碍的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
李晓东  袁冬华 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1337-1340
采用实验和问卷法研究了内隐自尊与外显自尊对自我妨碍的影响。结果表明:内隐自尊和外显自尊对自我妨碍有不同的影响。内隐自尊对行动式自我妨碍和自陈式自我妨碍均有影响,外显自尊与性别在自陈式自我妨碍上有显着的交互作用,高外显自尊的男生更倾向于做自陈式自我妨碍。  相似文献   

采用Jacoby加工分离程序,以无意义音节字母串为材料,对场依存型、场独立型和中间型被试的内隐、外显记忆进行分离,考察不同认知风格类型的个体,在加工信息过程中,对与其认知风格类型匹配或不匹配的材料的编码和提取上是否存在不同的方式和策略。结果表明:1)场依存型个体的意识性提取成绩好于场独立型个体,场依存型个体的外显记忆好于场独立型个体。2)场独立型个体的自动提取成绩高于场依存型个体的成绩,场独立型个体的内隐记忆好于场依存型个体。3)无论在意识性提取还是自动提取方面,中间类型个体的成绩总是介于场依存型个体与场独立型个体之间。  相似文献   

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