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张厚粲  余嘉元 《心理科学》2012,35(3):514-521
有关心理测量的思想起源于中国古代。但西方科学的心理测验理论与方法是20世纪初自西方传人中国的。30年的发展取得很大成绩,但道路艰辛曲折,文章分三个阶段对之作了回顾。一、最早是1915年外国学者为比较中美儿童的智力差异对广州500名小学生进行测试。同一时期,我国学者也开始自己编制测验,"小学生毛笔书法量表"是最早的标准化教育测验。廖世承和陈鹤琴1920年在南京高等师范开设测验课程,出版《心理测验法》一书,正式介绍科学的心理测验。与美国专家合作编制多种测验,1923年与美国专家合作对全国小学生进行测试,得出了三至八年级学童的年龄与班级常模,引起了教育界的注意。艾伟从1925年起致力编制中小学不同年级和学科的测验以及能力测验,还与张耀翔编制了识字测验与阅读测验等,对我国教育测验的发展做出了很大贡献。"中国测验学会"1931成立。并创办会刊《测验》有效地推动了当时测验研究的开展.1937年"七七"事变后,工作继续进行和扩展,但受战争的影响,发展上减慢了速度。二、1949年新中国成立后,由于政治上的变迁,心理测验被视为禁区,认为它违心,反动,没有人敢于问津。文化大革命中,心理学被打成伪科学,心理测验更是全盘否定了。三.文革以后,心理学恢复。而心理测验面对着既缺人力又少资料的困难。林传鼎等三位教授于1980年春举办了第一个全国性心理测验培训班,是心理测验再生的标志。此后各高等院校逐步开设心理测量学课程。通过引进各种心理测量理论,修订外国测验和逐步向自编我国测验发展,几年中取得了良好效果。1984年中国心理学会下属的‘心理测量分会’成立,1990年加入国际测验委员会(ITC)成为它的一个国家会员。1991年在南京举办了国内第一个心理测验国际性学术会议,又与台湾学者交流,建立起隔年一次海峡两岸心理与教育测量学术研讨会的协议。这些都对中国心理测验的发展都起了积极作用。80年代后期国家实行改革开放,经济转型,心理测验逐渐渗入医学、教育、企业、和组织人事部门等多种应用领域,扩大了对社会的影响。教育是其最早也是最重要的应用领域。从高考开始向各种考试、应用领域广泛扩展,取得良好效果。尤其是在人力资源、心理咨询领域,心理测验发展迅速日益兴旺。社会各界从多方面加深了对心理测量的认同,使它变成为一个相当热门的应用科学了。最后,文章从测验的数量、质量,数据处理的方法技术,测验者素质提高和法律完备等几个方面分析了存在问题并提出对今后的展望。  相似文献   

Toward a Model of Neuropsychological Activity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The main purpose of this research was to establish the intercorrelations existing among different psychological and neuropsychological test scores in a normal and homogenous population. A second purpose was to attempt further step in the component analysis of cognitive activity measured by means of neuropsychological tests. A comprehensive neuropsychological test battery was assembled and individually administered to a 300-subject sample, aged 17–25 years-old. All of them were right-handed male university students. The battery included some basic neuropsychological tests directed to assess language, calculation abilities, spatial cognition, praxic abilities, memory, perceptual abilities, and executive functions. In addition, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale was administered. Forty-one different scores were calculated. Correlations among the different test scores were analyzed. It was found that some of the tests presented a quite complex intecorrelation system, whereas other tests presented few or no significant correlations. Mathematical ability tests and orthography knowledge represented the best predictors of Full Scale IQ. A factor analysis with varimax rotation disclosed five factors (verbal, visuoperceptual, executive function, fine movements, and memory) accounting for 63.6% of the total variance. Implications of these results for a neuropsychological model about brain organization of cognition were analyzed.  相似文献   

以115名7、10、13岁儿童为研究对象,采用配对联想学习、倒序背数、字母-数字排序、图画概念和矩阵推理等测验,考察联想学习与工作记忆在流体智力发展中的作用。结果发现:联想学习与工作记忆在流体智力发展中均起着重要的作用,然而,在不同年龄上,两者对流体智力的作用并不相同。具体来说,在7岁时,联想学习对流体智力的作用显著,而工作记忆的作用不显著;到10岁和13岁时,工作记忆对流体智力的作用显著,而联想学习的作用不再显著。从效应量来看,随着年龄的增长,联想学习对流体智力的作用逐渐减小,而工作记忆的作用则逐渐增加。  相似文献   

In developing a menu of computerized performance tests for repeated-measures applications the metric properties of selected tests have been examined. Factors of chief concern have been stability and reliability, as well as the practical issue of the length of time it takes to achieve high levels of both. In this study, these factors, as well as predictive validity, are examined. 25 subjects were tested repeatedly (10 sessions) with 11 tests previously identified as "good" candidates for repeated-measures research in paper-and-pencil (marker test) versions. The 11 tests were administered concurrently in their traditional paper-and-pencil modes and newly implemented microcomputer-based versions, along with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). Nine of the 11 microcomputer-based tests achieved stability. Reliabilities were generally high, with r greater than or equal to .77 for 3 min. of testing. Cross-correlations of microbased tests with traditional paper-and-pencil versions suggest equivalency between the test constructs in the different media. Correlations between six of the microbased subtests and the WAIS identified common variance, and these might comprise an efficient short (6 min.) battery of tests.  相似文献   

The use of intelligence tests in making special education placement decisions for children has come under repeated scrutiny in recent years. Arguments for and against the use of IQs have centered around the issue of test bias. In California a permanent moratorium on the use of intelligence tests in placing minority group children into classes for the educable retarded has been handed down by the court. One defense proposed by advocates of mental testing has been that the tests are biased against socially and economically disadvantaged groups irrespective of race. According to Clarizio (1978), if a test predicts equally well for two groups it can not legitimately be described as biased. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the test bias of the Verbal IQ as measured by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised in relation to predictions of academic achievement in two different socioeconomic status groups. The results indicated that Verbal IQs are not biased with respect to socioeconomic status. Derived regression equations are presented along with an analysis to inspect the statistical power of the original tests.  相似文献   

This report examines and compares the factor structure of the new edition of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III) in a sample of chronic schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder outpatients (n = 120) and an age-matched sample of individuals drawn from the WAIS-III standardization sample (n = 200). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses similar to those reported by the developers of the scale suggested that a model of WAIS-III performance with correlated factors for verbal comprehension, perceptual organization, working memory, and processing speed fit the data from the schizophrenia sample as well as it fit the nonclinical comparison sample and fit the data from both samples better than alternative models.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that individual differences in life history strategies co-vary with a large array of variables to the extent that latent variables from a number of psychological measures load on a single (Super-K) factor. Similar to research on the Super-K factor, the purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that various measures of identity would load on a single factor and that this latent variable would in turn be associated with other variables reflecting life history strategy and psychological well-being, making a Super-K factor. A sample of 248 university students were administered a variety of questionnaires related to identity, life history strategy, and psychological well-being. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed the hypothesized Super-K factor and the relationship remained even when controlling for variance in social-desirable responding. The results are discussed in terms of the association between Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development and life history theory.  相似文献   

适应性测验作为一种测验形式,与传统的纸笔测验形式相比,具有省时、高效等很多优越性。测验应该适合于被试的理念最初可见于比内的智力测验。上世纪七十年代以来,适应性测验的研究从经典测量理论阶段发展到项目反应理论阶段,经历了从二阶段、三阶段、多阶段测验、固定分支测验和分层适应性测验的发展,到现在的计算机化适应性测验研究。随着项目反应理论和计算机技术的发展,计算机化适应性测验已经在教育和心理测验领域中得到广泛应用。目前对它的研究日益深入,主要有项目克隆、项目曝光、多维适应性测验、被试诊断、人格适应性测验等问题。  相似文献   

Examination of measurement invariance tests the assumption that the model underlying a set of test scores is directly comparable across groups. The observation of measurement invariance provides fundamental evidence for the inference that scores on a test afford equivalent measurement of the same psychological traits among diverse groups. Groups may be derived from different psychosocial backgrounds or different clinical presentations. In the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-III)/Wechsler Memory Scale-III (WMS-III) Technical Manual (Psychological Corporation, 2002), there appears to be a breakdown in factor structure among the standardization cases in older adults. In this study, the authors evaluated the invariance of the measurement model of the WAIS-III across 5 age bands. All components of the measurement model were examined. Overall, the evidence pointed to invariance across age of a modified 4-factor model that included cross-loadings for the Similarities and Arithmetic subtests. These results support the utility of the WAIS-III as a measure of stable intelligence traits across a wide age range.  相似文献   

The effects of experimental history on responding under a progressive-ratio schedule of reinforcement were examined. Sixteen pigeons were divided into four equal groups. Groups 1 to 3 were trained to peck a key for food under a fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, or differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule of reinforcement. After training, these pigeons were shifted to a progressive-ratio schedule, later were shifted back to their original schedule (with decreased rates of reinforcement), and finally were returned to the progressive-ratio schedule. Pigeons in Group 4 (control) were maintained on the progressive-ratio schedule for the entire experiment. To test for potential "latent history" effects, pigeons responding under the progressive-ratio schedule were injected with d-amphetamine and given behavioral-momentum tests of prefeeding and extinction. Experimental histories affected responding in the immediate transition to the progressive-ratio schedule; response rates of pigeons with variable-ratio and fixed-ratio histories were higher than rates of pigeons with differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate and progressive-ratio-only histories. Pigeons with differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate histories, and to a lesser degree pigeons with variable-ratio and fixed-ratio histories, also had shorter postreinforcement pauses than pigeons with only a progressive-ratio history. No consistent long-term effects of prior contingencies on responding under the progressive-ratio schedule were evident. d-Amphetamine and resistance-to-change tests failed to reveal consistent latent history effects. The data suggest that history effects are sometimes transitory and not susceptible to latent influences.  相似文献   

This study explored concurrent and incremental validity of three trait emotional intelligence measures: the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale, Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment, and Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. A total of 307 participants were drawn predominantly from community and student populations. Concurrent criterion validity of the measures varied depending on whether emotional intelligence (EI) was assessed as a lower, middle or higher level construct, with validity coefficients being larger for the former. In all cases, the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire was the superior predictor of multiple psychological criteria. At the higher level of assessment, incremental validity beyond (a) age, gender and the Big Five, and (b) the remaining two EI measures, was also superior.  相似文献   

In 26 patients suffering from the pure types of aphasias (11 total, 6 motoric, 5 sensory, and 5 amnesic), hemispheric and regional cerebral blood flow were measured and the flow values were correlated with psychological test scores including Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), Token Test, Benton Test, and word fluency tests. With respect to the flow values, an overall difference between the groups of aphasics was proved by analysis of variance [regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF): F(3,22) = 13.77, p < .001]. The location of mainly impaired brain perfusion was not always confined to the centers within the speech area expected in view of the clinical disturbance, but most patients had neurologic deficits in addition to their aphasia. High correlations were found between the rCBF values within ischemic foci and WAIS subtests, as well as Token Test and word fluency tests. The correlation coefficients calculated between hemispheric flow and the psychological data indicated, in many instances, the same dependency, but did not attain the high statistical significance obtained with the regional values. The results show dependencies of several aspects of mental function upon cerebral perfusion and provide information for possible mechanisms responsible for the disturbance of nonverbal intelligence in aphasics.  相似文献   

The issue of the absence of parallel forms for the traditional individual intelligence tests has received little attention in the area of psychological testing ever since the early demise of the Wechsler Bellevue Form II and the delayed discontinuance of Form M of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. Five reasons have been presented here to argue that the availability of parallel forms could have both theoretical and practical benefits, especially if the constructors of individual ability and/or achievement tests employ the recent advances in item response theory and computer technology.  相似文献   

The issue of the absence of parallel forms for the traditional individual intelligence tests has received little attention in the area of psychological testing ever since the early demise of the Wechsler Bellevue Form II and the delayed discontinuance of Form M of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. Five reasons have been presented here to argue that the availability of parallel forms could have both theoretical and practical benefits, especially if the constructors of individual ability and/or achievement tests employ the recent advances in item response theory and computer technology.  相似文献   

The Flynn Effect (J. Flynn, 1987) refers to the apparent increases in intelligence quotient (IQ) observed over the past few decades. A related phenomenon is that the variance in test scores accounted for by Spearman's g (C. Spearman, 1904) varies according to IQ level. That is, g accounts for less variance in high IQ groups than in low IQ groups. Spearman termed this variant aspect of g the "law of diminishing returns." This study extends prior research on the Flynn Effect and the law of diminishing returns by examining changes in the statistical importance of Spearman's g that may accompany secular increases in IQ. Based on the standardization data from the United States versions of the Wechsler scales (i.e., Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence, D. Wechsler, 1967; Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, D. Wechsler, 1949; Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, D. Wechsler, 1955), this study indicated that, in most cases, the statistical significance of Spearman's g has indeed declined over the past several years. A. R. Jensen (1998) suggested that the components of the Flynn Effect warrant special investigation. The present study addresses this issue, in part by analyzing the Verbal and Performance subscales of the Wechsler scales. Additionally, this study further confirms the law of diminishing returns as applicable to different ages and time periods.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale — Revised (WAIS-R) and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) demonstrate similar patterns of relationship with the Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS). Sixty VA patients were administered the WAIS-R and WMS and 60 completed the WAIS and WMS. The groups were comparable in terms of demographic variables. Pearson correlations were computed between the subtest and IQ scores from the intelligence scales and the scores from the WMS for each group. Comparison of the resulting correlations for the WAIS-R group with those of the WAIS subjects demonstrated only four significant differences, indicating that the WAIS-R and WAIS variables covary in a similar manner with the WMS scores. Following factor analysis of the test data for both groups, coefficients of congruence indicated a high degree of similarity between the two factor solutions. Essentially the same relationships emerged between intelligence variables and the WMS regardless of which scale was administered.  相似文献   

Tulsky DS  Price LR 《心理评价》2003,15(2):149-162
During the standardization of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (3rd ed.; WAIS-III) and the Wechsler Memory Scale (3rd ed.; WMS-III) the participants in the normative study completed both scales. This "co-norming" methodology set the stage for full integration of the 2 tests and the development of an expanded structure of cognitive functioning. Until now, however, the WAIS-III and WMS-III had not been examined together in a factor analytic study. This article presents a series of confirmatory factor analyses to determine the joint WAIS-III and WMS-III factor structure. Using a structural equation modeling approach, a 6-factor model that included verbal, perceptual, processing speed, working memory, auditory memory, and visual memory constructs provided the best model fit to the data. Allowing select subtests to load simultaneously on 2 factors improved model fit and indicated that some subtests are multifaceted. The results were then replicated in a large cross-validation sample (N = 858).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of counselling programmes based on expressive activities with semi‐structured groups, on the self‐concealment levels of adolescents. The research was carried out using a pretest–posttest control group design. The dependent variable of the present research, is the psychological counselling programme conducted with a semi‐structured group based on expressive activities. The research was carried out with 18 6th and 7th grade secondary school students (10 female and 8 male). The Self‐Concealment Scale was used as data collection tool. In this research, the use of nonparametric tests was preferred, as the sample was smaller than 30. Therefore, it was determined whether there is a statistically significant difference between the arithmetic means of the experimental and control groups’ pretest, posttest and trail test scores by use of Wilcoxon signed‐rank test, to determine the effects of a psychological counselling programme with semi‐structured group based on expressive activities. Also, it was determined whether there was a statistically significant relationship between the pretest, posttest and trail intervention scores received by the intervention and control group students from the Self‐Concealment Scale, using Mann–Whitney U test. The research results revealed that the “psychological counselling programme based on expressive activities with semi‐structured groups” was significantly effective in alleviation of self‐concealment levels, and this effect was also maintained in follow‐up evaluations. The obtained results are discussed in the light of related literature findings and recommendations are proposed accordingly.  相似文献   

马惠霞  白学军  沈德立 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1110-1112
本文以作为心理测验科学性最基本保证的项目编写为核心,论证了心理测验编制的前提、方法,心理测验项目编写的依据、项目的来源以及项目的分析指标等方面的科学性问题。  相似文献   

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