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叔本华的悲观主义产生于西方哲学从传统的理性主义和基督教信仰向现代意志主义的转变过程中。在此意义上说,它既是西方传统哲学发展的必然结果,同时也是背离西方传统哲学的产物。重新认识和评价叔本华的悲观主义对于我们今天正确认识人类自身的处境,克服当前所遇到的危机具有重要的启发意义。  相似文献   

叔本华通过确立意志将人从传统基督教和柏拉图主义的所谓理想世界中唤醒过来,开始独立地面对世界和人生。然而,意志的局限性又使人陷入存在的暧昧和自我的分裂、矛盾状态,使人因丧失目的而迷失和寻求自己。叔本华意志哲学的人学意义在于率先提出人的价值和意义问题,促使尼采等现代哲学家继续对此进行深入的探索。  相似文献   

1、西方哲学发展的现代转向的意义不同倾向的哲学家对近现代西方哲学发展的评价往往大不相同 ,但他们都会承认 ,在近现代西方哲学之间存在着重要的、甚至是根本性的区别。这意味着西方哲学的发展在近现代之间发生了重要的、甚至是根本性的转折 (转向、转型 )。马克思主义哲学家根据对西方社会和哲学发展史的深刻分析 ,揭示了 19世纪中期马克思主义的产生实现了哲学上的革命变更。 19世纪中期以来的许多西方哲学家和哲学流派也对传统欧洲哲学采取批判态度 ,要求对之进行根本性的改造 ,并纷纷宣称自己的哲学理论开辟了哲学发展的新方向。从那…  相似文献   

由中国社会科学院哲学研究所现代外国哲学研究室主编的《现代西方著名哲学家述评》一书,于1978年11月底编辑完毕,已交人民出版社审校,今春即将出版,作为公开读物发行。这本书是由五个单位27位同志分别撰写的论文集,涉及到现代西方哲学16个流派(唯意志主义,新康德主义,新黑格尔主义,新实在论,实用主义,分析哲学,逻辑实证主义,语文哲学,现象学,存在主义,新托马斯主义,人格主义,法兰克福批判哲学,结构主义,过程哲学,精神分析学)中  相似文献   

杨玉昌 《现代哲学》2004,2(4):121-127
本文通过分析叔本华的意志和维特根斯坦的语言游戏探讨了哲学问题与生活方式之间的关系问题,认为叔本华和维特根斯坦分别提出意志和语言游戏的目的是要通过改变人们的生活方式来消除传统的哲学问题。他们的这一探索对于我们重新认识哲学的性质、意义和功能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

张汝伦 《哲学动态》2022,(12):48-52+124
<正>贺麟先生是对中国现代哲学建设作出独特贡献的人,但是正如张祥龙曾讲过的,贺先生对中国现代哲学事业的贡献还没有为学界所充分认识与估计。因此,在他诞生120周年之际,我们应该重新认识贺麟先生在现代中国哲学建设上的突出贡献。我认为,贺麟先生对于中国现代哲学的贡献首先在于他对中国的西方哲学之引进与研究,尤其是德国古典哲学之引进与研究的贡献。贺先生对西方哲学的研究当然不限于德国古典哲学,还包括斯宾诺莎、叔本华、尼采、新黑格尔主义、  相似文献   

文艺复兴时期,随着柏拉图的复兴,柏拉图和亚里士多德之争成为人们讨论的核心问题。其中,斐奇诺站在新柏拉图主义的立场上,认为柏拉图哲学的最高本原是一,高于亚里士多德哲学的最高本原存在,学习亚里士多德是学习柏拉图的基础准备。而皮科·米兰多拉则认为,在存在与一的问题上,柏拉图和亚里士多德的态度在根本上是一致的。本文试结合皮科《论存在与一》的文本,分析表明:他对柏拉图和亚里士多德哲学的调和,主要依据托马斯主义和基督教化的新柏拉图主义(以伪狄奥尼修斯为代表)。皮科的这一调和方案,虽然既不可能容于斐奇诺的新柏拉图主义,也不可能容于亚里士多德主义,但对于重新理解柏拉图和亚里士多德的关系,对于构建他的古代神学、实现哲学的和平,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

一、超越:共同的课题尼采哲学是人生超越哲学,这不仅是由其哲学中的酒神精神、强力意志、超人等几个主要的命题、环节所决定的,也是由其在西方哲学史上所实现的转向所决定的。一方面,从西方哲学史的发展进程来看,柏拉图奠定了形上学的基础,洛克开了知识论的先河,而尼采则首创生命哲学。(详见陈效应著《悲剧哲学家尼采》第146~第157页,三联书店1987年版)他揭示生命的感受,探讨人生的意义及其实现,引起了现代心灵无尽的共鸣。另一方面,尼采哲学是按着叔本华的意志哲学讲的。叔本华认为意志是世界的自在之物,一切现象包括个体的…  相似文献   

赵林 《世界哲学》2016,(1):115-124
当基督教脱离犹太教母体、开始在希腊-拉丁世界中传播时,如何处理新兴的基督教信仰与具有深厚思想传统的希腊哲学之间的关系,这是摆在基督教护教士们面前的一个理论难题。在初期教会中,诺斯替主义表现出了一种"急性希腊化"的做法,即试图将基督教信仰改造成一种玄奥的二元论哲学。与这种异端做法不同,正统教会在对待上述关系时表现出了两种态度:或者用基督教信仰来统摄希腊哲学,或者用基督教信仰来拒斥希腊哲学。然而,无论是哪一种态度,都在有意或无意之中把希腊哲学、尤其是具有神秘色彩的柏拉图主义融入到基督教信仰中,从而形成了最初的神学理论。从这种意义上说,在希腊-拉丁世界的基督教化这个表象背后,隐蔽着一个更加深刻的思想转化过程,这就是基督教信仰(以及教会体制)的希腊化与拉丁化。  相似文献   

现代西方社会思潮,是指产生于西方社会、发生于20世纪、特别是第二次世界大战以后的社会思潮。它派系庞杂、学说众多,但这些思潮都从不同侧面反映了现代资本主义社会的政治、经济状况,因而又有如下共同的特性。(一)非理性主义倾向。现代西方社会思潮的最早源头,可追溯到19世纪末20世纪初哲学上的非理性主义流派——意志主义。叔本华、尼采的意志主义引发出以无意识、泛性论等非理性的“欲”为主要特征的弗洛依德主义,以及以个人的情绪体验为核心的存在主义,影响到以社会批判为核心,鼓吹“爱欲解放”论的法兰克福学派。这一影…  相似文献   


This paper seeks to illuminate Schopenhauer’s notion of the negation or denial of the will by investigating the figure of the saint within his philosophy. We argue that various discussions in Schopenhauer’s works of the possible role of Christ as exemplar reveals an underlying Christological understanding of self-denial as a model for the saint. The connection between Schopenhauer’s approach to Christ and Kant’s Christology in Religion within the Bounds of Mere Reason is also explored. We note how Schopenhauer builds on the Kantian demythologization of the Incarnated Christ in order to uncover the moral and existential spirit that underlies Christianity. In addition, we outline how a recognition of the symbolic importance of Christ for Schopenhauer suggests features of the denial of the will that have been overlooked in the literature, involving the intellectual transcendence of suffering through the cultivation of a state of emotional unresponsiveness. It is argued that this reflects a deeper connection between Schopenhauer’s philosophy and Christian thought than is often recognised.  相似文献   

In this paper, I attempt to cast some light on the debate between and Rorty on the question of the possibility of rationality as a philosophical theory. My assessment of this debate proceeds from the perspective of their respective critiques of modern philosophy, defined as an epistemological discipline within the Cartesian-Kantian tradition of foundationalism. While both thinkers seem to be fairly clear on why they can no longer accept philosophical theories of rationality which have their roots in the metaphysical tradition of modern philosophy, Rorty is convinced that Habermas, despite his linguistic turn, does not quite succeed in breaking with the transcendental problematic of the Kantian tradition. In what follows, I propose to investigate the accuracy of the charge of transcendentalism levelled by Rorty against Habennas.  相似文献   

The present era is one of disarray. The familiar ways of knowing, representing and reading have changed unrecognisably, but there is no agreement as to the new direction in which either Western culture or Western philosophy is heading. A main reason for this situation is Heidegger's criticism of modern philosophy which shatters the very foundations of modern philosophy, without establishing the hoped for continuity. This paper examines Heidegger's critique of modern philosophy and evaluates the rereading of the history of philosophy that he undertakes in developing his critique, showing that it is incomplete in that his reconstruction of traditional philosophy has left some important chapters untouched, and that he has overlooked the ethical realm. Following this, the paper briefly ex-plores Levinas' relation to the tradition and his efforts to fill in the ethical and historical gaps that Heidegger had left.  相似文献   

Matthew Lamb 《Sophia》2011,50(4):561-576
This paper compares Pierre Hadot’s work on the history of philosophy as a way of life to the work of Albert Camus. I will argue that in the early work of Camus, up to and including the publication of The Myth of Sisyphus, there is evidence to support the notions that, firstly, Camus also identified these historical moments as obstacles to the practice of ascesis, and secondly, that he proceeded by orienting his own work toward overcoming these obstacles, and thus toward a modern rehabilitation of ascesis. Moreover, in contrast to Hadot’s Platonism, Camus located the source of this practice in the pre-philosophical stage of Athenian tragedy. This points to a further contrast between these two figures, which has historical and cultural precedents, in the distinction between this pre-Platonic form of ascesis - favoured by Camus - and the latter Christian form of asceticism - favoured by Hadot, with the status of Platonic ascesis rendered in terms of prefiguring this Christian form of asceticism.  相似文献   

理雅各宗教思想中的中西融合倾向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伦敦会传教士、汉学家理雅各(1815-1897)受其家乡苏格兰的神学思想和非国教家庭背景的影响而产生了独立、开放的宗教意识。尽管他以自身的信仰为本位,但在对中国文化的诠释和评价上表现出了明显的中西宗教融合的倾向,这使他在西方传教士中处于颇为孤立的境地。  相似文献   

The mystical apotheosis of Schopenhauer's thought is intimately connected to his immanent definition of philosophy. An analysis of the philosophical progression to salvation via aesthetic contemplation, compassion, and asceticism, illuminates Schopenhauer's advocacy of Eckhartian‐style mysticism. Schopenhauer's mysticism, like Eckhart’s, relies on the structures of negation facilitated by a particular metaphysics. Both therein transcend the tradition of theological discourse which holds it possible to construct propositions that express the essence of the divine. That has led to both being associated with atheism. However, in tracing the mechanism by which Schopenhauer's philosophy reaches its mystical apotheosis, it becomes apparent that it would be mistaken to charge him (and Eckhart) with atheism on the basis of an alleged inability to distinguish between an “atheistic non‐existence of God” and a “hyper‐thingness of God”. Rather than attack Schopenhauer in this manner, and hence also Eckhart, it is more appropriate to target their underlying metaphysical preconceptions, which in the case of Schopenhauer, is to take issue with his Critical conception of philosophy.  相似文献   

宗教在当代社会的"私人化",使基督教不仅作为一种信仰传统、也作为一种文化叙事引起诸多学科的关注,进而在基督教与马克思主义的关系方面形成了新的论说模式。马克思主义与基督教神学是否存在着可能交合的问题领域?这应该对中国目前的宗教学研究具有重要的借鉴价值。本文作者就此归纳为六个方面,并提出相关讨论。  相似文献   

技术哲学的两种经验转向及其问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘恩荣 《哲学研究》2012,(1):98-105,128
当代技术哲学的一个重要发展趋势是在经验转向(empirical turn)和伦理转向(ethical turn)的基础上实现技术哲学的"第三次转向",以便整合前两次转向的优势。(Verbeek,p.51)事实上,经  相似文献   

Recent years have seen considerable attention paid to the methodology of philosophy. The puzzle is simple—if philosophy is not an empirical discipline, how can one philosophical theory be rationally preferred over another? One answer to this question is that we should apply the theoretical virtues. Foremost among these theoretical virtues is simplicity—so perhaps we should prefer simpler philosophical theories to more complex ones. Huemer (Philos Q 59:216–236, 2009) objects that the reasons to prefer simpler theories in science do not apply in philosophy. I will argue that Huemer is mistaken—the arguments he marshals for preferring simpler theories in science can also be applied in philosophy. Like Huemer, I will focus on the philosophy of mind and the nominalism/Platonism debate. But I want to engage with the broader issue of whether simplicity is relevant to philosophy.  相似文献   

Anita Avramides 《Sophia》2018,57(4):547-558
In his new book, Jay Garfield invites philosophers of all persuasions to engage with Buddhist philosophy. In part I of this paper, I raise some questions on behalf of the philosopher working in the analytic tradition about the way in which Buddhist philosophy understands itself. I then turn, in part II, to look at what Orthodox Buddhism has to say about the self. I examine the debate between the Buddhist position discussed and endorsed by Garfield and that of a lesser-known school that he mentions only briefly, the Pudgalavāda (“Personalists”). I suggest that the views of the Pudgalavādins are strikingly similar to a position held, in the twentieth century analytic philosophy, by Peter Strawson.  相似文献   

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