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This article claims that health promotion is best practiced in the light of an Aristotelian conception of the good life for humans and of the place of health within it.  相似文献   

Most of the attention regarding the balance between autonomy and paternalism has been focused on the therapeutic relation. Much less attention has been devoted to the problem of autonomy in the application of medical knowledge for preventive purposes. Here, because the good to be achieved is social as well as individual, an unavoidable dilemma ensues. Effective preventive measures of benefit to all must necessarily limit autonomy and involve some coercion. I argue that there are principles which can be established to guide society in a moral use of coercion. The question of employing medical knowledge is not, as it is in therapeutic medicine, to preserve or enhance autonomy. Rather its aim is to enhance voluntary co-operation. Principles for moral use of coercion must thereby be derived from health as a moral value.  相似文献   

Teleonics is an approach to the study of living systems. The latter can be regarded as synergistic collections of processes through which the systems interact with their internal and external environments. Teleonics can serve as a framework for positioning issues of health into the wider context of the fabric of life. There are essentially three webs of processes that are of relevance for a discussion of healthcare, viz, the normal web of the living fabric (Biomatrix), the “web of disease” (Pathomatrix) and the web of Healthcare. The latter interacts with the first two through the processes of Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Disease Management. The end result of these interactions is an entirely new web of great complexity that incorporates the processes of all three webs intertwined with each other. This complexity presents a considerable challenge to all those involved in healthcare and can only be untangled with the aid of a process‐based methodology, such as teleonics.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between mental health and the perceived importance of religion and the frequency of prayer among 200 children ages 10–18 years who lived in temporary camps for earthquake survivors in Nepal. The participants were examined using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) 6–18 and were asked about the importance of religion in their lives. In contrast to expectation that high perceived importance of religion and prayer frequency have positive impacts on mental health after earthquakes, the results indicated significantly higher levels of withdrawal/depression. The group that prayed less frequently after the earthquakes had significantly higher scores for somatic symptoms, withdrawal/depression, anxiety/depression, social immaturity, internalising problems, and total CBCL scores. However, the clinical risk group (T score of 65 or higher in the CBCL total score), no significant difference according to the importance of religion showed and frequency of daily prayer.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to test the factorial and discriminant validity of the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R), a measure of illness representations based on Leventhal, Meyer and Nerenz's Self-Regulation Theory, in a cervical screening context using confirmatory factor analysis. Six hundred and sixty women, who had attended a colposcopy clinic and were invited to re-attend, completed the IPQ-R. Data were analysed using covariance structure analysis. The adequacy of an a priori confirmatory factor analytic model that included seven dimensions of the cognitive illness representation: identity, timeline-acute/chronic, serious consequences, personal control, treatment control, illness coherence, and causal attributions, and one emotional representation factor was tested against the observed data. After the elimination of two items responsible for large standardised residuals and with low factor loadings, the model adequately accounted for covariances among the IPQ-R items according to multiple criteria for goodness-of-fit. Factor inter-correlations supported the discriminant validity of the constructs and the factors exhibited satisfactory composite reliability. A theoretically predictable pattern of relationships among the representation dimensions was evident. In particular, the control-related constructs and the illness coherence dimension were negatively related to other illness representation constructs. The present study provided confirmatory evidence using a robust hypothesis-testing framework to support the proposed structure of the illness representation dimensions in a cervical screening context.  相似文献   

There appears to be a strong relationship between mass media portrayals of violence and real-life violence itself. This article reviews the available literature on the effects of media treatment of sports violence; analyzes the theoretical explanations for this treatment; and makes proposals on how the problems of both sports violence and its media coverage may be remedied, with a particular focus on amateur hockey in Canada.  相似文献   

American Indian mental health policy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

There appears to be a strong relationship between mass media portrayals of violence and real-life violence itself. This article reviews the available literature on the effects of media treatment of sports violence; analyzes the theoretical explanations for this treatment; and makes proposals on how the problems of both sports violence and its media coverage may be remedied, with a particular focus on amateur hockey in Canada.  相似文献   

Although digital media are increasingly important for adolescent athletes, few studies explore their influence on mental health in this population. This study aimed to examine this relationship in 591 German adolescent athletes (aged 12–19 years) from 42 different sports. Longer daily social media usage was connected to increased negative affect and dysfunctional eating patterns. Similar results were found for cognitive-behavioral symptoms of excessive media usage and mental health. Structural equation modeling revealed these relationships were mediated by social comparison and quality of sleep. Higher athletic performance level was related to increased social comparison, but not to quality of sleep, negative affect, and dysfunctional eating. The negative relationship between excessive media usage and sleep was stronger in competitive and elite than in recreational athletes. Results imply digital media should receive attention when aiming to improve mental health in athletes. Relevant targets for future intervention could be social comparison and sleep.  相似文献   


A sample of 403 members of the public responded to a postal questionnaire concerning their own health behaviour and their attitudes towards health publicity. A principal components analysis of these attitudes revealed three factors, the first of which reflected a tendency to deny the “relevance” of health campaigns. This tendency was higher among those who smoked, took less exercise and had less healthy diets. It is inferred that the direct effects of such campaigns may be impeded by the fact that they appeal most to those people whose own behaviour (from the point of view of health) is in least need of change.  相似文献   

The American Indian (AI) population suffers from significant health disparities. Death rates from diabetes, cancer, infant mortality, and other causes are higher among AIs. Numerous psychosocial influences, including a history of genocide and boarding school experiences, have led to unresolved historical trauma and its associated poor health outcomes. Adverse childhood experiences are also a strong predictor of risk for numerous chronic and behavioral health conditions. Food programs for impoverished populations historically have led to high rates of formula feeding of infants and intake of high‐calorie, low nutritional value foods. Adverse adulthood experiences, including poverty, racism, and substance abuse, lead to depression, anxiety, and poor health outcomes. These social circumstances can have an impact on the quality of parenting skills for the next generation, leading to continued intergenerational health disparities. Additional research into the psychosocial influences and social determinants of health is needed to ensure improved policy and program development.  相似文献   


Religion is an area that is increasingly examined as to how it relates to psychological and physical adjustment. However, there is a dearth of research as to how this factor operates in the lives of adolescents. The limited research available does suggest the importance of religious belief systems to youths. This paper provides a discussion of the role of religion in decreasing adolescent risk behaviour and increasing healthy lifestyle choices from a stress and coping perspective. Issues related to ethnicity and culture are presented. Research directions, therapeutic implications and practical suggestions for utilizing community resources are provided.  相似文献   

This article introduces a terror management health model (TMHM). The model integrates disparate health and social psychology literatures to elucidate how the conscious and nonconscious awareness of death can influence the motivational orientation that is most operative in the context of health decisions. Three formal propositions are presented. Proposition 1 suggests that conscious thoughts about death can instigate health-oriented responses aimed at removing death-related thoughts from current focal attention. Proposition 2 suggests that the unconscious resonance of death-related cognition promotes self-oriented defenses directed toward maintaining, not one's health, but a sense of meaning and self-esteem. The last proposition suggests that confrontations with the physical body may undermine symbolic defenses and thus present a previously unrecognized barrier to health promotion activities. In the context of each proposition, moderators are proposed, research is reviewed, and implications for health promotion are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared the effectiveness of two point-of-decision prompts within the same environmental setting. The effects of a health promotion sign were compared with activity change resulting from a deterrent sign. Individuals were observed using the upward stairs or upward escalator at a midwest regional air port during a 5-week period in which intervention signs were compared with no sign conditions on activity choice. During Weeks 1, 3, and 5 behaviors were assessed without any prompts. During Week 2, a health promotion sign was posted at the behavioral choice point which read "Keep your heart healthy, use the stairs." During Week 4, a deterrent sign which read "Please limit escalator use to staff and those unable to use the stairs" was posted at the same behavioral choice point. Younger (<40) women (14.8%) and men (10.8%) used the stairs more frequently, followed by older women (9.3%) and older men (6.9%). A hierarchical log linear analysis showed that stair use increased during both interventions, which was significantly moderated by age. Point-of-decision prompts appear to be effective environmental interventions for promoting increases in physical activity.  相似文献   


Effective coping is based upon a broad variety of available strategies and a good balance between instrumental and palliative coping efforts. Thus, stress management training (SMT) should focus on broadening and balancing individual coping-profiles. This study investigated changes in coping profiles after participation in SMT at the worksite. The sample consisted of 82 healthy working persons who participated in a 12-week-SMT and 55 matched controls without intervention. The SMT consisted of six training elements: three of them (assertiveness, cognitive restructuring and time management) addressed instrumental coping and the other three (relaxation, physical activity and scheduling of pleasant activities) focussed on palliative coping. All subjects filled in standardized questionaires on coping, well-being and strain before and after the training. Cluster analyses performed on initial coping scores resulted in a 3-cluster solution: (1) “active flexible coping” (n = 53), (2) “problem-focused coping” (n = 40) and (3) “resignative avoidant coping” (n = 44). Analyses of covariance revealed that SMT-participants of Cluster 2 showed significant improvements regarding emotion-focused coping and those of Cluster 3 regarding problem-focused coping compared to controls of the same cluster. There were also significant associations between these clusterspecific changes of coping and improvements of well-being. In consequence, the SMT improved coping by supplementing one-sided initial coping-profiles.  相似文献   

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