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According to Donegan and Wagner's priming model [1987], a signalled UCS will elicit a smaller UCR than an unsignalled UCS. Assuming that fear-relevant CSs are good predictors of aversive UCSs, while fear-irrelevant CSs are relatively bad predictors of aversive UCSs, the present study examined the effect of fear relevance on electrodermal UCR diminution during the acquisition phase of a single cue conditioning procedure. Four groups were studied, each of which consisted of 12 subjects. Group 1 had a fear-relevant CS (a slide of an angry face) paired with a UCS (7 mA shock), whereas group 2 had a fear-irrelevant CS (a slide of a happy face) paired with a UCS. Groups 3 and 4 had unpaired presentations of the CS and UCS and served as control groups for 1 and 2. There were 4 habituation, 8 acquisition, 4 recovery (UCS-only), and 6 extinction (CS-only) trials. While overall UCR levels were lower in the paired than in the unpaired control groups, it was also found that the size of UCR decrement and subsequent recovery was greater in the angry face CS-paired group than in the happy face CS-paired group. This finding is in line with the predictions that flow from the Donegan and Wagner model.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that low levels of endogenous opioids (endorphins) predispose to strong conditioning effects, female Ss (N = 36) were assigned to a placebo group, a low-dose naltrexone group, or a high-dose naltrexone group and then underwent a classical conditioning procedure. This procedure consisted of an acquisition phase in which all Ss received 5 pairings of a CS+ (neutral picture) and a UCS (100 dB white noise). The CS− (neutral picture) was never followed by a UCS. During extinction, Ss received 4 unreinforced presentations of CS+ and CS−. Throughout the experiment, skin conductance responses (SCRs) to the CSs and UCSs were recorded. Acquisition was successful in that CS+ slides elicited stronger SCRs than CS − slides. However, during acquisition, there was no interaction between drug and differential response (CS+ vs CS−). During extinction, there was no overall remaining effect of conditioning. Again, no evidence was found to suggest that (remaining) effects of conditioning were stronger in the naltrexone treated Ss than in the placebo S's. If anything, the opposite seemed to be true with especially high-dose naltrexone Ss showing relatively weak conditioning effects.  相似文献   

Fifteen overweight girls aged 5 to 11 yr were randomly assigned to one of two weight-reduction treatments: response-cost plus reinforcement, response-cost only, or a no-treatment control group. In the response-cost plus reinforcement group, parents contracted to facilitate their child's weight loss by carrying out reinforcement and stimulus control techniques, completing weekly charts and graphs, and encouraging their child to exercise. The response-cost only group parents did not contract to reinforce their child's performance. The response-cost program applied to both experimental groups was conducted in weekly meetings in which parents lost previously deposited sums of money. Twenty-five per cent was deducted for missing the weekly meeting, 25% for failing to fill out charts and graphs, and 50% if their child failed to meet her specified weekly weight-loss goal. At the end of the 12-week treatment period, both experimental groups had lost significantly more weight than the control group. After an eight-week, no-contact follow-up, some of the lost weight was regained. The response-cost plus reinforcement group was still significantly below the controls. The response-cost group just missed significance. A 31-week, no-contact follow-up failed to show a treatment effect, but did show a trend towards slower weight gain by the response-cost plus reinforcement group.  相似文献   

We compared behaviorally and physiologically the olfactory responses of slugs (Limax marginatus) that had been subjected to aversive, appetitive, or unpaired training with food odors (carrot or cucumber). In the aversive training, the slugs were exposed to the food odor as a conditioned stimulus (CS), and then quinidine sulfate solution as an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) was immediately applied to the lip of the slugs. This training caused a decrease in preference level for the CS. The unpaired training, in which the CS and the UCS were presented to the slugs with a 5-min interval, induced no change in the preference level for the CS. In the appetitive training, the slugs were allowed to eat the CS odor source without UCS application. When we used nonstarved slugs, it was found that the preference level for the CS increased upon the appetitive training. These results indicate that each training changed the preference for the odors in a characteristic manner. In the physiological experiments, we used brain-inferior tentacular nose preparations isolated from slugs and investigated the olfactory responses of the oscillations in the local field potential (LFP) of the procerebral (PC) lobe. We found that odor presentation induced various types of changes in the LFP oscillation frequency, although the rate of occurrence of the frequency modulation differed between odors used in the aversive and the unpaired training (aversive-conditioned and unpaired odors). The aversive-conditioned odors induced a decrease in the oscillatory frequency. Unpaired odors did not change it. Moreover, odors used in the appetitive training (appetitive-conditioned odors) induced an increase in the frequency. Thus, it was considered that those modulations of PC lobe oscillatory activity were independent of odor and reflected learned preference for odors.  相似文献   

Rats received first- and second-order conditioning based upon a food unconditioned stimulus (UCS). They then received one of two manipulations designed to reduce the value of that food, satiation, or pairing of food with high-speed rotation. The effects of these manipulations were assessed during extinction tests of the conditioned stimuli (CSs). Compared with controls, both manipulations reduced the activity produced by the first-order CS but did not affect that produced by a second-order CS. The results are interpreted as consistent with those from aversive UCSs in implying the involvement of a UCS representation in first- but not in second-order conditioning. They also suggest that a major effect of satiation is to reduce the value of the UCS.  相似文献   

In 2 studies, the authors investigated whether evaluative conditioning (EC) is an associative phenomenon. Experiment 1 compared a standard EC paradigm with nonpaired and no-treatment control conditions. EC effects were obtained only when the conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (UCS) were rated as perceptually similar. However, similar EC effects were obtained in both control groups. An earlier failure to obtain EC effects was reanalyzed in Experiment 2. Conditioning-like effects were found when comparing a CS with the most perceptually similar UCSs used in the procedure but not when analyzing a CS rating with respect to the UCS with which it was paired during conditioning. The implications are that EC effects found in many studies are not due to associative learning and that the special characteristics of EC (conditioning without awareness and resistance to extinction) are probably nonassociative artifacts of the EC paradigm.  相似文献   

The relationship between the aversive urine odors of adult male mice and their agonistic interactions was examined. The urine of 28 isolated intact donors was tested for its aversiveness before the donors had won or lost an agonistic encounter, by spotting a portion of an open field with their urine. Group-housed males (n = 28), each tested with the urine of an ultimate winner and loser, as well as a castrate, avoided both intact types. The urine of castrates was not aversive. Another group of subjects (n = 28), tested with urine collected following the encounter between donors, provided identical results. A second experiment examined the aversiveness of urine from 24 isolate mice, and their responsiveness to urine of other isolates, prior to their encounter. The urine was not highly aversive to the isolates However, winners and losers differed in their responsiveness, as ultimate winners exhibited greater aversion. The results are discussed with regard to territorial maintenance via odors, and how differential responsiveness to odors may influence the outcomes of agonistic encounters.  相似文献   

In the study phase, subjects had to encode either odors or the names there of by generating autobiographical memories, by judging the quality of the food source of the odors, or by labeling responses to odors. At the testing stage, explicit and implicit olfactory memory performance was assessed. With recognition testing, the provision of odors at study improved performance. Furthermore, recognition depended on elaborative encoding conditions with olfactory stimuli only. Implicit memory was measured by the correctness and speed of labeling responses at the testing stage. Old odors were named more correctly and faster than new ones, but only if subjects had encoded odors in the study phase. These results demonstrate that implicit memory in naming odors depends on olfactory stimulus processing and is not a purely verbal priming effect. As a further measure of implicit memory, the speed of autobiographical memory productions was assessed. We registered shorter reaction times for old versus new odors. But again, this effect of implicit memory was restricted to conditions of odor pre-experiences in the study phase. We conclude that olfactory memory is based on different types of memory traces. Implicit memory measures may prove to be useful in isolating sensory and other attributes of olfaction that seem to be interacting in making explicit memory judgments.  相似文献   

Therapist-administered desensitization was compared with a take-home manual for self-administering desensitization, where the self-administering subjects had varying degrees of contact with therapists. These treatments were compared with an attention-placebo procedure and no-treatment controls. None of the treatment procedures had any effect on behavioural manifestations of anxiety in public-speaking phobics, but all treatment subjects showed greater reductions in subjective anxiety than either of the control groups. The drop-out rate was greatest for the no-contact manual group indicating the value of brief supervision in its use. The implications of the failure to change overt behaviour in view of Paul's (1966) earlier findings, are discussed.  相似文献   

Three studies explored kin recognition through olfaction. In Study I, adults (N=22) were tested for ability to identify the odors of themselves; their mother; their father; a sister; a brother; a familiar, unrelated individual; and a stranger. Acquaintances were identified as accurately as biological kin, implicating an association mechanism. However, biological kin were often confused, implicating phenotypic matching. Same-sex kin were confused more than opposite-sex kin, but mainly when same-sex kin had odors of similar intensity. Study II implicated phenotypic matching. Mothers (N=18) could identify their biological children but not their stepchildren. The preadolescent children (N=37) identified their full siblings but not half-siblings or stepsiblings. Thus, olfactory cues may help mediate favoritism of blood relatives. In Study III, mutual olfactory aversion occurred only in the father-daughter and brother-sister nuclear family relationships. Recognition occurred between opposite-sex siblings but not same-sex siblings. Thus, olfaction may help mediate the development of incest avoidance during childhood (the Westermarck effect).  相似文献   

This experiment investigated whether acquired signals for threat capture and hold visual attention. Cues that were presented in an exogenous attentional cueing task were emotionally modulated using a fear-conditioning paradigm. During acquisition, undergraduate students (55 women, 11 men) learned that one cue (CS+) of the attentional task was a signal for an aversive white noise burst (UCS, 100 dBA) and that another cue (CS?) signalled its nonoccurrence. In a subsequent extinction phase, no UCSs were presented anymore during the cueing task. Results indicated that during acquisition, the CS+ cues strongly captured and held visual attention in comparison with the CS? cues, and that these effects diminished during extinction.  相似文献   

Davey (1992: Classical conditioning and the acquisition of human fears and phobias: a review and synthesis of the literature. Advances in Behaviour Research and Therapy, 14, 29-66) hypothesized that subjective revaluation of an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) would determine the strength of the autonomic conditioned response (CR) in the fear conditioning paradigm. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of UCS aversiveness on the CR strength in the fear conditioning paradigm. The UCS aversiveness was controlled by the UCS intensity; that is, the UCS intensity was increased for the inflation group or decreased for the deflation group. Thirty subjects were randomly assigned to the inflation or the deflation group, and they participated under both experimental and control conditions. All subjects went through the pretest, the acquisition of classical conditioning, the UCS intensity operation, and the test sessions. The indices of the CR were skin conductance responses (SCRs) and a subjective aversion to the conditioned stimulus (CS). The main results were as follows. (1) The CR strength measured by SCR was increased by the UCS inflation and decreased by the UCS deflation. (2) The subjective aversiveness of the CS was not sensitive to both manipulations of UCS intensity. These results suggested that the autonomic CR strength might be influenced by the subjective revaluation of UCS, as Davey (1992) described. The result from the test of the subjective aversiveness of the CS, however, could not support Davey's model. The difference between expressions of the SCR and the subjective aversiveness of the CS might be caused by different learning systems.  相似文献   

Olfactory function in chronic alcoholics.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
8 patients participating in an outpatient program for chronic alcohol abuse and 8 age-matched controls were tested for olfactory function. There was a significant difference between the two groups on a match-to-sample test using uncommon odors but not on a smell identification test using common odors. Ability to detect and identify common odors does not appear to be impaired by chronic alcohol abuse. Deficits on the odor-matching task may be related to difficulty in encoding olfactory information rather than a primary olfactory deficit.  相似文献   

An olfactory conditioning paradigm tested whether newborn rats can acquire a conditioned aversion to olfactory events associated with their first postnatal meal 3-5 hr after birth. Exposure to lemon odor (conditioned stimulus [CS]) paired with intraoral infusions of 0.1% quinine (unconditioned stimulus) resulted in explicit conditioning. Responsiveness to a surrogate nipple providing water in the presence of the CS was significantly lower than the 3 control conditions. The conditioning dramatically suppressed responsiveness to a surrogate nipple providing milk, which normally is expressed voraciously in terms of sustained nipple attachment and milk intake. These findings suggest that as early as 3-5 hr after birth newborn rats are capable of aversive conditioning to odors in the context of suckling behavior.  相似文献   

This research included controls for both amount of extra-therapy attention focused on target behaviors and for quality and duration of attention provided during therapy. Two pairs of therapists each conducted one group for each of four experimental conditions: nonspecific therapy, nonspecific therapy + attention prompting, behavior therapy, behavior therapy + positive induction (procedures designed to maximize favorableness of expectancies). Sixty-five obese adults ( OVERWEIGHT = 52%) attended 12 weekly group sessions and 3-month and 2-yr follow-ups. Ratings of expectancies, credibility and therapist characteristics were equivalent in all experimental conditions. Attrition was low (9.7%) and Ss averaged 1–2 lb weight losses per week during treatment, while improving concurrently in eating habits, cardiovascular fitness and adjustment. However, only participants who were in groups conducted by the therapist pair which was rated especially ‘democratic’ maintained average weight losses at the 2-yr follow-up. These results demonstrate the potentially vital role of several ‘nonspecific’ factors in long-term outcomes associated with behavioral treatments for adult obesity.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of extinction and reinstatement on attentional bias to fear-conditioned signals in healthy individuals using an emotional modification of a spatial cueing paradigm. Spatial cues were emotionally modulated using differential conditioning. The CS+ was sometimes followed by an aversive electrocutaneous stimulus (UCS), whereas the CS- was never followed by the UCS. During a subsequent extinction phase no UCS was presented anymore. The reinstatement phase started with one or four unpredicted UCS-only trials for half of the participants (reinstatement group). For the other half there were no additional UCS presentations (control group). We found that attention was biased to threat signals during acquisition. This biased attention largely disappeared during extinction. During the reinstatement phase attentional bias to threat signals re-emerged in the reinstatement group, but not in the control group.  相似文献   

以兔抗鼠淋巴细胞血清为非条件刺激的条件性免疫抑制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用一种生物类免疫抑制剂-兔抗鼠淋巴血清(rabbit anti-rat lymphocyte serum,ALS)为非条件刺激(UCS),糖精水为条件刺激(CS),以双瓶给水法置于鼠笼前端饮用偏好侧。在一次性CS-UCS结合训练后,单独再次给予CS,使卵清蛋白(OVA)免疫过的大鼠表现出脾淋巴细胞对有丝分裂原PWM的增殖反应降低,血抗OVA抗体的总量及脾内抗OVA抗体生成细胞的减少,但动物未表现出条件性味觉厌恶的行为反应。这些结果表明条件性免疫抑制与味觉厌恶行为条件反射没有必然联系,并非是厌恶行为反应或情绪应激的伴随产物。UCS也并非必需具有感觉的毒副作用,条件性免疫抑制是脑高级神经活动调节免疫功能的结果。  相似文献   

Rats were trained in a conditioned taste aversion paradigm in order to determine whether a trace interval between the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) would result in the forgetting of stimulus attributes. Accordingly, subjects were conditioned with milk (CS), given either an immediate or a delayed injection of lithium chloride (UCS), and tested 48 h later with either milk or chocolate milk, a generalized flavor. The rats conditioned immediately following the presentation of the CS avoided milk more than chocolate milk, indicating discrimination between the two flavors. Those conditioned after a trace interval avoided both flavors equally, suggesting a loss of stimulus attributes of the original CS. Delay rats, however, still exhibited substantial learning when compared with controls not experiencing the UCS. These results allege a role for the forgetting of stimulus attributes during a trace interval in addition to following a complete learning episode.  相似文献   

Rat pups of all ages huddle with conspecifics, but the senosory control of contact behavior changes ontogenetically. Thermal cues control huddling until about Day 15, at which time species' odors become the dominant stimulus. The present experiments indicate that the filial response to conspecifics is dependent on olfactory experience. A synthetic chemical scent was added to the smells of the dam from Day 1 to Day 20 postpartum. Standardized videographic tests were used to assess the development of huddling preference. Preferences for nest-typical smells emerged by Day 15 in pups from both scented and nonscented litters. Pups from scented nests preferred to huddle with a scented stimulus rat, whereas control pups preferred a nonadulterated rat stimulus. Additional testing indicated that the affiliative preferences were specific to rearing odor and were not based on decreased aversion to test scents, or on disrupted olfactory discrimination. The ontogeny of species-typical contact behavior is discussed in terms of the induction of a perceptual preference that is based on early odor stimulation.  相似文献   

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