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Literature concerning the development of deaf children contains frequent suggestions that they have less linguistic creativity than hearing peers but are comparable to, and may even exceed, hearing peers on tests of nonverbal creativity. The studies that serve as the bases for these claims contain many contradictions, however, and many have methodological and statistical shortcomings that could seriously qualify their conclusions. The relevant research, therefore, is critically reviewed here. In general, deaf children appear to be far more creative in their language production skills than typically is assumed, and they demonstrate considerable flexibility in structured comprehension tasks. Evidence concerning nonlinguistic creativity is less clear, with contradictory findings emerging from similar studies involving the same nonverbal tests.  相似文献   

Three experiments were run analyzing Ss’ abilities to locate clicks in auditory messages. In Expenment 1 it was found that the intonation pattern of the linguistic message largely determined the types of errors Ss made in click placement; syntactic factors were only marginally effective and semantic factors were effectively irrelevant. In addition to these linguistic factors, there was evidence that such nonlinguistic factors as attention, memory, and response biases were contributing to the data. Experiment 2 supplied additional evidence favoring these nonlinguistic factors. Experiment 3 was a mock-up of Experiment 2 except that broad-band white noise was used as the primary message instead of English sentences. The patterns of placement errors Ss made in these several experiments (especially Experiments 2 and 3) were sufficiently similar to one another to force the conclusion that nonlinguistic factors are primarily responsible for the errors Ss make in trying to locate clicks in messages. A neo-Titchenerian attention hypothesis based upon the law of prior entry was proposed to account for the data.  相似文献   

A deaf man who became aphasic for sign language was seen 4 years after a left-hemisphere stroke. While not impaired on traditional apraxia tests, he was impaired, relative to nonaphasic deaf controls, in the imitation of complex nonlinguistic hand movements. He was not impaired on single isolated movements. These findings are interpreted as supporting a concept of left-hemisphere function which emphasizes complex motor control.  相似文献   

The nature of hemispheric processing in the prelingually deaf was examined in a picture-letter matching task. It was hypothesized that linguistic competence in the deaf would be associated with normal or near-normal laterality (i.e., a left hemisphere advantage for analytic linguistic tasks). Subjects were shown a simple picture of a common object (e.g., lamp), followed by brief unilateral presentation of a manually signed or orthographic letter, and they had to indicate as quickly as possible whether the letter was present in the spelling of the object's label. While hearing subjects showed a marked left hemisphere advantage, no such superiority was found for either a linguistically skilled or unskilled group of deaf students. In the skilled group, however, there was a suggestion of a right hemisphere advantage for manually signed letters. It was concluded that while hemispheric asymmetry of function does not develop normally in the deaf, the absence of this normal pattern does not preclude the development of the analytic skills needed to deal with the structure of language.  相似文献   

We present a study wherein a severe Broca's aphasic patient was trained to learn symbols representing both pure transitive and dative predicates--predicates differing in argument structure--in a visually based artificial language (c-ViC). We found a decrease in performance when two symbols, rather than one, were used to depict these "verbs." However, this decrease in performance was more pronounced for symbols representing pure transitive verbs--those that allow only one argument structure--than for symbols representing dative verbs--those that allow two different argument structures. Also, dative "verbs" yielded better performance when they were inserted in more complex, three-argument "sentences" than when they were inserted in two-argument "sentences." The opposite pattern was found for pure transitives. These results are discussed in terms of our claim that argument structure serves as a point of connection between linguistic information and non-linguistic visual information and in terms of the possibility that argument structure entries are shaped by the form in which visual information is parsed.  相似文献   

In six experiments, we examined speeded classification when one dimension was linguistic and the other was nonlinguistic. In five of these, attributes on the dimensions corresponded meaningfully, having in common the concepts "high" and "low." For example, in Experiment 1, the visually presented words HI and LO were paired with high- or low-pitched tones; in Experiment 2, the dimensions were visual words and vertical position, in Experiment 3, they were spoken words and position, and in Experiments 4 and 5, spoken words and pitch. For each dimension in each pair, subjects suffered Garner interference when dimensions were varied orthogonally. Garner interference remained constant across 15 blocks of trials (Experiment 5). Subjects also showed significant congruity effects in all experiments, with attributes from congruent stimuli (e.g., HI/high pitch) classified faster than attributes from incongruent stimuli (e.g., HI/low pitch). These results differ from those obtained previously with noncorresponding pairs of linguistic-nonlinguistic dimensions. The results also differ from those obtained with traditional Stroop dimensions (colors and color words; Experiment 6), which showed minimal Garner interference and diminishing congruity effects across blocks of trials. We conclude that the interactions found here represent cross-talk between channels within a semantic level of processing. We contrast our view with current models of dimensional interaction.  相似文献   

Recently, Dawson and Schell (1982) provided convincing evidence that words presented to the nonattended ear during a dichotic-listening task undergo automatic semantic analysis in the absence of intention or awareness. Because of its methodological rigor, this finding is important in the context of the long-standing controversy surrounding the preattentive processing phenomenon. However, we challenge the authors' suggestion of a right-hemisphere locus for this phenomenon. We offer a methodological basis for the findings and propose a countersuggestion of a left hemisphere, or at least bilateral, processing locus.  相似文献   

The association of left lateral eye-movement with emotionality or arousal of affect and of right lateral eye-movement with cognitive/interpretive operations and functions was investigated. Participants were junior and senior students enrolled in an undergraduate course in developmental psychology. There were 37 women and 13 men, ranging from 19 to 45 yr. of age. Using videotaped lateral eye-movements of 50 participants' responses to 15 visually presented stimuli (precategorized as neutral, emotional, or intellectual), content and statistical analyses supported the association between left lateral eye-movement and emotional arousal and between right lateral eye-movement and cognitive functions. Precategorized visual stimuli included items such as a ball (neutral), gun (emotional), and calculator (intellectual). The findings are congruent with existing lateral eye-movement literature and also are additive by using visual stimuli that do not require the explicit response or implicit processing of verbal questioning.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of the separability of disorders of sign language from disorders of gesture and pantomime. The study of a left-lesioned deaf signer presents one of the most striking examples to date of the cleavage between linguistic signs and manual pantomime. The left-hemisphere lesion produced a marked sign language aphasia disrupting both the production and the comprehension of sign language. However, in sharp contrast to the breakdown of sign language, the ability to communicate in nonlinguistic gesture was remarkably spared. This case has important implications for our understanding of the neural mediation of language and gesture. We argue that the differences observed in the fractionation of linguistic versus nonlinguistic gesture reflect differing degrees of compositionality of systems underlying language and gesture. The compositionality hypothesis receives support for the existence of phonemic paraphasias in sign language production, illustrating structural dissolution which is absent in the production of pantomimic gesture. Understanding the neural encoding of compositional motoric systems may lead to a principled anatomical account of the neural separability of language and gesture. This case provides a powerful indication of the left hemisphere's specialization for language-specific functions.  相似文献   

The cerebral lateralization patterns for speech production in 57 normal hearing and deaf adolescents were studied using the dual-task paradigm. Normal hearing subjects showed left hemispheric dominance for speech production, whereas both the congenitally deaf and those with early acquired deafness showed atypical cerebral representation for speech production. Deaf subjects whose hearing loss occurred after 2 years of age displayed a pattern of mixed cerebral dominance related to complexity of speech production or task difficulty. These results are interpreted as evidence for a relationship between linguistic/cognitive stage of development and the ontogenesis of cerebral lateralization. A parallel lateralization hypothesis of left cerebral dominance for speech production is offered.  相似文献   

Ten stuttering and ten nonstuttering children, ages 4–8 yr, served as subjects for a motor reaction task to simple and complex linguistic stimuli. The subjects reacted by pressing one of four panels on a touch-sensitive board that depicted the appropriate semantic relationship in response to 30 simple and complex linguistic stimuli. There was a significant increase in the reaction time of both groups with increasing linguistic complexity. No significant differences were found in the reaction time between the two groups, nor in the interaction between group and complexity. Implications regarding linguistic processing are discussed, and an “overload” hypothesis of stuttering is dispelled. It is concluded that stutterers and nonstutterers in this study did not differ in their reaction time nor in their processing time of linguistic material.  相似文献   

The extent to which ability to access linguistic regularities of the orthography is dependent on spoken language was investigated in a two-part spelling test administered to both hearing and profoundly deaf college students. The spelling test examined ability to spell words varying in the degree to which their correct orthographic representation could be derived from the linguistic structure of English. Both groups of subjects were found to be sensitive to the underlying regularities of the orthography as indicated by greater accuracy on linguistically-derivable words than on irregular words. Comparison of accuracy on a production task and on a multiple-choice recognition task showed that the performance of both deaf and hearing subjects benefited from the recognition format, but especially so in the spelling of irregular words. Differences in the underlying spelling process for deaf and hearing spellers were revealed in an analysis of their misspellings: Deaf subjects produced fewer phonetically accurate misspellings than did the hearing subjects. Nonetheless, the deaf spellers tended to observe the formational constraints of English phonology and morphology in their misspellings. Together, these results suggest that deaf subjects are able to develop an appreciation for the structural properties of the orthography, but that their spelling may be guided by an accurate representation of the phonetic structure of words to a lesser degree than it is for hearing spellers.  相似文献   

It is argued that the development of phonological representations in deaf children does not necessarily depend on auditory speech experience, neither at the perception nor at the production level. Instead, this development depends upon early experience of an input in which all phonological contrasts are well specified, independently of input modality. This is argued on the basis of the studies investigating phonological and morpho-phonological abilities of profoundly deaf children early exposed to Cued Speech. The paper is concluded with some speculations about the effect of early exposure to CS on the development of language specific processes housed in the left-hemisphere.  相似文献   

This study explores the use of two types of facial expressions, linguistic and affective, in a lateralized recognition accuracy test with hearing and deaf subjects. The linguistic expressions represent unfamiliar facial expression for the hearing subjects whereas they serve as meaningful linguistic emblems for deaf signers. Hearing subjects showed left visual field advantages for both types of signals while deaf subjects' visual field asymmetries were greatly influenced by the order of presentation. The results suggest that for hearing persons, the right hemisphere may predominate in the recognition of all forms of facial expression. For deaf signers, hemispheric specialization for the processing of facial signals may be influenced by the differences these signals serve in this population. The use of noncanonical facial signals in laterality paradigms is encouraged as it provides an additional avenue of exploration into the underlying determinants of hemispheric specialization for recognition of facial expression.  相似文献   

Eighteen children, randomly assigned to one of six conditions, were trained in the use of two-word subject-verb (e.g. “mommy go”) utterances. The groups differed in (1) the number of different semantic relations theoretically underlying the subject-verb utterances on which the children were trained, and (2) the extent to which these semantic relations were associated with nonlinguistic events. The results indicated that the children acquired the subject-verb utterance forms more readily when they were also exposed to the events to which the utterances actually referred. Provided that the subject-verb utterances were related to ongoing events, the number of relations “underlying” these utterances did not appear critical. These results suggest that the child's acquisition of novel and grammatical utterances describing nonlinguistic stimuli highly similar to those in his natural environment are amenable to experimental control.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of culture on people's sensory responses, such as smell, taste, sound and touch to visual stimuli. The sensory feelings of university students from four countries (Japan, South Korea, Britain and France) to six images were evaluated. The images combined real and abstract objects and were presented on a notebook computer. Overall, 280 participants (144 men and 136 women; n = 70/country) were included in the statistical analysis. The chi‐square independence analysis showed differences and similarities in the sensory responses across countries. Most differences were detected in smell and taste, whereas few variations were observed for sound responses. Large variations in the response were observed for the abstract coral and butterfly images, but few differences were detected in response to the real leaf image. These variations in response were mostly found in the British and Japanese participants.  相似文献   

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