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A 41-year-old male patient is presented with a lesion in the anterior cingulate cortex, medial orbital cortex, and rostral striatum bilaterally and supplementary motor area on the left side. The patient first exhibited a state of akinetic mutism which lasted about 6 weeks. During this state, no volitional vocal utterances were made; there were, however, occasional groans of pain. During recovery, the mute phase was replaced by a state in which the patient could whisper but not phonate verbal utterances. About 10 weeks after the accident, phonation was restored. The speech was characterized, however, by monotonous intonation and a very low frequency of spontaneous utterances. While the frequency of spontaneous speech improved noticeably during the following months, emotional intonation remained permanently defective. A comparison of the present case with other cases from the literature as well as experimental monkey data suggest that the anterior cingulate cortex is involved in the volitional control of emotional vocal utterances.  相似文献   

Measurements of pupil size were taken of nine subjects while they listened to sentences of various length, construction, and content, with the instruction to rate them for comprehensibility. Twenty-one sentence types were rated. Each was assigned, via a transformational grammar, a value of grammatical complexity. Mean pupil dilation during listening as an index of psychological complexity was found to correlate more strongly with grammatical complexity than did subject ratings of sentence comprehensibility. These findings suggest that the pupil may have considerable use as an “on-line” monitor of cognitive load imposed by grammatical complexity of sentences.  相似文献   

Four patients with infantile hemiplegia who had undergone hemispherectomy were examined. both left (LH) and right (RH) hemidecorticates obtained borderline defective scores on IQ tests. Patients with isolated right hemispheres were found not to be aphasic or apraxic. Visuospatial and constructional capacities were compromised in all patients. Individuals with an isolated right hemisphere smiled and gestured more than did those with an isolated right hemisphere. EEG and CT scan data showed that the remaining hemisphere was not normal in these patients. Therefore, inferences regarding the functional plasticity of the remaining hemisphere must be made with caution.  相似文献   

A study is reported of a single case of conduction aphasia. A battery of tasks designed to investigate the parameters of the patient's severe repetition deficit is supplemented by tests of several language functions. The results provide extensive information on a wide range of the patient's language abilities and are used to evaluate the adequacy of four models that have been offered to account for conduction aphasia. An argument is made in support of the suggestion that the syndrome of conduction aphasia should be divided into two subgroups based on patients' ability to select and realize phonemes in speech output. It is concluded that the best explanation for the disorder of patients with repetition deficit but without significant speech output problems is the hypothesis that repetition ability is compromised by a pathological limitation of auditory-verbal short-term memory. This hypothesis is extended to account for the pattern of results obtained in the language tasks.  相似文献   

This study is a detailed phonological and intonational analysis of one subject's jargon productions. The cohesiveness and complexity of the intonation patterns and appropriateness of the gestures lead to the hypothesis that the jargon productions are due to phonological problems as opposed to semantic or syntactic problems. A psycholinguistic model containing a dynamic phonological component is hypothesized to account for this subject's jargon.  相似文献   

The availability of a specific category of closed class items (prepositions) was examined in Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia. The role of prepositions was varied (syntactic/semantic) in two tasks: one requiring production of prepositions and the other acceptability judgments. Overall, it was easier to perform the acceptability task than to produce the target item. In the judgment task, Wernicke's aphasics more accurately determined the acceptability of prepositions in their syntactic role than in their semantic role, but Broca's aphasics showed no such difference. In the production task, Wernicke's aphasics again were more likely to produce prepositions which were in a primarily syntactic role. Broca's aphasics, however, failed to produce such syntactically based prepositions. The results suggest that the availability of a given closed class vocabulary form is not merely a function of its class membership but also of its functional role, and this fact serves to distinguish aspects of Broca's and Wernicke's aphasics' deficit.  相似文献   

In a task involving the detection of a predesignated letter during the silent reading of a series of passages, left-brain-damaged aphasic patients and right-brain-damaged patients showed patterns of performance consistent with those of normal individuals. Both of the brain-damaged groups were more likely to detect letters when they were pronounced in a typical way (e.g., g in "ago") than in an atypical way (e.g., g in "through"), suggesting the use of phonological recoding during silent reading. In addition, both of these groups were more likely to detect letters when they occurred in content than in function words, suggesting a differential processing of these word types. Possible differences in the strategies predominantly relied on for phonological recoding and for the differential processing of content and function words by different groups of patients are discussed.  相似文献   

A female lowland gorilla, Koko, has been engaged in an ongoing language program since July 1972 when she was 1 year old. During the first 30 months of training she acquired a vocabulary of 100 words in American Sign Language which she spontaneously combined into meaningful and often novel statements of up to 11 signs in length. The gorilla is using a rapidly expanding vocabulary of signs to express semantic and possibly grammatical relations similar to those expressed by human children in the early stages of language acquisition. Patterns of generalization, gradual increase in mean length of utterance, and innovative use of gestural language are discussed in relation to data available on children and chimpanzees.  相似文献   

In this report we describe and attempt to characterize the deterioration in semantic knowledge occurring in a victim of a progressive dementing disease. The subject was unable to match even highly familiar naming words with their actual or pictured referents; instead, she consistently overextended verbal labels to closely associated distractors. The alteration in scope of referential meanings suggested by this overextension effect was apparently related to a breakdown in the structure of underlying categories. On a nonverbal match-to-sample procedure, for example, dogs were treated as exemplars of the cat family. Evidence for the breakdown of semantic knowledge was not limited to picture labeling paradigms. Thus, we found that the subject was unable to utilize semantic context in the written disambiguation of spoken homophones but could, at the same time, use even minimal syntactic cues as the basis for proper lexical selection. This last result was consistent with other lines of evidence pointing to the relative preservation of syntactic operations, in marked contrast to the semantic loss. The importance of this dissociation of function in organic pathology is considered from a number of perspectives, including its relevance to models of language organization in the brain.  相似文献   

Language disturbances were studied in 40 patients with well-demarcated vascular lesions of the speech-dominant hemisphere. Computerized cranial tomography was used for localization of the lesion. Special emphasis was given to the analysis of automatized speech and repetitive verbal phenomena.Subcortical infarctions with basal ganglia involvement led to transient aphasia although long-lasting abnormalities of language could be detected in these patients. Aphasia was more severe if a cortical lesion was combined with a basal ganglia lesion. Automatisms and recurring utterances occurred only with combined cortical and basal ganglia lesions. A lesion of Wernicke's area alone, without involvement of prerolandic structures or subcortical nuclei, was sufficient to produce long-lasting aphasia, whereas lesions of Broca's area alone produced only transient language disturbances. The results are compatible with a recent theory of multiple cerebral representation of function.  相似文献   

Twenty-five hospitalized nonfluent, fluent, and global aphasic patients who were several months past the onset of their illness were compared for presence and severity of depression based on four psychopathological measures. The nonfluent aphasic patients had both greater frequency and severity of depression than the other two groups. CT scans showed that the global aphasic patients had the largest lesion size (volumetric) and showed a strong correlation between lesion size and degree of depression. In contrast, patients with fluent aphasias showed an inverse correlation between severity of depression and lesion size; among the nonfluent aphasic patients there was no significant correlation. Depression appears to be common in this population of hospitalized aphasic patients with chronic illness and nonfluent patients are the most depressed group within this population. The increased frequency and severity of depression in the nonfluent patients did not appear to be related to their overall physical or cognitive impairment; two possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Two patients presenting a pattern of recovery yet unreported in the literature were observed, one in Paris, the other in Montreal. Both patients alternately suffered severe word-finding difficulties in one language while remaining relatively fluent in the other. They retained good comprehension in both of their languages at all times. They were able to translate correctly and without hesitation from the language they could speak well at the time into the language unavailable for spontaneous use, but were unable to translate from their temporarily poor language (which they understood well) into the language which they could speak quite well at the time.  相似文献   

A case study is reported of an aphasic patient with fluent speech and markedly superior comprehension of written vs. spoken words. Results of extensive testing supported the hypothesis that the patient suffers from a phonological processing deficit that affects performance in all tasks that require the generation of a phonological code. This selective deficit is interpreted as the underlying cause of diverse symptoms such as asyntactic comprehension of written sentences, the commission of spelling errors in writing, and the production of literal paraphasias and neologisms in spontaneous speech. Alternative possibilities for the classification of this patient are discussed.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in psycholinguistic research concerns the universality of comprehension strategies. We investigated this issue by examining the so-called "subject preference" in Turkish, a language which allows for a natural (unmarked) object reading of an initial ambiguous argument. Using event-related brain potentials (ERPs), we observed increased processing difficulty in the form of a broadly distributed positivity when an initial ambiguous argument was disambiguated towards an object reading. This effect was independent of the animacy (i.e. semantic subject prototypicality) of the ambiguous argument. Our results therefore speak in favour of a universal tendency to interpret the first argument encountered as the "subject" of the clause, even in languages providing no obvious structural motivation for such a strategy. However, we argue that the underlying explanation for this preference must be modified in accordance with cross-linguistic considerations.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in the interaction between word order and structural cues was investigated by having Hebrew-speaking children between 4 and 10 years of age interpret NVN utterances that balanced the complementary and contradictory effects of work order and two types of morphological cues, inflections that mark subject-verb gender agreement and an object particle. In Hebrew, gender inflections are highly complex and irregular while the object particle is highly regular and distinctive. Both word order and structural cues affected interpretations by subjects of all age groups, though the role of structural cues increased with age. For all groups, the objec particle was a dominant cue. The likelihood of assigning the agent relation to the first or second noun systematically varied with the relative weights of cues that supported and opposed each assignment. Comparisons were made between processing of Hebrew and processing of Serbo-Croatian and Turkish.  相似文献   

This research had two aims. The first was to test three explanations of performance on N-term series tasks by young children: the labeling model of B.DeBoysson-Bardies and K. O'Regan (1973), Nature (London), 246, 531–534, the sequential-contiguity model of L. Breslow (1981, Psychological Bulletin, 89, 325–351), and the ordered array or image model of C. A. Riley and T. Trabasso (1974, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 17, 187–202). In the first experiment, 5-year-old children were taught additional premises which would interfere with labeling and sequential-contiguity processes, but not with forming an ordered array. Reasoning performance was essentially comparable to previous results with the paradigm, thus supporting the ordered array model. The second aim was to reexamine children's ability to learn sets of premises which can be assembled into an ordered array, since there was reason to believe that previous studies had created false positives. In the second experiment, 3- to 7-year-old children were taught either overlapping (a > b, b > c, …) or nonoverlapping (a > b, c > d, …) premises. Overlapping premises can be integrated into an ordered array (a, b, c, d, e), but nonoverlapping premises cannot. However, the overlapping condition proved more difficult, and the success rate for preschoolers (312- to 412-year-olds) was of zero order. This raises doubts about their ability to learn a set of premises of the kind required for transitive inference. These doubts were strengthened by the third experiment which showed that when premises were not presented in serial order, preschool (312- to 412-year-old) children could not learn the premises of an N-term series task.  相似文献   

Teachers were surveyed concerning the importance of 12 potential roles for school psychologists (e.g., counseling, case or program consultation, community liaison, psychodiagnostics). Results showed that direct and remedial services which did not require the school psychologist to intrude on the teacher's prerogatives were in general considered to be most important. However, teachers who reported using “open education” methods were significantly more likely to value more indirect, preventive, and collaborative school psychology services than their colleagues. Grade level taught, gender, experience, and teaching specialty had virtually no effect on respondents' ratings of the school psychologist roles.  相似文献   

Experiments are described in which event-related potentials (ERPs) are employed to study the specialization of functions between and within the cerebral hemispheres during the performance of language and nonlanguage tasks by normal adults. Similar studies of deaf subjects suggest that the functional organization of the brain may be altered after different early language and sensory experiences. Studies of patients with alexia without agraphia suggest that the ERP may be a valuable tool with which to study cerebral reorganization after brain damage.  相似文献   

A study of object naming in 202 children, aged 5–11 years, demonstrated that varying the stimulus context affected the level of response accuracy. From age 6 to 10, completing a sentence with a noun (auditory) yielded the lowest error scores, naming objects upon hearing a definition (also auditory) produced most errors, while responding with names to pictured objects was of intermediate difficulty. This is the same order of object naming difficulty found in adult aphasic patients. Children older than 10 do not appear to be affected by stimulus context in their object naming. Results are discussed in terms of the relative syntactic difficulty of the two auditory conditions, the unexpected sex differences, and the “aphaseoid” naming errors of children.  相似文献   

The lack of nonverbal reading comprehension in the clinical disconnection syndrome, alexia without agraphia, has been contradictory to the relative reading comprehension of the right hemisphere in split brains. We report a 39-year-old patient with verbal alexia without agraphia caused by brain tumor. On rapid tachistoscopic presentation of object names, he denied seeing anything but showed nonverbal reading comprehension by pointing to the corresponding objects. He lost this ability when he recovered ability to name individual letters of the object names. Our results suggest that even partial verbal reading such as the naming of single letters makes demonstration of iconic reading impossible and that total functional disconnection from verbalization, as initially noted in this case or in split brain studies, is necessary to show nonverbal reading comprehension.  相似文献   

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