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This study evaluated the utility of generic teamwork skills training for enhancing the effectiveness of action teams. Results from 65 4-person action teams working on an interdependent command and control simulator revealed that generic teamwork skills training had a significant and positive impact on both cognitive and skill-based outcomes. Trained team members evidenced higher levels of declarative knowledge regarding teamwork competencies and demonstrated greater proficiency in the areas of planning and task coordination, collaborative problem-solving, and communication. Furthermore, results indicated that cognitive and skill based outcomes were interrelated. Team members' declarative knowledge regarding teamwork competencies positively affected planning and task coordination, collaborative problem solving, and communication skills. However, we found that the effects of declarative knowledge differed across team members depending on their roles and responsibilities. The team benefited the most from the knowledge held by the team member who occupied the most critical position in the workflow. Implications of these findings for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Aptitudes perceptives des Temne et des Esquimaux. — Des épreuves de discrimination et d'aptitude spatiale ont été administrées à des sujets appartenant à deux sociétés différentes, les Temne du Sierra Leone et les Esquimaux de la Terre de Baffin (des sujets écossais ont été utilisés comme groupe de référence), pour vérifier l'hypothèse selon laquelle les aptitudes perceptives seraient plus développées chez les Esquimaux qui vivent de la chasse que chez les Temne, qui sont cultivateurs. La langue, les arts, les techniques et les méthodes éducatives des deux sociétés ont été étudiés pour voir si les caractéristiques culturelles peuvent de façon cohérente aider à l'énergence des aptitudes requises par le milieu. Bien qu'appariés en ce qui concerne l'acuité visuelle et le degré d'occidentalisation, les sujets des deux populations montrent des différences hautement significatives qui confirment l'hypothèse. l'A. en conclut que des différences perceptives doivent exister entre les membres des différentes sociétés et que ces différences sont, de façon significative, en liaison avec les caractéristiques culturelles et écologiques propres à chacune d'elles.  相似文献   

定量运动负荷和个性特征对动觉准确性和动作稳定性的影响   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
石岩  阎守扶  申高禄 《心理学报》1996,29(2):131-138
目的在于了解个性特征和定量运动负荷与同射箭运动员技术水平密切相关的肘关节动觉方位准确性和手动作稳定性的关系。研究结果表明:个性特征对肘关节动觉方位准确性和手动作稳定性的影响不显著;定量运动负荷可以使肘关节动觉方位准确性明显提高,而手动作稳定性变化不显著。本研究初步证明了韩国射箭训练中利用跑步等手段使运动员处于较高心率之下进行射准练习的方法是实用有效的。  相似文献   

以121名小学五年级学生为被试,采用测验法,考察了汉语儿童的语音技工技能与其英文单词朗读技能的关系。结果表明:语音加工技能的三种成分均能够对英文单词朗读技能产生影响,其中,语音意识对单词朗读技能具有重要影响,快速命名能力和语音工作记忆也能够对单词朗读技能产生影响。  相似文献   

Scant research has addressed the issue of teaching parents to conduct a functional assessment and design a treatment for problem behavior. The present study utilized behavioral skills training to teach parents how to conduct ABC recording, write a summary statement based on the data collected, and make appropriate treatment choices. Eight parents participated in one 3‐h class in which a trainer used instructions, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback to teach these three skill sets. Prior to class, during class, directly after class training, and 1 to 2 weeks following class, the participants viewed videos showing a problem behavior serving a different function in the context of a parent child interaction. The percentage of correct responding for each dependent variable (ABC recording, summary statement, and treatment choices) was calculated, and baseline and post‐treatment scores were compared via a multiple baseline across participants design. The results showed an increase in the percentage correct for most skills for most participants. These results show that it is possible to teach parents to conduct a functional assessment and choose proper treatment strategies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

徐乐春 《心理学报》1994,27(1):21-27
该研究采用实验室实验法,被试自我报告分析及调查访问法,以三个年龄(10岁、14岁、18岁)组学生及专项运动员为实验对象,揭示短时动作记忆的容量和精确度及其与动作学习指数的关系。结果表明:(1)被试的短时动作记忆容量为“5±2”,短时动作记忆的容量与动作学习的练习次数相联系;短时动作记忆的精确度与第一次动作练习的准确度相联系。(2)短时动作记忆的容量有随年龄增长而递增的趋势。(3)运动员与非运动员被试对于同类动作学习的练习次数存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

短时动作记忆的容量和精确度与动作学习的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该研究采用实验室实验法,被试自我报告分析及调查访问法,以三个年龄(10岁、14岁、18岁)组学生及专项运动员为实验对象,揭示短时动作记忆的容量和精确度及其与动作学习指数的关系。结果表明:(1)被试的短时动作记忆容量为“5±2”,短时动作记忆的容量与动作学习的练习次数相联系;短时动作记忆的精确度与第一次动作练习的准确度相联系。(2)短时动作记忆的容量有随年龄增长而递增的趋势。(3)运动员与非运动员被试对于同类动作学习的练习次数存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

In this study, we used a four-step social validation process to identify and validate critical skill components that constitute high school students' conversational behavior. The four steps were nominating target behaviors, establishing a normative range of performance, manipulating simulations of behavioral dimensions, and comparing ratings of judges to levels of performance on those behavioral dimensions. Multiple measures, both quantitative and qualitative, suggested that the rate and percentage of time initiating and responding verbally, the percentage of time attending, and the percentage of time not engaging in distracting motor behavior related to favorable ratings by a wide variety of 60 judges. Findings are discussed in relation to the utility of the multistep social validation process and the identification of critical social skill components as targets of interventions.  相似文献   

动态视觉加工与儿童汉字阅读   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
使用视觉阈限测验、图片命名、字形相似性判断实验和语音意识等测验 ,考察了小学五年级儿童视觉加工技能与汉字阅读之间的关系。结果发现 :动态视觉加工与图片命名错误率、字形判断反应时和错误率、语音意识均有显著相关 ,静态视觉加工只与图片命名错误率相关显著 ;控制识字量后的偏相关分析显示 ,动态视觉加工与其他变量的相关关系不变 ,静态视觉加工与图片命名错误率的相关不再显著 ;回归分析发现动态视觉加工在识字量和语音意识的影响控制后 ,能够分别解释阅读流畅性、字形判断反应时和图片命名错误率 7%、2 5 %和 5 6 %的变化 ;语音意识能够解释识字量和阅读流畅性 9%和 10 %的变化 ;对差读者的动态视觉加工和语音意识分析发现 ,儿童在这两种测验上的个体差异很大。上述结果表明 ,阅读过程受基本知觉技能影响 ,动态视觉加工作用于汉字阅读的特定过程。  相似文献   

Daisie Radner 《Ratio》1993,6(2):135-154
Human action theory, with its emphasis on intentions and reasons, does little to enhance our understanding of the actions of nonhuman animals. Many animal (and human) actions are directed to objects in the world, including other animals. The notion of directedness can be analysed without attributing intentions or reasons to the agent. An action is directed to object X if and only if: (1) the agent singles out X, either by orientation or by selective performance of the action in the presence of X; (2) the agent recognizes X as a suitable object; and (3) the goal of the action is that X should be in a certain relation to the agent or to some other object. The goal of an action is not necessarily attributable to the agent as the agent's goal in acting. Moreover, an agent can have a goal in acting without understanding how the action achieves the goal. The usefulness of the concept of directed action in the study of animal communication is illustrated with examples from the recent ethological literature.  相似文献   

身体活动与心理活动动词加工的ERP比较   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在19名右利手被试完成词汇判断任务的同时,通过119个头皮电极记录其事件相关电位(ERP),以此来探讨表示身体活动的动词与表示心理活动的动词之间的加工差异。研究结果表明,在200~300ms时窗,在左半球枕区附近,身体活动动词所诱发的ERP比心理活动动词所诱发的ERP在正走向上更小。在300~400ms(即类似的N400)时窗,动词类型效应出现在中线和左半球的更大的区域上,特别是中央区附近,身体活动动词所诱发的ERP比心理活动动词所诱发的ERP在负走向上更大。语言表征的神经生物学理论可以解释本研究的部分结果。  相似文献   

许尚侠 《心理学报》1995,28(4):379-385
对各种不同动作操作水平的被试,进行动作操作图式的操作实验。结果发现:1.经过系列动作的学习,可以形成动作原型。2.动作原型对于动作操作有影响作用,这种原型效应明显地表现在动作的创造性操作上。3.动作操作水平与动作原型效应有密切关系,动作原型效应,在操作水平高的人的动作操作上,表现最为明显。4.动作原型效应受背景条件所制约。  相似文献   

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