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I focus on the type of responsibility that an agent has for actions that express his practical identity, making it appropriate to evaluate him on the basis of those actions. This kind of responsibility is often called attributability. In this paper, I argue for a novel view of attributability—the Judgment Responsiveness View (JRV). According to the JRV, an agent is attributability responsible for an action A if and only if A results from either 1) his responding to his judgments about the (normative) reasons that he has in favor of doing A by doing A or 2) his failing to exercise his capacity to respond to his judgments about the (normative) reasons that he has against doing A by not doing A. The JRV diverges from other views of attributability for actions in two significant respects. First, it is not reasonably thought of as a “deep self view.” According to deep self views, attributable actions are actions that express deep features of the agent, such as his fundamental values, cares, or commitments. As I show, thinking in terms of the deep self is too narrow for attributability. Second, unlike other views, the JRV claims—via condition 2)—that we can be attributionally responsible for actions that result from failing to exercise the attributability‐relevant capacity to avoid them. My argument for the JRV thus shows that attributability is a broader and richer conception of responsibility than has been previously thought.  相似文献   

王水珍  张爱卿 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1156-1159
本研究采取问卷法,选取99名管理者和被管理者作为被试,探讨行为责任归因与处罚公平性、严格程度判断之问的关系。研究发现:(1)公平性判断与消极结果相关,对取得同样消极结果的两个行动者采取相同的处罚(但解雇除外)更为公平;(2)公平性判断与行动者对其消极结果是否负责有关,处罚三(对无责任者的处罚比有责任者的处罚轻)与处罚一(对无责任者的处罚比有责任者的处罚重)两种情形F公平性判断之间存在显著性差异,处罚三中公平性判断得分较高;(3)严格程度判断与行动者是否负有责任无关,只与总的处罚严重性程度相关。  相似文献   

中学生考试失败结果的复合原因与责任判断的归因后果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该研究采用问卷法,检验动机责任判断的归因模式,比较复合原因与单一原因在归因后果上的差别,以及探查中学生对考试失败结果的复合原因评定、情感反应和惩罚决定的特点。结果表明?韦纳的归因序列在我国的中学生受试者中得到证实;复合原因与单一原因的归固后果具有不完全相同的心理学意义;四个年级组之间在原因知觉、责任判断、情感反应和行动决定上具有各自的特点。初中生对复合原因的评定倾向于能力的强或弱,高中生的评定倾向于付出努力的程度。  相似文献   

Winston Davis 《Religion》2013,43(2):185-203
Adrian Hastings, The Church in Africa 1450–1950. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1994, xiv+706 pp., 8 maps, $ 45.00 (paperback) ISBN 0 19 826399 6.

Elizabeth Isichei, A History of Christianity in Africa. Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans, 1995, xi+420 pp., $ 24.00 ISBN 0 8028 08433.

Paul Giord (ed.), The Christian Churches and the Democratisation of Africa. Studies of Religion in Africa: Supplements to the Journal of Religion in Africa, No. 12. Leiden, Brill, 1995, xi+301 pp., $ 101.50 ISBN 9004103244.

Paul Giord, African Christianity: Its Public Role. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1998, viii+368 pp., $ 39.95 (hardback) ISBN 0 253 33417 9, $ 22.95 (paperback) ISBN 0 253 21204 9.

Kwame Bediako, Christianity in Africa: The Renewal of a Non-Western Religion. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 1995, xii+276 pp., £18.00 (paperback) ISBN 0 7486 0635 4; New York, Orbis Books, 1995, $ 25.00 (paperback) ISBN 1570750483.  相似文献   

责任归因、幸灾乐祸与帮助意愿的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究具体探讨在他人出现不幸时,作为同学、同伴等的归因、责任推断、幸灾乐祸情感反应程度以及想不想提供帮助的程度之间的关系模型。结果表明:内部归因对责任推断具有显著预测作用;消极情感对同情和幸灾乐祸有显著的预测作用;责任程度与幸灾乐祸关系密切;幸灾乐祸和同情对帮助意愿有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

The present paper features a novel approach to motivation and self‐regulation couched in conceptual terms of goal systems theory ( Kruglanski et al., 2002 ). Goal systems theory adopts a cognitive view of motivation and highlights the interrelations of goals and means. The cognitive aspects of the theory have to do with the architecture of cognitions, and the finality of cognitive resources. The motivational aspects of the theory relate to the relation of the goal/means constructs to the dynamics of action and the affective phenomena that accompany goal pursuit. A goal systemic analysis not only affords a better understanding of classic self‐regulatory phenomena, but also offers new insights into various psychological problems such as choice and judgment.  相似文献   

日本侵华战争的责任不能仅归咎于少数统治者,普通民众对战争也负有不可推卸的责任.二战时期,日本社会各界都投入拥护支持战争的浪潮之中,掀起了"举国战争狂热".传统国民性是日本掀起全民战争狂热的重要原因.浓重的狭隘民族主义是近代日本民族的基本特征,他们中的多数人曾虔诚地投入了侵略战争,并把自己的命运与之紧密地联系在一起,才使得在整个战争期间乃至战后,没有多少人对自己的错误思想、行为做出反省,这也是日本总不能对这场战争有彻底的正确认识的民众根源.  相似文献   

道德责任判断的直接目的在于找出可称赞或谴责的原因,对行为者做出合理、公正的道德判断,使其承担应当承担的道德责任,从而减少和消除不公,融洽社会关系,引导行为主体朝向更崇高的目标.道德责任判定涉及行为者与行为之间的关系、行为后果和价值标准等方面.实际后果是道德责任判断的现实根据;因果关系是道德责任判断的逻辑根据;社会历史理性是道德责任判断的最终价值根据.  相似文献   


This article approaches world poverty from the perspective of rectificatory justice and investigates whether the global rich can be said to have special obligations toward the global poor on the grounds that they have been harming them. The focus rests on the present situation, and more specifically on Thomas Pogge’s thesis of a causal link between world poverty and the conduct of present citizens (and governments) in wealthy countries. I argue that, if Pogge does not want his position to boil down to an institutional version of the ‘negative causation’-thesis - according to which one can cause harm simpiy by failing to alleviate it - and if he wants it to be accepted by those he seeks to convince - namely right-libertarians - he must specify that it is enough for institutions to be just that they do not actively deprive their members of the means of subsistence, even if many of them still do not have the capacity to enjoy the means of subsistence.  相似文献   

An assessment scale of career concepts found to be reliably related with vocational sophistication is developed. With the renewed emphasis in CETA programs for youth-employment counseling efforts, the relative prevocational maturity of those seeking our services can be an element in deriving baseline data from which the efficacy of vocational counseling services can be judged.  相似文献   

作为一种系统而有力的思想论说,中国政治文化中的实践观在儒学近世化过程中逐渐凸显并得到强化.它透过文化上与佛老、法家现实主义和汉唐儒学的竞争明确了自身的入世价值取向与正当道德基础.作为这种价值取向的担当者,儒家士大夫在近世政治中的主体意识上升,更加强调将学术与实践结合的使命感,积极投身于改革主义主导的政治参与和社会改造.他们表现出非常自觉的实践意识,其观念以天理与实践、道德实践与政治实践为核心议题,在实理实学的前提下蕴含着超越意识与批判精神.理学与事功学代表的两种实践观模式则体现出儒学内部关于德性论、知行论与体用论的认识两歧性.以近世模式为背景,现代实践论经历了巨大而深刻的转型,意识形态与实践的关系愈趋复杂,实践的主体、范围、方式和精神气质表现出历史的延续与转变.其中,实践迷思对于当下心智的影响值得深入检讨.  相似文献   

大学生对艾滋病患者的责任归因及惩戒行为反应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究通过被试对特定情景的反应借助于结构方程模型来确定对艾滋病患者的部位和控制性归因、责任判断、情感以及惩戒行为之间的数量化关系。309名大学生被试参与了该项研究,研究结果表明:对艾滋病的内部可控归因引起较高责任推断,较高生气类情感反应和较低同情类情感反应,以及较高惩戒行为;部位和控制性归因影响到责任判断和情感反应,责任推断除了直接影响到惩戒行为反应外,还间接地以情感反应为中介对惩戒为发挥作用。论文还结合中国文化的特点对结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Five hundred and thirty-one nurses completed a questionnaire assessing knowledge about the flu and flu vaccination, professional group identification, perception of the flu vaccination as a professional duty, previous year's vaccination status, intention to receive vaccination in the following year, and the extent to which motivation to accept vaccination is primarily for self-protection or for patient protection. Results showed that knowledge about the flu and flu vaccination constitutes a major reason for rejecting immunisation. Group identification also constitutes an independent predictor of vaccination. Furthermore, the effect of identification on willingness to receive the vaccination was partially mediated by perceived professional responsibility: the more nurses identified with their group, the more they perceived vaccination as a professional duty and, as a consequence, the more likely that they (a) had been vaccinated the previous year, (b) intended to be vaccinated in the following year, and (c) were motivated to be vaccinated for patient protection (but not for self-protection).  相似文献   

乐国安  李安 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1026-1028
在社会认知中,由于所呈现的刺激都具有复杂的社会意义,其必然会在被试的心理上引起复杂的反应。实验通过对刺激时间的控制来了解个体在知觉阶段与记忆阶段所进行的责任推论是否存在差异。结果表明,工读生在刺激快速呈现时的责任判断与刺激缓慢呈现时的责任推论存在显著差异。  相似文献   

张荣  李喜英 《哲学动态》2005,(12):45-51
汉斯·约纳斯(Hans Jonas)是20世纪后半叶德国最深刻、最重要的哲学家之一.他通过<有机体与自由>和<责任原理>等著作,对科学技术进行了深刻的哲学批判与伦理论证.他的思想具备某种后现代的维度,并获得了世界性声誉.  相似文献   

运用情景模拟和角色扮演的方法,研究大学生对网瘾和作弊的责任归因结构及其应对策略。对416名被试的研究结果显示:(1)责任归因的心理结构是一个“责任推断→责任情感→责任行为”的一元结构模式。(2)我国大学生的责任推断过程与维纳的经典理论基本一致,但在行为应对策略上存在一定的文化差异。(3)大学生对网瘾和作弊的责任推断倾向明显并与情感体验基本保持一致,但与行为应对策略存在一定的冲突。(4)大学生在网瘾和作弊的责任推断、情感体验以及应对策略上存在一定差异。  相似文献   

Although the term respect is widely used in society, its determinants and consequences on group‐related factors are unclear. In 4 studies (2 pilot studies, validation study, main study), we examined these issues. In the main study, high‐level rowing crew members completed measures of respect, liking, and group identification pre‐ and post‐competition; and attribution items post‐competition. Although respect and liking did not predict team success, success was associated with subsequent levels of respect, but not liking. The effect of success on group identification was mediated by respect. Moderation analyses indicated that intragroup liking, but not respect, increased the likelihood of group‐serving attributions. Results highlight the determinants of respect and its role in group processes and outcomes, and distinguish respect from liking.  相似文献   

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