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The attraction effect shows that adding a third alternative to a choice set can alter preference between the original two options. For over 30 years, this simple demonstration of context dependence has been taken as strong evidence against a class of parsimonious value‐maximising models that evaluate alternatives independently from one another. Significantly, however, in previous demonstrations of the attraction effect alternatives are approximately equally valuable, so there was little consequence to the decision maker irrespective of which alternative was selected. Here we vary the difference in expected value between alternatives and provide the first demonstration that, although extinguished with large differences, this theoretically important effect persists when choice between alternatives has a consequence. We use this result to clarify the implications of the attraction effect, arguing that although it robustly violates the assumptions of value‐maximising models, it does not eliminate the possibility that human decision making is optimal. © 2016 The Authors Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Two experiments demonstrate a new type of preference reversal. In life expectancy evaluations, health items (e.g., a new treatment that would give you perfect 20/20 vision) were preferred to commodities (e.g., 1 day of vacation in Bermuda), but in monetary evaluations, commodities were preferred to health items. These reversals result from the pattern of similarity of commodities and health items to money and life expectancy and are therefore an example of Tversky, Sattath, and Slovic′s (1988) semantic compatibility principle.  相似文献   

陈海贤  何贵兵 《心理科学》2012,35(4):862-867
通过直接测量近期和远期选择中备选项激活的情绪、间隔的时间知觉及对备选项金额差异和时间间隔的重视程度,以探究跨期选择中偏好反转产生的心理机制。结果表明:(1)近期选择中,备选项激活的情绪强度差异显著,而远期选择中两者的差异不显著;(2)近期和远期选择中,情绪强度差异和时间知觉差异能够预测偏好反转的发生。研究结果支持了偏好反转的情绪激活差异假说和时间知觉差异假说。  相似文献   

Prior research has discovered that the most prominent attribute has greater influence on the formation of preference in choice versus matching tasks. We extend the research on this phenomenon, which is known as the prominence effect (Tversky, Sattath, & Slovic, 1988), by examining its generalizability and by providing insight into the psychological processes involved. The effects of task characteristics (i.e., the number of attributes and alternatives) and the effects of subject characteristics (i.e., processing goal) on the prominence effect were examined. In the first experiment we found that the prominence effect reverses when the number of attributes increases from two to four. That is, the prominent attribute is given greater weight in matching tasks rather than in choice tasks. A second experiment demonstrated that processing goal does influence the robustness of the prominence effect. We found that the influence of the prominent attribute on the formation of preference did not differ in choice and matching tasks when subjects′ processing goal was to form an overall impression of each of the alternatives. A third experiment, which explored the interaction between the response mode and processing goal in the four attribute case replicated this finding. Findings from Experiment 1 were also extended so that the reverse prominence effect was found when subjects processing goal was to memorize the information. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that the most people are willing to pay to obtain an object often is significantly less than the least they will accept to relinquish the object (i.e., selling prices tend to be higher than buying prices). Most tests of the buying/selling price discrepancy have elicited values either for everyday market items (e.g., mugs, candy bars) or for environmental changes (e.g., a decrease in air quality, a landfill clean-up). The literature indicates a possible interaction between buying/selling prices and commodity type; buying/selling price differences seem greater for environmental improvements than for market items. In other words, people show more relative preference for environmental improvements in selling modes than they do in buying modes. A significant difference in preference due to elicitation mode is commonly termed a "preference reversal." The four experiments presented here establish this new preference reversal and examine the reasons for it. The results from these studies provide information about the nature of preference reversals, the valuation process as a whole, and the unique problem of valuing complex and risky items such as environmental changes.  相似文献   

Individual preferences can vary significantly by the mode in which they are elicited. Thus, the seemingly benign procedural issue of elicitation mode (i.e., choice, buying price, rating, matching) could have a profound effect on group decisions, although elicitation mode has not been much studied as a group procedural variable. Individual preferences differ by elicitation mode when the elicitation contexts differentially emphasize particular aspects of the decision. Emphasis on explainability, for example, may produce decisions that are based only on a few, important, attributes. Because group consensus processes also can encourage particular reasoning strategies, grouping may interact with elicitation mode; that is, group consensus processes may moderate or exacerbate preference reversals. The present study explored a particular elicitation effect, choice versus matching preference reversals, for decisions with both low and high social significance. The results confirmed both that elicitation mode can affect group decisions and that group consensus processes moderate choice/matching preference reversals. Further, evidence from both preference measures and rating scales suggested that the moderation was due to an increase in easily defended, justifiable decisions. Social significance did not affect individual or group decisions, but decreased members′ post group commitment to the group decision. These results have implications both for group decision making and for the study of the role of explanation-based strategies in preference formation.  相似文献   

Sensitization occurs when the passage of time increases the intensity of the experience. Individuals have sensitization intuitions for some unpleasant experiences such as waiting and commuting. In contrast, diminishing sensitivity indicates that the impact of each additional unit of a stimulus decreases as the magnitude of the stimulus increases. In this article, we document a new preference reversal phenomenon due to switch between these two intuitions. When considering unpleasant experiences such as waiting and commuting in a judgment task that asks individuals to consider the impact of an additional unit of time to different baselines, we find that individuals respond in a way consistent with a sensitization intuition. However, when asked to make choices involving trade‐offs between longer unpleasant experiences and other attributes, participants respond in a way contrary to their sensitization intuitions and consistent with diminishing sensitivity. We reason that the automatic use of relative differences and diminishing sensitivity occurs because it facilitates trade‐offs considerations in a typical choice task. Our hypotheses are supported in a series of four studies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent research in motivated reasoning has examined processing of information that is consistent or inconsistent with one's preferences. This paper extends the work by examining the micro‐processes of the processing of such information. In addition, it examines the moderating impact of preference strength and argument quality on processing of and judgments associated with preference‐consistent and preference‐inconsistent information. Across 2 studies, evidence was obtained suggesting that preference‐inconsistent information is processed in greater depth as well as in a more biased manner. Findings are also reported indicating that when preferences are weak, people are less resistant to changing their preferences, particularly when exposed to strong arguments accompanying preference‐inconsistent information. Implications for comparative advertising in a consumer marketing context are discussed.  相似文献   

An experimental task of impression formation and recall has earlier been used by the present author to explore processing strategies in oral language and their dependence on the specific order in which information was presented. More particularly the difference between pre-and post-position of a noun in relation to its qualifying adjectives have been investigated. The experiments demonstrated marked differences in recall of adjectives depending on noun position, suggesting rather different processing strategies in these two cases. The results of the present experiment, a replication/generalization study of the earlier experiments, confirm the earlier results. The experiments are discussed within the frame of a social-cognitive theory of language and communication and the levels-of-processing approach to memory processes.  相似文献   

The Collective Preference for Shared Information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Decision-making groups prefer to discuss shared information that all members know instead of unshared information that a single member knows. This bias toward discussing shared information can lead groups to make suboptimal decisions when unshared information is critical for good decision making. This preference for discussing shared information may stem from group members' positive evaluations of each other's task capabilities when shared information is communicated. Members who already are perceived as capable (i.e., those high in status, experts, and leaders) need not bolster their image by communicating shared information. Instead, they discuss unshared information more than members perceived as less capable. As members low in status gain respect by communicating shared information, they may risk mentioning unshared information later during discussion. Assigning group leaders, informing members of their expert roles, and allowing ample time for discussion may increase groups' discussion of unshared information.  相似文献   

现实驱动和情节驱动对时间信息表征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用动窗技术,探讨在记叙文理解中现实驱动和情节驱动对时间信息表征的影响.实验1验证了强印象假设中时间转换的效应,说明读者是根据对现实的期望来建构情境模型的,具体来说,读者采用现实驱动的加工方式表征情境模型中的时间信息.实验2探讨现实驱动和情节驱动对时间信息表征的共同影响,结果表明,读者根据故事情节产生的愿望在一定程度上改变了现实驱动所产生的时间转换的效应,证实了情节驱动在表征情境模型中的时间信息时的作用.  相似文献   

This study investigated the time course of belief change from univalent versus mixed‐valence messages, both while the message was being received and after receipt while it was being considered. Hypotheses about the temporal patterns of belief change were tested with belief trajectories from S. E. McGreevy (1996) , valid N= 78, with an average number of time points per person = 5,267 (126.41 seconds) for the message‐receipt phase and 2,467 (59.22 seconds) for the postmessage phase. Results showed that while receiving a message, beliefs changed according to the value and the order of presentation of information in the message. A greater number of positive belief changes were generated in response to a positive univalent message than to a mixed‐valence message. In the postmessage phase, a greater oscillatory pattern of belief change was found for a mixed‐valence message than for a univalent message. Theoretical and methodological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The Mozart Effect: An Artifact of Preference   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The "Mozart effect" reported by Rauscher, Shaw, and Ky (1993, 1995) indicates that spatial-temporal abilities are enhanced after listening to music composed by Mozart. We replicated and extended the effect in Experiment 1: Performance on a spatial-temporal task was better after participants listened to a piece composed by Mozart or by Schubert than after they sat in silence. In Experiment 2, the advantage for the music condition disappeared when the control condition consisted of a narrated story instead of silence. Rather, performance was a function of listeners' preference (music or story), with better performance following the preferred condition.  相似文献   

李宏利  陆慧菁  张雷 《心理学报》2011,43(11):1320-1328
进化理论认为风险行为与求偶有关。研究通过比较求偶信息(异性照片或描述异性的词语)、养育后代(孕妇照片)及奖赏信息(金牌照片等)试图进一步探讨繁衍线索对两性知觉和判断风险信息的影响。研究1中, 被试描述理想约会对象后求偶动机得到激发, 相对于描述晴朗天气的控制组, 求偶动机让两性更慢地从高风险信息(如滑雪、冲浪等)转移注意力, 且两性对风险信息的注意转移与社群性向无关。研究2显示, 相对于养育后代和奖赏信息, 求偶信息更为迅速地促使男性对高风险信息做出判断, 但求偶信息让女性比男性更慢地对高风险信息做出判断。研究结果进一步证实了自然选择理论及性选择理论对两性加工风险信息的认知机制具有预测作用。  相似文献   


It has been suggested that the performance of preferred modes of exercise will serve to maximize the affective response to exercise. Support has come from work that has shown the effect of exercise on affect to be mediated by enjoyment. However, there is a need to compare modes of exercise that differ in preference and enjoyment, yet are similar in intensity, duration and muscle group. This experiment was designed to achieve this aim. Thirty-four college-aged women completed 20 minutes of exercise on high and low preference modes of continuous exercise. Intensity was maintained at 65–75% of HRR. Affect was measured by the PANAS, collected prior to and at 5, 20, and 40 min post exercise. Results provided partial support for the hypothesis as mode preference moderated the improvement in positive affect, with no effect on the reduction in negative affect. Interestingly, regardless of mode preference, enjoyment ratings were found to mediate the change in both positive and negative affect.  相似文献   

Pigeons' ability to time a stimulus while simultaneously engaged in another information-processing task was examined in three experiments using a matching-to-sample procedure. Pigeons were trained to match temporal samples of 2 and 10 s and were tested with durations of 2, 3, 4.5, 6.7, or 10 s while simultaneously processing information from another dimension. Experiment 1 revealed that the psychophysical curve for long judgments taken when pigeons also had to evaluate line orientation was shifted to the right of a control curve taken from trials on which only time had to be judged. In Experiment 2, results from probe duration tests showed that processing the spatial location of a stimulus while attending to duration caused a more general loss of timing ability across the probe durations (shorter durations were judged as longer and longer durations were judged as shorter). In Experiment 3, a distracter light was illuminated on some probe trials to determine how such a perceptual distraction would affect time judgments on the probe trials. Results showed a general loss of timing ability similar to that found in Experiment 2. It is proposed that the data might best be explained by a divided-attention effect rather than by a systematic effect on the timing mechanism.  相似文献   

分别以经度数和语言等级数为材料,采用快速刺激分类范式,通过两个实验试图分离出SNARC效应中的数字大小和顺序信息。结果发现,被试在对东经经度数的加工中存在SNARC效应,对西经经度数的加工出现反转的SNARC效应;正数组被试在汉语等级数加工中出现反转的SNARC效应,在日语等级数加工中出现SNARC效应,而负数组恰好相反。本研究表明,数字SNARC效应在大小信息和顺序信息中出现了分离,相较数字的大小信息而言,数字的顺序信息对SNARC效应影响更大。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The scales used to describe the attributes of different choice options are usually open to alternative expressions, such as inches versus feet or minutes versus hours. More generally, a ratio scale can be multiplied by an arbitrary factor (e.g., 12) while preserving all of the information it conveys about different choice alternatives. We propose that expanded scales (e.g., price per year) lead decision makers to discriminate between choice options more than do contracted scales (e.g., price per month) because they exaggerate the difference between options on the expanded attribute. Two studies show that simply increasing the size of an attribute's scale systematically changes its weight in both multiattribute preferences and willingness to pay: Expanding scales for one attribute shifts preferences to alternatives favored on that attribute.  相似文献   

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