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The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that orbitofrontal cortical volume would be reduced following anterior cingulotomy for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Whole brain cortical parcellation was performed on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data from nine patients, before and 9 (+/-6) months following anterior cingulotomy. No significant volumetric reductions were found in the orbitofrontal cortex. Exploratory findings of reduced volume in ventral temporo-fusiform and posterior cingulate regions were consistent with chance differences, in the face of multiple comparisons. Therefore, though the circumscribed lesions of anterior cingulotomy have recently been associated with corresponding volumetric reductions in the caudate nucleus, no comparable volumetric reductions are evident in cortical territories. Taken together, these results are most consistent with a model of cingulo-striatal perturbation as a putative mechanism for the efficacy of this procedure. While limitations in sensitivity may have also contributed to these negative findings, the methods employed have previously proven sufficient to detect cortical volumetric abnormalities in OCD. The current results may reflect a relatively diffuse pattern of cortico-cortical connections involving the neurons at the site of cingulotomy lesions. Future functional neuroimaging studies are warranted to assess possible cortical or subcortical metabolic changes associated with anterior cingulotomy, as well as predictors of treatment response.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is characterized by cognitive impairment, especially in relation to executive functions. Brain structural abnormalities are also often seen in schizophrenia although little is known of the relationship between cognitive impairment and structural brain changes. Our aim was therefore to investigate this relationship further using MRI and a dichotic listening (DL) task with simple speech sounds and with instructions to focus attention and report only from the left or right ear stimulus. When instructed to focus attention on the left ear syllable a cognitive conflict is induced requiring the allocation of executive resources to be resolved. Grey matter (GM) volume was measured with MRI from four volumes of interests (VOIs), left and right frontal and temporal cortex, respectively, and correlated with DL performance. The results showed significant differences between the groups in their ability to focus attention on and report the left ear stimulus, which was accompanied by reduced GM volume in the left frontal and right temporal lobe VOIs. There was also a significant positive correlation between left frontal GM volume and performance on the DL task, for the groups combined. The results did not support a conclusion that an impairment in cognitive function in schizophrenia was driven by an corresponding impairment in brain structure, since there were no significant correlations when the groups were analyzed separately. It is however concluded that patients with schizophrenia are impaired in executive functions and that they also show reduced GM volumes in left frontal and right temporal lobe areas, compared to healthy controls.  相似文献   

Prenatal alcohol exposure has numerous effects on the developing brain, including damage to selective brain structure. We review structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of brain abnormalities in subjects prenatally exposed to alcohol. The most common findings include reduced brain volume and malformations of the corpus callosum. Advanced methods have been able to detect shape, thickness and displacement changes throughout multiple brain regions. The teratogenic effects of alcohol appear to be widespread, affecting almost the entire brain. The only region that appears to be relatively spared is the occipital lobe. More recent studies have linked cognition to the underlying brain structure in alcohol-exposed subjects, and several report patterns in the severity of brain damage as it relates to facial dysmorphology or to extent of alcohol exposure. Future studies exploring relationships between brain structure, cognitive measures, dysmorphology, age, and other variables will be valuable for further comprehending the vast effects of prenatal alcohol exposure and for evaluating possible interventions.  相似文献   

22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome is associated with cognitive, behavioural, and psychiatric problems and is known to affect brain structure. Recently, 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome has been proposed as a disease model for a genetic subtype of schizophrenia. In this paper we discuss the currently available literature on neurocognitive functioning and brain anatomy in patients with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, and how this contributes to our understanding of the neurobiology of schizophrenia. Research on cognitive functioning in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome patients suggests a specific cognitive profile with impairments on arithmetical, visuo-spatial, and executive tasks and relatively preserved language skills. Prominent findings of neuroimaging studies in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome patients are: reduction of overall brain volume, midline defects, structural alterations of cerebellum and frontal lobe, white matter abnormalities, and decreased grey matter volumes in parietal and temporal areas. We describe how brain abnormalities in patients with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome may contribute to the understanding of the clinical syndrome including cognitive impairments, psychotic symptoms, and social and communication problems.  相似文献   

Social cognitive impairment is a key feature of schizophrenia and social cognition training (SCT) is a promising tool to address these deficits. Neurobiological dysfunction in schizophrenia has been widely researched, but neuronal changes induced by SCT have been scarcely explored. This review aims to assess the neuroplastic effects of SCT in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. PubMed and Web of Science databases were searched for clinical trials testing the effects of SCT in functional and structural brain measurements of adult patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders. A total of 11 studies were included: five used fMRI, two used EEG and ERP, one used ERP only, two used MEG and one study used MRI. Data extracting and processing regarding sociodemographic and clinical variables, intervention characteristics, neuroimaging procedures, neuroplastic findings, effect sizes and study quality criteria was completed by two raters. Results indicate a wide range of structural and functional changes in numerous regions and circuits of the social brain, including early perceptual areas, the limbic system and prefrontal regions. Despite the small number of trials currently available, evidence suggests that SCT is associated with neuroplastic changes in the social brain and concomitant improvements in social cognitive performance. There is a lack of extensive knowledge about the neural mechanisms that underlie social cognitive enhancement after treatment, but the reported findings may shed light on the neural substrates of social cognitive impairment in schizophrenia and how improved treatment procedures can be developed and applied.  相似文献   

Recent studies with brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have scanned large numbers of children and adolescents repeatedly over time, as their brains develop, tracking volumetric changes in gray and white matter in remarkable detail. Focusing on gray matter changes specifically, here we explain how earlier studies using lobar volumes of specific anatomical regions showed how different lobes of the brain matured at different rates. With the advent of more sophisticated brain mapping methods, it became possible to chart the dynamic trajectory of cortical maturation using detailed 3D and 4D (dynamic) models, showing spreading waves of changes evolving through the cortex. This led to a variety of time-lapse films revealing characteristic deviations from normal development in schizophrenia, bipolar illness, and even in siblings at genetic risk for these disorders. We describe how these methods have helped clarify how cortical development relates to cognitive performance, functional recovery or decline in illness, and ongoing myelination processes. These time-lapse maps have also been used to study effects of genotype and medication on cortical maturation, presenting a powerful framework to study factors that influence the developing brain.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome (FXS), caused by a single gene mutation on the X chromosome, offers a unique opportunity for investigation of gene-brain-behavior relationships. Recent advances in molecular genetics, human brain imaging, and behavioral studies have started to unravel the complex pathways leading to the cognitive, psychiatric, and physical features that are unique to this syndrome. In this article, we summarize studies focused on the neuroanatomy and neuroendocrinology of FXS. A review of structural imaging studies of individuals with the full mutation shows that several brain regions are enlarged, including the hippocampus, amygdala, caudate nucleus, and thalamus, even after controlling for overall brain volume. These regions mediate several cognitive and behavioral functions known to be aberrant in FXS such as memory and learning, information and sensory processing, and social and emotional behavior. Two regions, the cerebellar vermis, important for a variety of cognitive tasks and regulation of motor behavior, and the superior temporal gyrus, involved in processing complex auditory stimuli, are reported to be reduced in size relative to controls. Functional imaging, typically limited to females, has emphasized that individuals with FXS do not adequately recruit brain regions that are normally utilized by unaffected individuals to carry out various cognitive tasks, such as arithmetic processing or visual memory tasks. Finally, we review a number of neuroendocrine studies implicating hypothalamic dysfunction in FXS, including abnormal activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. These studies may help to explain the abnormal stress responses, sleep abnormalities, and physical growth patterns commonly seen in affected individuals. In the future, innovative longitudinal studies to investigate development of neurobiologic and behavioral features over time, and ultimately empirical testing of pharmacological, behavioral, and even molecular genetic interventions using MRI are likely to yield significant positive changes in the lives of persons with FXS, as well as increase our understanding of the development of psychiatric and learning problems in the general population.  相似文献   

The present review is directed at imparting the current knowledge regarding functional neuroimaging as a tool for enhancing the understanding of cerebrophysiologic and neurobehavioral consequences of stimulant abuse. Stimulants like cocaine are capable of inducing clinically significant neurocognitive impairment through direct action on the brain, and indirectly through other organs that influence cerebral physiology. Neurochemical dysregulation including profound effects on the serotonergic and dopaminergic systems have substantial physiological and neurobehavioral consequences. Brain hemorrhages, transient ischemic attacks, strokes, and seizures frequently follow cocaine use. The residual cerebropathologic consequences of cocaine are seen only in significant or pronounced brain events when structural neuroimaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are employed. However, recent research with newer functional neuroimaging techniques such as single photon emission, positron emission tomography, and quantitative electroencephalography have revealed high rates of significant alteration in brain function among cocaine users, with negative structural imaging studies. These findings are often associated with impairment on neuropsychological evaluation, also in the absence of positive findings on CT and MRI. Both cerebral metabolic and hypoperfusion anomalies are seen, especially in anterior and temporal brain regions. Observed changes can persist for months, and for some patients, may represent a permanent change in brain functioning.  相似文献   

The recent literature on the neuropsychology of schizophrenia has emphasized memory deficits as a key area of impairment. Abnormalities in the medial temporal lobe, a brain region crucial for long-term memory formation, have also consistently been reported. We conducted a comprehensive review of verbal declarative memory (VDM) in schizophrenia with the aim of systematically addressing the nature of this impairment. We conclude that verbal declarative memory is significantly impaired in schizophrenia and is largely accounted for by deficits in the encoding stage. Subtle impairments in increased rates of forgetting are present, but are mild compared with those in amnestic disorders. Impairment in other cognitive domains studied thus far (e.g., attention), medication effects, or fluctuations in symptoms do not completely account for the deficit. VDM is among the most impaired neurocognitive domains in schizophrenia (along with attention and executive functions). Milder encoding deficits are present in high-risk subjects and non-psychotic relatives of individuals with schizophrenia suggesting that components of the deficit are associated with a genetic vulnerability to the illness, and are independent of the frank psychotic illness. Furthermore, VDM is observed in individuals experiencing their first-psychotic episode and it remains fairly consistent over time. Preliminary imaging studies and other work suggest abnormalities in prefrontal-hippocampal processing networks. Future work should emphasize delineating specific information processing components contributing to the deficit. This would allow imaging studies to determine which brain regions contribute to specific information processing deficits in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

将机器学习应用于精神疾患的临床和基础研究是近年来的趋势。研究者将机器学习应用于精神分裂症患者及高危人群的T1加权像和弥散张量成像的脑影像数据中, 为了解疾病的生理病理学机制提供帮助。回顾以往研究发现额叶及颞叶的脑结构特征具有较高的区分能力, 行为数据和脑影像数据结合的分类效果优于单模态数据。现阶段研究存在样本量不足和泛化能力欠缺的局限, 未来研究应注意扩大样本量、制定标准化的分类方法, 从而进一步探究机器学习在精神疾患中的作用。  相似文献   

微生物-肠-脑轴假设在精神分裂症发病机制中的研究受到越来越多的关注。以往研究初步考察了肠道微生物的构成与精神分裂症患者脑影像和临床表征之间的联系, 但具体的作用路径尚不明确。当前研究通过总结最新研究进展, 并在此基础上提出肠道微生物影响精神分裂症患者大脑结构和功能的机制假设。相关内容对于进一步阐明精神分裂症的病理机制, 为将肠道微生物纳入精神分裂症的评估与干预提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Imaging plays an increasingly important role in the evaluation of children with complex partial seizures. Most partial epilepsy, especially of temporal lobe origin, begins during childhood. Structural imaging with high-resolution MRI can help identify the etiology of partial seizure disorders in many children. MRI studies also show the more widespread effect of seizures on brain structure. Progressive volume loss of the hippocampal formation in some patients with temporal lobe epilepsy provides evidence that continued seizures may be associated with progressive neuronal injury. FDG-PET studies show regional decreases in glucose consumption in the cortical zone from which seizures arise. Functional abnormalities often are more extensive than the seizure focus. Studies in children with recent-onset epilepsy show that metabolic abnormalities are considerably less common than in adults with partial epilepsy, supporting the notion that in some patients there may be progressive metabolic changes that occur with continued seizures. Functional MRI may be used to identify language areas in children with partial epilepsy. fMRI language tasks reliably identify the dominant hemisphere for language dominance when compared to the intracarotid amytal procedure. Tests of verbal fluency and semantic decision identify frontal lobe language areas, while reading text paradigms and auditory passage paradigms are better for identifying temporal language areas. A panel of paradigms is best used to identify language areas in children being considered for epilepsy surgery. fMRI is a valuable tool for elucidating the impact of chronic neurologic disease states on the functional organization of language networks during development.  相似文献   

Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging allows volumetric quantification of a variety of neuroanatomical structures using two dimensional (2D) images as well as three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the brain and any of its constituent parts. Three-dimensional analysis permits integration of the neuroanatomical changes which occur in pathologic states, with the cognitive and behavioral changes elucidated through neuropsychological assessment. This paper describes uniform methods for 3D neuroanatomical isolation of the neocortex, ventricular system, and hippocampus in both normal and pathologic states. The 3D methods are described in detail using two different software programs, ANALYZE and IMAGE. Three-dimensional neuroanatomical reconstructions were carried out on a patient who sustained a very severe traumatic brain injury. The 3D image analysis in the patient with traumatic brain injury, revealed structural changes in frontal and temporal cortex, ventricular dilation, and hippocampal atropy. The neuropsychological impairments in this patient, were consistent with the observed neuroanatomical changes revealed on 3D image reconstruction. This technology permits precise determinations of the extent and severity of the neuroanatomical changes which follow neurological injury disease.  相似文献   

王晓乐  王东林 《心理科学进展》2015,23(10):1763-1774
近年来的研究发现了抑郁模型动物或抑郁症病人下丘脑异常的大量证据, 诸如下丘脑体积及神经元数目的改变, 下丘脑-垂体-内分泌轴的改变, 下丘脑相关激素、受体及其基因、神经肽的改变, 下丘脑与其他脑区功能联系的改变等等。然而, 下丘脑与抑郁症关系的研究所获证据多来自动物实验、或临床间接指标(如病人外周血激素水平等), 或病人脑组织尸检, 缺乏来自病人活体下丘脑异常的直接证据。今后的研究可考虑运用影像学的手段更直接地探索抑郁症患者活体下丘脑的结构特征和功能特征, 以期发现抑郁症的生物学标记及其可靠性指标, 为抑郁症的客观诊断提供依据, 为揭示抑郁症病理机制提供线索。  相似文献   

The biological basis of psychopathy has not yet been fully elucidated. Few studies deal with structural neuroimaging in psychopaths. The aim of this article is to review these studies in order to contribute to our understanding of the biological basis of psychopathy. Data in the literature report a reduction in prefrontal gray matter volume, gray matter loss in the right superior temporal gyrus, amygdala volume loss, a decrease in posterior hippocampal volume, an exaggerated structural hippocampal asymmetry, and an increase in callosal white matter volume in psychopathic individuals. These findings suggest that psychopathy is associated with brain abnormalities in a prefrontal-temporo-limbic circuit-i.e. regions that are involved, among others, in emotional and learning processes. Additionally, data indicate that psychopathic individuals cannot be seen as a homogeneous group. The associations between structural changes and psychopathic characteristics do not enable causal conclusions to be drawn, but point rather to the important role of biological brain abnormalities in psychopathy. To gain a comprehensive understanding of this, psychopathy must be viewed as a multifactorial process involving neurobiological, genetic, epidemiological and sociobiographical factors.  相似文献   

Smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM) abnormalities are some of the most consistently observed neurophysiological deficits associated with genetic risk for schizophrenia. SPEM has been traditionally assessed by infrared or video oculography using laboratory-based fixed-display systems. With growing interest in using SPEM measures to define phenotypes in large-scale genetic studies, there is a need for measurement instruments that can be used in the field. Here we test the reliability of a portable, head-mounted display (HMD) eye movement recording system and compare it with a fixed-display system. We observed comparable, modest calibration changes across trials between the two systems. The between-methods reliability for the most often used measure of pursuit performance, maintenance pursuit gain, was high (ICC = 0.96). This result suggests that the portable device is comparable with a lab-based system, which makes possible the collection of eye movement data in community-based and multicenter familial studies of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The neuroimaging literature on structural brain abnormalities in the major psychoses is quantitatively reviewed. The mean effect size for studies of lateral ventriculomegaly in schizophrenia (d = .70) corresponded to 43% nonoverlap between the distributions of schizophrenics and control Ss. Planimetry yielded larger effects than linear methods of ventricular size estimation. Although enlargement of the third ventricle was comparable to that of lateral ventriculomegaly (d = .66), it was found to be significantly greater after differences in measurement method were taken into account. The average cumulative length of hospitalization, adjusted for patients' age and duration of illness, predicted ventriculomegaly in schizophrenia. Studies on schizophrenia and affective disorder differed neither in the extent of reported ventriculomegaly nor in the amount of "cortical atrophy."  相似文献   

Developmental language disorder (DLD) is predominantly a language disorder, but children with DLD also manifest non-language impairments, and neuroanatomical abnormalities have been found in multiple areas of the brain, not all language-associated. We therefore performed a whole brain general segmentation analysis of all major brain regions on MRI scans of 24 DLD subjects (16M, 8F) and 30 controls (15M, 15F), ages 5.7 to 11.3 years. Children with DLD showed increased total brain volume, driven predominantly by a substantial increase in the volume of cerebral white matter. Cerebral cortex and caudate were relatively but not absolutely smaller in DLD. These findings are discussed in relation to issues of specificity vs. generality as they arise in debates about (1) modular vs. general processing deficits and connectionist modeling in DLD, (2) language-specific vs. pervasive, non-specific deficits in DLD and (3) specificity of the disorder vs. overlap with other disorders, notably autism.  相似文献   

In order to study neuropsychological characteristics of subcortical-frontal brain regions function and assessment of their relation with vulnerability to schizophrenia 59 patients and 23 controls were investigated using Luria's neuropsychological methods. The analysis established bilateral abnormalities of the function of prefrontal and profound frontal lobe zones in patients as compared with controls. These abnormalities were more predominate in the left hemisphere. Point biserial correlation coefficients of determined integrative neuropsychological indicators with liability to schizophrenia were 0.39 +/- 0.11 and 0.28 +/- 0.09, for the left and right brain zones respectively. The obtained data permits discussion of the integrative neuropsychological indicators of subcortical-frontal brain regions as potential markers of liability to schizophrenia and confirms the role of structural and functional brain asymmetry in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Hippocampal damage and amnesia following hypoxia and ischemia are described in the few published adult cases of suicide attempt by hanging. However, a recent review (Caine & Watson, 2000) suggests a variable pattern of brain involvement and neuropsychological impairments following hypoxic-ischemic injury that may or may not involve amnesia. To help clarify the impact of hanging on the developing brain, we examined neuropsychological functioning in two adolescents who survived suicide attempt by hanging. Despite differences in Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), coma duration, and structural imaging findings, both patients had similar IQ (VIQ>PIQ) and presented with various combinations of deficits in expressive/receptive language, visual-constructional and perceptual ability, processing speed, attention, working memory, and/or executive functioning shortly after injury. In spite of their similarities, only one of the patients presented with classic amnesia symptoms in his early recovery. This patient was evaluated 1 year postinjury, and persistent deficits in processing speed and memory encoding were noted. Several hanging-related variables, including longer estimated hanging duration, greater weight, and severe airway edema, were thought to place this patient at increased risk for cognitive deficits. Clinical MRI scans of this patient obtained 6 weeks postinjury revealed mild volume loss as well as abnormalities in bilateral superior cortex. However, CT and MRI scans obtained throughout early recovery did not reveal overt evidence of injury to specific memory-related structures. Comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation of all adolescent survivors of suicide attempt by hanging is recommended, as a variety of postacute cognitive deficits were observed in these patients despite relatively short (相似文献   

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