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情绪识别一直是学界关注的热点。虽然已有研究探讨了动态面孔表情、动态身体表情和声音情绪的脑机制, 但对每种情绪载体的整体认识相对不完善, 同时对不同情绪载体之间神经机制的共性和区别知之甚少。因此, 本研究首先通过三项独立的激活似然估计元分析来识别每种情绪模式的大脑激活区域, 然后进行对比分析以评估三种情绪载体之间共同的和独特的神经活动。结果显示, 动态面孔表情的大脑活动包括广泛的额叶、枕叶、颞叶和部分顶叶皮层以及海马、小脑、丘脑、杏仁核等皮层下区域; 动态身体表情的激活集中于颞/枕叶相关脑区以及小脑和海马; 声音情绪则引起了颞叶、额叶、杏仁核、尾状核和脑岛的激活。联合分析表明, 三种情绪载体跨模态激活了左侧颞中回和右侧颞上回。对比分析的结果证明了视觉刺激比听觉刺激更占优势, 动态面孔表情尤为突出, 同时动态身体表情也发挥着重要作用, 但声音情绪有其独特性。总之, 这些发现验证和拓展了三种情绪载体的现有神经模型, 揭示了情绪处理中心的、普遍性的区域, 但每种情绪载体又有自己可靠的特异性神经回路。  相似文献   

The new Rorschach Perceptual-Thinking Index (PTI; Exner, 2000a, 2000b) was designed to assess thought disorders more accurately than the Schizophrenia Index (SCZI; Exner, 1993). Using a sample of child and adolescent inpatients, we examined the relation of Rorschach variables (PTI, SCZI, M-, and X- %) to thought disorder indexes on a behavior rating scale (Behavior Assessment System for Children; Reynolds & Kamphaus, 1992) and a self-report measure (Personality Inventory for Youth; Lachar & Gruber, 1995). Results indicate that, when used in a categorical manner, the PTI differentiated between those patients with and without elevated thought disorder scores on the other measures. Of all Rorschach variables, M- was most related to the other measures, indicating that this variable may be a particularly robust indicator of thought disorder among children and adolescents.  相似文献   

This study examined the construct and concurrent validity of the Portuguese version of the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire (EAQ) in 302 children and adolescents (mean age 13 years old). The EAQ is a self-report questionnaire that allows for analysis of how youth experience and understand their own and others’ emotions. Participants completed the EAQ along with questionnaires for Worry and Somatic Complaints. Results confirmed the expected six-factor structure, good psychometric properties, and good concurrent validity. The EAQ is a reliable questionnaire, suitable for examining emotion awareness in Portugal.  相似文献   

Savoy RL 《Acta psychologica》2001,107(1-3):9-42
It has long been known that there is some degree of localisation of function in the human brain, as indicated by the effects of traumatic head injury. Work in the middle of the 20th century, notably the direct cortical stimulation of patients during neurosurgery, suggested that the degree and specificity of such localisation of function were far greater than had earlier been imagined. One problem with the data based on lesions and direct stimulation was that the work depended on the study of what were, by definition, damaged brains. During the second half of the 20th century, a collection of relatively non-invasive tools for assessing and localising human brain function in healthy volunteers has led to an explosion of research in what is often termed "Brain Mapping". The present article reviews some of the history associated with these tools, but emphasises the current state of development with speculation about the future.  相似文献   

Johnston C  Murray C 《心理评价》2003,15(4):496-507
Incremental validity in the process of psychological assessment of children and adolescents is explored. The authors highlight the dependence of the incremental validity of assessment information on factors such as goal of assessment, other information available, base rate of the problem or outcome, age or gender of the child, and type of problem being assessed. The authors discuss the incremental validity of assessment information from alternate sources, methods, and constructs. In view of the limited number of studies directly relevant to incremental validity in child clinical assessments, the authors call for more clinically relevant research. To have the greatest impact on child and adolescent services, this research must be readily generalized and immediately relevant to actual clinical practice.  相似文献   

The advent of neuroimaging methods such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) has provided investigators with a tool to study neuronal processes involved in cognitive functions in humans. Recent years have seen an increasing amount of studies which mapped higher cognitive functions to specific brain regions. These studies have had a great impact on our understanding of neuroanatomical correlates of learning and memory in the living human brain. Recently, advances were made to go beyond the use of fMRI as a pure cognitive brain mapping device. One of these advances includes the use of psychopharmacological approaches in conjunction with neuroimaging. The paper will introduce the combination of neuroimaging and psychopharmacology as a tool to study neurochemical modulation of human brain function. A review of imaging studies using cholinergic challenges in the context of explicit and implicit learning and memory paradigms is provided which show that cholinergic neurotransmission modulates task-related activity in sensory and frontal cortical brain areas.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that emotion dysregulation, body‐related concerns, and depressive symptoms are associated with nonsuicidal self‐injury (NSSI) and disordered eating (DE) separately and in combination. However, it has been difficult to ascertain to what extent these constructs contribute to NSSI and DE given the relatively small number of studies examining their co‐occurrence, particularly among nonclinical samples. Based on responses to self‐report questionnaires, college‐aged women who completed the study were divided into three groups: NSSI only; DE only; and NSSI + DE based on clinical cutoff criteria. Results support hypotheses that emotion dysregulation is a shared vulnerability and that body‐related concerns and depression exhibit unique patterns of association across the three groups. It appears that NSSI is best understood as a response to negative affective states relative to DE, which is best understood as a set of behaviors motivated by body image concerns. The presence of both NSSI and DE is primarily influenced by emotion dysregulation and the dominant difficulties linked to each behavior; depression and body dissatisfaction. These findings suggest that treatment and prevention efforts should emphasize emotion regulation skills and differentially target body concerns or depressive symptoms according to the primary behavioral dysfunction that is present.  相似文献   

The neural efficiency hypothesis of intelligence suggests a more efficient use of the cortex (or even the brain) in brighter as compared to less intelligent individuals. This has been shown in a series of studies employing different neurophysiological measurement methods and a broad range of different cognitive task demands. However, most of the studies dealing with the brain–IQ relationship used parameters of absolute or relative brain activation such as the event-related (de-)synchronization of EEG alpha activity, allowing for interpretations in terms of more or less brain activation when individuals are confronted with cognitively demanding tasks. In order to investigate the neural efficiency hypothesis more thoroughly, we also used measures that inform us about functional connectivity between different brain areas (or functional coupling, respectively) when engaged in cognitive task performance. Analyses reveal evidence that higher intelligence is associated with a lower brain activation (or a lower ERD, respectively) and a stronger phase locking between short-distant regions of the frontal cortex.  相似文献   

Functional MRI was used in healthy subjects to investigate the existence of common neural structures supporting re-experiencing the past and pre-experiencing the future. Past and future events evocation appears to involve highly similar patterns of brain activation including, in particular, the medial prefrontal cortex, posterior regions and the medial temporal lobes. This result seems to support the view of a common neurocognitive system, which would allow humans to mentally travel through time. Past events recollection was associated with greater amplitude of hippocampal and anterior medial prefrontal hemodynamic responses. This result is discussed in terms of the involvement of the self in the conscious experience of past and future events representations. More generally, our data provide new evidence in favour of the idea that re- and pre-experiencing past and future events may rely on similar cognitive capacities.  相似文献   

Sui J  Chechlacz M  Humphreys GW 《Cognition》2012,122(2):150-162
Facial self-awareness is a basic human ability dependent on a distributed bilateral neural network and revealed through prioritized processing of our own over other faces. Using non-prosopagnosic patients we show, for the first time, that facial self-awareness can be fractionated into different component processes. Patients performed two face perception tasks. In a face orientation task, they judged whether their own or others' faces were oriented to the left or right. In the 'cross' experiment, they judged which horizontal or vertical element in a cross was relatively longer while ignoring a task-irrelevant face presented as background. The data indicate that impairments to a distinct task-based prioritization process (when faces had to be attended) were present after brain damage to right superior frontal gyrus, bilateral precuneus, and left middle temporal gyrus. In contrast, impairments to automatic prioritization processes (when faces had to be ignored) were associated only with left hemisphere damage (the cingulate gyrus, superior parietal lobe, and superior temporal gyrus). In addition, both automatic and task-based self-prioritizations were affected by damage to left supramarginal and angular gyrus. The results for the gray matter analyses also extended to the adjacent white matter fiber tracts including the inferior occipital-frontal fasciculus, cingulum, and optic radiation. The data provide the first empirical evidence for separate functional roles of the left and right hemispheres in different aspects of self-face perception and suggest distinct functional processes respectively for paying attention to and for ignoring self-related information.  相似文献   

Information processing capabilities of normal and retarded individuals were studied within the context of a modified Sternberg recognition memory task. Presentation of items in the memory set was self-paced, and stimulus exposure times and response latencies were recorded.It was found that normal and retarded individuals spent the same amount of time processing subspan lists during input to the memory system; however, the normal subjects spent less time retrieving information from that system than did the retarded subjects. Part of the superiority of normal subjects was attributable to their higher scanning speeds during the stimulus comparison stage of memory retrieval. The scanning strategy of normal and retarded subjects, on the other hand, was found to be the same: serial and exhaustive. It was further demonstrated that the binary decision stage of retrieval was not related to differences in intelligence.  相似文献   

Results of numerous human imaging studies and nonhuman neurophysiological studies on "reward" highlight a role for frontal, striatal, and thalamic regions in operant learning. By integrating operant and functional neuroimaging methodologies, the present investigation examined brain activation to two types of discriminative stimuli correlated with different contingencies. Prior to neuroimaging, 10 adult human subjects completed operant discrimination training in which money was delivered following button pressing (press-money contingency) in the presence of one set of discriminative stimuli, and termination of trials followed not responding (no response-next trial contingency) in the presence of a second set of discriminative stimuli. After operant training, subjects were instructed to memorize a third set of control stimuli unassociated with contingencies. Several hours after training, functional magnetic resonance imaging was performed while subjects viewed discriminative and control stimuli that were presented individually for 1,500 ms per trial, with stimulus presentations occurring, on average, every 6 s. Activation was found in frontal and striatal brain regions to both sets of discriminative stimuli relative to control stimuli. In addition, exploratory analyses highlighted activation differences between discriminative stimuli. The results demonstrate the utility of coupling operant and imaging technologies for investigating the neural substrates of operant learning in humans.  相似文献   

The present article presents an overview of the instruments that have been used to assess the Type A behavior pattern in children and adolescents. The development, usage, and psychometric properties of each assessment technique are discussed, with methodological concerns being addressed whenever appropriate. The Matthews Youth Test for Health is the assessment of choice for children, because of its brevity, ease of administration, and adequate psychometric properties. The Hunter-Wolf A-B Rating Scale is desirable only for older, highly literate children. The Adolescent Structured Interview appears to be the most promising device for the adolescent age range. The other adolescent assessment devices are relatively unpopular, difficult to administer, and not always conceptually parallel to existing research on Type A behavior. Recommendations for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Children who have experienced deprivation as a result of orphanage care during early development are at increased risk for a number of cognitive, emotional, and social difficulties (MacLean, 2003). This study examined the neuropsychological and behavioral profile of internationally adopted children with language difficulties, one of the most common cognitive challenges (Behen et al., 2008). In addition to neuropsychological testing, fMRI was utilized to examine activation patterns during expressive fluency and receptive language tasks. In comparison to internationally adopted children without language difficulties and nonadopted controls, participants with language difficulty had worse performance on tasks of verbal memory and reasoning, academic skills, and working memory. Behaviorally, all internationally adopted participants, regardless of language ability, had more parent-reported hyperactivity and impulsivity compared with controls. The fMRI tasks revealed reduced activation in traditional language areas in participants with language difficulty. The impact of early adverse experience on later development is discussed.  相似文献   

Emotion regulation is a key social skill and children who fail to master it are at risk for clinical disorders. Specific styles of emotion regulation have been associated with particular patterns of prefrontal activation. We investigated whether anxious aggressive children would reveal a different pattern of cortical activation than non-anxious aggressive children and normally-developing children. We examined the magnitude and timing of source activation underlying the N2—an ERP associated with inhibitory control—during a go/nogo task with a negative emotion induction component (loss of earned points). We estimated cortical activation for two regions of interest—a ventral prefrontal and a dorsomedial prefrontal region—for three 100-ms windows over the range of the N2 (200–500 ms). Anxious aggressive children showed high ventral prefrontal activation in the early window; non-anxious aggressive children showed high ventral prefrontal activation in the late window, but only for the duration of the emotion induction; and normally-developing children showed low ventral prefrontal activation throughout. There were no group differences in dorsomedial prefrontal activation. These results suggest that anxious aggressive children recruit ventral prefrontal activation quickly and indiscriminately, possibly giving rise to their rigid, threat-oriented approach to conflict. The late ventral prefrontal activation seen for non-anxious aggressive children may underlie a more delayed, situation-specific, but ineffective response to frustration.  相似文献   

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