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目的:探讨大学新生应对方式特点。方法:采用应对方式问卷对563名大学新生进行测量。结果:大学新生以使用成熟的应对方式(解决问题、求助)为主;在幻想因子上,性别和专业的主效应显著,女生得分比男生高,文科学生得分高于理科学生得分;在自责因子上,专业主效应显著,文科学生得分高于艺术体育类学生;在求助因子上,生源地的主效应显著,城市大学新生得分高于农村学生。结论:大学新生更多地使用成熟的应对方式;女生比男生更多地使用幻想的应对方式;文科学生比艺术体育类学生更多地使用自责的应对方式;文科学生比理科生更多地使用幻想的应对方式;农村学生比城市学生更少使用求助的应对方式。  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: The present research examined the underlying factor structure of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as conceptualized in the recently published fifth edition of the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5). Design: Participants were 258 trauma-exposed Iraq/Afghanistan war veterans. Methods: A self-report measure of PTSD symptoms was administered to all participants and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to compare several different models of PTSD. Results: CFA revealed that the best-fitting model was a six-factor model in which symptoms loaded onto the factors of intrusion, avoidance, negative affect, anhedonia, dysphoric arousal, and anxious arousal. Conclusions: These findings have important implications for ongoing conceptualization of PTSD and suggest that additional modifications to the diagnostic criteria for PTSD may still be warranted to more accurately reflect the underlying structure of PTSD symptoms.  相似文献   

This prospective longitudinal study was designed to investigate the relationship between acute stress disorder (ASD) and the subsequent development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a population of severely injured hospitalised trauma survivors. Symptoms of ASD were assessed just prior to discharge in 307 consecutive admissions to a Level 1 Trauma Centre, with PTSD assessments completed at 3 and 12 months post-injury. A well-established structured clinical interview was adopted for both assessments. Only 1% of the sample met criteria for an ASD diagnosis (at a mean of 8 days post-injury), while the incidence of PTSD was 9% at 3 months and 10% at 12 months. Although all ASD symptom clusters contributed to the prediction of subsequent PTSD severity, logistic regression indicated that only re-experiencing and arousal predicted a categorical PTSD diagnosis. The dissociative symptoms that form the core of ASD were rarely endorsed and showed high specificity but low sensitivity, resulting in a high proportion of false negative diagnoses. Reducing the number of dissociative symptoms required for a diagnosis ameliorated, but did not resolve, the problem. In this particular population, the low sensitivity of the ASD diagnosis renders it a poor screening test for use in identifying high risk individuals for early intervention and prevention strategies.  相似文献   

Psychophysiological reactivity has been well documented in WWII, Korean Conflict, and Vietnam veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition, these individuals have demonstrated cognitive impairments within the domains of attention, concentration, new learning, and memory. However, there has been no research examining the impact of physiological arousal on attention in individuals with PTSD. This study documents the level of physiological arousal and associated disruption of attentional abilities in 28 Persian Gulf War veterans (18 without PTSD or other psychopathology and 10 with PTSD). This population represents a group of combat trauma victims who experienced a relatively acute onset of PTSD, thus providing a unique opportunity to compare prior psychophysiological and cognitive results with a group of veterans who manifested a recent onset of PTSD. Results indicated relatively comparable psychophysiological reactivity and arousal between Persian Gulf War veterans with PTSD and Persian Gulf War veterans without PTSD. Furthermore, attentional processes of veterans with PTSD were not more disrupted than in comparison soldiers. Results suggest that the intensity and chronicity of the disorder may impact physiological arousal and disruption of cognitive functioning. Following Persian Gulf War veterans with PTSD over time may reveal that psychophysiological arousal becomes more pronounced with chronicity, perhaps as memory networks become strengthened and/or neuroendocrine systems become increasingly disrupted.  相似文献   


This study investigated relationships among proactive coping, positive emotions, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom severity for 182 undergraduate women with trauma histories. Participants were administered the Life Events Checklist (LEC), PTSD Checklist, Proactive Coping Inventory, Proactive Attitude Scale, General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale, and measures of posttrauma gratitude and emotional growth. An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with proactive coping, proactive attitude, and self-efficacy items indicated a one-factor solution. The proactive coping style factor and posttrauma gratitude were independently negatively associated with current PTSD symptom level, above and beyond the effects of trauma severity, trauma history, and time elapsed since the trauma. The implications of these results for future research and understanding of the development of PTSD and its treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

Background: Event centrality and emotion regulation in relation to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been documented in various global samples especially in Western cultures; but internally displaced persons (IDPs) still constitute an underrepresented population in psychotraumatology literature. This study tested the roles of event centrality and emotion regulation strategies (cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression) in PTSD symptoms among IDPs in Nigeria.

Design: The multi-group cross-sectional design was adopted.

Methods: Tiv language versions of the Centrality of Events Scale, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, and Harvard Trauma Questionnaire were completed by 859 IDPs in two camps located in Benue State, North-central region of Nigeria.

Results: Hierarchical multiple linear regression results indicated that event centrality positively predicted PTSD symptoms. Cognitive reappraisal was a negative predictor of PTSD symptoms while expressive suppression was a positive predictor of PTSD symptoms. Bonferroni corrections indicated that expressive suppression was the strongest predictor of total PTSD symptoms, avoidance/numbing symptoms, and hyper-arousal symptoms; but event centrality was the most robust predictor of PTSD intrusion/re-experiencing symptoms.

Conclusion: The findings underscore recent developments in psychotraumatology indicating that the extent to which individual differences impact the development of PTSD is essential in clinical psychology research and practice.  相似文献   

Breslau, Peterson, and Shultz (2008) reported that prior trauma alone, in the absence of PTSD, did not predict an increased PTSD risk, relative to no prior trauma. Only prior trauma that resulted in PTSD predicted an increased PTSD risk following a subsequent trauma. Recently, Cougle, Resnick, and Kilpatrick (2009) proposed that the effect of prior trauma might vary by type of prior trauma, a possibility not considered in Breslau et al. They report that childhood sexual or physical assault, in the absence of PTSD, increased the PTSD risk following a subsequent trauma. This report examines the PTSD effects of prior assaultive violence, using data from Breslau et al. (1998). The study assessed PTSD in relation to up to three events. Analysis was performed on the subset with PTSD assessment for two distinct events, the earliest trauma and a subsequent trauma (n = 967), using as reference persons with no prior trauma (n = 972). Neither prior assaultive violence nor other prior traumas, in the absence of PTSD, influenced the subsequent risk of PTSD. In contrast, prior PTSD increased considerably the PTSD risk of a subsequent trauma. The limitations in Cougle et al. (2009) and in this study and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Participants with a lifetime history of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma-exposed controls with no PTSD history completed an emotional working memory capacity (eWMC) task. The task required them to remember lists of neutral words over short intervals while simultaneously processing sentences describing dysfunctional trauma-related thoughts (relative to neutral control sentences). The task was designed to operationalise an everyday cognitive challenge for those with mental health problems such as PTSD; namely, the ability to carry out simple, routine tasks with emotionally benign material, while at the same time tackling emotional laden intrusive thoughts and feelings. eWMC performance, indexed as the ability to remember the word lists in the context of trauma sentences, relative to neutral sentences, was poorer overall in the PTSD group compared with controls, suggestive of a particular difficulty employing working memory in emotion-related contexts in those with a history of PTSD. The possible implications for developing affective working memory training as an adjunctive treatment for PTSD are explored.  相似文献   

为考察我国失独父母创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的症状特征及预测因素, 采用失独父母自身和孩子有关的基本信息问卷, 创伤后应激检查量表平民版(PCL-C), 对中国的463名失独父母进行调查。结果表明: (1)采用验证性因素分析验证了包括闯入、回避性、麻木性、精神痛苦性唤起和焦虑性唤起等5个因子的PTSD精神痛苦性唤起模型在中国失独父母中的适用性。(2)根据DSM-IV的诊断标准进行筛查, 71.92%的失独父母为PTSD阳性, 其中PTSD的回避、闯入、精神痛苦性唤起、情感麻木、焦虑性唤起因子阳性率依次增高。(3)失独父母的年龄、孩子的离世时长与PTSD症状具有显著的相关性; 失独父母的PTSD症状得分在自身性别、家庭所在地及家庭收入状况上存在显著差异; 将所有因素纳入回归方程后发现: 最能预测失独父母PTSD症状的因素包括: 性别、家庭所在地、年龄。  相似文献   

个体经历严重创伤性事件后可能会形成创伤后应激障碍(posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSD)。在创伤经历中形成的情绪记忆是以后发展为PTSD的重要病理机制。PTSD的形成涉及到情绪记忆的过度巩固, 而去甲肾上腺素能神经信号可增强情绪记忆的巩固和再巩固。因此, 在创伤记忆的巩固和再巩固期间阻断去甲肾上腺素能神经信号, 而在创伤记忆的消退期间增强去甲肾上腺素能神经信号, 可能会破坏和或抑制病理性的情绪记忆, 从而预防或治疗PTSD。  相似文献   

Halvorsen, J.Ø. & Stenmark, H. (2010). Narrative exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder in tortured refugees: A preliminary uncontrolled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 51, 495–502. Torture has severe mental health effects, especially in terms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. However, there is still a lack of empirical treatment studies. The present paper presents data on 16 torture survivors receiving 10 sessions of narrative exposure therapy (NET). Symptoms of PTSD and depression, assessed by Clinician‐Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD), decreased significantly from pre‐treatment to 6‐month follow‐up, with Cohen’s d effect sizes of 1.16 and 0.84, respectively. Although treatment gains were moderate, further research on evidence‐based treatments for PTSD and depression in refugee torture survivors is warranted.  相似文献   

Cognitive bias was investigated in survivors of motor vehicle accidents with either acute stress disorder (ASD; n=17) or no ASD (n=17). Participants completed the acute stress disorder interview, the Beck depression inventory, the Beck anxiety inventory, the impact of event scale, and a probability questionnaire (PQ) and a cost questionnaire (CQ) within four weeks of their accident. ASD participants exaggerated both the probability of negative events occurring, and the adverse cost of those events more than non-ASD participants. IES-Avoidance scores were the only significant predictors of both PQ and CQ scores. Findings are discussed in terms of the role of cognitive errors in posttraumatic adjustment.  相似文献   

The present study focused on organisational religious activity (ORA), non-organisational religious activity (NORA), and intrinsic religiosity as potential moderators of the relationship between traumatic exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in a sample of 59 East African refugees living in the United States. Results demonstrated a moderating effect for ORA (ΔR2 = .054, p = .009) and NORA (ΔR2 = .047, p = .013) on symptoms of PTSD. High ORA was associated with reduced PTSD symptoms for participants reporting relatively low traumatic exposure. However, results indicated that neither ORA nor NORA buffered against the development of PTSD symptoms as traumatic exposure increased.  相似文献   

《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(3):333-350

Throughout history, humans have frequently carried out harmful actions against one another. Often, these actions result in intensive and long lasting pain and suffering. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis has been the theoretical tool used mostly by psychologists to understand the physical, emotional and behavioural symptoms following a traumatic experience. Due to its clinical and medical roots, PTSD diagnosis represents man in a social vacuum, a man without context, and a model of health closely tied to illness. The aim of the paper is to reintroduce the social context of human beings into trauma diagnosis, and to develop a health model that is more focused on well-being than on illness. Both points of view help us to seek a theoretical way for better understanding the psychosocial trauma that result from political violence and terrorism. Psychosocial trauma has definite roots, and destroys our inner world—the world of our most valuable meanings—infects our minds with hate against others, and breaks the social fabric we belong to.  相似文献   

Background/Objectives: Inner-city Black women may be more susceptible to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than White women, although mechanisms underlying this association are unclear. Living in urban neighborhoods distinguished by higher chronic stress may contribute to racial differences in women's cognitive, affective, and social vulnerabilities, leading to greater trauma-related distress including PTSD. Yet social support could buffer the negative effects of psychosocial vulnerabilities on women's health. Methods/Design: Mediation and moderated mediation models were tested with 371 inner-city women, including psychosocial vulnerability (i.e., catastrophizing, anger, social undermining) mediating the pathway between race and PTSD, and social support moderating psychosocial vulnerability and PTSD. Results: Despite comparable rates of trauma, Black women reported higher vulnerability and PTSD symptoms, and lower support compared to White Hispanic and non-Hispanic women. Psychosocial vulnerability mediated the pathway between race and PTSD, and social support moderated vulnerability, reducing negative effects on PTSD. When examining associations by race, the moderation effect remained significant for Black women only. Conclusions: Altogether these psychosocial vulnerabilities represent one potential mechanism explaining Black women's greater risk of PTSD, although cumulative psychosocial vulnerability may be buffered by social support. Despite higher support, inner-city White women's psychosocial vulnerability may actually outweigh support's benefits for reducing trauma-related distress.  相似文献   

Scant previous research has examined associations of proactive coping and psychopathology, although two preliminary findings suggest that proactive coping might be negatively associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and general depression symptom level. This study examined associations of proactive coping with PTSD and anhedonic depression in a sample of 169 traumatized undergraduates. As expected, women tended to report more severe PTSD symptoms and less life threat than men. No other gender differences were found. Most important, proactive coping and posttrauma state gratitude were independently negatively associated with PTSD symptom level, after controlling for trauma history and female gender. Further, proactive coping was independently negatively associated with anhedonic depression, beyond the effect of traumatic life threat. The implications of the findings for models of posttrauma psychopathology development are discussed.  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to investigate multiple health risk behaviours in relation to PTSD symptoms in a sample of university students from 22 countries. Using anonymous questionnaires, data were collected from 16804 undergraduate university students (mean age 20.8, SD?=?2.8) from 23 universities in 22 countries in Africa, Asia, Caribbean and South America. Results indicate that overall, 20.9% of the university students screened positive for PTSD, and the overall mean of health risk behaviours (range from 1–10) was 2.7 for university students from all countries. Logistic regression adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics and social support found that each of the ten individual health risk behaviours was significantly associated with PTSD symptoms. In addition, logistic regression with multiple health risk behaviours found a steady increase from 1 (Odds Ratio (OR): 1.37, CI 1.05–1.77) to 5 or more (OR: 3.57, CI 2.75–4.64) health risk behaviours in association with PTSD symptoms, adjusted for age, gender, economic family background and social support.  相似文献   

Theoretical, clinical, and empirical implications of the functional connections between symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are abundant. As such, four cases are presented here of men and women who met criteria for comorbid OCD and PTSD. All had been diagnosed with treatment-resistant OCD and were seeking treatment from an OCD specialty clinic or institute, all reported a history of traumatic experiences prior to the onset of OCD, and all appeared to demonstrate negative treatment outcomes. Upon examination, it appeared that symptoms of OCD and PTSD were connected such that decreases in OCD-specific symptoms related to increases in PTSD-specific symptoms, and increases in OCD-specific symptoms related to decreases in PTSD-specific symptoms. Speculations about the function of OCD symptoms in relation to post-traumatic psychopathology are put forth; and theoretical, research, and treatment implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of cognitive processing therapy (CPT) for treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Two prior meta-analyses of studies are available but used approaches that limit conclusions that can be drawn regarding the impact of CPT on PTSD outcomes. The current meta-analysis reviewed outcomes of trials that tested the efficacy of CPT for PTSD in adults and evaluated potential moderators of outcomes. All published trials comparing CPT against an inactive control condition (i.e. psychological placebo or wait-list) or other active treatment for PTSD in adults were included, resulting in 11 studies with a total of 1130 participants. CPT outperformed inactive control conditions on PTSD outcome measures at posttreatment (mean Hedges’ g = 1.24) and follow-up (mean Hedges’ g = 0.90). The average CPT-treated participant fared better than 89% of those in inactive control conditions at posttreatment and 82% at follow-up. Results also showed that CPT outperformed inactive control conditions on non-PTSD outcome measures at posttreatment and follow-up and that CPT outperformed other active treatments at posttreatment but not at follow-up. Effect sizes of CPT on PTSD symptoms were not significantly moderated by participant age, number of treatment sessions, total sample size, length of follow-up, or group versus individual treatment; but, older studies had larger effect sizes and percent female sex moderated the effect of CPT on non-PTSD outcomes. These meta-analytic findings indicate that CPT is an effective PTSD treatment with lasting benefits across a range of outcomes.  相似文献   

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