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Screening tools specifically developed for use with adolescents may be more sensitive predictors of relapse or recidivism than self-report inventories typically used to screen adults. 70 adolescents in a program for drunk drivers in two counties in southeastern Nebraska were given both the CRAFFT and the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test questionnaires during routine alcohol-dependency evaluations. The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test was also given to 28 subjects selected at random. 11 boys and 6 girls did not successfully complete the program. Significant correlations obtained for AUDIT scores for both the CRAFFT (r69=.65, p<.01) and failure to complete diversion (r69=.23, p<.05). Subjects were grouped by age (18 and younger and over 18 years) and by sex. A 2 x 2 analysis of variance for scores on the AUDIT indicated significant main effects for both age (F1,66=4.86, p<.05) and sex (F1.66=5.96, p<.01). MAST and CRAFFT scores showed no age or sex differences. The AUDIT might be included in drug and alcohol assessments with similar samples of adolescents.  相似文献   

Details procedures to be followed in analyzing multiple program options and time allocation for significant effects. A multiple-option supplementary education program was evaluated by the application of multiple regression analysis as a general data analytic system. One analysis reports the relative merits of supplementary education components when more than one type of program was operated by the same school system and when the criteria for evaluation were end-of-year achievement tests. A second evaluation demonstrates that an analysis of program input variables such as aide time allocation did produce significant improvement in achievement when an analysis of the differential effect of the input variables was considered. An incidental outcome of this study was that significant improvement in reading and mathematics achievement for children in supplementary education programs was more likely to occur with second- and third-grade pupils than with thise at later grade levels.  相似文献   

Criteria were developed for the selection of a career development program appropriate for the mentally ill. The criteria were based on the Career Development Curriculum (CDC) for the mentally ill and the Purdue Stepped Approach Model. The Self-Directed Search (SDS) was chosen as a program because it met all the selection criteria. Mentally ill program participants showed a significant change (p<.035) on the My Vocational Situation Identity Scale. The findings support the selection of the SDS as a program and the feasibility of offering career development services to mentally ill clients.  相似文献   

A nonequivalent control group design involving academically gifted students who would participate in a residential summer program where they could achieve “consensual validation” by being with other gifted students (n= 156), those eligible but who would not attend the program (n= 172), and academically competent students (n= 106), was used to identify differences in global self-concept, the structure of self-concept and attributional style before, immediately after, and about four months after the intervention. There were no initial differences on any of the measures for the two gifted groups. However, competent students differed from gifted students on both self-concept and attributional measures. While global self concept for gifted and competent students was similar, competent students boasted significantly greater self-concepts in the domains of social and physical activities and significantly lower self-concepts in the academic domain. On the attributional style measure, gifted students were significantly less likely than competent comparisons to take credit or see as pervasive the causes for social successes. In general, differences observed initially were robust over time. Only tentative support for the effectiveness of the short-term intervention being effective in modifying aspects of social self-concept among the gifted was obtained. Here, gifted program attenders decreased the extent to which they internalized blame for or perceived as pervasive the causes for social failure subsequent to program participation. The relationship of observed changes in attribution to self-concept and the effectiveness of short-term interventions to effect change in cognitive functioning and personality are discussed.  相似文献   

A random sample of 70 training program graduates from the Georgia Rehabilitation Center was used in the present study. Three placement criteria were as follows: 1) salary; 2) number of weeks between graduation and employment; and 3) number of contacts by a field rehabilitation counselor between graduation and closure. Data were collected on 55 test and rating variables during the students' evaluation and training periods, and intercorrelations were examined to determine significant relationships between these variables and the selected criteria. The results were discussed in terms of program implications.  相似文献   

A program of early psychosocial support for low-income parents and infants was established at an inner-city family health center. Such a program meets many of the criteria of successful early psychological intervention by (1) beginning during the prenatal period and extending through the first 3 years of life, (2) providing professional and peer support to the parent-infant system, (3) responding to the social as well as psychological needs of low-income parents, and (4) embedding preventive intervention into an accessible neighborhood setting.  相似文献   

To test the position that some people’s willingness to endorse affirmative action is influenced by the match between beneficiary group and the attributional underpinnings of the programs, endorsement of four programs that could be used to benefit either women or men were assessed among 95 undergraduate students in Ontario, Canada. Students preferred the use of a remedial program that suggested that beneficiaries are under-qualified and need to develop job relevant skills for female versus male beneficiaries. This was driven by perceptions of the effectiveness of the program. For male beneficiaries, participants were more supportive of a mentorship development program that implied the necessity of structural change than they were of the remedial program. These effects were independent of participant gender.  相似文献   

D A Lorandos 《Adolescence》1990,25(99):509-516
A five-year study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the Teen Ranch 70-bed residential treatment program for adolescent boys. To date, no long-term study of treatment effectiveness has been conducted; research has concentrated on recidivism, and while this provides some meaningful information, it provides little or no data to treatment directors, therapists, and administrators concerning in-process therapy or client change issues. The present study compared 120 full psychological test and retest batteries of boys who were in the program for at least one year. Through test-retest analysis, 27 intellectual and personality variables were compared to describe changes that took place. Nine intellectual and academic change variables and nine personality change variables were found to be significant. These changes were utilized to examine the overall effectiveness of the Teen Ranch residential treatment program and the possibility of integrating evaluation and treatment processes.  相似文献   

Increased demand for applied behavior analysis (ABA) services has increased the need for additional masters-level practitioners and doctoral-level academicians and clinical directors. Based on these needs, the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s (UNMC) Munroe-Meyer Institute has developed a PhD program. The academic structure at UNMC allowed us to create our PhD program in a relatively quick and efficient manner. Our PhD program has many unique features, including (a) close integration of didactic instruction with clinical and research training provided by leading experts in ABA in which students immediately apply concepts introduced in the classroom during coordinated clinical and research practica; (b) structured grant writing training in which students learn to write and submit an NIH-level grant; (c) financial support in the form of a stipend of $23,400 per year, free health benefits, and a full-tuition waiver for up to 12 credits per semester for UNMC courses (a benefits package worth approximately $50,000 per year for an out-of-state student); and (d) encouragement and financial support to present papers at local, regional, and national behavior analysis conferences.  相似文献   

A multiple case study design was used to explore the organizational characteristics of community-based organizations that provide HIV prevention programs and the criteria these organizations employ when judging the merits of externally-developed HIV prevention programs. In-depth interviews were conducted with organizational representatives of 38 randomly-selected HIV prevention providers throughout Illinois. Results indicated that there were three main types of adopting organizations: adopters of entire programs, adopters of program components and practices, and adopters of common ideas. These three types of organizations were distinguished by their level of organizational commitment to HIV prevention, organizational resources, and level of organizational maturity. Narrative data from the interviews are used to describe the dimensions that underlie the organizations' program adoption criteria. The criteria of merit used by these organizations to evaluate prevention programs provide partial empirical support for existing theories of technology transfer. Implications for designing and disseminating HIV prevention programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a program for the analysis of subjective organization in free recall and the instructions for the organization of data to use this program. The program is capable of handling lists of up to 40 items, as well as 20 trials of data. In addition, the program provides several types of data tables for unit sizes from 2 to 10 items in length and for three types of sequential ordering criteria.  相似文献   

A social skills training program was evaluated with emotionally disturbed adolescent inpatients. The targeted social skills required an action or reaction within six skill areas. The program was adapted from a commercially available social skills training game that features the use of response specific feedback, self-monitoring, individualized reinforcers, and individualized performance criteria. A peer conducted the baseline and posttraining sessions while the training was conducted by an adult who had no previous interactive history with the subjects. A multiple baseline design across groups demonstrated that the program increased appropriate responding in all skill areas and that these effects generalized during the posttraining peer conducted sessions. A generalization test indicated that the subjects used their newly learned skills with a novel adult outside the training setting. The program appears quite applicable to emotionally disturbed adolescents since it targets skills in a variety of areas and employs standardized procedures to enhance replicability.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to test whether a catecholamine training effect results from a long-term aerobic exercise program. Study I showed significant increases in urinary adrenaline and noradrenaline following moderate mental stress/challenge for male aerobics subjects after a semester of training. Control groups of nonexercisers and continuously in-condition marathoners showed no comparable pre- to post semester catecholamine increases. Male and female Aerobics subjects were contrasted with nonexercisers across a semester in Study 2; the hypothesis was confirmed that postsemester increases in catecholamines occurred only following an episode of mental challenges/stress, and not following base-rate-rest conditions. Under conditions of more active challenge than in Studies 1 and 2, women subjects in Study 3 provided directional but nonsignificant support for the Study 2 findings. The results are discussed in the context of literature on the relationship of catecholamine availability during challenge/stress to temperament and on the relationship of aerobic training to temperament. At a theoretical level, the question is discussed of increased catecholamine availability being a likely mediator in the exercise program to temperament relationship.This research was supported by a grant from the Research Council of the University of Nebraska Lincoln. Our thanks to Prof. James Crabbe for assistance in recruiting subjects in Study 2, and to Pamela Brown and Prof. Wes Sime for assistance with Study 3.  相似文献   

Self-reports of drinking are of doubtful accuracy as heavy drinkers tend to underreport consistently amounts drunk as well as other alcohol-related data. A sample of 60 people cited for DWI in a rural midwestern county in southeast Nebraska during routine alcohol-dependency evaluations indicated that 10% underreported their Breath Alcohol Content at the time of arrest and 38% their previous number of DWI citations. Subjects were grouped by age (over and under 30) and by accuracy (accurate and inaccurate reporters). A 2 x 2 analysis of variance of later DWI arrests was significant as younger subjects showed greater risk. Those who underreported number of past DWI citations were significantly lower on their self-reported BAC at the time of arrest than accurate reporters. Age and underreporting alcohol-related data are as important for practitioners to attend to as scores on the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test or SCID measuring alcoholic tendencies.  相似文献   

This study explored differences between homeless male veterans in metropolitan and micropolitan cities in Nebraska on sociodemographic, housing, clinical, and psychosocial characteristics as well as health service use. A convenience sample of 151 homeless male veterans (112 metropolitan, 39 micropolitan) were recruited from Veterans Affairs facilities and area shelters in Omaha, Lincoln, Grand Island, and Hastings in Nebraska. Research staff conducted structured interviews with homeless veterans. Results showed that compared to homeless veterans in metropolitans, those in micropolitans were more likely to be White, unmarried, living in transitional settings, and were far more transient but reported greater social support and housing satisfaction. Veterans in micropolitans also reported more medical problems, diagnoses of anxiety and personality disorders, and unexpectedly, were more likely to report using various health services and less travel time for services. Together, these findings suggest access to homeless and health services for veterans in micropolitan areas may be facilitated through Veterans Affairs facilities and community providers that work in close proximity to one another. Many homeless veterans in these areas are transient, making them a difficult population to study and serve. Innovative ways to provide outreach to homeless veterans in micropolitan and more rural areas are needed.  相似文献   

The study investigates the impact of a teacher education program on preservice teachers' intellectual development, specifically, their capacity to deal with pedagogical complexity, to recognize agency as internal, and to be critically reflective, together with development of more autonomy-supportive motivating styles. The study combines a repeated-measures design with qualitative analysis of interview data. The sample comprises 175 third-year preservice teachers at an Australian university. The program is inspired by a teaching model, Developmental Education for Conceptual Change (DECC), which combines conceptual change theory with the Developmental Instruction Model based on the Perry scheme of intellectual and ethical development. Findings suggest that, on average, students' participation in the DECC program has made a modest contribution to their intellectual growth and tendency to adopt more autonomy-supportive pedagogical approaches. The model might have wider application in educational settings.  相似文献   

The present experiment studied choice response context effects on the programming of response sequences using behavioural and electrophysiological methods. Participants were asked to produce responses differing in sequence length (1-key vs. 3-key responses) with either their left or right hand in a choice reaction time (RT) task. The choice response context was manipulated by a blocked or mixed execution of 1-key and 3-key responses. A sequence length effect on RT was observed in the blocked but not in the mixed condition. The time course of the lateralized readiness potential indicates a motoric locus of the sequence length effect, suggesting that the response hand is activated before the entire motor program is established.  相似文献   

A nonparametric item response theory model—the Mokken scale analysis (a stochastic elaboration of the deterministic Guttman scale)—and a computer program that performs this analysis are described. Three procedures of scaling are distinguished: a search procedure, an evaluation of the whole set of items, and an extension of an existing scale. All procedures provide a coefficient of scalability for all items that meet the criteria of the Mokken model and an item coefficient of scalability for every item. Four different types of reliability coefficient are computed both for the entire set of items and for the scalable items. A test of robustness of the found scale can be performed to analyze whether the scale is invariant across different subgroups or samples. This robustness test serves as a goodness of fit test for the established scale. The program is written in FORTRAN 77. Two versions are available, an SPSS-X procedure program (which can be used with the SPSS-X mainframe package) and a stand-alone program suitable for both mainframe and microcomputers.  相似文献   

The development of a competency-based admissions program for counselor education majors at James Madison University was begun in 1974. This program evolved as a result of dissatisfaction with traditional criteria used for selection of applicants to counselor training programs. The development progressed from a reference checklist to eventually include a career-goal essay, personality testing, and a required on-campus interview. Continued revision, including quantification of the various portions of the screening process, has led to its present state. Further refinement and change continue as additional research is completed.  相似文献   

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) was initially developed and evaluated as an outpatient treatment program for chronically suicidal individuals meeting criteria for borderline personality disorder (BPD). Within the last few years, several adaptations to specific settings have been developed. This study aims to evaluate a three-month DBT inpatient treatment program. Clinical outcomes, including changes on measures of psychopathology and frequency of self-mutilating acts, were assessed for 50 female patients meeting criteria for BPD. Thirty-one patients had participated in a DBT inpatient program, and 19 patients had been placed on a waiting list and received treatment as usual in the community. Post-testing was conducted four months after the initial assessment (i.e. four weeks after discharge for the DBT group). Pre-post-comparison showed significant changes for the DBT group on 10 of 11 psychopathological variables and significant reductions in self-injurious behavior. The waiting list group did not show any significant changes at the four-months point. The DBT group improved significantly more than participants on the waiting list on seven of the nine variables analyzed, including depression, anxiety, interpersonal functioning, social adjustment, global psychopathology and self-mutilation. Analyses based on Jacobson's criteria for clinically relevant change indicated that 42% of those receiving DBT had clinically recovered on a general measure of psychopathology. The data suggest that three months of inpatient DBT treatment is significantly superior to non-specific outpatient treatment. Within a relatively short time frame, improvement was found across a broad range of psychopathological features. Stability of the recovery after one month following discharge, however, was not evaluated and requires further study.  相似文献   

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