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Eating disorder and weight loss interventions have typically been regarded as distinct or antithetical, despite a growing number of individuals with comorbid eating pathology and obesity. This siloing of research and practice has created a clinical conundrum for providers seeking to treat individuals with an eating disorder seeking to lose weight (e.g., required pre-surgical weight loss). To date, integrated treatment research targeting both eating disorders and weight loss is rare and practical guidance is lacking, especially for restrictive/binge-purge subtypes. This case example describes how an integrated approach was applied within a naturalistic outpatient clinical practice setting to successfully treat a client presenting with excess weight and severe bulimia nervosa who was medically required to lose weight for orthopedic surgery. We conclude by reviewing the benefits and challenges of integrating eating disorder and behavioral weight loss treatments and providing practical insights for treatment providers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe a case series of adolescents (mean age = 16.5 years, SD = 1.0) with anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) who received dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Twelve outpatients with AN and BN took part in 25 weeks of twice weekly therapy consisting of individual therapy and a skills training group. Family members were involved in the treatment. The patients were compared pre- and posttreatment on behavioral symptoms of AN and BN and symptoms of general psychopathology using standardized instruments (Structured Inventory for Anorectic and Bulimic Syndromes, Eating Disorder Inventory-2, The Symptom Checklist-90-Revised). Posttreatment, significant improvements in behavioral symptoms of eating disorder and symptoms of psychopathology were identified. The application of DBT adapted for the treatment of AN and BN among adolescents was associated with a decrease in behavioral symptoms of eating disorders and symptoms of general psychopathology. However, randomized controlled studies are required to prove the efficacy of this approach.  相似文献   

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for bulimia nervosa (BN). However, among patients with BN, symptom improvement is more pronounced for behavioral eating symptoms (i.e., bingeing and purging) than for body image disturbance, and the persistence of body image disturbance is associated with relapse. The need for more effective body image interventions led to the development of mirror exposure, which focuses on encouraging patients to view themselves in a holistic, nonjudgmental, mindful fashion. Behavioral manifestations of body image disturbance—body checking and avoidance—are also targeted in order to reduce and eliminate such behaviors and their associated preoccupation and distress. A preliminary trial of Body Image Exposure has shown promise, but it has not yet been tested in the context of CBT for BN. The case of “Sara” illustrates the application of this targeted treatment for body image disturbance. Central clinical issues around the perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral components of body image are delineated as they arose in treatment, as are issues of motivation and compliance. Treatment was associated with improvement in eating symptoms, body image, and mood.  相似文献   

This paper describes the initial development of a treatment for bulimia nervosa using a functional contextual treatment approach. Seven women (6 with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa and 1 with a diagnosis of eating disorder not otherwise specified) completed 12 sessions of functional contextual treatment. Participants were assessed with the Eating Disorders Examination at baseline and following treatment. The intervention produced significant reductions in binge eating, purgative behavior, dietary restraint, and eating concerns. A functional contextual treatment holds promise for the treatment of bulimia nervosa. However, the treatment needs to be refined further and will need to be tested in controlled clinical trials with long-term follow-up.  相似文献   

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) and eating disorders often co-occur and share some clinical features. In addition, the co-occurrence of BDD and an eating disorder may be associated with greater impairment in functioning. Furthermore, clinical impressions suggest that this comorbidity may be more treatment resistant than either disorder alone. The current article discusses the treatment of a 48-year-old female diagnosed with BDD and comorbid bulimia. We attempted to address these co-occurring disorders in a strategic, formulation-based manner using a variety of cognitive-behavioral strategies such as cognitive restructuring, rational disputation, exposure with response prevention, and mirror retraining. Despite the complexity of this case, results suggest that comorbid BDD and bulimia nervosa can be effectively managed with cognitive behavioral therapy.  相似文献   

Bulimia nervosa (BN) is characterized by a pattern of binge eating and compensatory behaviors as well as an overemphasis on body weight and shape in self-evaluation. Although cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is efficacious, recent reviews suggest that only 30% of patients reach abstinence at posttreatment. One potential reason for these poor outcomes is that CBT fails to adequately reduce elevated negative affect (NA) and shape and weight concern, which have been shown to be correlated with poorer treatment outcomes in BN. Therefore, novel treatment components that focus on improving NA and shape and weight concern are needed in order to enhance outcomes. Promoting physical activity (PA) is a promising avenue through which to reduce NA and improve body image in healthy individuals, other clinical populations (e.g., individuals with depression or anxiety), and individuals with eating disorders. While prescribing PA for individuals with BN has been controversial (due to concerns that exercise maybe be used to compensate for binge episodes or become driven or compulsive), this approach may have many benefits, including promoting healthy lifetime exercise habits that reduce likelihood of relapse through the improvement of emotion regulation skills and weight regulation.Given the promise of PA for targeting key maintenance factors of BN, we developed a 12-session healthy PA promotion intervention for BN and tested initial feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary target engagement in an iterative case series design (n = 3). The treatment provided cognitive-behavioral skills designed to identify, practice, and achieve behavioral goals while asking patients to engage in up to 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous PA per week, which was preplanned during each session with the client’s therapist.Results suggested that the healthy PA promotion intervention was both feasible and acceptable to deliver. In addition, the intervention resulted in a clinically significant decrease in BN symptom frequency in each participant. Further, participants showed clinically significant decreases in NA and shape and weight concern.The current study demonstrates that healthy PA interventions can have beneficial effects on BN symptoms, NA, and shape and weight concern. However, due to the small sample size, conclusions must be treated with caution. Future research should investigate additional approaches for promoting healthy PA and include a larger sample in order to further test initial efficacy of this treatment approach.  相似文献   

This study examined the explanatory models of bulimia nervosa (BN) held by members of professionals in the medical, psychological, and allied health fields; the general public; and female university students. The participants (N = 787) were presented with 44 potential causal explanations for BN and were asked to rate the importance of each in the development of this condition on a 5‐point rating scale (“unimportant” to “extremely important”). Principal component analysis identified four causal components. These were interpreted as corresponding to (1) socio‐cultural pressure, (2) eating and dieting practices, (3) family dynamics, and (4) psychological vulnerability. A high degree of consistency in the mean ratings for the four causal components was observed among the professional groups. However, important differences were found between the professional and the lay respondents in their beliefs about the role of socio‐cultural pressure, eating and dieting practices, and family dynamics in the development of BN. The congruence in beliefs among the professionals groups would contribute to the ease of interdisciplinary collaboration required in the multi‐modal treatment approach to BN. However, the differences observed between the professional and lay groups may have implications for educational and preventative strategies for BN.  相似文献   

Body image dissatisfaction contributes to the development and maintenance of bulimia nervosa. Many women with bulimia are unhappy with their body's appearance and yearn to attain the thin shape glamorized by our culture. This obsession breeds low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, and resistance to recovery from bulimia. This article offers treatment suggestions for body image dissatisfaction as it relates to bulimia. Counselors must be comfortable with their own bodies and must be cognizant of sociocultural dictates demanding a thin body for women.  相似文献   

Poor Mental Health Literacy (MHL), i.e. knowledge and beliefs about bulimia nervosa (BN), among health professionals may contribute to low rates of recognition and less optimal management. The aim of this study was to investigate the BN-MHL of health professionals. A total of 534 professionals selected randomly from Internet based lists were surveyed with a MHL questionnaire regarding a fictional vignette of a woman with BN. One hundred and thirty-six dieticians, 68 psychologists and 97 counselors, total 56% (n = 301) responded. The majority of respondents indicated the woman in the vignette suffered from BN (49%) or an eating disorder (20%) and endorsed evidenced based approaches. On post hoc between group analyses there was a trend (p = .02) for dieticians and psychologists to be more likely than counselors to accurately identify the diagnosis of BN. Dieticians and psychologists were also more likely than counselors to endorse a psychologist as the most helpful treatment provider (p<.001) and to be more likely to endorse cognitive behavioral therapy as the most helpful treatment (p<.001). These results indicate a need for greater training and support for non specialist primary care health professionals.  相似文献   

Attachment patterns and personality dimensions have always been considered important to the development and adaptation of the individual. The first aim of this article was to address some basic questions about the place of attachment in a multimethod assessment when compiling a complete picture of the patient's personality functioning. The second aim was to present the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System (AAP; George &; West, 2001 George, C. and West, M. 2001. The development and preliminary validation of a new measure of adult attachment: The Adult Attachment Projective. Attachment and Human Development, 3: 3061. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) as a valid and productive assessment measure. Based on a single case study of an anorexic young woman, the article demonstrates how the AAP is integrated with the Rorschach Comprehensive System (Exner, 1991 Exner, J. E. 1991. The Rorschach: A comprehensive system: Vol. 2. Interpretation , 2nd ed., New York, NY: Wiley.  [Google Scholar], 1993) and other assessment tools in both the assessment and in developing a treatment plan.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2023,54(4):637-651
Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a chronic and debilitating psychiatric disorder. Unfortunately, current treatments are lacking, with only 30-50% of individuals with AN recovering after treatment. We developed a beta-version of a digital mindfulness-based intervention for AN called Mindful Courage-Beta, which includes: (a) one foundational multimedia module; (b) 10 daily meditation mini-modules; (c) emphasis on a core skill set called the BOAT (Breathe, Observe, Accept, Take a Moment); and (d) brief phone coaching for both technical and motivational support. In this open trial, we aimed to evaluate (1) acceptability and feasibility; (2) intervention skill use and its association with state mindfulness in daily life; and (3) pre-to-post changes in target mechanisms and outcomes. Eighteen individuals with past-year AN or past-year atypical AN completed Mindful Courage-Beta over 2 weeks. Participants completed measures of acceptability, trait mindfulness, emotion regulation, eating disorder symptoms, and body dissatisfaction. Participants also completed ecological momentary assessment of skill use and state mindfulness. Acceptability ratings were good (ease-of-use: 8.2/10, helpfulness: 7.6/10). Adherence was excellent (100% completion for foundational module and 96% for mini-modules). Use of the BOAT in daily life was high (1.8 times/day) and was significantly associated with higher state mindfulness at the within-person level. We also found significant, large improvements in the target mechanisms of trait mindfulness (d = .96) and emotion regulation (d = .76), as well as significant, small-medium to medium-large reductions in eating disorder symptoms (ds = .36–.67) and body dissatisfaction (d = .60). Changes in trait mindfulness and emotion regulation had medium-large size correlations with changes in global ED symptoms and body dissatisfaction (rs = .43 – .56). Mindful Courage-Beta appears to be promising and further research on a longer, refined version is warranted.  相似文献   

In this article the author presents an overview of classical inpatient Morita therapy, contrasts it with features of rational emotive therapy (RET), and illustrates an intervention program (based on Shoma Morita's theory and practice) for women suffering from bulimia nervosa. Given that Morita therapy is scantly documented in the literature as an outpatient treatment outside Japan, a session-to-session short-term treatment methodology that was used for a pilot study in Australia is provided. A case example is presented with direct dialogue from treatment sessions.  相似文献   


This meta-analysis reports the effects of cognitive-behavioural treatment (CBT) on bulimia nervosa as defined by the DSM-III-R or DSM-IV criteria. In a previous meta-analysis, 26 studies were included using less strict diagnostic criteria for inclusion. The present meta-analysis only included randomized controlled studies fulfilling the DSM-III-R or DSM-IV criteria. Computer searches in MedLine, PsychLIT and references cited herein resulted in a large number articles, of which only seven fulfilled the criteria for inclusion. Effect sizes for binge eating and purging frequency were estimated using both between-group (treatment vs control) and within-group (pre- vs post-treatment) comparisons. The combined within-group effect size for binge eating was r = 0.55 ( d = 1.32) and for purging r = 0.61 ( d = 1.54). The corresponding combined effects for the between-group comparisons were r = 0.23 ( d = 0.47) and r = 0.28 ( d = 0.58), respectively. The combined probabilities for frequency of purging in between- and within-group comparisons were p = 0.00001 and p = 0.00000001, respectively. Although the number of studies included in the meta-analysis was limited, the obtained results are in line with the findings of the previous meta-analysis, and support the efficacy of CBT for the treatment of bulimia nervosa. This suggestion is also supported by the fact that in all the studies except one, comparison groups had received other active treatments.  相似文献   

Disordered eating behaviors and bulimia nervosa were examined in a sample of female Mexican Americans. Results showed that 1.4% to 4.3% could be classified with bulimia. Just over 11% indicated regular binge eating; dieting and exercising were the primary techniques used for weight control. Implications for intervention are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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