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王娟  沈树华  张积家 《心理学报》2011,43(10):1124-1137
通过两个实验, 考察了大学生对60个气味词的基于语义相似性和基于知觉相似性的分类, 并运用多维标度法和聚类分析法进行分析。结果发现:(1)在语义水平上, 大学生根据发出气味的物体的功能(与食物有关/与食物无关)和语义性质(人造物/自然物)对气味词分类; (2)在表象水平上, 大学生根据气味的感觉情调(气味的愉悦度)和强度(浓度)对气味词分类; (3)气味词具有粗略的语义特征, 原型在气味词概念组织中具有重要作用; (4)男、女大学生对于气味词的分类基本一致, 但在具体项目上存在着性别差异。  相似文献   

This study examines imagined interactions (IIs) among young adults in the United States, Thailand, and Japan. A comparison of means across cultures on II characteristics reveals that the Japanese participants have the widest variety of II partners, whereas the American participants are the most self‐dominant in their IIs and demonstrate the most II frequency. As for II functions, Japanese and Thai participants keep conflict alive via their IIs more than the Americans, whereas the Thais utilize the II rehearsal and self‐understanding functions the least. The Japanese participants use the II boldness function, which focuses on escaping from societal norms via one’s IIs, more than the Thais and Americans.  相似文献   

肖承丽  刘传军 《心理学报》2014,46(9):1289-1300
学界传统上将空间更新定义为个体随着身体运动对其所处真实环境空间表征的自动更新过程, 然而近年来有研究发现个体还可以对想象环境进行空间更新, 但其机制尚不明确。本研究实验1被试站在场景内学习物体空间位置之后, 保持学习朝向直线走到测试位置。其中, 0度组保持学习朝向站立, 180度组原地转动180度, 面对学习朝向的相反方向站立。两组被试均想象自己仍然站在学习位置, 面对学习朝向。然后被试旋转90度, 从3个想象朝向(记忆一致朝向、感觉运动一致朝向和不一致朝向)完成空间判断任务。结果发现0度组记忆一致朝向和感觉运动一致朝向成绩均优于不一致朝向, 而180度组无此优势。实验2被试从学习空间移动到测试空间过程中被迷向, 其他条件与实验1的180度组相同。但是, 实验2被试在记忆一致朝向和感觉运动一致朝向的成绩均优于不一致朝向。结果证明人们可以通过对在线空间表征进行想象平移或将离线记忆与空间更新系统相联结两种方式, 对想象环境进行空间更新。  相似文献   

In a case study that fundamentally alters our understanding of motor imagery, Schwoebel et al. report a patient who unintentionally carries out imagined movements. Furthermore, his 'imagery' movements are more accurate than his intended movements, which suggests that the inhibitory signal that normally prevents us from acting out our motor imagery can be selectively blocked. Removing this inhibition allows us to observe motor imagery 'in action', and reveals that motor imagery and motor planning for execution are not identical.  相似文献   

This article examines the narratives, imaginaries, and subjectivities that underpin the far-right, ethnic nationalist “defense leagues” that have emerged in Australia (and across Europe) in the past decade. Referencing three, interrelated nationalist events in Australia—the Cronulla Riots, Cronulla Memorial Day, and the “race-riot” that occurred in Melbourne on January 5, 2019—I argue that defense leagues resist conceptualization through existing theories of nationalism and community, including those articulated by Anderson, Hage, and Esposito. Drawing on Lacanian psychoanalytic theory, I argue that unlike other nationalists, defense nationalists are not primarily concerned with realizing their avowed political projects (such as fortifying national borders, halting immigration, and preserving so-called national values). Instead, they are focused on constructing and enjoying themselves as the privileged national subjects who get to do the nation's defending. As I elaborate, the enjoyment they derive from defending the nation—which is approximate to the Lacanian concept of jouissance—means that paradoxically, that which threatens the nation legitimizes and fortifies the nationalist, because the more the nation is threatened, the more the nationalist's perceived role within it is secured. Ultimately, I argue this jouissance salvages a symbolic life within the nation that is always-already dead.  相似文献   


Recent research has found that mentally simulating positive out-group contact experiences can promote tolerance and more positive intergroup perceptions. We investigated two ways of enhancing this imagined contact effect. In Study 1 we found that asking participants to generate more detail in their imagined encounter led to expectations of their having a greater number of out-group acquaintances in the future. In Study 2 we found that instructing participants to close their eyes during an imagined encounter led to heightened intentions to engage in future actual contact. These findings add further support to the notion that imagining intergroup contact may be a valuable addition to existing interventions aimed at improving intergroup relations.  相似文献   

Imagined spatial transformation of one's body   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
This study examined two related phenomena: (a) the judgment of whether a human body part belongs to the left or right half of the body and (b) the imagined spatial transformation of one's body. In three experiments, observers made left-right judgments of a part of a body whose orientation differed from their own by a rotation about one of 13 axes. To do so, they imagined themselves passing to the orientation of the stimulus. Time for (a) left-right judgments and (b) accompanying imagined spatial transformations depended on the extent of the orientation difference (OD) between the observer and stimulus. More important, time for phenomena (a) and (b) depended strongly, and in the same way, on the direction of OD. Further results showed that the rate of imagined spatial transformations can vary strongly for different axes and directions of rotation about an axis. These and other results (e.g., Parsons, 1987a) suggest that temporal and kinematic properties of imagined spatial transformations are more object-specific than could be previously assumed.  相似文献   

Spatial perspective taking is a crucial social skill that underlies many of our everyday interactions. Previous studies have suggested that spatial perspective taking is an embodied process that involves the integration of both motor and proprioceptive information. Given the importance of vestibular signals for own-body perception, mental own-body imagery, and bodily self-consciousness, in the present study we hypothesized that vestibular stimulation due to passive own-body displacements should also modulate spatial perspective taking. Participants performed an own-body transformation task while being passively rotated in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction on a human motion platform. A congruency effect was observed, reflected in faster reaction times if the implied mental body rotation direction matched the actual rotation direction of the chair. These findings indicate that vestibular stimulation modulates and facilitates mental perspective taking, thereby highlighting the importance of integrating multisensory bodily information for spatial perspective taking.  相似文献   

郭台辉 《现代哲学》2007,(5):105-110
共同体主义是以批判自由主义而著称的一个政治哲学流派,而鲍曼却从经验层面质疑共同体主义本身的意义。共同体是安全和谐的象征,但被现代民族国家摧毁和置换之后,成为一种人们想象出来的安全感。当代社会对共同体的强烈向往是人们对自由与安全失衡的心理反应,是由于人们在民族国家衰微之后拥有更多的自由但却又陷入社会的不稳定状态中。共同体主义并不能解决自由主义面临的危机,二者都无法解除当今全球化进程中人们遭遇的困境。  相似文献   

3~6岁儿童对11种基本颜色命名和分类研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对3~6岁儿童11种基本颜色的命名和分类进行了研究。结果表明:⑴汉语儿童对11种基本颜色的正确命名率随年龄增长而提高,顺序是白、黑、红、黄、绿、蓝、粉红、紫、橙、灰和棕。(2)汉语儿童对基本颜色分类能力随年龄增长而提高。3~4岁儿童对基本颜色没有明确的分类标准。5岁儿童有了一定标准,并出现按“彩色/非彩色”和“冷色/暖色”分类的倾向。6岁儿童颜色分类标准更明确,开始由主观标准向客观标准转变。  相似文献   

人人皆知科学是个或被认为是个好东西,就像一个名牌优质产品,也就容易出现冒牌货,把非科学的东西愣是说成科学,也就成了伪科学。伪科学的危害性在现在已引起了足够的重视。值得注意的是,当前在人文学界中出现的名为反伪科学实为反  相似文献   

想象空间心理旋转的角色效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第一人称角色心理旋转和第三人称角色心理旋转是人类视觉系统通常采用的两种不同的空间表征动力转换策略。该研究采用实验方法,对违背物理移动规律的两种角色水平面心理旋转进行对比性研究。实验结果表明,想象空间两种角色水平面心理旋转存在显著差异,第三人称角色心理旋转的优势可概括化于旋转轴物理方向与重力方向不一致的水平面心理旋转中。  相似文献   

Imagined haptic exploration in judgments of object properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Experiment 1, each subject rated a single, named object for its roughness, hardness, temperature, weight, size, or shape. In Experiment 2, each subject compared one pair of objects along the same dimensions. In both studies, a substantial proportion of subjects who judged the first four dimensions imagined a hand making exploratory movements appropriate for the designated information. The proportion of hand-exploration images decreased substantially when judging size or shape, or when judgments could be made readily through general semantic knowledge. The results suggest that the incorporation of haptic exploration into visual imagery provides access to information about haptically accessible object properties.  相似文献   

Imagined spatial transformations of one's hands and feet   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

李晶  张侃 《心理科学》2007,30(2):268-271
学习通过文字或图片方式显示的空间布局材料之后,采用空间定位任务.分别检验在不同朝向和相对位置的条件下,对想象空间方位判断的差异。结果表明,使用图片进行空间布局的学习,记忆后再各自以同样显示形式进行空间定位任务时,判断的速度比使用文字的反应时要快;同时,无论是文字还是图片形式呈现.在进行想象转向时.都会呈现朝向效应和相对位置效应。  相似文献   

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