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Five experiments examined the factors that determine whether or nor summation will occur when experimental stimuli are presented on a television screen for autoshaping with pigeons. In Experiment 1 there were periods when the television screen was illuminated white and periods when it was dark. When conditioning was conducted during the white periods, then summation was observed if the test trials were conducted with a white screen during the intertrial interval. Summation was not found when conditioning was conducted during the dark periods, no matter how testing was conducted. The remaining experiments demonstrated that summation will occur if at least some of the conditioning trials are conducted with the experimental stimuli being accompanied by white illumination in the remainder of the television screen. It was not necessary for this illumination to persist into the interval between trials. These findings indicate that summation is influenced by the similarity of the patterns of stimulation that are used for training and testing.  相似文献   

Five autoshaping experiments with pigeons examined the effects of presenting in compound two stimuli that had individually been paired with food. The rate of responding during the compound was the same as for the individual stimuli when the stimulus duration was 10 sec. When the duration of the stimuli was 30 sec, the compound elicited a higher response rate than its components. This enhanced rate of responding during the compound was evident only for the initial portion of each trial. Moreover, the enhanced rate of responding was no greater than for a compound composed of an excitatory and a neutral element. These results present difficulties for both elemental and configural theories of conditioning.  相似文献   

为了求证阈下情绪引起的认知偏向是否随增龄而变化及表现如何,选取5,6,7岁儿童、青年人、老年人共183名被试完成阈下情绪启动实验,结果发现:儿童和成年人在阈下呈现哭表情图片条件下,表现出相反的启动效应.成年人表现出情绪一致性效应,而儿童表现出情绪反转效应.笑表情图片在各年龄段被试中均未引起显著的判断偏向.该结果说明儿童处理阈下情绪的隐性心理机制是维持快乐,成人则是预警危险.  相似文献   

刺激强度与个体差异对心理生理测谎的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏彦捷  郭晓娟 《心理科学》2001,24(5):541-543
探讨不同说谎经验的被试在完成不同刺激强度的任务时,其生理反应和说谎分数的变化。结果表明,在测谎过程中,任务刺激强度不仅影响测试结果的有效性,而且与被试的生理反应和说谎分数成正相关;不同类型被试的说谎分数没有显著差异,测谎应对任何人群都普遍有效。  相似文献   

A number of reports have suggested that changing intensity in short tonal stimuli is asymmetrically perceived. In particular, steady stimuli may be heard as growing louder; stimuli must decrease in intensity to be heard as steady in loudness. The influence of stimulus duration on this perceptual asymmetry was examined. Three participants heard diotic tonal stimuli of eight durations between 0.8 s and 2.5 s. Each stimulus increased, decreased, or remained steady in intensity; initial intensity was 40 dB SPL (sound pressure level relative to 0.0002 dynes/cm2), and carrier frequency was 1 kHz. Participants made forced binary responses of “growing louder” or “growing softer” to each stimulus. For each duration, that value of intensity change eliciting equal numbers of both responses was determined. The results indicated a pronounced perceptual asymmetry for 0.8-s stimuli, which diminished for longer stimuli; changing intensity in 2.5-s stimuli was perceived symmetrically. Additionally, sensitivity to changing intensity improved as stimulus duration increased, suggesting that responses may be based in part on the difference in intensity between the beginning and end of the stimulus. Possible ramifications of the asymmetry reside in (a) the percussive nature of many natural sounds and (b) selective responding to approaching sound sources.  相似文献   

阈下启动的心理机制初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王沛  鲁春晓 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1344-1347
本研究以汉语双字名词为材料、正确率和反应时为指标,进行了阈下启动的实验探索。揭示出(1)当启动词在前面的练习中被归类时,阚下语义启动显著表现出来,在练习中形成的阈下启动联接是词汇和语义范畴之间的;(2)练习中被归类的词在后续的不同按键反应任务中作为阈下启动词均发生作用,阈下启动是启动的无意识归类,而不仅仅是自动化的刺激-反应模式。  相似文献   

陈艾睿  董波  方颖  于长宇  张明 《心理学报》2014,46(9):1281-1288
实验结合连续闪烁抑制范式和线索化范式, 通过操纵直视面孔和斜视面孔的呈现方式, 考察了动静线索类型对注视线索效应的影响。结果表明:两种线索在阈上条件都能产生注视线索效应, 且动态线索诱发的效应更大; 无意识条件下有且仅有动态注视线索能诱发注视线索效应。这说明眼睛运动是产生阈下注视线索效应的必要条件; 眼睛运动会增强阈上注视线索效应, 静态注视线索效应依赖于意识。研究结果支持了社会知觉与心理理论交互模型。  相似文献   

Ariel Meirav 《Erkenntnis》2009,71(2):175-190
The principle of Summation, which is a technically sharpened version of the familiar claim that a whole is a sum of its parts, is presented by Peter van Inwagen as a trivial truth. I argue to the contrary, that it is incompatible with the natural assumption that a whole may gain or lose parts non-instantaneously. For, as I show, the latter assumption implies that something can be determinately a whole without being determinately a sum of parts, and this, in turn, indicates the falsity of Summation. I point out that the tension between Summation and the possibility of non-instantaneous gain or loss of parts compels us to rethink the relations between the concepts of whole and sum, and may have far reaching consequences for the mereology of physical objects.
Ariel MeiravEmail:

ABSTRACT— Recent findings from the masked priming paradigm have revealed a surprising influence of higher-level cognitive systems (i.e., attention) on nonconscious cognitive processes. These data have effectively undermined the long-standing assumption in cognitive science that nonconscious processes are carried out independently of attention and have quickly led to the opposite view that attention is a prerequisite for nonconscious processes. Here we present evidence for a middle position by showing that the dependence of nonconscious processes on attention varies with the type of information to be processed. Specifically, we found that nonconsciously perceived faces engaged cognitive processes regardless of attention, whereas nonface stimuli engaged cognitive processes only when attended. These qualitatively different patterns suggest two distinct processing routes: one that is modulated by visual attention and one that is not.  相似文献   

研究表明海洛因戒断者的情绪加工异常,但其阈下情绪加工是否异常尚无定论。本研究采用阈下情绪启动范式,考察其阈下情绪加工能力。结果:戒断组的反应时显著高于控制组;两组中,相比不一致、控制状态,一致状态反应时均显著最短;在戒断组中,不一致状态的反应时显著大于控制状态,负性图片的反应时显著大于正性图片,而在控制组中差异不显著。结论:戒断者存在阈下情绪启动效应,阈下情绪加工存在正性偏向,且能力弱于正常人。  相似文献   

在数字比较任务中的SNARC效应表明心理数字线具有空间上从左到右的方向性。本研究在两个实验中分别用面积和亮度作为比较刺激来探讨SNARC效应是否存在于面积比较任务和亮度比较任务中。实验结果显示,面积比较和亮度比较任务中存在类SNARC效应。  相似文献   

采用线索-靶子范式,利用2个预实验和1个正式实验,考察阈下不同情绪面孔的注视线索提示效应。要求被试在具有表情与注视线索的面孔呈现完毕后,快速而准确地对目标的位置进行判断。记录被试反应时间。结果显示,当被试未有意识的觉察到注视线索与面孔表情时,注视线索提示效应存在,并受到表情的调节。表现为:在注视线索有效并伴有恐惧表情时,被试对于目标的判断更加迅速;当比较不同表情下线索无效与线索有效条件下的反应时差异时发现,恐惧表情面孔出现时,线索无效与线索有效条件之间反应时的差异最大。结果表明,阈下情绪刺激能够激发个体更原始的生物性反应;在早期注意阶段,个体对于恐惧信息更加敏感,注意存在负向情绪偏差。  相似文献   

In two previous studies, the perception of speech rate was found to be positively related to the vocal frequency and intensity of speech. In those studies, a single sample of spontaneous, content-masked speech was used to produce nine stimuli by factorially varying three levels of each vocal frequency and intensity, while controlling the actual speech rate of the stimuli. Participants were asked to judge each stimulus, preceded by a standard, “anchoring,” stimulus as to its speech rate, pitch, loudness, and duration. The purpose of the three studies reported here was to examine the generalizability of the previous findings by using stimuli that were nonmasked and/or were not preceded by an anchoring stimulus. In each study, nine speech stimuli were prepared, as described above, and participants were asked to make judgments about the rate, pitch, loudness, and duration of each stimulus. In the first study, the stimuli were masked but were not preceded by an anchoring stimulus. In the second study, participants listened to content-standard speech stimuli preceded by an anchoring stimulus. Finally, in the third study, content-standard stimuli without an anchoring stimulus were used. In addition, studies two and three used speech segments of a male and a female speaker. The findings from the three studies replicated the central findings of the previous studies. They suggest, in other words, that rate perception of speech is indeed influenced by vocal frequency and, to some extent, by intensity, and that these relationships are not materially altered by the speakers'gender.  相似文献   

阈下知觉和隐性广告的作用及启动效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石文典  钟高峰  鲁直 《心理科学》2005,28(3):683-685
采用2(组别)×2(有无指导语)×2(是否学习)的3因素实验设计对80名大学生进行施测,以研究阈下知觉和隐性广告的作用。结果表明:阈下知觉和隐性广告不能单独起作用,阈上知觉作用非常显著;阈上和阈下启动效应明显。  相似文献   

The short-term memory (STM) of 25 deaf and 20 hearing adults fluent in Australian Sign Language (Auslan) was tested using both free- and serial-recall versions of three tasks. On two tasks, where stimuli were presented as either written words or Auslan signs, hearing subjects performed significantly better than deaf subjects. This difference was attributed to the facility of the hearing subjects in translating these two classes of language-based stimuli into phonological codes, which have a preferred status in STM. On the third, language-free task, which was an adaptation of the Corsi Blocks test, the deaf and hearing subjects performed at comparable levels, indicating that differences in their STM became evident only with the introduction of language-based factors. Analyses restricted to the deaf subjects showed that performances on the language-based STM tasks correlated positively with scores on a reading comprehension test. Also, deaf subjects who reported an oral education outperformed their counterparts, who reported a total communication (oral plus signed English) education on the language-based STM tasks. Thus, for this diverse adult deaf sample, proficiency in STM for language-based material, skill in reading, and report of an oral rather than total communication education appear to covary.  相似文献   

阈下语义启动效应是指阈下呈现的启动词能够对与之有语义联想关系的目标词的加工产生促进作用.阈下语义启动效应具有不稳定性且容易受到各种因素的影响.影响阈下语义启动效应的因素有外部因素和内部因素两大类,外部因素包括任务类型、实验材料和实验程序等因素,内部因素包括注意、任务设置、目的和期望.本文首先简单回顾阈下语义启动效应的研究历史,并介绍相应的研究范式及觉知状态的测量方法,然后重点对影响因素进行了总结和评述.未来的研究可以从优化研究范式、加强脑机制研究以及发展理论等几个方面进一步拓展.  相似文献   

Although true second-order conditioning has, apparently, not previously been demonstrated in any American laboratory, it was found that by using electrodes implanted in the occipital sensory areas of hens, second-order limb responses could be readily established in approximately 33% of a group of 51 subjects developing first-order conditioned responses. In a number of subjects, the second-order responses remained stable for hundreds of trials and were highly resistant to extinction. Electrolytic damage at the sites of the cerebral reinforcing electrodes had no discernible effect on the stability of the second-order conditioned responses. They could also be evoked when direct current which temporally overlapped the cerebral conditioned stimuli was passed between or adjacent to the signal electrodes.  相似文献   

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