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Social interactions with other conspecifics affect food selection in mammals. A previous study suggested that male mice attenuate conditioned taste aversion (CTA) by lithium chloride after interacting with an unfamiliar male conspecific. The present study was designed to (a) examine whether interactions with a familiar conspecific would attenuate CTA and (b) investigate sex differences in the social attenuation of CTA in mice. Results indicated that interacting with a familiar conspecific of the same sex following poisoning attenuated conditioned taste aversions only in male mice. The results suggest that the familiarity of conspecifics was not a critical factor in the social attenuation of CTA. Discrepancies between present and previous findings are discussed.  相似文献   

在疼痛领域,基础研究传统上主要关注疼痛的感觉维度和诱发痛的机制,对疼痛的情绪维度和临床上更常见的自发痛研究较少,这造成了基础研究和临床应用的脱节.条件位置范式的诞生在一定程度上解决了这一问题.条件位置范式是研究药物奖赏和成瘾的经典范式.近10年来,它开始被应用到疼痛研究领域.本文系统总结了目前条件位置范式在疼痛领域的研究进展,主要包括应用条件位置厌恶范式研究疼痛情绪、应用条件位置偏爱范式探索自发痛机制以及进行镇痛药物筛选.最后,结合已有的研究,提出了未来条件位置范式在疼痛领域的应用方向.  相似文献   

味觉厌恶性条件反射建立后脑内c-Fos的表达   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨杰  林文娟  郑丽  谭会兵 《心理学报》2000,32(4):433-437
以新异味觉刺激糖精水的摄入为条件刺激,以腹腔注射环磷酰胺(CY,免疫抑制剂)或氯化锂(LiCl)为非条件刺激,分别使大鼠建立味觉厌恶性条件反射.在条件刺激日,糖精水在学习组大鼠下列脑区中诱发出密集的Fos表达下丘脑、杏仁核、边缘皮质等,而非学习组在这些区域中却没有或只有少量表达.另外,在丘脑前背侧核、扣带回、下丘脑外侧核、穹隆下器、压部后颗粒皮质、视上核,CY组的Fos表达明显多于LiCl组;而在伏核、杏仁基底外侧核、腹外侧隔核,LiCl组的Fos表达明显多于CY组,这种差异可能是两种药物的不同药理性质所致.  相似文献   

In rats, swimming causes avoidance of the taste solution consumed immediately before the swimming. Several lines of research have shown that this taste avoidance reflects Pavlovian conditioned aversion based on correlations between the taste and swimming-induced nausea. The present research compared swimming-based taste aversion learning (TAL) with conventional TAL based on nausea-inducing lithium chloride (LiCl). By exploiting cross-familiarization techniques, Experiments 1A and 1B suggested that different physiological states are induced by swimming and LiCl. This claim was supported by Experiment 2, which reports stimulus selectivity in saccharin and sucrose aversions based on swimming and LiCl.  相似文献   

以兔抗鼠淋巴细胞血清为非条件刺激的条件性免疫抑制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用一种生物类免疫抑制剂-兔抗鼠淋巴血清(rabbit anti-rat lymphocyte serum,ALS)为非条件刺激(UCS),糖精水为条件刺激(CS),以双瓶给水法置于鼠笼前端饮用偏好侧。在一次性CS-UCS结合训练后,单独再次给予CS,使卵清蛋白(OVA)免疫过的大鼠表现出脾淋巴细胞对有丝分裂原PWM的增殖反应降低,血抗OVA抗体的总量及脾内抗OVA抗体生成细胞的减少,但动物未表现出条件性味觉厌恶的行为反应。这些结果表明条件性免疫抑制与味觉厌恶行为条件反射没有必然联系,并非是厌恶行为反应或情绪应激的伴随产物。UCS也并非必需具有感觉的毒副作用,条件性免疫抑制是脑高级神经活动调节免疫功能的结果。  相似文献   

Using the conditioned taste aversion paradigm, two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of the interval between preexposure and test and that between conditioning and test on the magnitude of latent inhibition. Experiment 1 revealed that the degree of latent inhibition was attenuated when rats were given a 21‐day interval between preexposure and test. It was also found that this attenuation was more marked in subjects which were given conditioning immediately after preexposure than those which were conditioned shortly before the test. Retention interval between preexposure and test was reduced to 12 days in Experiment 2, and exactly the same pattern of results as those found in Experiment 1 was obtained. These findings suggest that the memory of conditioning as well as that of preexposure decreases its retrievability after a long retention interval, although the former is more retainable than the latter.  相似文献   

Using a conditioned taste aversion procedure with rats as the subjects, two experiments examined the effect of presenting a conditioned stimulus (CS saccharin solution) in one context followed by an unconditioned stimulus (US LiCl) in a different context. Experiment 1 showed that animals which received the above-mentioned procedure (Group D) showed a more marked conditioned aversion to the CS than animals which were given both the CS and the US in the same context (Group S). Experiment 2 found that in both Group D and Group S, aversion to the CS increased when the subjects were exposed to the conditioned context after the conditioning. These findings supported the argument that the strength of the CS-US association acquired during conditioning is compared with that of the context-US to determine the magnitude of aversion revealed to the CS.  相似文献   

Using a conditioned flavor aversion procedure with rats as subjects, the effect of the addition of a distractor stimulus on the magnitude of the latent inhibition effect was examined. Experiment 1 showed that latent inhibition to vinegar was attenuated by the addition of sucrose during preexposure. On the other hand, sucrose added during conditioning to vinegar did not attenuate latent inhibition. It was also found that the degree of latent inhibition to the vinegar-sucrose compound solution was less when vinegar alone was preexposed (i.e., when sucrose was added only during conditioning) than when the compound solution was preexposed (i.e., when sucrose was added both during preexposure and during conditioning). Experiment 2 gave similar results but with sucrose assigned as the target flavor and vinegar as the distractor. These findings are in full agreement with the generalization decrement account of latent inhibition.  相似文献   

Two experiments with rats explored the effects of sodium deprivation induced by furosemide injections upon acquisition of taste aversion to sodium chloride (NaCl). In Experiment 1, rats under either sodium deprivation or a balanced nutrition condition were given access to a limited amount of NaCl solution prior to poisoning. When all rats were tested under sodium repletion, the previously sodium-deprived rats consumed less NaCl than did the nondeprived rats. This finding was replicated in Experiment 2A in which ingestion of a compound solution of NaCl and hydrochloric acid (HCl) was followed by poisoning. Consumption of HCl, however, showed the opposite pattern: the sodium-deprived rats drank more HCl than did the nondeprived rats, a result that was replicated in Experiment 2B. These results suggest that sodium deprivation strengthens the salience of NaCl, thereby facilitating acquisition of aversion to this taste and strongly overshadowing that to a simultaneously presented taste.  相似文献   

The development of drug discrimination was assessed in rhesus monkeys using the conditioned taste-aversion paradigm. Monkeys were initially trained to respond under a fixed-ratio 30-response schedule of food-pellet delivery to assess the rate-decreasing effects of alprazolam (0.03 to 3 mg/kg, i.m., 60 min presession). Alprazolam decreased responding at doses greater than 0.1 mg/kg. Discriminative stimulus effects of alprazolam were then assessed by giving 0.03 mg/kg before sessions in which 1.8 mEq/kg lithium chloride was given immediately after the session (alprazolam/lithium session). On intervening days, saline was given before and after the session (saline/saline session). Rates of responding decreased over successive alprazolam/lithium sessions and also during the saline/saline session that immediately followed an alprazolam/lithium session. During subsequent saline/saline sessions, rates of responding returned to levels near baseline rates within two to four sessions. The discriminative stimulus effects of alprazolam were then assessed by giving 0.1 mg/kg before sessions in which 1 mg/kg d-amphetamine was given immediately after the session (alprazolam/d-amphetamine session). Rates of responding decreased during subsequent alprazolam/d-amphetamine sessions in drug-experienced monkeys, but did not decrease during intervening saline/saline sessions. These findings demonstrate that drug stimuli associated with postsession drug injections can rapidly develop control over behavior and suggest that similar methods be explored in the assessment of drug discrimination.  相似文献   

本研究采用了问卷调查法,对苏州271名企业员工的行为中庸化的特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)企业员工的行为,总体上是趋向于中庸的;(2)男性员工较女性员工在行为上更倾向于中庸;(3)教育水平高的员工较教育水平低的员工更倾向于中庸;(4)职务水平高的员工较职务水平低的员工更倾向于中庸;(5)企业性质不同、资本来源不同的企业员工,其行为中庸化水平不同。  相似文献   

张柳  李新旺  张文婷  杜瑞 《心理学报》2012,44(7):936-943
许多研究显示, 冲动性与尼古丁、可卡因、海洛因等药物成瘾显著相关, 但它对吗啡成瘾的影响尚未见到报道。本实验考察冲动性对吗啡诱导的条件性位置偏爱及行为敏感化的影响。实验采用延迟奖赏模型将大鼠的冲动性区分为高、中、低三个水平, 每个水平设置吗啡处理组和盐水处理组。结果发现:动物对吗啡诱导的条件性位置偏爱的程度表现为低冲动组>中冲动组>高冲动组, 并且中、低冲动组动物形成了条件性位置偏爱而高冲动组没有形成这种偏爱; 在行为敏感化表达期, 与相应的盐水组比较, 高、中冲动组动物的吗啡运动激活效应显著, 而低冲动组没有达到显著水平。这些结果提示, 条件性位置偏爱任务中, 动物的冲动性越高, 吗啡的强化效应越低; 行为敏感化任务中, 动物的冲动性越高, 吗啡的运动激活效应越高。由此可见, 动物的冲动性对吗啡诱导的条件性位置偏爱及行为敏感化的影响存在差异。  相似文献   

This study was planned to demonstrate rats’ acquisition of aversion to ethanol solution consumed before voluntary running, forced swimming, or electric shock delivery. Wistar rats under water deprivation were allotted to four groups of eight rats each, and all rats were allowed to drink 5% ethanol solution for 15 min. Immediately after the ethanol drinking, rats of Group Run were put into the individual running wheels for 15 min, those of Group Swim were put into the individual swimming pools for 15 min, those of Group Shock received electric shocks for 15 min (15 0.45-mA shocks of 0.7s with the intershock interval of 1 min) in the individual small chambers, and those of Group Control were directly returned back to the home cages. This procedure was repeated for six days, followed by a two-day choice test of ethanol aversion where a bottle containing 5% ethanol solution and a bottle of tap water were simultaneously presented for 15 min. In the test, Groups Run, Swim, and Shock drank ethanol solution significantly less than tap water, while Group Control drank both fluids equally. The effects of running, swimming, and shock were equivalent. The successful demonstration of acquired ethanol aversion induced by exercise (running and swimming) or shock in rats suggests an avenue for clinical application of exercise and shock treatments for human alcoholics, though there are many issues to be resolved before the practical use.  相似文献   

Conditioned reinforcement dynamics in three-link chained schedules.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In two experiments rats were trained on three-link concurrent-chains schedules of reinforcement. In Experiment 1, additional entries to one terminal link were added during one of the middle links to a baseline schedule that was otherwise equal for the two chains, and, depending on the condition, these additional terminal-link presentations ended either in food or in no food. When food occurred, preference was always in favor of the chain with the additional terminal-link presentations (which also entailed a higher rate of reinforcement). When no food occurred at the end of the additional terminal links, the outcome depended on the nature of the stimuli associated with these additional terminal links. When stimuli different from the reinforced baseline terminal links were used for the no-food terminal links, preference was against the choice alternative that led to the extra periods of extinction. When the same stimulus was used for the two kinds of terminal links, preference was near indifference, that is, significantly greater than when different stimuli were used. In Experiment 2, rats learned repeated reversals of a simultaneous discrimination under a three-link concurrent-chains schedule, in which the food or no-food choice outcomes were delayed until the end of the chain. Different conditions were defined by the point in the chain at which differential stimuli occurred. When the middle and terminal links provided no differential stimuli, discrimination was acquired more slowly than when differential stimuli occurred in both links. When differential stimuli occurred in the middle but not the terminal links, acquisition rates were intermediate. Both experiments together show that the effects of stimuli in a chain schedule are due partly to the time to food correlated with the stimuli and partly to the time to the next conditioned reinforcer in the sequence.  相似文献   

孙楠  魏艺铭  李倩  郑希付 《心理学报》2012,44(3):314-321
采用预期判断任务考察男女性对已消退的条件性恐惧记忆是否会出现消退返回的现象。结果表明: (1)在对已习得的条件性恐惧记忆消退后4个小时进行测试, 被试整体会出现明显的消退返回现象; (2)对消退返回现象的性别差异进行比较, 女性比男性的消退返回现象更突出, 并且差异显著; (3)与男性相比, 女性对条件性恐惧记忆具有易习得难消退的趋势, 但是性别差异不显著。研究结果验证了消退返回现象存在的普遍性, 并且有着显著的性别差异, 为以后对创伤后应激障碍患者的治疗应考虑性别因素提供了心理学依据。  相似文献   

禀赋效应的心理机制及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
禀赋效应是指个体在拥有某物品时对该物品的估价高于没有拥有该物品时的估价的现象。这一现象在行为经济学中普遍存在。禀赋效应的研究范式包括经典研究范式与物物交换范式。禀赋效应的心理机制主要包括损失规避与查询理论。禀赋效应的影响因素主要包括认知角度、动机、情绪、交易物品的特征、研究设计的选择等。未来的研究需要从禀赋效应的适用条件、产生根源、研究范式的改进等方面进一步探讨。  相似文献   

Eighty three-, four-, five-, and six-year-old boys and girls were presented with experimental conditions where context, transformational complexity, and verbal cue were varied, Two experimental tasks, a perceptually Concrete and an Abstract task, were included and Ss were assigned to a Verbal Cue or a Nonverbal Cue condition. All Ss responded to both the present progressive and the past tenses. Results revealed significant effects of the Age and Tense factors, and improved performance on Comprehension over Production. Younger children made fewer overall errors than older ones. Ss performed better on the present progressive than on the past tense on the perceptually Concrete task, while the reverse was true on the Abstract task. These findings demonstrate that language performance is the result of a complex interrelationship between transformational complexity and the perceptual properties of linguistic structures.  相似文献   

“儒家全球伦理金律”是儒家思想内所包含的或从中发展出的能够作为全人类共同遵守奉行的基本的伦理原则、价值观和行为规范。它可初步归纳为“十大金律”,其特点为普适性、基础性、悠久性、系统性、针对性、智慧性和简洁性,它的本质是人道主义、合理主义与和平主义。全球伦理的构建不能缺少儒家伦理,儒家全球伦理是中华民族文化对人类文明作出的独特贡献。  相似文献   

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