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《Personnel Psychology》1960,13(1):99-124
Book reviews in this article:
H erzberg , F rederick , M ausner , B ernard , and S nyderman , B arbara B loch . The Motivation to Work .
B ass , B ernard M., and B erg , I rwin A. (Eds.) Objective APProaches to Personality Asessment .
A nderson , H arold H. (Ed.) Creativity and Its Cultivation .
S altonstall , R obert . Human Relations in Administration: Text and Cases .
J acobson , H oward B oone , and R oucek , J oseph S. (Eds.) Automation and Society .
T horndike , R obert L., and H agen , E lizabeth . Ten Thousand Careers .
D imock , M arshall E. Administrative Vitality: The Conflict with Bureaucracy .
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know .
W eber , C. A., and K arnes , J ohn W., J r . Industrial Leadership: The American Way to Teamwork .
D avis , K eith , and S cott , W illiam G. Readings in Human Relations .
S togdill , R alph M. Individual Behavior and Group Achievement .
B each , L eslie R., and C lark , E lon L. Psychology in Business .
R oberts , D avid R. Executive Compensation .
Briefly Mentioned N iles , H enry E., N iles , M ary C ushing , and S tephens , J ames C. The Office Supervisor: His Relations to Persons and to Work .
Book and Materials Received  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Borcherding, K., Brehmer, B., Vlek, C. and Wagenaar, W. A. (Eds): Research perspectives on decision making under uncertainty.
Brehmer, B., Jungermann, H., Lourens, P. and Sevón, G. (Eds): New directions in research on decision making.  相似文献   


(Witkin, H. A., Hertzman, M., Machover, K., Meissner, P. B., &; Wapner, S. Personality Through Perception. New York: Harper, 1954. Pp. 571.) Reviewed by Murray H. Sherman.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1957,10(4):539-562
Books reviewed in this article:
P ackard , V ance . The Hidden Persuaders.
E ditors of F ortune M agazine . The Executive Life.
Z elko , H arold P. Successful Conference and Discussion Techniques.
A rgylf M ichael . The Scientific Study of Social Behavior.
C lark , F. L e G ros , and D unne , A gnes C. Ageing in Industry.
D avis , K eith . Human Relations in Business.
B errien , F. K., and B ash , W endell H. Human Relations: Comments and Cases.
A rensberg , C onrad M., B arkin S olomon , C halmers , W. E llison , W ilensky , H arold , L., W orthy , J ames C., and D ennis , B arbara D. (Eds.) Research in Industrial Human Relations: A Critical Appraisal.
H ughes , J ames M onroe . Human Relations in Educational Organization: A Basic Text in Personnel Administration.
S iegel , S idney . Nonparametric Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences.
D ixon , W ilfrid J., and M assey , F hank J., J r . Introduction to Statistical Analysis.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1951,4(4):413-418
Books reviewed in this article:
L earned , E. P., U lrich , D. N., and B ooz , D. R. Executive Action.
J ennings , H elen H all , Leadership and Isolation, A Study of Personality in Inter-Personal Relations
M ikesell , W. H. (Editor). Modern Abnormal Psychology.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1969,22(2):205-235
Books reviewed in this article:
E ngel , J ames F., K ollat , D avid T., and B lackwell , R oger D. Consumer Behavior.
L itwin , G eorge H., and S tringer , R obert A. J r . Motivation and Organizational Climate.
K irkpatrick , J ames J., E wen , R obert B., B arrett , R ichard S., and K atzell , R aymond A. Testing and Fair Employment: Fairness and Validity of Personnel Tests for Diferent Ethnic Groups.
G eist , H arold . The Psychological Aspects of Retirement.
H olden , P aul E., P ederson , C arlton A., and G ermane , G ayton E. Top Management.
C alvert , R obert , J r . Employing the Minority Group College Graduate (Recruiting, Evaluating Qualifications, Retaining Employees).
E dwards , A llen L. Experimental Design in Psychological Research
G laser , B arney G. (Editor) Organizational Careers: A Source-book for Theory.
Management Education and Development.
B ittel , L ester R. What Every Supervisor Should Know.
M c M urry , R obert N., and A rnold , J ames S. How to Build a Dynamic Sales Organization.
Z ytowski , D onald G. (Editor) Vocational Behavior: Readings in Theory and Research.
H erman , S tanley M. The Peopte Specialists.
Evaluation of Executive Performance.
M c F arland , D alton E. Personnel Management: Theory and Practice.
M ussen , P aul H., and R osenzweig , M ark R. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 60, 1969.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1963,16(4):399-416
Book review in this Article
G ross , M artin L. The Brain Watchers.
H offmann , B anesh . The Tyranny of Testing.
P almer , G ladys L. P arnes , H erbert S., W ilcock , R ichard C., H erman , M ary W. and B rainerd , C arol P. The Reluctant Job Changer: Studies in Work Attachments and Aspirations.
E yde , L orraine D ittrich . Work Values and Background Factors as Predictors of Women's Desire to Work.
G eorgopoulos , B asil S., and M ann , F loyd C. The Community General Hospital.
B erne , E ric . The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Groups.
H ower , R alph M., and O rth , C harles D., 3 rd . Managers and Scientists: Some Human Problems in Industrial Research Organizations.
C ooley , W illiam W., and L ohnes , P aul R. Multivariate Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1963,16(2):185-209
Book review in this Article
L ikert , R ensis . New Patterns of Management.
J ones , M anley H owe . Executive Decision Making
C ollier , A bram T. Management, Men, and Values.
T aylor , J ack W. HOW to Select and. Develop Leaders.
F inley , R obert H. (Editor). The Personnel Man and His Job.
K arn , H arry W., and G ilmer , B. V on H aller . (Editors) Readings in Industrial and Business Psychology
H eckmann , I. L., and H uneryager , S. G. Management of the Personnel Function.
K ay , B rian R., and C lough , R oy L., J r . Cases in Supervision.
B alinsky , B enjamin . The Selection Interview: Essentials for Management.
I ff , W erner . La Motivation àľAvancement Professional.
F arnsworth , P. R., M c N emar , O., and M c N emar , Q. Annual Review of Psychology, Volume 14, 1963.
B erne , E ric . The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Groups.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1962,15(3):345-371
Books reviewed in this article:
G uest , R obert H enry . Organizational Change: The Effect of Successful Leadership.
B ennis , W arren G., B enne , K enneth D., and C hin , R obert (Editors). The Planning of Change: Readings in the Applied Behavioral Sciences.
B lau , P eter M., and S cott , W. R ichard . Formal Organizations: A Comparative Approach.
E tzioni , A mitai . A Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations: On Power, Involvement, and Their Correlates.
A rgyris , C hris , et al. Social Science Approaches to Business Behavior.
T annenbaum , R obert , W eschler , I rving R., and M assarik , F red . Leadership and Organization: A Behavioral Science Approach.
M aier , N orman R. F., and H ayes , J ohn J. Creative Management.
B aum , B ernard H. Decentralization of Authority in a Bureaucracy.
de M ontmollin , M. Nouvelles Perspectives dam L'Etude du Travail.
P atchen , M artin . The Choice of Wage Comparisons.
S inaiko , H. W allace . (Editor) Selected Papers on Human Factors in the Design and Use of Control Systems.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1956,9(1):132-154
Books reviewed in this article:
S mith , G eorge H orsley . Motivation Research in Advertising and Marketing.
B rown , C larence W., and G hiselli , E dwin E. Scientific Method in Psychology.
K eown , W illiam H. Some Dimensions of Company-Union Downward Communication.
R osen , H jalmar , and R osen , R. A. H udson . The Union Member Speaks.
H alsey , G eorge D. Selecting and Developing First-Line Supervisors.
H are , P aul , B orgatta , E dgar F., and B ales , R obert F. Small Groups: Studies in Social Interaction.
G ordon , T homas . Group-Centered Leadership.
B ellows , R oger M. Case Problems in Personnel Management.
W illiams , E dgar G., and M ee , J ohn F. Cases and Problems in Personnel and Industrial Relations.
K nowles , W illiam H. Personnel Management: A Human Relations Approach.
G ray , J. S tanley . Psychology Applied to Human Affairs.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1948,1(2):257-263
Book review in this Article
H arriman , P. L. The New Dictionary of Psychology , New York: The Philosophical Library, 1947, Pp 364.
H arriman , P. L., Editor. Encyclopedia of Psychology , New York: The Philosophical Library, 1948, Pp vii and 897.
A dkins , D orothy C., with the assistance of P rimoff , E rnest S., M c A doo , H arold L., B ridges , C laude F. and F orer , B ertram . The Construction and Analysis of Achievement Tests.  相似文献   

(Kinsey, A. C., Pomeroy, W. B., Martin, C. E., and Gebhard, P. H. Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1953. Pp. 842.) Reviewed by Sidney Kosofsky  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1950,3(4):467-477
Books reviewed in this article:
F raser , J. M. A Handbook of Employment Interviewing.
G oodenough , F lorence L. Mental Testing.
M athewson , R obert H. Guidance Policy and Practice.
S elekman , B enjamin M., S elekman , S ylvia K., and F uller , S tephen H. Problems in Labor Relations.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1966,19(1):83-110
Book Reviewed in this article:
The Fifth Conference on Human Relations in Industry
The Sixth Conference on Human Relations in Industry.
Selecting and Training Negroes for Managerial Positions. (Proceedings of The Executive Study Conference).
C ooper , W illiam W., L eavitt , H arold J., and S helly , M aynard W., II. (Eds.) New Perspectives in Organization Research.
R ichardson , S tephen A., D ohrenwend , B arbara S nell , and K lein , D avid . Interviewing: Its Forms and Functions.
M ott , P aul E., M ann , F loyd C., M c L oughlin , Q uin , and W arwick , D onald P. Shift Work: The Social, Psychological, and Physical Consequences.
The Obstinate Audience . (Report of a Seminar)
M aier , N orman R. F. Psychology in Industry (Third Edition).
T aylor , C alvin W. (Editor) Widening Horizons in Creativity .
K irsh , B enjamin S. Automation and Collective Bargaining .
V room , V ictor H. Motivation in Management.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1963,16(3):289-316
Book review in this Article
H aefele , J ohn W. Creativity and Innovation.
R audsbpp , E ugene . Managing Creative Scientists and Engineers.
M aier , N orman R. F. Problem-Solving Discussions and Conferences: Leadership Methods and Skills.
P resthus , R obert . The Organizational Society: An Analysis and a Theory.
D unlop , J ohn T. (Editor). Automation and Technological Change.
G keenbebger , M artin (Editor). Management and the Computer of the Future.
L evinson , H arry , P rice , C harlton R., M unden , K enneth J., M andl , H arold J., and S olley , C harles M. Men, Management, and Mental Health.
L ysaught , J erome P., and W illiams , C larence M. A Guide to Programmed Instruction.
L yman , H oward B. Test Scores and What They Mean.
T yler , L eona E. Tests and Measurements.
H eyel , C arl . Management for Modern Supervisors.
re : U ris , A uben . The Management Makers.
A rnold , M agda B. Story Sequence Analysis.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1959,12(3):507-534

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1952,5(4):359-374
Books reviewed in this article:
K arn , H arry W., and G ilmer , B everly V. Readings in Industrial and Business Psychology.
P arker , W illard E., and K leemeier , R obert W. Human Relations In Supervision.
C ooper , A lfred M. How to Supervise People.
W esterland , G unnar . Group Leadership: a Field Experiment.
E lls , R alph W. The Basic Abilities System of Job Evaluation.
M arx , M elvin H. (Ed.) Psychological Theory: Contemporary Readings.  相似文献   

V on franz , M arie-louise , C. G. Jung: his myth in our time.
M eltzer , D., B remner , J., H oxter , S., W eddell , D., W ittenberg , I. Explorations in autism—a psychoanalytic study.
S inger , J une . Androgyne: towards a new theory of sexuality.
C. G. Jung letters
F reeman , T homas : Childhood psychopathology and adult psychosis.
V an de W inckel , E rna. Les symboles et l'inconscient.  相似文献   

Gesell, A., Amatruda, C. S., Castner, B. M., &; Thompson, H. Biographies of Child Development. New York: Harper, 1939. Pp. 328.) Reviewed by Livingston Welch

Muenzinger, K. F. Psychology: The Science of Behavior. Denver: World Press, 1940. Pp. XIII + 343.) Reviewed by Egon Brunswik  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1973,26(1):167-167
Book Reviewed in This Article:
Negro Norms: A Study of 38,452 Job Applicants for Affirmative Action Programs. Northfield, Ill.: E. F. Wonderlic & Associates, Inc.
L eavitt , H arold J. Managerial Psychology.
S haw , L ynette and S ichel , H erbert .
C hambers , C arl D. and H eckman , R ichard D.
B urack , E lmer H. and W alker , J ames W. (Editors).
P arsons , H. M. Man-Machine System Experiments. Baltimore
S ilvern , L eonard C. Systems Engineering Applied to Training.
W ieland , G eorge F. A nd L eigh , H ilary .
A rgyris , C hris . The Applicability of Organizational Sociology.
G eorgopoulos , B asil S. (Editor) Organization Research on Health Institutions.
G raham , W illiam K. and R oberts , K arlene H. (Editors) Comparative Studies in Organizational Behavior.
T urner , J ohn H., F illey , A lan C. and H ouse , R obert J. (Editors) Studies in Managerial Process and Organizational Behavior.
D yer , W illiam G. (Editor) Modern Theory and Method in Group Training.
T aylor , C alvin W. (Editor) Climate for Creativity: Report of the Seventh National Creativity Research Conference.
R ock , M ilton L. Handbook of Wage and Salary Administration.
H eyel , C arl . (Editor-in-Chief) Handbook of Modern Office Management and Administrative Services.
M atteson , M ichael T., B lakeney , R oger N. and D omm , D onald R. Contemporary Personnel Management: A Reader on Human Resources.
C hruden , H erbert J. and S herman , A rthur W., J r . Personnel Management.
C hruden , H erbert J. and S herman , A rthur W., J r . Readings in Personnel Management.
S hout , H oward F. Start Supervising.  相似文献   

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