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Within a self-regulation format, cognitive, behavioral, and (combined) cognitive-behavioral techniques were evaluated for effects on the frequency, duration, and intensity of anger. Twenty-seven subjects randomly assigned to three groups each received one of the three treatments after a baseline of self-monitoring and then completed another phase of self-monitoring. Results revealed a significant reduction in the frequency and duration of anger (but not anger intensity) under self-intervention, regardless of treatment type. These effects were preserved for a week following treatment. Thus, self-regulation may prevent incidents of anger and even cut short the persistence of anger, but once anger occurs, it tends to register about the same maximum intensity; this peak intensity is typically reached at the onset of the anger which then wanes at a decreasing rate over time. Further research is called for to determine the long-term durability of the treatment gains obtained and the generalizability of these findings in clinical populations.  相似文献   

Research into positive emotions has grown significantly over the last decade. This has focused typically on aggregate positive emotions, despite increasing evidence for differential outcomes from discrete positive emotions. We examined the intensity and frequency of experience of 50 discrete positive emotions in a sample of 500 participants. Results showed that the most frequently experienced positive emotions were Interested, Curious, Friendly, Amused and Positive. The most intensely experienced positive emotions were Happy, Optimistic, Friendly, Interested and Determined. Women scored higher than men on the frequency of experience of 12 positive emotions; men scored higher for Ecstatic only. Women scored higher than men on the intensity of experience of 6 positive emotions, whereas men scored higher on the intensity of experience of three positive emotions. Analyses with age showed findings broadly consistent with the U-curve of life satisfaction across the life span. The discussion focuses on how these data can inform and support future positive emotions research, and the importance of considering discrete positive emotions.  相似文献   

The history of Independent analysis in the British Psychoanalytical Society is reviewed. The Independent Tradition, as an approach to psychoanalysis, is distinguished from the organisational grouping in the British Society that is the Independent Group. The Independent Tradition emphasises what differentiates human beings rather than how they exemplify general principles. This derives from Freud through Ferenczi. Ferenczi's stress on the quality of the patient's experience, on the need for analysts to be aware of the effect on themselves of the analytic process, and on the need for restraint in interpretation are all characteristically Independent aspects of analytic technique. Later Independent thinkers have developed these themes further. Especially important is Enid Balint's idea that theory mediates the analyst's creative imagination. The analytic setting infuses ordinary human interaction with psychoanalytic awareness, and another function of theory is to imbue with psychoanalytic understanding the use of everyday language. Independent clinical technique is primarily a way of listening. Regression is accepted, and free association valued as being in itself a vehicle of psychic growth. A central idea is that the analyst is an analytic object to be made use of by the patient. Several clinical examples illustrate the functioning in practice of these concepts.  相似文献   

Meta-analysis was employed to investigate the relationships between organizational performance, as measured by sales growth, and turnover functionality and between organizational performance and turnover frequency. Turnover functionality was found to be correlated with organizational performance while turnover frequency was not.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - Five-year-old children received training on four symbolic match-to-sample tasks with single-element stimuli (A1-B1, A2-B2; P1-Q1, P2-Q2). Then they received training on...  相似文献   

This article compares and contrasts two main aspects of the work of Winnicott and Balint: their theories of infantile development and their theoretical and clinical work on the use of regression as a therapeutic agent. The relationship of their thinking to aspects of the British Independent Group's theories and clinical work is noted vis-à-vis the basic acceptance of classical theory and technique, acknowledgment and use of some of Klein's contributions, the influence of trauma and the external environment on psychic development and psychopathology, the importance of holding and the setting, and the reintegration of previously split off and lost parts of the self.  相似文献   

In two previous studies, the perception of speech rate was found to be positively related to the vocal frequency and intensity of speech. In those studies, a single sample of spontaneous, content-masked speech was used to produce nine stimuli by factorially varying three levels of each vocal frequency and intensity, while controlling the actual speech rate of the stimuli. Participants were asked to judge each stimulus, preceded by a standard, “anchoring,” stimulus as to its speech rate, pitch, loudness, and duration. The purpose of the three studies reported here was to examine the generalizability of the previous findings by using stimuli that were nonmasked and/or were not preceded by an anchoring stimulus. In each study, nine speech stimuli were prepared, as described above, and participants were asked to make judgments about the rate, pitch, loudness, and duration of each stimulus. In the first study, the stimuli were masked but were not preceded by an anchoring stimulus. In the second study, participants listened to content-standard speech stimuli preceded by an anchoring stimulus. Finally, in the third study, content-standard stimuli without an anchoring stimulus were used. In addition, studies two and three used speech segments of a male and a female speaker. The findings from the three studies replicated the central findings of the previous studies. They suggest, in other words, that rate perception of speech is indeed influenced by vocal frequency and, to some extent, by intensity, and that these relationships are not materially altered by the speakers'gender.  相似文献   

Moral intensity is a construct that relates to issues in terms of their perceived moral significance. Individuals' perceptions of moral intensity should impact their recognition of issues as posing moral dilemmas and should also affect ethical judgments and behavioral intentions regarding issues. This study examined the relationship between 4 dimensions of moral intensity and the ethical decision-making process. Two work-related actions were presented to respondents, who then completed measures of the 4 dimensions of moral intensity, whether the actions posed an ethical issue, ethical judgments regarding the actions, and the likelihood that they would engage in the actions. Results indicate that moral intensity dimensions were associated with individuals' ethical decisions. Social consensus and seriousness of consequences were particularly important influences on the ethical decision-making process.  相似文献   

There are good reasons to think natural languages are compositional. But compound nominals (CNs) are largely productive constructions that have proven highly recalcitrant to compositional semantic analysis. I evaluate existing proposals to treat CNs compositionally and argue that they are unsuccessful. I then articulate an alternative proposal according to which CNs contain covert indexicals. Features of the context allow a variety of relations to be expressed using CNs, but this variety is not expressed in the lexicon or the semantic rules of the language. This proposal accounts for the diversity of contents CNs can be used to express while preserving compositionality. Finally, I defend this proposal against some recent anti-contextualist arguments.  相似文献   

La théorie et la recherche concernant les croyances (LOC) et les perceptions du contrôle suggèrent que les Asiatiques tendent à obtenir des scores plus bas et àêtre plus passifs que les Américains, mais ces travaux ont été menés à l’aide de concepts et d’échelles développés principalement aux USA qui certifient une primauté du contrôle interne (ex: en changeant l’environnement pour l’adapter à soi). Une équipe de recherche internationale a étendu la notion de croyance dans le contrôle en développant des échelles qui permettent de reconsidérer la notion en faisant état de croyances secondaires dans le contrôle (ex: en adaptant le soi à l’environnement) et de faire état d’un concept nouveau de croyances socio‐instrumentales (ex: le contrôle par les relations interpersonelles) qui permettent de rendre compte de manière plus pertinente des croyances en un contrôle dans les cultures collectivistes. Nous nous attendions à ce que, par l’utilisation d’échelles culturellement appropriées, les Américains n’obtiennent pas une croyance en un contrôle plus importante que les Asiatiques. Les hypothèses ont été partiellement confirmées en ce que les Américains se sont montrés comme obtenant un contrôle plus bas que les Chinois (de Hong Kong et de RP de Chine) sur ces échelles. Il est suggéré que voir les Asiatiques comme évitant passivement le contrôle au travail peut être incorrect et dû aux insuffisances de contrôle socio‐instrumental. Research and theory concerning beliefs (locus of control) and perceptions of control suggest that Asians tend to be lower and more passive than Americans, but this work has been conducted mainly with US‐developed constructs and scales that assess primary control (i.e. changing the environment to adapt to the self). An international research team expanded the notion of control beliefs by developing scales to assess secondary control beliefs (i.e. adapting the self to the environment) and the new construct of socioinstrumental control beliefs (i.e. control via interpersonal relationships), both of which were thought to better fit the control beliefs of collectivist cultures than Western‐developed control scales. We expected that, when culturally appropriate scales were employed, Americans would not show higher control beliefs than Asians. Hypotheses were partially confirmed that Americans would be lower than Chinese (Hong Kong and PR China) on these new scales. It is suggested that views of Asians as passive avoiders of control at work may be incorrect and due to the overlooking of socioinstrumental control.  相似文献   

通过词汇判断任务,探讨语素频率对中级印尼汉语学习者复合词识别的影响。研究结果发现,语素频率影响中级印尼汉语学习者复合词的识别。同时,语素频率对词汇识别的影响受到语素位置的调节。当语素为复合词的首语素时,语素频率高,词汇判断的正确率高;语素频率低,词汇判断的正确率低。当语素为复合词的尾语素时,语素频率对词汇判断正确率的影响受到首语素频率的限制。只有当首语素的频率高时,尾语素的频率才会影响词汇判断的正确率。当首语素的频率低时,尾语素的频率不影响词汇判断的正确率。研究结果支持中级印尼汉语学习者在复合词的表征中产生了语素表征,而且首语素的频率在复合词识别中发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

The relationship of age and IQ to response inhibition in children was investigated in two experiments. Two tasks were employed: a “walk slowly” task designed to measure motor inhibition and a simple matching task designed to measure cognitive inhibition. In Experiment I, the Ss were 20 “normal” children at ages 4, 5, 6, and 7 years of age. Response inhibition was found to increase with age. In Experiment II, the Ss were 48 institutionalized retardates, half between the ages of 8 to 12 and half between the ages of 13 to 17. Half of each age group had IQs between 40 and 55, and half had IQs between 56 and 70. Motor response inhibition varied as a function of age but not IQ, while cognitive inhibition varied as a function of IQ but not age.  相似文献   

The aim was to determine whether the relationship between personality traits and Subjective Well-Being (SWB) differs when the affective component of SWB is measured in terms of frequency or intensity. Extraversion and Neuroticism were expected to show significant but different associations to SWB depending on the dimension of the affective component. Swedish undergraduate students (N = 153) self-reported personality, life satisfaction (LS), and affect measured in both frequency (i.e., how often they feel certain affects) and intensity (i.e., how strongly they feel certain affects). Two types of SWB-scores were constructed by merging LS with affect measured in either frequency or intensity. While Extraversion had a similar effect on both types of SWB, Neuroticism had a significantly stronger effect on SWB when the affective component was measured in frequency. More importantly, the effect of Neuroticism, compared to Extraversion, was stronger on SWB regardless of the dimension of the affective component. These findings suggest that future research should clearly distinguish between intensity and frequency when measuring the affective component of SWB. The distinction is important, not only due to the distinctiveness of the affective dimensions per se, but also due to different association patterns between personality traits and both dimensions.  相似文献   

责任对后悔强度的影响:来自ERP的证据   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用事件相关电位技术,研究责任对后悔的影响。实验采用赌博范式,主要因素是被试对于负性结果所负责任的大小,分为三个水平:1(只有被试一人犯错)、1/2(被试和另外一个人犯错)以及1/3(三人同时犯错)。研究结果发现,被试主观评定的情绪强度和责任感上,1条件下的显著大于1/2和1/3条件下的,而1/2和1/3条件无显著差异;被试的反事实思维则在三个水平上差异显著,责任越大,反事实思维越强。fERN(feedback error-related negativity,反馈错误相关负波,也称FRN,反馈负波)的波幅在1条件下的显著大于1/2和1/3条件下的,而1/2和1/3条件下的无显著差异;而P300的波幅则在三种水平上差异显著,责任越大,波幅越小。结果支持责任对后悔强度有所影响,且后悔强度在一定程度上随责任大小呈线性变化。  相似文献   

Independent processing of form, colour, and texture in object perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most investigations of object recognition have focused on the form rather than the material properties of objects. Nevertheless, knowledge of the material properties of an object (via its surface cues) can provide important information about that object's identity. In this study, we used Garner's speeded-classification task to explore whether or not the processing of form and the processing of surface properties are independent. In experiment 1, participants made length and width classifications in an initial form task. Participants were unable to ignore length while making width classifications, and were unable to ignore width while making length classifications. This suggests that the perception of length and the perception of width share common processing resources. In a subsequent task, we examined possible interactions between the processing of form and the processing of surface properties. In contrast to the findings with the form task, participants were able to ignore form while making surface-property classifications, and to ignore surface properties while making form classifications. This suggests that the form of objects and their surface properties are processed independently. In experiment 2, we went on to show that the two prominent surface-property dimensions of colour and texture can also be processed independently. In other words, participants were able to ignore colour while making texture classifications, and vice versa. Finally, in experiment 3, we examined the possibility that the stimuli and required responses that we used in experiment 2 were too categorical and thus not optimal for assessing whether or not colour and texture share common processing resources. Using a different stimulus set, participants were again able to ignore colour while making texture classifications, and vice versa. Taken together, these results provided convincing evidence that the separate ventral-stream brain regions identified for form, texture, and colour in a recent neuroimaging study (Cant and Goodale, 2007 Cerebral Cortex 17 713-731) can indeed function independently.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - Experiments with pigeons have suggested that the way stimuli are arranged in tests affects the demonstration of the stimulus control established during training. The...  相似文献   

Retraction: Christopher R. Hagan PhD, Jennifer J. Muehlenkamp PhD, “The Three-Step Theory of Suicide: An Independent Replication and Conceptual Extension,” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, Wiley, © American Association of Suicidology The above article, published online on 30 September 2019 in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ), has been retracted by agreement between the authors, the journal Editor in Chief, Thomas Joiner, PhD, and John Wiley and Sons Ltd. The retraction has been agreed due to errors in variable calculation and a post-publication reviewer's concerns that some analyses did not accurately test the theoretical model. An updated version of this article will soon undergo review for publication at Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, and if accepted for publication, will be accompanied by an editorial from the Editor-in-Chief.  相似文献   

《Visual cognition》2013,21(4):337-372
The present study was designed to dissociate the effect of a single dose of lorazepam (a benzodiazepine, GABAA-agonist) on the processing of spatial frequency, visual integration, and attentional processes in healthy volunteers. The stimuli were composed of small letters spatially organized to form a large letter. The task was to decide which of two target letters was displayed, either as a small or the large letter. Effects of spatial frequency and attentional processing were explored by manipulating respectively the visual angle of the stimuli and the probability that the targetwould appear at the local or at the global level. The results showed no evidence of a lorazepam effect on spatial frequency or attentional processing, but there was an atypical distractor effect when the target was a large letter, related to the arrangement of line-ends. The results are discussed in relation to studies showing the involvement of GABA in the generation of neuronal responses to line-ends.  相似文献   

Evaluates 2 theoretical models suggested to explain studies of the effect of stimulus intensity on the perceived duration of brief light flashes. Some studies found a direct relationship between the 2 variables; others found an indirect relationship. Each model suggests that an additional variable interacts with stimulus intensity. Proposed variables have included the nature of the judgment and the absolute intensity. The present evaluation indicates that both of the proposed variables play a role and that a melding of the models could best account for this phenomenon. The melding incorporates known time- and intensity-dependent characteristics of neural integration into the behavioral performance. The evaluation also indicates that future experiments on this problem will be most informative if they (a) give particular attention to the role of instructions, (b) explore an adequate range of intensities, and (c) strictly control adaptive state.  相似文献   

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