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汉魏之际,经学开始酝酿一场变革。《论语集解》把汉代四家大儒的《论语》注汇集到一起,又采入魏初三家注释,并加上编者自己的注解,以此来改革汉代经学,缔创魏晋新学。此后,晋代李充、江熙等人相继仿效何晏《集解》体制,不断集结当代各家《论语》注释,使《论语》融入到玄学的大潮中。南梁皇侃的《论语义疏》则充分利用前人集解成果,集六朝《论语》注疏之大成,书中的主体思想反映了魏晋六朝儒道会通的主题,是玄学背景下《论语》研究的经典之作。  相似文献   

西方学术背景下的魏晋玄学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“清谈误国”是自两晋当朝以至 2 0世纪前中国历史上大多数史家与学者对魏晋玄学的总体评价。随着历史进入 2 0世纪 ,随着中国学者对西方文化了解的深入 ,受西方文化学术的影响和启发 ,人们开始重新审视和评价魏晋玄学。由晚清、民国以及建国后数代学人的共同努力 ,作为中国现代学术的重要组成部分 ,魏晋玄学同周秦诸子、两汉经学、隋唐佛学、宋明理学以及清代学术一样 ,成为中华民族学术、思想、文化发展史上一个不可或缺的重要环节 ,获得了全新的肯定和评价。我们根据 2 0世纪魏晋玄学研究在各个不同的时间阶段上所呈现出来的受到西方哲…  相似文献   

The extent to which attitudes towards mental illness and the mentally ill were influenced by the respondent's own level of personal adjustment was studied for 77 female psychiatric aides. The data suggested that, for this sample, the two variables were relatively independent of each other.  相似文献   

This paper presents a PC-based eye-position data collection and analysis system. Software routines are described that supplement hardware calibration procedures, improving data-collection accuracy and reducing the number of unusable trials. Collected eye-position data can be remapped over a displayed stimulus image and spatially and temporally represented by parameters such as individual fixations, clusters of fixations (Nodine, Carmody, & Kundel, 1978), cumulative clusters, and gaze durations. An important feature of the system is that the software routines preserve scan-path information that provides a sequential dimension to the analysis of eye-position data. A “hotspot” analysis is also described, which cumulates, across 1 or more observers, the frequency of eye-position landings or “hits” on designated areas of interest for a given stimulus. Experimental applications in the fields of radiology, psychology, and art are provided, illustrating how eye-position data can be interpreted both in signal detection and in information-processing frameworks using the present methods of analysis.  相似文献   

Certain aspects of staff performance and resident behavior are less adequately assessed by standardized time sampling procedures than by complete recording of the incidence of specified events. An approach to gathering such data through systematizing the observations of clinical staff — the Clinical Frequencies Recording System — is described. Scores from the Clinical Frequencies System reflect the rate per opportunity with which individual behaviors are performed, with computer summarization providing higher-level behavioral indexes for research and evaluation purposes. Staff training and system implementation are discussed, and reliability and validity data from a system employed on two different treatment units over a period of several years are presented.The research reported in this article was supported, in part, by Public Health Service Grants MH-15553 and MH-25464 from the National Institute of Mental Health.Presented at the 87th Annual Meetings of the American Psychological Association, New York City, September 1979, as part of a symposium on New assessment systems for residential treatment, management, research, and evaluation.  相似文献   


The evaluation of visitor flow within a museum or exhibition has been a topic of interest for decades with several research approaches taken over the years. Direct observation or visitor tracking during museum occupancy is the most popular technique, but it generally requires substantial amounts of time and financial resources. An alternative approach to direct observation—visitor self-mapping—is presented using data obtained from 2 short-term, small-budget evaluations of a world-class collection museum. Results show that self-mapping provides usable data with more than 90% of maps having tracking data for the entire museum. Maps varied in the amount of detail, but more than 60% of visitors provided details beyond what was required. In Study 1, movement patterns, sweep rate indices, and timing data suggest that the mapping data accurately reflected the visitor experience. Study 2 directly paired the self-mapping method used in Study 1 with unobtrusive behavioral observations to address the reliability and validity of the new approach. A discussion compares the relative costs and benefits of the new approach with more conventional direct observation techniques and provides directions for future research.  相似文献   

Depth of self-disclosure in a dyadic interview situation was assessed as a function of assurance versus nonassurance of confidentiality and as a function of a videotape versus nonvideotape condition.  相似文献   

Bilingual code switching within sentences (as in “The towel roja was dirty”) is often observed in bilingual communities. The present study addressed two issues. First, what is the nature of the grammatical rules that underlie code switching? Second, how do bilingual speakers acquire such rules? We addressed the first issue by obtaining judgments of the grammaticality of four types of sentences containing code-switched words. Judgments of acceptability seemed to be based on two rules: (1) Code switching can occur only when the code-switched words are positioned in accord with the rules for which they are approriate lexical items; (2) code switching within word boundaries is considered ungrammatical. We addressed the second issue by exploring the effects of age and code switching experience on the grammatical judgments of bilingual children and adults. Extensive code-switching experience did not seem to be necessary for bilingual speakers to know the grammatical constraints of code switching. This suggests that the constraints of code switching are based on the integration of the grammars of the two code-switched languages rather than on the creation of a third grammar. There were developmental changes in the judgments made to the sentences. All aged subjects found sentences that violated the word-order rule (1 above) unacceptable. However, the youngest children (8- to 10-year-olds) found mixing within a word acceptable. This developmental change could be due to a change in the grammar of code switching, in the ability to make metalinguistic judgments, or in the child's general knowledge about the nature of languages.  相似文献   

三、方法论视角的突破与"文化哲学"研究 综观目前与"全球化"直接相关的各种"文化理论"研究,我们可以看到一个非常突出的学术现象--西方发达国家和民族(特别是美国)极力推行"文化普遍主义"和"普适伦理",而欠发达国家和民族则出于某种"自卫情绪",大力倡导"文化特殊主义"和"特定伦理"[1].  相似文献   

20 0 2年 4月 2 -4日 ,香港浸会大学商学院主办了知识经济下的经济伦理国际研讨会。来自世界各地的 86名正式代表参加了会议。会议认为 ,现在不仅特别需要经济伦理 ,而且更加需要新的经济伦理理念。美国纽约城市大学的塞思 (PrakashSethi)指出 ,仅仅承担合作的外部  相似文献   

A range of joyful emotions may be woven into the therapeutic group process for older persons. Experiencing joy is a powerful healing factor because it helps reduce the pain of losses inherent in the aging process, restores self-confidence and hope, and renews an investment in living. This paper identifies ten facets of joy which can help develop a therapeutic group climate. Examples from the authors' practice illustrate conceptual approaches.  相似文献   

Philosophia - Background conditions are thought to explain how objects can have value in virtue of certain features and how reasons can consist in certain facts. The following paper provides an...  相似文献   

Two of the possible mechanisms that have been put forward to explain precuing effects are signal enhancement and uncertainty reduction. Signal enhancement leads to processing advantages for valid information because the signal at the known input channel is enhanced, whereas uncertainty reduction allows observers to ignore confusing distractor items in a display. Both mechanisms have been reported to be involved in location precuing, but it is still unclear which of these two mechanisms is responsible for color cuing effects. Two experiments are reported in which expectancy for a certain color in a single-item display was created. Targetswere presented briefly and were masked. If color cues produce signal enhancement, then a color cuing effect should result. If color cues only allow uncertainty reduction, however, there should be no color cuing effect because there are no distractors in single-item displays. The results of both experiments favor uncertainty reduction as the mechanism behind color cuing, because no signs of signal enhancement-based cuing effects were observed.  相似文献   

全球化背景下的文化哲学研究初探(上)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、"全球化"呼唤"文化哲学"研究 作为今天学术思想界的一个流行术语,"全球化"无疑在激发人们进行各个方面的思考.但是,对于当今的哲学研究来说,它所指称的社会文化发展趋势究竟意昧着什么?或者说,哲学研究究竟应当如何应对"全球化"这样一种在当今突出表现出来的集经济、政治、社会、文化等维度于一身的西方文明的征服扩张趋势呢?  相似文献   

The segmentation-change model of time perception proposes that individuals engaged in cognitive tasks during a given interval of time retrospectively estimate duration by recalling events that occurred during the interval and inferring each event's duration. Previous research suggests that individuals can recall the number of songs heard during an interval and infer the length of each song, exactly the conditions that foster estimates of duration based on the segmentation-change model. The results of a laboratory experiment indicated that subjects who solved word-search puzzles for 20 min. estimated the duration of the interval to be longer when 8 short songs (<3 min.) as opposed to 4 long songs (6+ min.) were played in the background, regardless of whether the musical format was Contemporary Dance or New Age. Assuming each song represented a distinct segment in memory, these results are consistent with the segmentation-change model. These results suggest that background music may not always reduce estimates of duration by drawing attention away from the passage of time. Instead, background music may actually expand the subjective length of an interval by creating accessible traces in memory, which are retrospectively used to infer duration.  相似文献   

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