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With an alternate study-test procedure, 254 college students attempted either to free-recall or rearrange in order items of an 11-CVC serial list to a criterion of two consecutive perfect trials. Ss learned the list with or without an isolate which was placed on each of the 11 serial positions. The main findings were as follows: (a) While the reconstruction condition required fewer study trials to criterion than the free-recall condition, the isolation effect occurred equally in both conditions. (b) The isolation effect was a function of the serial position; the effect was greater at the central positions than at the peripherals in free-recall and this trend was essentially reversed in the reconstruction condition. (c) In free-recall, no reliable and systematic spreading effect was obtained for the items immediately preceding and following the isolate; however, a positive spreading effect occurred concurrently with the isolation effect in the reconstruction condition. The isolation effect has been accounted for by a selective rehearsal assumption. Implications regarding the functional cues in serial order learning and the isolation effect in serial learning are suggested.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this research was to compare the effects of different causal attributions for overweight and obesity, among individuals with overweight and obesity, on weight-related beliefs, stigmatising attitudes and policy support.

Design: In Study 1, an online sample of 95 US adults rated the extent to which they believed various factors caused their own weight status. In Study 2, 125 US adults read one of three randomly assigned online passages attributing obesity to personal responsibility, biology, or the ‘food environment.’ All participants in both studies were overweight or obese.

Main outcome measures: All participants reported beliefs about weight loss, weight-stigmatising attitudes, and support for obesity-related policies.

Results: In Study 1, biological attributions were associated with low weight-malleability beliefs and blame, high policy support, but high internalised weight bias. ‘Food environment’ attributions were not associated with any outcomes, while ‘personal responsibility’ attributions were associated with high prejudice and blame. In Study 2, participants who received information about the food environment reported greater support for food-related policies and greater self-efficacy to lose weight.

Conclusion: Emphasising the role of the food environment in causing obesity may promote food policy support and health behaviours without imposing the negative consequences associated with other attributions.  相似文献   

Research on political psychology has benefitted from using individual‐difference measures to predict political attitudes and behavior. And, previous research has further identified a number of specific variables that enhance the predictive utility of individual‐difference scales. However, a potentially important factor that has been overlooked is the certainty with which people make their responses. The present research establishes that the certainty with which people respond to scales is associated with stability of the scale responses over time and correspondence between the scale and related outcomes. In addition, the effects of certainty in political ideological identification in predicting politically relevant outcomes hold when controlling for a number of previously established moderators. This research suggests that measuring certainty in answers to individual‐difference scales can be a useful and efficient way to increase the predictive utility of those scales within the political domain and beyond. This benefit is demonstrated with need for cognition (Study 1), need to evaluate (Study 2), and ideological identification (Studies 2 and 3).  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2023,54(3):539-556
Coinciding with widespread efforts to address obesity, weight bias internalization (a process of self-devaluation wherein individuals apply weight-biased stereotypes to themselves) has gained increased attention as a robust correlate of poor health outcomes. The present meta-analysis aimed to provide the largest quantitative synthesis of associations between weight bias internalization and health-related correlates. Studies that provided zero-order correlations for cross-sectional or prospective associations between weight bias internalization and physical, psychosocial, and behavioral health correlates were included in the meta-analysis. Meta-regression determined whether these associations differed based on demographic (sex/gender, race, age), anthropometric (body mass index), and study-level (publication status, sample type, study quality) moderators. Data for 149 (sub)samples were identified that included between 14 and 18,766 participants (M sample size = 534.96, SD = 1,914.43; M age = 34.73, SD = 12.61, range = 9.95–65.70). Results indicated that greater weight bias internalization was concurrently associated with worse psychosocial (e.g., negative and positive mental health, social functioning), physical (e.g., BMI, weight maintenance, health-related quality of life [HRQoL]), and behavioral health (e.g., disordered eating behaviors, healthy eating, physical activity) across most constructs, with effects ranging from small to very large in magnitude. Preliminary evidence also suggested that greater weight bias internalization was subsequently associated with less weight loss and increased negative mental health. Notable variations in the nature and magnitude of these associations were identified based on the health-related correlate and moderator under consideration. These findings indicate that weight bias internalization is linked to multiple adverse health-related outcomes and provide insight into priorities for future research, theory building, and interventions in this area.  相似文献   

We examined traits of open-mindedness, kindness, hope, and social intelligence in the context of mental health stigma. Stigma – a process that objectifies and dehumanizes a person who has mental illness – diminishes people’s ability to control their behavior as coping with stigma requires self-regulation. Exploring mental health stigma through the lens of character strengths allows for understanding individual differences and kinds of characteristics that help decrease the ramifications associated with stigma of mental health. Several tasks explored the effects of character strengths on implicit and explicit mental health stigma: implicit association task, measures of willingness to interact with those with a mental health disorder, and a social distance task of self, friend, and person with a disorder. Character strengths of social intelligence and kindness were indicative of less stigma of mental health. More open-minded individuals tended to not hold individuals diagnosed with a mental health disorder personally responsible for acquiring that disorder.  相似文献   

Citizens’ welfare opinions are highly susceptible to cues about welfare recipients’ deservingness. Extant research argues that this deservingness heuristic is a universal feature of human help‐giving psychology, implying that all citizens, regardless of their values, are evenly affected by deservingness cues. This article suggests that the deservingness heuristic is much more conditional than previously appreciated. Specifically, its influence on welfare opinions is conditioned by humanitarianism: the belief that others in need should be helped. The more people adhere to this value, the more they need information that signals whether others are genuinely needy. Citizens should thus rely more on the deservingness heuristic the stronger their humanitarian values are. I find support for this argument in three survey experiments (two nationally representative), where citizens are exposed to cues that welfare recipients are either lazy (undeserving) or unlucky (deserving). These findings have important implications for our understanding of citizens’ welfare opinions.  相似文献   

People's decisions shape their experience. For example, a recruitment officer decides between job applicants and cannot evaluate the suitability of rejected applicants. The selection decisions thus affect the content of the officer's experience of suitable and unsuitable applicants, and experiential learning is achieved from a selective sample of experiences. It is suggested that people's beliefs are sensitive to the content of the experienced sample, but the mind cannot adjust for the selectivity of the sample even when it results from the individual's own decisions. Two experiments with a recruitment task showed that incorrect prior beliefs survive experiential learning when the beliefs are reproduced and thus appear to be confirmed, in actual experience. When the task was to achieve high performance, incorrect prior beliefs persisted because they were reproduced in a smaller sample of selected job applicants. In contrast, when the task was focused on learning, a greater number of applicants were selected, and a more representative experience therefore revised incorrect beliefs. The actual content of the experienced sample is thus crucial for the persistence, as well as for the revision, of incorrect beliefs. Further, as predicted by the hypothesis of constructivist coding, when feedback was absent for rejected applicants, participants constructed “internal feedback” in line with the expectation that the rejected applicant was unsuitable. Thus, when fewer applicants were hired, participants came to believe that the actual proportion of suitable applicants was low. Finally, the implications for efforts to reduce bias and improve experiential learning are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study examined individual differences in susceptibility to two similar forms of memory distortion: the misinformation effect and hindsight bias. The misinformation effect occurs when individuals witness an event, are provided with misinformation, and recall the original event as containing elements of the misinformation. Hindsight bias occurs when individuals make judgments, are provided with feedback, and recall their original judgments as being more similar to the feedback than they actually were. Seventy-five participants completed a misinformation task, a hindsight bias task, and several individual difference measures related to memory distortions. Working memory capacity was negatively correlated with the misinformation effect and hindsight bias, and the misinformation effect and hindsight bias were negatively correlated with one another. Although the misinformation effect and hindsight bias are measured with similar designs, and both are predicted by working memory capacity, the negative correlation between them suggests these phenomena result from somewhat different processes.  相似文献   

Accuracy in the ability to detect truths and lies isimportant in a legal setting. It might be used as atool in police investigations to eliminate potentialsuspects, to check the truthfulness of informants orto examine contradictory statements of witnesses andsuspects in the same case. A consistent finding in thedetection of deception literature is the truthbias: People's accuracy at detecting truths isusually higher than their accuracy at detecting lies.The present article examines whether the existence ofa truth bias depends on the type of lie. It is arguedthat a truth bias may occur when people judgeextensive statements (e.g. elaborations), but that alie bias may occur when people judge statements whichdo not provide much verbal information (e.g. denials).Fifty participants (college students) were exposed to20 video fragments of 20 people telling elaborations(10) or denials (10). Half of the elaborations anddenials were truthful, the other half were deceptive.After each fragment, the participants were asked toindicate whether the person was lying or telling thetruth and how confident they were in their decisionmaking. As predicted, with regard to elaborations atruth bias was found and with regard to denials a liebias was found. In other words, people have difficultyin accurately judging deceptive elaborations andtruthful denials. The study further revealedindividual differences in participants' confidence atdetecting deceit. The more socially anxious/shy theparticipants reported themselves to be, the lessconfident they were in their ability to detect deceit.Also, the more extraverted they themselves reported tobe, the more confident they were in their ability todetect deceit. The importance of confidence onimproving people's ability to detect deceit will bediscussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the linkages among selective attention, memory bias, cognitive errors, and anxiety problems by testing a model of the interrelations among these cognitive variables and childhood anxiety disorder symptoms. A community sample of 81 youth (38 females and 43 males) aged 9-17 years and their parents completed measures of the child's anxiety disorder symptoms. Youth completed assessments measuring selective attention, memory bias, and cognitive errors. Results indicated that selective attention, memory bias, and cognitive errors were each correlated with childhood anxiety problems and provide support for a cognitive model of anxiety which posits that these three biases are associated with childhood anxiety problems. Only limited support for significant interrelations among selective attention, memory bias, and cognitive errors was found. Finally, results point towards an effective strategy for moving the assessment of selective attention to younger and community samples of youth.  相似文献   

高效率学习的选择性注意研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
周详  沈德立 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1159-1163
本文回顾了视觉加工、双语学习、内隐认知、学习不能与专注力训练等领域的研究成果,从不同层面阐述了选择性注意对高效学习的贡献及其影响因素,为深入研究高效率学习的心理机制提供支持。  相似文献   

Visual attention has long been regarded as a tool for studying the development of basic cognitive skills in infancy and early childhood. However, over the past decade, the development of attention in early life has emerged as an important topic of research in its own right. This essay describes recent changes in the methods used to study attention in infancy, and in the nature of inferences about the early development of attention, as both research and theory in the area have become progressively integrated with models of attention from cognitive science and neuroscience.  相似文献   

研究以大学生为被试,采用参照性交流范式,设计虚拟学习材料并创设功能预测和维度选择任务,探查比较参照性交流双方学习过程与选择性注意特点。结果发现:与低分组比较,高分组从学习阶段2开始得分显著更高;且维度选择整体结果显著优于低分组,这主要表现在对无关维度的抑制水平显著更高。结果表明:参照性交流双方的学习过程表现出不平衡性;参照性交流双方的选择性注意整体水平表现出不平衡性,具体表现于选择性注意的集中性水平。  相似文献   

以144名大学生为被试,采用参照性交流范式,设计复杂性不同的材料,创设功能预测和维度选择任务,探查比较参照性交流双方学习效果与选择性注意特点。结果高成绩组block10成绩显著高于低成绩组,关系复杂性主效应显著,参照性交流双方维度选择结果不存在显著差异,关系复杂性影响维度选择的整体结果、有关维度选择结果。表明:双方学习效果不平衡,但选择性注意协调一致,均不受复杂性影响。  相似文献   

It has long been known that premature birth and/or low birthweight can lead to general difficulties in cognitive and emotional functioning throughout childhood. However, the influence of these factors on more specific processes has seldom been addressed, despite their potential to account for wide individual differences in performance that often appear innate. Here, we examined the influence of gestation and birthweight on adults’ face perception and face memory skills. Performance on both sub-processes was predicted by birthweight and birthweight-for-gestation, but not gestation alone. Evidence was also found for the domain-specificity of these effects: No perinatal measure correlated with performance on object perception or memory tasks, but they were related to the size of the face inversion effect on the perceptual test. This evidence indicates a novel, very early influence on individual differences in face recognition ability, which persists into adulthood, influences face-processing strategy itself, and may be domain-specific.  相似文献   

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