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P. Faulkner 《Synthese》2002,131(3):353-370
The assumption that we largely lack reasons for accepting testimony has dominated its epistemology. Given the further assumption that whatever reasons we do have are insufficient to justify our testimonial beliefs, many conclude that any account of testimonial knowledge must allow credulity to be justified. In this paper I argue that both of these assumptions are false. Our responses to testimony are guided by our background beliefs as to the testimony as a type, the testimonial situation, the testifier's character and the truth of the proposition testified to. These beliefs provide reasons for our responses. Thus, we usually do have reasons, in the sense of propositions believed, for accepting testimony and these reasons can provide evidence for the testimonial beliefs we form.  相似文献   

党的十七大在新的历史起点上,号召全党坚持马克思主义思想路线,解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进,不断研究新情况,解决新问题。“解放思想”与“实事求是”是一致的;它是坚持与发展社会主义,实现现代化的法宝。邓小平在重新确立党的正确的思想路线起了决定性作用。它的哲学理论基础是马克思主义世界观和方法论。文章着重阐释了马克思恩格斯新唯物主义与辩证方法若干原创点。  相似文献   

Though previous research has shown a decreased sensitivity to emotionally-laden linguistic stimuli presented in the non-native (L2) compared to the native language (L1), studies conducted thus far have not examined how different modalities influence bilingual emotional language processing. The present experiment was therefore aimed at investigating how late proficient Polish (L1)–English (L2) bilinguals process emotionally-laden narratives presented in L1 and L2, in the visual and auditory modality. To this aim, we employed the galvanic skin response (GSR) method and a self-report measure (Polish adaptation of the PANAS questionnaire). The GSR findings showed a reduced galvanic skin response to L2 relative to L1, thus suggesting a decreased reactivity to emotional stimuli in L2. Additionally, we observed a more pronounced skin conductance level to visual than auditory stimuli, yet only in L1, which might be accounted for by a self-reference effect that may have been modulated by both language and modality.  相似文献   

Stanley  Jason 《Philosophical Studies》2004,119(1-2):119-146
Philosophical Studies -  相似文献   

试论家庭治疗的理论基础   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
按照历史发展的顺序,从精神分析、系统论与控制论、依附理论以及建构主义这四个方面对家庭治疗的理论基础进行了论述,并对这四种理论取向对家庭治疗的贡献以及依附理论与家庭治疗的异同进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Jason Kawall 《Philosophia》2006,34(2):153-156
In my “Promising and Supererogation” I argue that one cannot fulfill promises to perform supererogatory actions (such as “I hereby promise to perform one supererogatory action every month”). In a response to my paper, David Heyd argues that there is an alternative solution to the problem I raise. While I agree with much that Heyd says about the examples he discusses, his proposed solution involves a crucial alteration of the problem; his proposed solution does not solve the problem I present.
Jason KawallEmail:

论行政权力运行的道德基础   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政府是通过行政权力的运行来发挥它对社会生活的组织和管理作用的。在现代社会中 ,一个为民众所欢迎的政府应该是高效、廉洁的政府 ,而这取决于行政权力的运行是否有着良好的道德基础。行政权力运行的道德基础 ,主要包括以下几个基本问题 :科学地认识行政权力的本质 ,正确处理各种权力之间的关系 ;把维护社会的公共利益确定为行政权力运行的惟一目标 ,明确行政管理的社会公共性质 ;确立“管理就是服务”的公共行政理念 ,在行政权力运行的整个过程中贯彻服务精神 ;密切联系民众 ,最大限度地降低行政成本 ,建立人民的廉价政府。  相似文献   

褚孝泉 《学海》2003,(6):45-55
语言学一般被定义为是一门经验科学 ,但是这门科学的认识论基础并不是毫无问题的。在语言学理论和语言的经验材料之间没有一种简单而直接的关系。对语言材料的界定、选择和抽象是任何语言学理论工作者所必须做的。这个过程就涉及到了必要的选择 ,不同的选择即会导致不同的理论构建。而这些有关的选择是与一定的理论预设有关。因此 ,从经验到理论是一个辨证互动的复杂过程。理论观念实际上从一开始就是所采用的经验材料的一部分。  相似文献   

宁莉娜 《哲学动态》2005,1(10):41-45
以往人们更多的关注古希腊逻辑体系本身的技术结构,而忽视它与生活世界的密切关联.事实上,古希腊逻辑在思维交流的技巧中寻求平等的逻辑尺度;在求知思维的活动中建构逻辑的言说方式;在道德概念的追问中形成有效的逻辑方法;在和谐秩序的构想中确立逻辑论证体系.不仅为科学研究提供方法、成为求取科学真理的证明工具,并且在与哲学、数学、语言学等交互作用中,衍生出丰富多彩的形式化和非形式化的方法,触及人类日常思维与非日常思维的诸多领域,对生活世界的思维活动有着重要的方法论意义.它既折射出科学精神,又充满了人文关注.古希腊逻辑为人类的有效思维提供了必要的工具,它使幻化的神话思维转向现实的理性重建,将思维的对象由神转向了人,它对思维的规范,显示出人类理性的自觉,它锻造的理性思维工具以可交流的话语样式,对人的思维活动进行自识、反思、论证,并试图以此来构建人与人、人与社会的和谐关系.这种在理性思维的导引下寻求人类福祉最高境界的理想,正是古希腊逻辑方法的生命力所在.  相似文献   

What is the self? This is a problem which has been debating in the modern western philosophy. In contemporary philosophy of mind, there are four answers about the problem, namely, illusion theory, metaphysical theory, self realism, and social constructionism. This article discusses the four theories, and discusses the reality and social nature of the self. The author thinks that:(1) the self has its biological basis and social nature; (2) the self’s reality is not opposite to it’s social nature, but is cons...  相似文献   

中国佛教伦理的理论基础可从佛教伦理内涵的旨趣、价值、自觉三个方面得到论证,即佛教伦理旨趣的根据是其人生解脱论,佛教伦理价值的基石是其因果报应论,佛教伦理自觉的本原是其心性论。  相似文献   

Elizabeth Purdum 《Dialog》2007,46(4):397-399
Abstract : What happens when a men's Bible study group discusses Ted Peters' article, “Christian God‐Talk, While Listening to Atheists, Pluralists, and Muslims”? Lay people like theologians confront the secularization of society, pluralism, Islam, and atheism, the threat of violence, the institutionalization of ideology. And they confront the power of grace provocatively proclaimed. This writing concludes with a proposal to seek new language in the ongoing debate.  相似文献   

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