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This study investigates the question of whether different Thematic Apperception Test (TAT; Murray, 1943 Murray, H. (1943). Thematic Apperception Test manual. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [Google Scholar]) cards are likely to prompt stories that are characterized by different defense mechanisms. This condition is known as card pull and refers to the probability that different TAT cards elicit different personality scores for the same variable. If so, the assessment of defense use would be importantly influenced by the TAT cards used in an assessment. TAT stories from 3 different community samples were examined (Ns = 91, 98, 121), using a statistical method developed by Stein et al (2014 Stein, M. B., Slavin-Mulford, J., Siefert, C. J., Sinclair, S. J., Renna, M., Malone, J., Blais, M. A. (2014). SCORS–G stimulus characteristics of select Thematic Apperception Test cards. Journal of Personality Assessment, 96, 339349.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The results indicated that different TAT cards pull for different defenses, as assessed by the Defense Mechanism Manual (DMM: Cramer, 1991b Cramer, P. (1991b). The development of defense mechanisms: Theory, research and assessment. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). However, the nature of card pull was not always consistent across samples. These dissimilarities could be due to group differences, or to the presence of different TAT cards used in the test battery, indicating that card pull is importantly determined by context.  相似文献   

An assessment method originated by Tyler is modified and extended. Supplementary comments on the administration of the technique are included. Through the sorting of occupational title cards, the method elicits client attitudes and information regarding occupations as well as views that the client holds pertaining to himself. A rationale drawn from Kelly's Personal Construct Theory is described that places the Tyler method within a broader conception of the vocational counseling process. This process involves the identification and clarification of possible motives for choosing occupations, followed by a reduction of the number of motives that the client would attempt to satisfy with his vocational choice.  相似文献   

自动情绪调节无需意识决定、注意加工及有意控制, 改变着情绪轨迹。迄今为止, 研究仅限于证实其确能低耗高效地改变情绪过程, 尚未对其如何改变情绪过程进行研究。以自动情绪调节的神经机制作为研究对象具有可操作性, 可从行为和心理生理层面, 对自动情绪调节改变情绪过程的机制进行实验研究。研究问题包括:1)通过EEG技术检验自动情绪调节是否影响预备阶段行为反应倾向; 2)自动情绪调节对注意的注意觉醒、注意朝向和注意执行三个阶段的作用机制; 3)自动情绪调节对评价和反应的作用机制; 4)自动情绪调节的可塑性在脑活动上的体现。最终确定自动情绪调节的加工规律, 构建其预备-注意-评价-反应模型, 并为有效控制情绪紊乱和研究出高效的情绪调节干预方案提供理论和实证依据。  相似文献   

Thirty-three Ss were found who had IQs of average or better, but who nevertheless exhibited exactly two failures on the Rorschach. Analysis of the pairs of card rejections revealed a disproportionate number of card IX failures and a clustering among plates IV, VI, VII and IX.  相似文献   

The author suggests a revision of the emotional control card technique of Sklare, Taylor, and Hyland (1985).  相似文献   

计算机自动化项目生成概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,计算机自动化项目生成作为应对测验项目曝光问题的很具前景的一项技术,逐渐得到越来越多研究者的重视。这种技术是以认知心理学和心理测量学为基础,在测试过程中借助计算机自动生成目标难度水平的项目。该文首先简要介绍了这种技术的理论基础和两种具体方法,然后以项目设计系统法为例说明自动化项目生成研究的具体步骤与优点,最后评述了这种技术的局限性及未来的发展趋势  相似文献   

刻板印象的自动激活实验研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
连淑芳 《心理科学》2004,27(1):95-96
本研究应用模糊主次评判方法配合语义启动技术进行实验。结果表明;在年龄刻板印象上存在自动激活,而且没有性别差异;用不同性质的启动词来激活与年龄有关的刻板印象,激活后的刻板印象对年龄的判断有不同的影响,而且被试没有一个人意识到这点,表明内隐刻板印象的存在;人的判断具有模糊性,模糊主次评判方法有助于社会认知领域的量化研究,这是一个全新的尝试。  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that anxious participants show cognitive biases favouring threat‐related stimuli. However, most of this evidence comes from Stroop tasks, which are believed to tap a narrow range of executive skills. The current study investigated phobic fear and cognitive biases using tasks designed to tap a wider range of executive processes: the standard Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST; Heaton, 1981), a modified version that included emotionally salient pictorial stimuli; the Spider Phobia Card Sorting Test (SPCST); and an emotionally valenced version of a verbal fluency task (VF). A total of 80 female participants (38 lower and 42 higher scorers on the Spider Phobia Questionnaire; SPQ) drawn from a larger sample of 126 completed either the standard WCST or the SPCST, the VF, and several mood measures. On the card sort, the higher SPQ SPCST group showed a significantly lower proportion of conceptual level responses, required a greater number of trials to complete the first category, and sorted significantly fewer stimulus cards to the spider target card than the lower SPQ SPCST group, or than either of the groups in the WCST condition who sorted to neutral target cards. On the VF, the higher SPQ group generated significantly more exemplars to the category “spiders” than the lower SPQ group. Therefore, fearful participants seemed to avoid or neglect the spider cue on the card sort, but performed better in generating “spiders” exemplars on the VF, as compared to the nonfearful group. Implications and limitations of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Claudia Card did not live long enough to complete her work on surviving evils. Yet she left us an invaluable body of work on this topic. This essay surveys Card's views about the nature of evils and the ethical quandaries of surviving them. It then develops an account of survival agency that is based on Card's insights and in keeping with the agentic capacities exercised by Yezidi women and girls who have escaped from ISIS's obscene program of trafficking in women and sexual violence. Card holds that true survival requires not only staying alive and as healthy as possible but also preserving your good moral character. The essay maintains that while exercising agency to elude evil and protect yourself often depends on your own skills and personality traits, exercising agency to restore or develop your moral character often depends on social support.  相似文献   

选取了两个标志性医疗传媒事件"八毛门事件"和"徐文被砍事件"为研究样本,以传播学的视角,透视网络空间医患话语权失衡现状,并从医疗报道的话语特征、医患双方的身份特征、网络话语的传播特征等方面剖析了成因,对构建以尊重差异,沟通各种意见表达为目标的医患对话空间具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

This study examined the roles of the phonological working memory and the central executive in the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test by altering the materials and the procedure of the task and using a dual-task design, in which cognitive abilities of normal participants were manipulated by performance of the secondary tasks selectively taxing the phonological loop or the central executive. The present study used three novel versions of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, namely the WCST-4 stimuli, the WCST-12-stimuli, and the WCST-12-stimuli-box, in all of which the participants were given the exact sorting criterion. So the tasks did not involve processes such as maintenance of inferences about the sorting criterion which would require phonological memory load. However, the tasks were assumed to require the executive process of response inhibition. In the WCST-4-stimuli condition no change was made to the WCST materials. In the other two conditions, relying on the assumption that the three-dimensional nature of the cards triggers inappropriate responses, unidimensional stimulus cards were used instead of the four normal three-dimensional WCST stimulus cards. The difference between these two conditions was that, in the WCST-12-stimuli-box condition, boxes were used to conceal the response cards previously sorted. The results supported Dunbar and Sussman's (1995) argument that some executive processes in the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test require the use of phonological store, and the present design was able to differentiate the type of executive functions that do not involve the use of a phonological loop from the ones that do. In addition, the results concerning manipulations of the visual aspects of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test suggest that the three-dimensional nature of the WCST stimulus cards leads to an increase in the number of inappropriate responses produced with the executive secondary task interference.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested a hypothesis that reducing demands on executive control in a Dimensional Change Card Sort task will lead to improved performance in 3-year-olds. In Experiment 1, the shape dimension was represented by two dissimilar values (stars and flowers), and the color dimension was represented by two similar values (red and pink). This configuration of stimuli rendered shape more salient than color. In Experiment 2, attentional weights of each dimension value were manipulated by using two versus four values to represent the dimensions of shape and color. The results indicated that increasing saliency of the postswitch dimension (Experiment 1) and reducing attentional weights of individual dimension values (Experiment 2) lead to a marked improvement in the postswitch sorting accuracy in 3-year-olds.  相似文献   

People often form intentions but fail to follow through on them. Mounting evidence suggests that such intention‐action gaps can be narrowed with prompts to make concrete plans about when, where, and how to act to achieve the intention. In this paper, we pushed the notion of plan‐concreteness to test the efficacy of a prompt under a minimalist automated calling setting, where respondents were only prompted to indicate a narrower duration within which they intent to act. In a field experiment, this planning prompt significantly helped people to pay their past dues and get out of debt delinquency. These results suggest that minimalist automatic planning prompts are a scalable, cost‐effective intervention.  相似文献   

宋娟  吕勇 《心理科学》2012,35(1):30-37
摘要:本研究致力于探讨自上而下的因素对自动加工的影响。选取的自上而下因素为任务定势,自动加工过程为自动语义激活过程。研究采用ERPs技术,中文词汇为刺激,利用掩蔽启动范式,采用反应时和N400为指标。实验任务有三个:对问号后出现的词进行生物/非生物的词汇分类判断;对圆圈后出现的词进行是否含上下结构的字的词汇结构判断;对带“*”的词进行真词/假词判断。研究发现先前完成的任务形成的任务定势会对随后的自动语义激活过程产生调节作用:在词汇分类判断任务后,掩蔽启动刺激对靶刺激产生启动效应。在词汇结构判断任务后,掩蔽启动刺激对靶刺激没产生显著的启动效应。  相似文献   

法治与德治互动之社会机制引论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贯彻江泽民同志提出的“法治”与“德治”相结合的思想,必须把“法治”和“德治”的互动与结合具体落实在国家治理和社会秩序规范的机制创建之中。社会主义法治和德治互动的社会机制包括宏观机制,中观机制和微观机制。这三个层面的机制有机地统一在社会主义法治和德治的互动过程之中。  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to explore J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye (1951/1958) in relation to Winnicott’s theories of adolescent development, also with regard to psychodynamic theories of symbolism, mourning, defence mechanisms and containment. I consider the significance of the novel’s protagonist and narrator Holden Caulfield. What is the reason for the enduring popularity of his voice and its influence on the tone of subsequent adolescent literature? To answer this question, I examine the role this iconic, troubled character may play in the development of the adolescent reader.  相似文献   

创造力的认知神经机制是近年来心理学研究领域的前沿和热点问题。通过融合创造力整体宏观视角和创造性产生过程的微观视角,对创造力的认知神经机制进行了综述。宏观视角下,创造力主要涉及α波和大脑前额叶、内外侧颞叶以及外侧顶叶; 微观视角下,在创造力产生过程中主要涉及α波序列位置效应以及默认网络和执行控制网络的功能耦合。未来研究方向应该结合多模态脑成像数据库,利用机器算法来探究创造力的本质; 关注青少年群体创造力的纵向发展趋势; 结合分子遗传学研究,探究与创造力有关的基因问题。  相似文献   

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