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Abstract The kind of love under consideration here is that between equal persons as it typically occurs within the context of a friendship. It is assumed that love opens the way to a sense of meaning or purpose for the individual, the difficulty addressed being that of how to pursue or recognise love. Is it primarily a form of action or of feeling? Can love be said to consist of giving? How does love relate to freedom and dependence? The consideration of these questions leads to the argument that love necessarily involves the creation of needs and therefore of vulnerability. The essay closes with a conception of how the conflict between love as action and love as feeling (‘the two sides of love’) may be resolved.  相似文献   

Seneca in his Moral Epistles to Lucilium ridicules Protagoras’ claim that both sides of any position can be equally well argued. Cicero, on the contrary, in the surviving fragments of his dialogue, the Republic, maintains in the person of Laelius that the thorough exploration of the strengths and weaknesses of any position pro and con is the best and often the only dialectical avenue to the discovery of difficult truths. There are therefore at least two sides to the issue of whether philosophers ought to address their arguments to the two sides of any issue. This paper examines the epistemic advantages and disadvantages of the same reasoning agent playing both roles of advocate and critic, as opposed to encouraging only distinct independently minded reasoning agents each to consider any of the opposing sides of an issue in dispute. The question in argumentation theory posed by this inquiry in simplest terms is whether a single thinker considering both sides of an issue is more able to arrive at truth, or whether, as the popular adage has it, two minds are inherently dialectically better than one. The answer proposed here is that it does not matter provided that the conflict of opposing views are in some manner resolved with the sincere intention of arriving at the truth.  相似文献   

对于患者本身而言,肿瘤往往具有极大的危害性。但是正如砒霜,这昔日毒物品的代表,其提取物三氧化二砷已成功地用来治疗白血病,显示了大自然的一个规律-事物是具有两两性的。那私肿瘤,在其严重影响人类健康的同时,是否也具有可被加以利用的一面呢?初步探讨了这种可能性,并探讨了其应用前景、可能的一些应用领域及注意事项。  相似文献   

大量研究表明,动脉粥样硬化的发生和发展过程中,能观察到许多免疫反应.然而,免疫反应对动脉粥样硬化的作用却呈现为两面性:免疫系统的激活可加速动脉粥样硬化的形成和发展,也可表现出抗动脉粥样硬化功效.所以,适当的免疫调节干预,有望成为动脉粥样硬化的预防及治疗的新途径.  相似文献   

大量研究表明,动脉粥样硬化的发生和发展过程中,能观察到许多免疫反应。然而,免疫反应对动脉粥样硬化的作用却呈现为两面性;免疫系统的激活可加速动脉粥样硬化的形成和发展,也可表现出抗动脉粥样硬化功效。所以,适当的免疫调节干预,有望成为动脉粥样硬化的预防及治疗的新途径。  相似文献   

The development of multicultural and advocacy competencies evolved out of the multicultural and social justice movements. To help readers more fully understand the complementary nature between these 2 sets of competencies and to connect both movements, this article introduces the Multicultural and Advocacy Dimensions model. Implications are also discussed. El desarrollo de las competencias multiculturales y de defensoría surgió a partir de los movimientos multiculturales y de justicia social. Para ayudar a los lectores a comprender en más detalle la naturaleza complementaria entre estos 2 niveles de competencias y conectar ambos movimientos, este artículo introduce el modelo de Dimensiones Multiculturales y de Defensoría (MAD, por sus siglas en inglés). También se discuten sus implicaciones.  相似文献   

设计交流学习任务和个人迁移任务,采用交流范式,探查了不同语境下交流学习双方语言相似性特征。结果显示:(1)语言交流方式下双方语言相似性水平最高,其次是对象可视方式,最后是表情和对象可视方式。(2)交流双方语言相似性随交流进程呈现倒U型分布,仅表情方式下自b6开始语言相似性相对稳定。(3)交流任务b10中双方相似性的交流语境效应显著,个人任务中不显著;表情方式下任务类型主效应不显著。结果发现:随着交流语境中非语言因素的增加,语言对于双方认知协调作用逐渐减弱;表情可视性促进了语言参照惯例的形成效率;仅表情和对象可视语境下双方相似性在交流和个人任务间表现出一致性。  相似文献   

Two family therapy training instruments, the Family Concept Assessment (FCA) and Rating Scale and Family Therapy Assessment Exercise (FTE), developed in the United States were adapted to suit the Indian cultural context. Several changes were made to the instruments while at the same time maintaining the equivalency of the scales to the original. Both the instruments were tested for face validity by a panel of cultural and content experts in the United States. The FTE was then pilot tested with an Indian sample. The psychometric properties of the adapted instrument are reported in this article including feedback from the participants.  相似文献   

Out of our work over the years on child development, clinical technique, and sadomasochism, we have begun to formulate a model of development that describes two possible ways of responding to feelings of helplessness in the face of the challenges of internal and external experience. Any psychoanalytic model has implications for how we think about technique and can be tested on the basis of its utility in generating technical ideas and enhancing our therapeutic repertoire. At this juncture in the history of our field, it is crucial for us to demonstrate that psychoanalytic techniques are effective in helping people enter treatment, change, and finish in a way that consolidates their gains. In this paper we explore the utility of our two-systems model for expanding the discourse about psychoanalytic technique.  相似文献   

Journal of Academic Ethics - The Covid-19 pandemic that entered our lives suddenly in 2020 compelled higher education systems throughout the world to transfer to online learning, including online...  相似文献   

Although true second-order conditioning has, apparently, not previously been demonstrated in any American laboratory, it was found that by using electrodes implanted in the occipital sensory areas of hens, second-order limb responses could be readily established in approximately 33% of a group of 51 subjects developing first-order conditioned responses. In a number of subjects, the second-order responses remained stable for hundreds of trials and were highly resistant to extinction. Electrolytic damage at the sites of the cerebral reinforcing electrodes had no discernible effect on the stability of the second-order conditioned responses. They could also be evoked when direct current which temporally overlapped the cerebral conditioned stimuli was passed between or adjacent to the signal electrodes.  相似文献   

Acute mental stress is believed to induce transient arterial dysfunction, but relatively few data are available. We therefore examined the effect of mental stress tasks that could induce differential hemodynamic responses on arterial dysfunction. Forty‐eight participants conducted either a mental arithmetic (MA) task or a mirror‐tracing (MT) task. Cardiovascular indices and arterial stiffness were measured before, during, and after these tasks. Analysis revealed that increases in arterial stiffness during the task and during recovery were more pronounced for the MA than for the MT, and that evoked hemodynamic response was more myocardial for MA than for MT. These results clearly show that MA and MT tasks that induce differential hemodynamic responses have a differential effect on arterial stiffness. This finding sheds light on the underlying mechanism that may account for the relationship between cardiovascular reactivity and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

我国历史上的“德治”和“法治”思想   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
江泽民同志在全国宣传部长会议上提出的“以德治国”的重要思想 ,是对古今中外治国经验的深刻总结 ,是对马克思主义国家学说的丰富和发展 ,是对我们党领导人民治理国家基本方略的完善和创新。它不仅具有深厚的理论基础 ,而且具有浓重的历史文化蕴涵。为深入学习这一重要思想 ,回顾一下我国历史上的“德治”和“法治”的思想学说 ,是很有裨益的。我国具有悠久的历史文化传统 ,早在二千多年前即产生了朴素的“缘法而治”的思想 ,而“德治”思想的产生还要早得多。生活在三千多年前的周公 (?~约前 10 95)即强调道德在治理国家中的重要作用。他…  相似文献   

This article explores the psychometric properties of a newly developed Cultural Adaptation Pain Scale. This scale is designed to assess the degree of subjective pain, social distance, and discouragement that may be related to cultural adaptation. Factor analyses revealed 4 factors in the scale that had an overall Cronbach's alpha of .85. Implications for multicultural counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

In three experiments using rats as subjects, we investigated the role of the hedonic properties of the CS in context aversion conditioning. In Experiment 1, rats were allowed to drink water in two different contexts, L-S (Light room and Small cage) and D-B (Dark room and Big cage). Rats' consumption of water was higher in the D-B than in the L-S context. This result was taken as evidence for the L-S context eliciting a state of uneasiness that interferes with drinking plain water. In Experiments 2 and 3, rats were injected with lithium after placement in the L-S or the D-B context. In a blocking test (Symonds & Hall, 1997), the L-S context showed conditioning since it blocked the acquisition of aversion by a novel taste, quinine (Experiment 2) or salt (Experiment 3). By contrast, the D-B context failed to show conditioning, that is, no blocking was observed with salt or quinine. These results suggest that the hedonic properties of the context used as the CS may affect its acquisition of associative strength when paired with an internal aversive stimulus.  相似文献   

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