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We investigated how color preferences vary according to season and whether those changes could be explained by the ecological valence theory (EVT). To do so, we assessed the same participants’ preferences for the same colors during fall, winter, spring, and summer in the northeastern United States, where there are large seasonal changes in environmental colors. Seasonal differences were most pronounced between fall and the other three seasons. Participants liked fall‐associated dark‐warm colors—for example, dark‐red, dark‐orange (brown), dark‐yellow (olive), and dark‐chartreuse—more during fall than other seasons. The EVT could explain these changes with a modified version of Palmer and Schloss’ (2010) weighted affective valence estimate (WAVE) procedure that added an activation term to the WAVE equation. The results indicate that color preferences change according to season, as color‐associated objects become more/less activated in the observer. These seasonal changes in color preferences could not be characterized by overall shifts in weights along cone‐contrast axes.  相似文献   

颜色突显是指在与视觉搜索任务有关的视觉显示中,采用颜色突出显示多个项目中的目标项目,从而提高视觉搜索效率的一种方法或技术。本文采用视觉搜索任务,以正确率和反应时为指标对单彩色和复杂彩色背景下不同颜色突显的视觉搜索绩效进行了研究。结果表明:(1)在单彩色背景和复杂彩色背景下,颜色突显条件视觉搜索绩效显著优于非突显条件;(2)在浅蓝或浅绿的单彩色背景下,四种颜色突显绩效中,红色突显绩效最好,紫色最差,而在随机彩色背景和复杂彩色背景下,颜色突显绩效差异并不显著;(3)在彩色背景下的颜色突显绩效会受到干扰数字的颜色的影响,其中在单色和随机彩色背景下,干扰目标颜色为黑色时的视觉搜索绩效优于干扰目标颜色为白色时的情景,而在自然彩色背景下,这种视觉搜索优势并不存在。  相似文献   

刘海燕  陈俊  肖少北 《心理科学》2012,35(3):619-623
通过两个实验考查材料类型和颜色典型性对颜色-物体Stroop效应的影响。实验1,考查颜色-物体(图片)Stroop效应。结果颜色典型性差异显著,命名图片的颜色和图片的名称都产生显著的颜色-物体Stroop效应。实验2,考查颜色-物体(词语)Stroop效应。结果颜色典型性差异显著,命名词语的颜色产生颜色-物体Stroop效应,命名词语的名称未产生颜色-物体Stroop效应。结论,材料类型和颜色典型性影响颜色-物体Stroop效应。  相似文献   

该文通过档案调查、实验和问卷调查的方法就大学英语六级考试中不同颜色文字对阅读成绩的影响进行了探索。在对北京大学和北京师范大学的2007年12月的5537份六级考试成绩档案的调查过程中,发现不同颜色试卷的阅读部分和总分成绩差异显著(蓝色低于黑色),但是这种差异并不大;选取26名被试进行实验的结果发现,题目难度和颜色之间存在边缘显著的交互作用,简单题目上蓝色比黑色成绩更低,但是这种差异在复杂题目上没有那么明显。进一步地,通过131份问卷调查数据得出,被试的阅读习惯为黑色,主观偏好也为黑色:这也是影响阅读成绩的主要因素。  相似文献   

The construct validity of the Wallach-Kogan (W-K) creativity test was investigated through an hierarchical factor analysis of intercorrelations among intelligence, creativity, control, and criterion variables for 73 Ss enrolled in grades 3 and 4 of an inner-city parochial school. The results provided considerable support for W-K's theoretical formulations. Creativity and intelligence assessors defined separate domains and remained totally resilient to merger into a superordinate factor. The creativity domain, which was defined by W-K subtests and criterion ratings, included the following factors: general, visual, and verbal creativity plus a weak methods factor for crayon drawings. The intelligence domain, which was defined by WISC subtests, included a relatively strong g factor and the following four primary factors: verbal precision, freedom from distractibility, perceptual organization, and quasi-specific.  相似文献   

孙崇勇  刘电芝 《心理科学》2016,39(4):869-874
本研究采用2×2的多因素混合实验设计,探讨了物理学习环境之一的学习材料背景颜色对认知负荷及学习的影响。结果发现:(1)背景颜色在对认知负荷的影响上与任务类型产生交互作用,在解决创造性问题时,暖色调(如红色)背景下的认知负荷显著高于冷色调(如蓝色)。(2)从学习成绩上看,暖色调(如红色)更有利于记忆测试问题的解决,冷色调(如蓝色)更有利于创造性问题的解决。(3)认知负荷与任务绩效呈一定程度相关。  相似文献   

为考察背景颜色对中性面孔情绪识别的影响及时间特征,采用混合实验设计,背景颜色为组内变量,呈现时间为组间变量,要求被试报告对中性面孔的愉快体验及其程度。结果发现:(1)背景颜色主效应显著,相较于冷色调,暖色调背景下,中性面孔愉快感知百分比更高,愉快程度评定分数也更高。(2)颜色和时间的交互作用不存在显著差异。这表明,背景颜色影响个体对中性面孔图片的情绪识别,且该效应在不同时间进程下均存在。  相似文献   

概述和音乐对认知负荷和多媒体学习的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
让学生学习多媒体呈现的有关移动通讯基础知识的材料,采用2(概述:概述vs.无概述)×2(背景音乐:有音乐vs.无音乐)的被试间设计,考察两因素对自评认知负荷、记忆和迁移成绩的影响.结果表明:两因素无交互作用;概述组的认知负荷显著低于无概述组,迁移成绩显著高于无概述组,两组记忆成绩没有显著差异;有背景音乐组的记忆成绩显著低于无音乐组,两组认知负荷和迁移成绩没有显著差异.  相似文献   

杨海波 《心理科学》2012,35(3):694-700
为了探讨哪一类别商品的平面广告更适合于采用幽默的诉求方式,研究随机选取160大学生为被试,以16则改编平面广告为实验材料,以广告类型(幽默,非幽默)、商品类别为自变量,以广告评价、广告顺序为协变量,以商品的印象程度、喜爱程度、购买意向为因变量,进行平衡设计实验。结果表明,幽默广告具有较好广告效果,可以提高受众对大宗工具、小奖赏和小工具型商品的记忆;幽默平面广告更适用于低风险、功能性商品,不适用于高风险、享乐性商品。  相似文献   

The role of African American skin color in hiring decisions was investigated in a 2 × 2 × 2 (Participant Sex × Applicant Sex × Applicant Skin Color) design. College‐age participants (N= 107) were presented with stimuli and asked to make 8 employment‐related decisions. An interaction of applicant skin color and participant sex and a skin‐color main effect were predicted. Fair‐skinned applicants were expected to receive better ratings from men, while dark‐skinned applicants were expected to receive better ratings from women or ratings from women would not differ. Additionally, in general, fair‐skinned individuals were expected to receive better ratings than dark‐skinned individuals. The results were consistent with the hypotheses. Results are discussed in terms of the “what is beautiful is good” stereotype and prior research.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether the provision of a nonverbal memory aid would improve preschoolers' recall of color. Forty 4-year-old children carried out 2 tasks with the same set of colored objects. Colors were not referred to, nor were children told that their recall would later be tested. One day later, the children were split into 2 groups. One group was given a chart containing both the colors of the objects and distractor colors. The other group was not given a chart. Recall for object color was tested. There was an effect of chart provision; children who used the chart recalled more colors correctly than did those who did not use a chart. This result indicates (a) that even very young children can make use of props to facilitate their recall and (b) that such memory aids need not be exact copies of previously seen objects. Implications of these findings for eyewitness recall are discussed.  相似文献   

摘 要 采用E-prime编排认知实验研究照明环境与TFT-LCD视觉显示终端界面背景饱和度的交互效应对视觉绩效的影响。依据字母视力表设计原理制作认知材料,以认知速度与准确率为视觉绩效评价指标。结果发现,照度与饱和度的交互效应对视觉绩效存在显著影响,色温与饱和度的交互效应仅对准确率存在显著影响,三因素交互作用对准确率存在显著影响。结果表明,不同照度、色温下,通过调节显示终端界面背景饱和度可改善视觉绩效。  相似文献   

The present study explored the effects of figure/ground color combinations on legibility of small icons. This experiment used a 2 (icon size) x 3 (icon hue) x 3 (icon saturation) x 3 (background hue) x 3 (background saturation) x2 (luminance contrast) factorial design. Legibility was investigated by response time of subicons with different factors t hat affect discrimination. 11 undergraduate students from the National Formosa University in Taiwan were recruited to participate in the experiment. Their mean age was 21.8 yr. (SD=3.3). Analysis also showed that Icon Size x Luminance Contrast, Background Hue x Luminance Contrast, and Background Saturation x Luminance Contrast significantly affected response time. The results suggested that the higher Luminance Contrast could promote icon legibility but not the icon chromaticity or background chromaticity.  相似文献   

感觉与认知是否是相互独立的?本研究通过对比先天盲被试与明眼被试在进行物体颜色判断时的行为反应和神经电生理信号变化,探讨视觉经验缺失对颜色认知的影响。结果发现,先天盲被试具有一定的颜色知识,但其水平低于明眼被试;两组被试都出现了由颜色不匹配所诱发的N400效应,且都表现出左半球优势;但是盲人组的N400效应大于明眼组,盲人组的N400反应潜伏期小于明眼组。该结果说明,直接的视觉经验是颜色认知的充分条件而非必要条件。  相似文献   

许百华  傅亚强 《心理科学》2003,26(3):397-399
采用一台有源矩阵彩色液晶显示器作为主要实验装置,对低色温、低强度背景光照射下液晶显示颜色编码范围及其与色标大小的关系进行了研究。实验结果表明:(1)液晶显示器上色标大小对绝对辨认效果有显著影响,随着色标的增大,辨认错误率随之下降,但下降率则随色标的增大而递减。(2)在色温为3100K的低强度背景光照射下,液晶显示的颜色编码范围因色标大小不同而存在显著差异,当色标面积减小到1×1mm2至2×2mm2时,编码色数目仅限于3-4种。  相似文献   

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