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虚拟环境(VE)中的临境感是用户感知身处VE而产生的一种主观体验,是评价VE的重要指标。VE临境感产生的基础在于个体VE某一特征的集中注意,其程度强弱在一定范围内取决于个体分配于VE的注意资源量,受诸如计算机技术设备等系统因素、表现为个体差异的用户因素以及人机对话过程中交互因素的影响。在此基础上本文从生理指标(生理测量法、心率变化和皮肤电阻变化)、行为指标(姿势变化和冲突条件下的刺激定位)、心理物理学(对比法和跨通道匹配法)、主观评价(WS-PQ、SUS-PQ、ITC-SOPI和直接主观评价法)和绩效衡量对VE临境感的测量方法进行总结和简单评价。  相似文献   

远程心理服务(Telepsychology)是利用远程通讯技术提供心理服务的新兴心理服务方式, 虽然在COVID-19疫情期间得到了广泛应用, 但仍缺乏相关行业应用规范及专业培训体系。现有的远程心理服务三维模型以应用环境、应用领域、应用方式为服务框架, 结合九个应用领域开展远程心理服务。我们根据已有研究提出了以咨询师、治疗方法、远程技术手段为主要因素、以来访者为中心的远程心理服务应用模型。人工智能在远程心理服务领域的应用主要包括三个方面:机器学习与人工神经网络、自然语言处理与情感分析、虚拟现实与增强现实。目前, 远程心理服务正以蓬勃的态势极速发展:其在提高心理服务督导效率、减少服务成本等方面有着显著优势, 同时在心理服务从业人员对远程心理服务的接受度、来访者的适应性、重视程度方面也面临着挑战。未来远程心理服务可以在监管体系、从业者培训、远程应用技术三个方面进行深入探索。  相似文献   

采用自编的“互动教育效果及影响因素问卷”,对电大金融类课程的学生进行调查,考察其在远程开放环境下的学习特征及其差异.结果显示:该问卷包括“教学艺术”、“活动吸引力”、“材料丰富性”和“途径便利性”等四个因子,且具有较好的信效度;目前电大远程开放教育的整体状况有待改善.在这基础上,对如何提高电大远程开放教育互动性的问题进行了深入的讨论.  相似文献   

中国远程学习者学习风格理论模型与验证   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
朱祖林  安哲锋  陈丽 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1521-1523
为帮助中国远程学习者了解自身的学习风格,选择相应的学习策略,进而提高远程学习质量,根据学习风格的信息加工理论、Kolb的经验学习理论以及荣格的人格特征类型理论,从生理、社会、心理三个维度,构建了我国远程学习者学习风格的理论模型,通过编制量表和实际测量,对该模型进行验证分析和修订完善.结果表明,最初提出的理论模型假设得到验证,修订后的量表具有良好的效度和信度,可以用来测量我国远程学习者的学习风格.  相似文献   

虚拟学习有效性的影响因素研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
唐宁玉  颜世富 《心理科学》2004,27(2):462-465
本研究以68名参加过国际远程合作课程的MBA学员为研究对象,采用问卷调查的方法对虚拟条件下学习有效性的影响因素进行了研究。结果表明:学员特点、效能感、对虚拟学习的态度、技术可靠性、媒体丰富性、虚拟团队支持和虚拟学习有效性不同程度地存在显著相关;回归分析显示,对虚拟学习的态度是虚拟学习有效性的一个重要影响因素,另外,一般自我效能感会对课程有效性产生影响.而技术效能感对总体有效性有影响;虚拟团队的学习环境支持对虚拟有效性产生影响。  相似文献   

免费师范生职后远程学习平台正是在网络化、数字化和智能化有机结合的教育环境下,将所有的教育资源都放到这个崭新的、无限开放的平台上,以供免费师范生在职期间通过远程学习平台解决其继续教育问题。文章从该平台研发的背景入手,简单阐释了该平台研发的意义,通过对免费师范生职后远程学习平台研发的现状分析,提出了完善该平台的几点思考,帮助免费师范生通过远程学习平台解决其职后继续教育问题,从而实现免费师范生职前教育和职后培训的一体化。  相似文献   

界面是人与机器之间交换信息的媒介,是设计师赋予物体的新面孔。一个好的界面设计能从用户的角度出发,给用户带来良好的视觉体验和舒适的使用体验。基于用户体验的手机界面设计就是以用户体验为中心,以获得良好的用户体验为目的,从而占据市场。  相似文献   

在海量信息高速传播、数字媒体迅速发展的背景下,传统品牌媒介推广已无法完全满足消费者诉求。因此在互联网媒介中,用情感化互动体验式设计达到品牌推广的目的,成为众多设计师关注的焦点。以无印良品品牌设计为研究案例,利用人本线索法挖掘用户需求,以用户研究为主线,总结出一套线上线下多维度情感化互动体验式设计来提高品牌价值,拓展品牌推广模式,并在实例中验证。通过互动体验让品牌设计与用户需求无缝对接,使得品牌与用户产生情感共鸣,从而使品牌在视觉营销层面具有核心市场竞争力,在互联网媒介中占有一席之地,成为在互联网媒介下品牌推广所要面临的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

短视频沉迷是一种个体因强迫性观看短视频,导致明显的行为失控或注意力障碍,并进一步造成人际、学习和/或工作适应困难的问题行为。随着短视频用户规模不断扩大与低龄化趋势,短视频沉迷对用户身心健康的威胁引起了广泛关注。基于人机互动视角,首先,将短视频使用划分为“工具性”与“仪式性”两类。其次,通过考量人机交互过程和用户易感特征,构建了短视频沉迷的发生机制框架。最后,从认知、情绪、动机和社会角度对短视频沉迷进行理论阐释。未来研究应重视短视频沉迷的发生机制,关注引发沉迷的媒介特性与技术属性,致力于促进短视频沉迷的预防与治理。  相似文献   

湖南卫视大型声音竞技秀节目《声临其境》已经播出两季,均获得了较高的收视率。从接受视域对此节目进行分析,《声临其境》在节目内容、节目形式、节目传播等多方面满足了受众的好奇心理、怀旧情结等多种需求,具有自己的特色,获得了成功。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore a substantial phenomenon related to flow experiences (immersion) in text-based interaction systems. Most previous research emphasizes the effects of challenge/skill, focused attention, telepresence, web characteristics, and systems' interface design on users' flow experiences in online environments. However, text-based interaction systems without telepresence features and web characteristics still seem to create opportunities for flow experience. To explore this phenomenon, this study incorporates subject involvement and interpersonal interaction as critical antecedents into the model of flow experience, as well as considers the existence of telepresence. Results reveal that subject involvement, interpersonal interaction, and interactivity speed are critical to focused attention, which enhances users' immersion. With regard to the effect of telepresence, the perceived attractiveness of the interface is a significant facilitator determining users' immersion in web-based, rather than in text-based, interaction environments. Interactivity speed is unrelated to immersion in both web-based and text-based interaction environments. The influence of interpersonal involvement is diminished in web-based interaction environments. The implications and limitations of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

Digital voice communication systems are being used in a wide variety of applications. Human observers are used to measure the performance of computer voice systems. We also need to determine how losses in speech quality and intelligibility affect the performance of the communicator. This paper considers several situational variables that can affect the usability and acceptance of digital voice communication systems: task constraints, user experience, and communication environment. User experience and communication environment influence the acceptability of degraded voice systems; greater experience and field environments lead to higher acceptability ratings. However, performance measures, such as task completion time, are still adversely affected by lower voice quality.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of an interactive television public-service announcement (PSA) containing an anti-speeding threat appeal on feelings of telepresence and behavioral intention. In a 2?×?2?×?2 between-subjects factorial design with 213 participants, the level of threat evoked by a traditional PSA, by the interactive part of the PSA (dedicated advertising location or DAL) and by the preceding program context are manipulated to be either low or high. The results support the assumptions of the Extended Parallel Processing Model with regard to the effect of the level of perceived threat and perceived efficacy in an interactive media environment, and the important role of telepresence as a processing variable. The results of the three-way interaction effect of threat evoked by the program, the PSA and the DAL on telepresence show that when the threat levels of the program and the PSA are both either low or high, exposure to the threatening information in the DAL does not generate a significantly higher feeling of telepresence. However, when a low-threat program is followed by a high-threat PSA, the threat level of the DAL has a positive effect on telepresence. The same trend is found with a high-threat program and a low-threat PSA, although the effect of the threat evoked by the DAL on telepresence is not significant at conventional levels. Finally, there is a positive effect of telepresence on the behavioral intention to reduce speeding, which is partly mediated by the viewer's perceived efficacy to follow the recommended behavior.  相似文献   

Because a telepresence robot is intended for use in telecommunications, conveying the presence of a remote sender is an important issue. Even though certain characteristics of robots such as identity could be effective at generating a sense of presence, this risks yielding a distortion of presence in the remote sender. Thus, in order to find effective ways to increase presence, we executed an experiment comparing a telepresence robot with high identity and a telepresence robot with low identity. The 60 participants in this study engaged in a video call with a remote sender using either a telepresence robot with high identity or a telepresence robot with low identity. The results showed that participants felt more remote sender presence when interacting with the telepresence robot with low identity than they did with the one with high identity. On the other hand, when a telepresence robot has high identity, participants felt more presence toward the robot than they did toward the one with low identity. In the second study (N = 72), participants experienced two types of telepresence robots (identity level: a telepresence robot with high identity vs. a telepresence robot with low identity) with two types of remote senders (number of remote senders: single remote sender vs. multiple remote senders). The identity level of the robot and the number of remote senders affected the presence of the remote sender, telepresence, and the presence of the robot. We discuss in detail the implications for the design of telepresence robots in terms of increasing presence.  相似文献   

In previous work, we studied four well known systems of qualitative probabilistic inference, and presented data from computer simulations in an attempt to illustrate the performance of the systems. These simulations evaluated the four systems in terms of their tendency to license inference to accurate and informative conclusions, given incomplete information about a randomly selected probability distribution. In our earlier work, the procedure used in generating the unknown probability distribution (representing the true stochastic state of the world) tended to yield probability distributions with moderately high entropy levels. In the present article, we present data charting the performance of the four systems when reasoning in environments of various entropy levels. The results illustrate variations in the performance of the respective reasoning systems that derive from the entropy of the environment, and allow for a more inclusive assessment of the reliability and robustness of the four systems.  相似文献   

This research examines the impact of technology design on the acceptance and long-term use of telecommuting systems. Specifically, we compare employee acceptance and sustained use of a traditional system designed based on the common "desktop metaphor," with a virtual-reality system designed to enhance social richness and telepresence. This 1-year study incorporated a within- and between-subjects examination of 527 employees across 3 locations of a large organization. Results showed much higher telecommuter acceptance and use of the virtual-reality system. Strong support emerged for the hypotheses that higher social richness and higher telepresence leads to higher telecommuter motivation and higher sustained use of the system.  相似文献   

Impact of telepresence levels on internet advertising effects.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the dimensions of interactivity and vividness to propose three telepresence levels: content presence, social presence, and personal presence. Then, an experiment investigated the impact of different telepresence levels on Internet advertising. The effects of interactions between vividness of visual imagery (VVI) and product types in relation to telepresence levels and advertising effects were also analyzed. The study employed a factorial design: 4 (levels of telepresence) x 2 (product types) x 2 (VVI). Levels of telepresence and product types were both manipulated between subjects. VVI was measured within subjects. Experimental findings showed that high levels of telepresence of an Internet advertisement increased subject recall and recognition. The low VVI respondent group would have greater recognition than traditional advertisements when respondents were exposed above the level 2 (social presence) advertisement and the effect of recognition increased from level 1 (content presence) to level 3 (personal presence). Recognition increased from level 1 (content presence) to level 2 (social presence) for both search and experience product groups; however, only recognition of the experience product group increased in level 3 (personal presence).  相似文献   

How do managers expect the proficiency of users and the power of the computers to determine overall performance? Five different models are proposed: (a) a matching model in which optimal performance is achieved when the power of the system is judged to be compatible with the proficiency of the user, (b) an averaging model in which expected performance is the average of the values of user proficiency and system power, (c) a multiplying model in which performance is the product of the values of user proficiency and system power, (d) a human/computer ratio model in which performance is determined by the ratio of system power over total effort, and (e) a computer/human ratio model in which performance is determined by the ratio of user proficiency over total effort. The applicability of these models was assessed by having managers and students of management predict performance in human/computer systems from information about the user's proficiency with computers and the power of the system. Participants rated 16 combinations of user proficiency and system power from a 4 × 4 factorial design. The pattern of ratings indicated that 51 per cent used a multiplying model and 25 percent used an averaging model; whereas, only 6 percent used the matching model and 4 percent used a ratio model. The remaining 14 percent did not follow any model clearly. Implications of these results were discussed for the design of the human/ computer interface, training and selection of users, and the cost-benefit tradeoffs for investment in user training versus equipment acquisition.  相似文献   

The availability of unlimited text-to-speech synthesis systems provides the potential for remote access to databases over existing telephone systems. This paper describes some of the intelligibility and user interface problems associated with such applications and reports work aimed at understanding and solving these problems. In particular, it describes an approach to intelligibility problems based on the understanding and manipulation of listeners’ adaptation to synthetic speech, and user interface work examining use of a simulated travel information system.  相似文献   

The use of virtual environments with head-mounted displays (HMDs) offers unique assets to the evaluation and therapy of clinical populations. However, research examining the effects of this technology on clinical populations is sparse. Understanding how wearers interact with the HMD is vital. Discomfort leads to altered use of the HMD that could confound performance measures; the very measures which might be used as tools for clinical decision making. The current study is a post-hoc analysis of the relationship between HMD use and HMD comfort. The analysis was conducted to examine contributing factors for a high incidence of simulator sickness observed in an HMD-based driving simulator. Pearson correlation analysis was used to evaluate objective and subjective measures of HMD performance and self-reported user comfort ratings. The results indicated weak correlations between these variables, indicating the complexity of quantifying user discomfort and HMD performance. Comparison of two case studies detailing user behavior in the virtual environment demonstrates that selected variables may not capture how individuals use the HMD. The validity and usefulness of the HMD-based virtual environments must be understood to fully reap the benefits of virtual reality (VR) in rehabilitation medicine.  相似文献   

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