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Catherine Legg 《Axiomathes》2005,15(2):293-318
Much discussion of meaning by philosophers over the last 300 years has been predicated on a Cartesian first-person authority (i.e. “infallibilism”) with respect to what one’s terms mean. However this has problems making sense of the way the meanings of scientific terms develop, an increase in scientific knowledge over and above scientists’ ability to quantify over new entities. Although a recent conspicuous embrace of rigid designation has broken up traditional meaning-infallibilism to some extent, this new dimension to the meaning of terms such as “water” is yet to receive a principled epistemological undergirding (beyond the deliverances of “intuition” with respect to certain somewhat unusual possible worlds). Charles Peirce’s distinctive, naturalistic philosophy of language is mined to provide a more thoroughly fallibilist, and thus more realist, approach to meaning, with the requisite epistemology. Both his pragmatism and his triadic account of representation, it is argued, produce an original approach to meaning, analysing it in processual rather than objectual terms, and opening a distinction between “meaning for us”, the meaning a term has at any given time for any given community and “meaning simpliciter”. the way use of a given term develops over time (often due to a posteriori input from the world which is unable to be anticipated in advance). This account provocatively undermines a certain distinction between “semantics” and “ontology” which is often taken for granted in discussions of realism.  相似文献   

Target-to-distractor ratio strongly influences performance on typical random array letter cancellation tasks, suggesting that a “controlled” processing approach is used. This study was designed to determine whether “automatic” processing could be also demonstrated in the random array cancellation paradigm by changing the perceptual characteristics of the stimuli. Thirty-two healthy subjects sequentially performed four random array cancellation tasks with 50 and 100 stimuli. The letters “I” or “O' were targets and “L” served as the distractor. Performance was measured by the number of correctly canceled targets divided by the time to completion, corrected for accuracy. There was a strong effect of the number of stimuli on forms using I targets (p< .00001), but not for O's (p= .15) Performance scores were lower for I target forms than for O targets. These findings demonstrate that performance approximating “automatic” processing can also be elicited on clinically useful, office-based, or bedside tests such as random array cancellation.  相似文献   

Dispositional optimism measured by the Life Orientation Test (Revised; LOT-R, Scheier et al., 1994) was originally proposed as a unidimensional construct pertaining to individual differences in positive outcome expectancies. However, factor analytic research has suggested two separate “optimism” and “pessimism” factors associated with positively and negatively worded items respectively. Using confirmatory factor analysis with data from N = 658 students it is shown that a general optimism model with method effects of the positively worded items fits even better than the “optimism–pessimism” model in terms of the AIC statistic, which accounts for both model parsimony and model fit. Furthermore, an attempt is made to explain the method effects by social desirability: impression management, one of two components of socially desirable responding, correlates significantly with the method factor whereas the other component, self-deceptive enhancement, is related to the general optimism factor. Thus it is shown that the deviation from unidimensionality of observed scores does not imply deviation from unidimensionality of optimism when method effects are incorporated in the model.  相似文献   

Extended similarity trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proximity data can be represented by an extended tree, which generalizes traditional trees by including marked segments that correspond to overlapping clusters. An extended tree is a graphical representation of the distinctive features model. A computer program (EXTREE) that constructs extended trees is described and applied to several sets of conceptual and perceptual proximity data.This research was supported in part by a National Science Foundation Pre-doctoral Fellowship to the first author.A magnetic tape containing both the EXTREE program described in the article and ADDTREE/P program for fitting additive trees can also be obtained from the above address. Requests for the program should be accompanied by a check for $25 made out to Teachers College, to cover the costs of the tape and postage.  相似文献   

We show how to systematically construct a processing tree using data from an experiment in which two experimental factors are intended to selectively influence two different processes. Only two arrangements are possible for the two selectively influenced processes: ordered and unordered. We show that there are only two standard trees that need be considered, one for each arrangement. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for each tree to be applicable. If the conditions do not hold, no tree is possible. If the selectively influenced processes are ordered, their order is sometimes determined by the data. We consider two factors that selectively influence two processes in every tree in a set of trees, such that on a given trial, a tree is selected from the set at random. We show that if the influenced processes are ordered in every tree or unordered in every tree, then the mixture of trees is equivalent to one of the two standard trees. To illustrate the method, a tree is constructed from simulated data from a model of Batchelder and Riefer [Batchelder, W.H., Riefer, D.M. (1980). Separation of storage and retrieval factors in free recall of clusterable pairs. Psychological Review, 87, 375–397].  相似文献   

The neurophysiological mechanisms underlying behavioral motivation and associative learning are described in an invertebrate “model” system, the carnivorous marine mollusc Pleurobranchaea. Feeding motivation can be controlled via nutritional history and is represented centrally in the feeding motor network as a change in the balance of synaptic excitation and inhibition at the level of interneurons that initiate feeding behavior, i.e., feeding “command” interneurons. Associative learning, induced by avoidance conditioning of feeding behavior, manifests identically at the level of the command interneurons, but is distinguished from non-associative motivational changes by processes that occur in identified neurons and pathways presynaptic to the command interneurons. Motivation and learning are therefore linked mechanistically by convergent neurophysiological mechanisms at the level of central neurons that initiate behavior.  相似文献   

Around four years of age, children recognize that action is less a consequence of the way the world is than the way it is represented by the actor. This understanding is characterized as a “theory of mind.” This study examines the possibility of the development of a parallel theory of language; specifically, the understanding that, in opaque contexts, terms do not simply map on to the referent of the expression, but rather indicate how that object is to be represented. 120 3- to 7-year-olds were tested on their theory of mind (using false belief tasks) and sensitivity to opaque contexts. Children who passed false belief tasks performed more successfully on the opacity measure than those who did not, even when age was partialled out (r (117) = .2453, p < .01). It is concluded that children come to realize that language does not refer to the world directly, but rather via one's representation of it. The results are consistent with the view that both abilities are manifestations of a more general understanding of representation, and that children's theories of mind and language follow similar developmental paths.  相似文献   

Direct theories of the virtues maintain that an explanation of why some virtuous trait counts as valuable should ultimately appeal to the value of its characteristic motive or aim. In this paper I argue that, if we take the idea of a direct approach to virtue theory seriously, we should favour a view according to which virtue involves knowledge. I raise problems for recent “agent-based” and “end-based” versions of the direct approach, show how my account proves preferable to these, and defend it against a number of objections.  相似文献   

This paper tackles the problem of the nature of the space of perception. Based both on philosophical arguments and on results obtained from original experimental situations, it attempts to show how space is constituted concretely, before any distinction between the “inner” and the “outer” can be made. It thus sheds light on the presuppositions of the well-known debate between internalism and externalism in the philosophy of mind; it argues in favor of the latter position, but with arguments that are foundationally antecedent to this debate. We call the position we defend enactive externalism. It is based on experimental settings which, in virtue of their minimalism, make it possible both to defend a sensori-motor/enactive theory of perception; and, especially, to inquire into the origin of the space of perception, showing how it is concretely enacted before the controversy between internalism and externalism can even take place.  相似文献   

The basic properties of a dynamic systems approach of development are illustrated by contrasting two simple equations. One, yt+1 = f (yt), is characteristic of dynamic systems models. The other, yi = f (xi), refers to what, for the sake of simplicity, is referred to as the standard developmental approach. We give illustrations from cognitive, language and social development to show the characteristic differences of these two types of models and show their complementarity. The article further compares the “Bloomington” with the “Groningen” approach to dynamic systems theorizing in developmental psychology. It continues with a discussion of two important questions. One involves the issue of measurement and the nature of developmental variables from the viewpoint of dynamic systems. The second concerns the question of short- and long-term time scales in developmental models, which is discussed on the basis of an example, namely dyadic interaction of young children in the context of different social statuses.  相似文献   

We present a framework for expressing various merging operators for belief sets. This framework generalises our earlier work on consistency-based belief revision and contraction. Two primary merging operators are identified: in the first approach, belief sources are consistently combined so that the result of merging knowledge bases K1,…,Kn is a maximal consistent (if possible) set of formulas comprising the joint knowledge of the knowledge bases. This approach then accords with one's intuitions as to what a “merge” operator should do. The second approach is more akin to a generalised belief revision operator. Knowledge bases K1,…,Kn are “projected” onto another (in the simplest case the knowledge base where only tautologies are known). Properties of these operators are investigated, primarily by comparing their properties with postulates that have been identified previously in the literature. Notably, the approach is independent of syntax, in that merging knowledge bases K1,…,Kn is independent of how each Ki is expressed. As well, we investigate the role of entailment-based and consistency-based integrity constraints, the interrelationships between these approaches and belief revision, and the expression of further merging operators.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the extension of Kozen's μ-calculus with the so-called “existential bisimulation quantifier”. By using this quantifier one can express the uniform interpolant of any formula of the μ-calculus. In this work we provide an explicit form for the uniform interpolant of a disjunctive formula and see that it belongs to the same level of the fixpoint alternation hierarchy of the μ-calculus than the original formula. We show that this result cannot be generalized to the whole logic, because the closure of the third level of the hierarchy under the existential bisimulation quantifier is the whole μ-calculus. However, we prove that the first two levels of the hierarchy are closed. We also provide the μ-logic extended with the bisimulation quantifier with a complete calculus.  相似文献   

The present investigation compared cognitive and projective methods of assessing “differentiation,” Witkin's Embedded Figures Test (EFT) and Blatt's Concept of the Object Scale (COS), and reexamined expectations concerning the relationship between level of differentiation and capacity for empathy. Whether lesser or greater differentiation would promote empathy was of specific interest. Two forms of empathy were investigated, an “affective” form assessed by the Mehrabian Empathy Scale and a “cognitive” form assessed by the Hogan Empathy Scale. Expected sex differences in differentiation and empathy were also investigated. Results demonstrated consonance between COS and EFT measures of differentiation within the male sample only (p < .05). Individuals classified by EFT as relatively less differentiated (“field dependent”) produced more part object responses (p < .02) and those classified as more differentiated (“field independent”) showed a trend toward more whole object responses (p < .10) on the COS. Associations between measures of differentiation and empathy reached significance or showed trends in the male group only. Men with relatively lesser differentiation on the EFT (“field dependent”) showed greater “affective empathy” (p < .10) and men with greater differentiation on the COS showed greater “cognitive” empathy (p < .05). Women demonstrated higher levels of “affective” empathy than men (p < .001).  相似文献   

Pragmatic reasoning schemas   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
We propose that people typically reason about realistic situations using neither content-free syntactic inference rules nor representations of specific experiences. Rather, people reason using knowledge structures that we term pragmatic reasoning schemas, which are generalized sets of rules defined in relation to classes of goals. Three experiments examined the impact of a “permission schema” on deductive reasoning. Experiment 1 demonstrated that by evoking the permission schema it is possible to facilitate performance in Wason's selection paradigm for subjects who have had no experience with the specific content of the problems. Experiment 2 showed that a selection problem worded in terms of an abstract permission elicited better performance than one worded in terms of a concrete but arbitrary situation, providing evidence for an abstract permission schema that is free of domain-specific content. Experiment 3 provided evidence that evocation of a permission schema affects not only tasks requiring procedural knowledge, but also a linguistic rephrasing task requiring declarative knowledge. In particular, statements in the form if p then q were rephrased into the form p only if q with greater frequency for permission than for arbitrary statements, and rephrasings of permission statements produced a pattern of introduction of modals (must, can) totally unlike that observed for arbitrary conditional statements. Other pragmatic schemas, such as “causal” and “evidence” schemas can account for both linguistic and reasoning phenomena that alternative hypotheses fail to explain.  相似文献   

Brown and Jeeves (1993) found that an evoked potential estimate of interhemispheric transfer time, from the left to the right hemisphere, correlated negatively with a bilateral field advantage (BFA) in a response-choice letter matching task. We implemented a go no-go dot size matching task to determine whether the crossed-uncrossed difference (CUD) in reaction time, commission errors and omission errors (estimates of the “cost” of interhemispheric transfer) would correlate with BFAs in data from the same experiment and whether the type of decision (“same” versus “different”) would modulate the CUDs and/or BFAs. Sixteen normal right-handed subjects were tested. The CUDs were negatively correlated with the BFAs. Canonical correlation analysis of this set of relations was highly significant (r= .95). Estimates of left-to-right relay were far more strongly related to BFA (p= .0001) than were estimates of right-to-left relay (p= .03). “Same” decisions yielded a unilateral field advantage and “different” decisions a bilateral field advantage in omission error data, this crossed interaction reaching significance. More efficient interhemispheric relay favored BFAs, i.e., strongly suggesting in such cases an advantage of interhemispheric over intrahemispheric integration. This effect appeared to be markedly asymmetric. Furthermore, resource sharing within and between the hemispheres was a function of the “same” versus “different” dimensions of the decision to be made, especially in omission errors. The opposite dissociation occurred less markedly in the reaction times, this double dissociation reaching significance, revealing presence of a subtle speed–accuracy trade-off in interhemispheric dynamics.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between the perception and production of voice onset time (VOT) in apraxic subjects. Spectrograms of the words, “bees” and “peas” spoken by apraxic subjects were acoustically analyzed to obtain a measure of VOT. The subjects also identified the initial cognate (“b” or “p”) from synthetically generated speech spanning a voiced to voiceless time continuum. The results suggest that apraxic subjects have production as well as perceptual errors in the voicing feature but no significant relationship was found between the two measures.  相似文献   

We compare two different styles of Higher-Order Unification (HOU): the classical HOU algorithm of Huet for the simply typed λ-calculus and HOU based on the λσ-calculus of explicit substitutions. For doing so, first, the original Huet algorithm for the simply typed λ-calculus with names is adapted to the language of the λ-calculus in de Bruijn's notation, since this is the notation used by the λσ-calculus. Afterwards, we introduce a new structural notation called unification tree, which eases the presentation of the subgoals generated by Huet's algorithm and its behaviour. The unification tree notation will be important for the comparison between Huet's algorithm and unification in the λσ-calculus whose derivations are presented into a structure called derivation tree. We prove that there exists an important structural correspondence between Huet's HOU and the λσ-HOU method: for each (sub-)problem in the unification tree there exists a counterpart in the derivation tree. This allows us to conclude that the λσ-HOU is a generalization of Huet's algorithm and that solutions computed by the latter are always computed by the former method.  相似文献   

Until recently, variations in life history strategy were studied exclusively at the species level. Although this domain of study has been extended to examine systematic differences in life history strategy among various human ethnic groupings, more recent evolutionary theories of human development and related behavioral genetic work imply substantial within-group individual variation in life history strategy. We constructed a latent variable model identifying a single common factor, denoted as K, which underlies a variety of otherwise disparate life history parameters. This “K-Factor” loaded 0.36 on childhood attachment to the biological father, −0.36 on childhood attachment to any non-biological father figure, 0.38 on adult romantic partner attachment, −0.51 on mating effort, −0.58 on Machiavellianism, and −0.41 on risk propensity. The bivariate correlations of the K-factor with higher-order personality factors were statistically significant, −0.24 with “Big Neuroticism” and −0.67 with “Big Psychoticism”, and approached significance, correlating 0.12, with “Big Extraversion”. The K-factor appears to be an underappreciated individual difference variable of major importance to human development.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates two formal models for psychiatric classification. The first model, called a hierarchical or tree structure, requires patient categories to be disjoint or strictly nested. The second model, called the generally overlapping or network model, allows patient categories to cut across each other in a variety of different ways. Thus, patient groups can be disjoint, strictly nested (as in a hierarchy), or partially overlapping. To derive classification schemes consistent with the structural models, two different clustering techniques were applied to interpatient similarity data collected on 50 psychiatric patients. A hierarchical clustering technique was applied to the similarity data to obtain a hierarchical classification. To obtain a generally overlapping classification, Peay's cliquing procedure was applied to the same data. Two criteria were used to compare the clustering solutions. First, a solution's goodness-of-fit to the original data was examined by calculating the proportion of variance accounted for by cluster categories. Second, the predictive accuracy of a solution was analyzed by looking at the categories' ability to predict treatment assignment. The generally overlapping solution produced the best fit to the original similarity data; however, the hierarchical solution's clusters tended to be more readily interpretable in terms of psychiatric syndromes. Both clustering solutions were relatively poor predictors of treatment assignment. It was concluded that the hierarchical and generally overlapping approaches, although not conclusively demonstrated, represented promising models for psychiatric classification.  相似文献   

The efficacy of “scientific jury selection” (the use of social science methodology to aid the jury selection process) has been a subject of considerable contention. Unfortunately, such issues are difficult to address empirically, especially at the level of jury rather than juror decisions. One means of addressing some of these questions is through the use of “thought experiments” or computer simulations that are based not on intuition or conventional wisdom alone but guided by relevant empirical data. This paper reports the outcomes of simulations that explore jury verdict consequences from the use of scientific jury selection to (a) obtain changes in venue, (b) select jurors, and (c) accomplish both of the preceding. The results indicated that the potential effects of scientific jury selection are strongest when the techniques are successful in bringing about changes of venue or more representative jury panels. Somewhat weaker, albeit still consequential, effects were observed in those instances where scientific jury selection techniques are used to select particular jurors. The psychological and legal implications of these results, and the thought experiment approach in general, are discussed.  相似文献   

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