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In the early part of his reforming career Martin Bucer shared Luther's and Zwingli's contempt for the Canon of the Mass. However, in the era of the religious Colloquies (1540-1546) Bucer argued that it was the practices and theological commentaries associated with the Canon—not the Canon itself—that supported the debased theology of Eucharistic sacrifice prevailing under the papacy. Bucer maintained that the genuine meaning of the Canon was to be found in the writing of the Fathers, the liturgies of the Eastern church and, indeed, in Aquinas’ Summa. Bucer seems to have hoped that the Catholics would admit communion under both kinds and abolish the private Mass in exchange for the retention of a ‘suitably interpreted’ Canon. An outline of this interpretation can be seen in Article Twenty of the Worms-Regensburg Book (1540-1541). It was further developed in Constans dejensio (1543) and De vera et falsa caenae dominicae administratione (1546) both written in the aftermath of the first Colloquy of Regensburg (1541).  相似文献   

Cline  Brendan 《Philosophia》2020,48(3):901-930
Philosophia - There has lately been substantial interest in scrutinizing our evaluative attitudes in light of our evolutionary history. However, these discussions have been hampered by an...  相似文献   

Sunday Grève  Sebastian 《Topoi》2022,41(5):1023-1031

This article develops a logical (or semantic) response to scepticism about the existence of an external world. Specifically, it is argued that any doubt about the existence of an external world can be proved to be false, but whatever appears to be doubt about the existence of an external world that cannot be proved to be false is nonsense, insofar as it must rely on the assertion of something that is logically impossible. The article further suggests that both G. E. Moore and Ludwig Wittgenstein worked towards the same solution but left their work unfinished.


在道教的历史上,曾多次藉助国家政权之力纂修《道藏》,为道教文化的保存和发展作出了应有的贡献。然而从道教的传统来看,各地名山宫观历来就有搜集道经,编纂道书,甚至汇编成藏的传统,而大型《道藏》的编纂往往同这些地方《道藏》具有十分密切的关系。这一历史现象尚未受到学术界应有的重视和研究。本文通过对北宋学者夏竦所撰天台山《重建道藏经记》一文的考辨和疏证,试图对浙东天台山桐柏宫《道藏》的历史成因及其作用进行初步的考查,希望能引起学界同仁对中国地方道经编纂成藏的这一宗教文化现象的重视。  相似文献   


Positive academic performance is a strong indicator of subsequent positive life course outcomes (e.g., employment) as well as underrepresentation in psychiatric populations, drug use, school dropout, and subsequent legal trouble (A. Farn & J. Adams, 2016). As such, helping all children to be successful in school is a top priority for parents, educators, and politicians alike. However, schools are challenged by an increasing demand to meet children's health and metal health needs in order for them to benefit from, and progress in, their educational experience. Public concerns regarding violent acts on school property have highlighted the need to address student and teacher safety. The authors provide recommendations for school psychologists regarding promising practices that respond to national initiatives to prevent school violence, increase access to health and mental health care, and enhance equity among students.  相似文献   

This paper examines the experiential dimensions of wonder and doubt as one way to articulate the creative and growth-promoting tensions between the medical/scientific model and the spiritual/mystical model. Both forms of experience, it is argued, function as necessary elements in a psychotherapy that integrates psychoanalysis and spiritual praxes. Fundamental differences between the medical/scientific model and the spiritual/mystical models are examined. The notion of the gap serves to illustrate these diametrically opposed, albeit compatible and necessary, points of view. The multifaceted layers of movement between Buddhism and psychoanalysis typify interacting dynamics between the two disciplines and provide a focal point for discussion. The paper then explores parallels between the Zen Buddhist notion of Satori as explicated in the writings of D. T. Suzuki and Wilfred Bion's notion of O. Theoretical aspects of the discussion provide a backdrop for exploring clinical experience regarding the relationship between acceptance and change, the clinical relevance of the Buddhist notions of gaining idea and basic goodness. The author also explores relationships between presence as actuality and ideal; knowing and not knowing; wonder and doubt. Clinical material supports the theoretical aspects of the discussion.  相似文献   

焦文峰 《哲学动态》2003,(11):31-33
全球化不仅是当今人类面临的重大现实问题,而且也是学术界特别加以关注的重大理论问题.迄今为止,由于全球经济交往日益密切频繁以及这种交往对人们的物质生活造成了直接后果,关于全球化的讨论绝大多数集中于经济全球化问题.对于文化全球化问题,由于其表现不像经济全球化那样具体、直接和明确,所以一般人对于它的关注程度相对较低.而且,文化全球化经常被一些研究者视为全球化研究中难以攀越的一块高地.韩璞庚等所著<全球化与价值冲突>一书(人民出版社2002年12月版,以下简称韩著),选取全球化进程中文化交往的一个侧面,采纳了全球化与文化冲突的研究框架,并另辟蹊径,从这一框架中的核心部分即价值冲突部分切入,全面梳理了全球化与价值冲突、价值融合的关系.这在目前全球化论述中当属有创意之作.  相似文献   

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