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This paper provides a sketch of an agent-centered way of understanding and answering the question, “What’s wrong with that?” On this view, what lies at the bottom of judgments of wrongness is a bad attitude; when someone does something wrong, she does something that expresses a bad, or inappropriate, attitude (where inappropriateness is understood, tentatively, as a failure to recognize the separateness of others). In order to motivate this account, a general Kantian agent-centered ethics is discussed, as well as Michael Slote’s agent-based ethics, in light of analysis of the grounding role of attitudes in the evaluation of two core cases. In light of these discussions, it is argued that there are advantages to preserving the grounding of the appropriateness of attitudes in facts about their objects (as opposed to Slote’s sentimentalism), while cutting such an agent-centered ethics away from a Kantian grounding.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first comprehensive and systematic review of the sales-related customer relationship management (CRM) literature. Specifically, from a narrowed sample of 253 CRM-related articles, 38 were qualified as the juxtaposition of CRM strategies and technologies with sales relevance. Themes found within this literature include the evolving nature of channel functioning and interfirm relationships, the strategic organizational processes involving the sales function, the evolving nature of the sales role, and both salesperson and customer adoption of CRM technology. Contributions were derived from the extant literature for both theory and practice. The meager number of published works with direct relevance to sales management along with the practicality of the topic suggests that additional CRM research, both conceptual and empirical, would be beneficial.  相似文献   

The relationship between organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and two organizational rewards—salary and promotion—was examined. Employee gender also was tested as a moderator. Data from 440 individuals employed in multiple settings indicated that individuals who reported engaging more frequently in OCB directed toward the organization (OCBO) also reported receiving more promotions. Further, results indicated that gender was a moderator such that the relationship between OCBO and promotion was stronger for males than for females. The results also revealed an interaction between OCB directed toward individuals (OCBI) and OCBO. Specifically, high OCBI and low OCBO related to lower promotion rates than did low OCBI and low OCBO. Results are discussed in terms of implications for individual career development.  相似文献   


We present a model of ambivalent classism in which hostile (overtly negative and insulting) and benevolent (subjectively positive but condescending) attitudes about poor people co-exist and independently predict endorsement of restrictive and poverty-perpetuating welfare policies. Whereas existing classism scales predominantly measure antipathy toward poor people, we developed and validated the Ambivalent Classism Inventory (ACI), a 20-item scale that captures both hostile and benevolent attitudes toward poor people. The ACI has one hostile factor (hostile classism) and two benevolent factors (protective paternalism and complementary class differentiation). Data from four samples (total n?=?1,543) indicate that the ACI has good reliability and validity. Findings underscore the role of benevolent beliefs in classist attitudes. Item generation, analytical methods, and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of school inclusion programs on male and female nondisabled students' stereotypes and attitudes toward people with Down syndrome were studied. Nondisabled students (11–15 years of age) from schools with and without inclusion programs reported positive and negative attitudes toward people with Down syndrome. As hypothesized, girls and students attending schools with inclusion programs showed more favorable attitudes toward people with Down syndrome than did boys and students attending schools without inclusion programs, respectively. Interaction effects of school system and sex of participant suggest that boys' attitudes, in particular, benefit from inclusive schooling. The study provides evidence for the effectiveness of inclusion programs in ameliorating prejudice and intergroup anxiety; and in promoting positive attitudes, affect, and trust.  相似文献   

Two studies examined supervisors' satisfaction with subordinates, and its predictors and importance to supervisors. Study 1 found entity relationships in the form of similarity between supervisors' and subordinates' values were uniquely related to satisfaction with subordinates. Liking of subordinates (from LMX theory) appears to link leadership and job-satisfaction domains. In Study 2, entity relationships, functional relationships, and job performance of subordinates were related to supervisors' satisfaction with subordinates. Functional relationships were the strongest and job performance the next strongest predictors. Performance was related moderately to similarity of supervisors' and subordinates' values and functional relationships. Satisfaction with subordinates was not related to supervisors' global satisfaction and turnover intention in either study, suggesting that subordinates may not be very important to supervisors.  相似文献   

We propose that actors will perceive justice as more important with respect to a target when they experience moderate versus extremely high or extremely low connection with the target. In two studies, we manipulated actors’ connection with (e.g., similarity to) a target and the target's standing on the appropriate justice criterion. Both studies yielded the predicted curvilinear relation between connectedness and the perceived relevance of justice. In Study 2, actors’ decisions were more affected by the justice criterion in the moderate versus extreme connectedness conditions. Our findings have important implications for the interplay between connection with others and moral motivations.  相似文献   

Employees (N= 121) participated in this study of aggressive work behavior. Employees completed a performance-based test of self-control. Aggressive work behavior data were then collected over a 4-year period. Self-control was related to client directed physically aggressive and nonclient-directed aggressive behavior. Findings of this study provide evidence on the usefulness of self-control in understanding aggressive work behavior.  相似文献   

The significance that romantic partners ascribe to joint activities and the impact these activities have on relationship quality were examined in the context of self‐determination theory. Individuals who practice ballroom dancing with a romantic partner were invited to complete measures of motivation and perception of dyadic adjustment for their relationship and when dancing. Results from path analyses suggested direct and indirect effects of relationship motivation on satisfaction when dancing with a partner. Additionally, direct and indirect effects of motivation for dancing with a partner on relationship satisfaction were also found. Overall, this study suggests that couple functioning plays a role in joint activity functioning and satisfaction. Satisfaction in joint activities can also contribute to the overall quality of the relationship.  相似文献   

社会支持与大学生入学适应关系的研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
陶沙 《心理科学》2003,26(5):908-909
1 问题提出  生命全程发展观的兴起促使人们日益重视从转折期适应的角度探讨个体发展的特点及其影响因素 ,强调在发展变化的动态过程中、在个体与环境关系的变化中理解个体的发展。进入大学正是发生在青年期的一项重要转折 ,既为个体的发展提供了新的契机 ,也带来新的挑战 ,使个体产生焦虑、抑郁等负性情绪反应 ,并在学业适应、人际适应、环境认同等方面产生新的个体分化。在影响个体转折期适应的诸因素中 ,社会支持被认为是最重要的环境资源 ,在个体的适应中占有重要地位。已有研究指出 ,在进入大学的转折期中 ,个体的社会关系环境也会…  相似文献   

通过对教师的问卷调查,研究人格与工作压力、职业倦怠的关系,及其对客观绩效的影响.结果表明:工作压力与情感耗竭、人格解体显著正相关,工作压力与客观绩效显著负相关,情感耗竭在工作压力和绩效之间起部分中介的作用:外向性与情感耗竭、成就感低落显著负相关;尽责性与人格解体、成就感低落显著负相关;宜人性与工作压力、人格解体维度显著正相关;工作压力是宜人性与情感耗竭、人格解体、工作绩效间的中介变量.  相似文献   

从"疏离"到"参与":老年人与社会发展关系探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
裴晓梅 《学海》2004,1(1):113-120
本文通过对社会学老年领域中人类老龄化和社会发展关系的探讨和回顾 ,揭示了现代社会中老年人社会参与的良好意愿和缺乏参与机会的矛盾 ,论述了社会可持续发展过程中促使老年人群融入和参与的必要性。  相似文献   

Despite the widely held belief that a proactive workforce is necessary for competitive advantage, research investigating how to assess and promote such change is limited. Two potentially important precursors to proactivity include flexible role orientation (FRO) and role breadth self-efficacy (RBSE). These concepts have been shown to have construct validity and to be distinct from related dispositional variables, but their discriminant validity in terms of outcome variables has not been demonstrated. In this article, I show that FRO and RBSE are factorially distinct from outcomes commonly used in organisational research (job satisfaction, organisational commitment, and job strain). I also show that, as expected, the proactive motivation and traditional outcome variables have different relationships with various predictor variables. I outline the study implications, and suggest a broader research agenda on proactive motivation.  相似文献   

包括进谏行为在内的角色外行为研究近来广受关注。基于特质激活理论,本研究探索了害羞特质与进谏行为之间的关系,及管理开放性和心理授权对它们的调节作用。以华东地区369名企业员工为样本,采用配对成组的问卷研究,结果表明:管理开放性和心理授权均对害羞与进谏行为之间的关系存在调节效应,即当处于高管理开放性和高心理授权水平时,害羞特质与进谏行为之间的消极关系减弱,而当处于低管理开放性和低心理授权水平时,害羞特质与进谏行为之间的消极关系增强。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of optimism following traumatic stress and pathways through which optimism may act. Rescue and recovery workers at the crash site of US Air Flight 427 (n= 159) were studied 2, 6, 9, and 12 months after the crash to examine optimistic outlook, social support, coping, and stress. As predicted, a more optimistic disposition was associated with less self‐reported distress, less use of avoidant and wishful‐thinking coping strategies, greater use of problem‐focused and seeking‐social‐support coping, and greater availability of social support. Contrary to expectations, coping did not account for the relationships observed between optimism and stress responding. Social support explained some of the effects of optimism on coping and stress, but these mediational effects varied over time. Findings suggest that optimism affects stress and coping directly and indirectly by affecting how much social support is available.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between supervisor job experience and ratings of the importance of eight skill components for performing subordinates' jobs. When examining these correlations, statistical control was utilized to ensure that supervisor and subordinate characteristics confounded with supervisor job experience were not affecting hypothesized relationships. As predicted, there were statistically significant positive correlations between supervisor job experience and ratings on 6 of the 8 components. Also as predicted, controlling for the characteristics confounded with supervisor job experience made a substantial difference in results; 13 of the 16 correlations using statistical control significantly differed from correlations that did not. This illustrates that future research on SME characteristics should consider controlling variables confounded with the focal characteristic(s) under study in order to more thoroughly understand characteristic–rating relationships. Implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

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